You know what? At this moment today, I feel utterly and genuinely sorry for Dr. Gordon Brown. He might be grumpy, he might be the 'clunking fist', he might've not fixed the roof when the sun was shining, and he might not be going for the electoral reform I want, but one person to another I feel sympathy with him.
Global Financial Crisis? Not his fault. Blamed for it. He actually DID come up with the model plan to get out of recession, which every other country followed.
Call a snap election? Media created it, caught him out, decided to carry on, fair enough I'd say, he'd not done anything wrong at that point.
Old Lady? Bigoted idiot, like much of the electorate when it comes to immigration. Problems yes, overthrowing us all, nonsense. This thread has already given evidence of the truth, that it has more benefits than negatives.
Grumpy? Well to be honest, being Prime Minister is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Backstabbing? Blairites revenge, media blowing it up massively.
Honestly, you'd think he'd nuked an orphanage with the way the media (and us to be honest) treat him. He's not Blair, he didn't declare war on Iraq, yes he was chancellor, but Blair was the one doing the Richard the Lionheart impression with GWB.
Has Brown made mistakes, has he got policies I don't agree with? Absolutely. But he's not a monster, and despite what people tell you he's not incompetent. I'm voting Lib Dem, but I'm getting sick of the media and others making him into this monsterous demonic idiot. The man deserves more respect than that. And Nick Clegg got a taste of that last week and a bit of this.
Also, Sky News...MURDOCH! *shakes fist*