Linkified said:
Right this isn't just for you put let say a pro liberal democrat billionaire had there very own media empire and were being pro Lib Dem, would you still feel the same way as with Murdoch?
Stop arguing on conjecture and things which aren't fact. We can use what-if politics as much as we want, but saying it isn't going to make it true, and I don't see what you're trying to argue here.
The fact is that the Conservative Party has a shamelessly biased rightwing press empire backing it, using dirty smears and tricks -- which in turn are briefed to them by the party -- to have their own way. If the Liberal Democrats had such an arm which acted in the way the rightwing press did yesterday, a lot of the integrity that they claim to have would be decimated. They'd be just like David Cameron.
As for the debates, I've had a night to stew on them and really think about it. The impression I got in the end was that all three of them were ignoring each other and just spewing the party line. It didn't help that many of the questions were the same as last week. Also, there were a number of hypocrisies that all three made at one point or another, which neither of the other two siezed on.
I'm still supporting Clegg because I know where my politics firmly stand, and his views are most in line to bring about the change I want. But if I was a floating voter I'd have got nothing from last night's atrocious debate.
Sky were atrocious (and should be penalised in future elections for their conduct last night), as were the candidates. David Cameron just copied the presentation aspects of Clegg's performance last week, whilst spinning nonsense and PR from his mouth, Brown was just plain useless and has proven he is incapable of running the country (as if the last three years weren't enough proof of that) and Clegg, obviously rattled by yesterday's smears, talked too fast, skipped points too quickly (he should've attacked the smears head on when they were brought up) and sounded like a parrot due to the lines of questioning being the same as last week. He should've prepared a different, if similar, answer to the same questions instead of repeating last week's slogans. At the very least he could've brought up that the question was asked last week before answering, as when he did in one instance, his samey answer had more vigour and conviction, rather than looking like mere propaganda repeated in a commercial.
Thankfully only four million people saw that shambolic debate last night.