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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Did anyone see Danny Alexander vs Paxman on Newsnight? It was like a teacher telling off a student. Ive noticed that the Conservatives have all the Lib Dems in positions where they do all the television and media interviews and take all the blame lol :lol


jas0nuk said:
Now the true face of the EU is revealed - they're already asking for budget control - ultimately they want a federal United States of Europe.

This was always the true reasoning for the Treaty of Rome, a united continent that would end 1000 years of war. A truly noble goal and is the primary reason I support the European Union unabashedly. The British public was lied to by Ted Heath in 1974, when you sign up for the EU you tacitly agree to the end-game and it's an inevitable scenario. Interestingly it is always Conservative governments that have inched us closer into the fold, maybe Dave will be no different ;)

Having said that, I trust the Euro will come out of the current engineered situation in a better shape than Sterling.

avaya: I believe in a mixture of freedom and regulation. We got the balance wrong (too little) with regard to the banking sector, and wrong (too much) with regard to other aspects of business. There is too far too much red tape. As St Vince Cable rightly said the other day "sometimes the best thing the government can do is get out of the way".

Finding the correct balance, is, of course, very difficult.

I just don't subscribe to economic ideologues, to me they are in the same boat as religious fundamentalists. As always the answer lies somewhere in the middle.


Globalisation has already brought many aspects of european society and culture together and its inevitable that as some point in the future Europe will be convergent enough to survive indefinitely with a single currency. If all Euro members had stuck by the rules (60%fiscal deficit isnt it?) then the euro wouldnt be in the situation its in now.
avaya said:
Economics claims to be a science. It is not. You will be accused of right wing dogma if you cling to economics like it is fact. It is not and does not belong on the same pedestal as the sciences....

Have you watched any Adam Curtis documentaries? They're quite interesting..

The Trap being a good one.


How polite of you, Sir Fragula.

Actually we should never have joined the ERM, idiot europhiles in the Conservative party were too keen to remain in it though. People like Michael Portillo advised the chancellor that it was a joke mechanism, and weren't listened to. And yes, the bands weren't wide enough, they had to be changed afterwards (didn't they increase to a huge +/- 15% for ERM II?)


defel1111 said:
Did anyone see Danny Alexander vs Paxman on Newsnight? It was like a teacher telling off a student. Ive noticed that the Conservatives have all the Lib Dems in positions where they do all the television and media interviews and take all the blame lol :lol

Well part of the Tory strategy in the coalition seems to me to be to use the Lib Dem's to help de-toxify their brand, by putting out a more palatable liberal democrat face to the public on tory cuts and general economic policy. It's harder to go 'same old tories' when a lib dem is advocating their position, and doing it by using more friendly rhetoric than maybe some of the tories have in the past.
cntrational said:
Anti-British? Not really. Obama doesn't seem very interested in the "special relationship" between the US and the UK, though, and supports the European Union.
BP has nothing to do with the European Union though.

Anyway, Obama doesn't really seem to be that interested in Europe either. He is more focused on domestic issues (understandably) and the emerging countries.


Why are you against the Euro, jas0nuk?

jas0nuk said:
And yes, the bands weren't wide enough, they had to be changed afterwards (didn't they increase to a huge +/- 15% for ERM II?)

The bands are that big, yes, but in practice, the Kroon and Litas are pegged very closely to the central rate, and the Krone and Lats deviate by not more than 1 percent.

avaya said:
Economics claims to be a science. It is not. You will be accused of right wing dogma if you cling to economics like it is fact. It is not and does not belong on the same pedestal as the sciences.

Hm? Economics is on the border between the Sciences and Humanities, part fact and part interpretation. Some parts are facts, some parts are not.

blazinglord said:
BP has nothing to do with the European Union though.

I meant that he supports the European integration over the special relationship, yeah. >_>


Scary Euro Man
cntrational said:
Hm? Economics is on the border between the Sciences and Humanities, part fact and part interpretation. Some parts are facts, some parts are not.

A moot point anyway - 'it's science' doesn't make it true. :D


Diane Abbott has enough votes to run for Labour leader...haha, I welcome this as an anti-Labour man, she is an utterly terrible politician, who constantly talks about how she's different because she's black, but doesn't ever really talk about policies other than some vague rhetoric on immigration, because it's a "close issue to her". Also, she had a go at 2 MPs for sending their kids to private school and then sent her own kid to one too if I remember correctly. 100% unmarketable, even though I would like to see more black politicians in higher up positions, she certainly isn't the one.


iapetus said:
A moot point anyway - 'it's science' doesn't make it true.

True — "part empirical and part interpretation" might've been the better wording.

Clegg's 'slip' over powers vote
from BBC News
A slip of the tongue is blamed for Nick Clegg saying the UK government backs a yes vote in a referendum on Welsh assembly powers.​

Lords reform to start next week, says Clegg
from The Independent
Nick Clegg has declared that "time for talk" about reforming the House of Lords is over, and said detailed work will start next week on creating an elected second chamber.​

Bin tax scheme put on the scrapheap
from The Independent
Plans for a "pay as you throw" bin tax have been scrapped as the Government looks to reward families who recycle rubbish instead.​

Terrorism law to be reconsidered
from The Independent
Ministers are to reconsider powers to detain terrorist suspects without charge for up to 28 days. Senior civil servants will make several recommendations on the future of the controversial measure within weeks.​

Cuts already hitting the vulnerable, warns TUC
from The Independent
Government spending cuts have already started to hit the unemployed, children and people suffering long-term illness, the TUC claimed today.​


iapetus said:
A moot point anyway - 'it's science' doesn't make it true. :D

It's part applied mathematics, part applied psychology. Either way enough of it depends on "expectations" to make it open to interpretation. You could feel safer describing it as a science prior to the rise of modern banking. That said, I'm glad I got an MSc in it than an MA.


cntrational, is that copied and pasted from an RSS feed, or are you spending a lot of time writing it? xD
I'm against the Euro for a mixture of reasons. Firstly I don't believe it will benefit us. After Black Wednesday we had nearly 2 decades of economic growth, hence some people referring to it as White Wednesday. Being tied to a such a diverse range of economies as there are in Europe I just don't see how it can be a longterm success without full political union, which would mean giving up even more powers to the EU, something I'm totally against. We should keep our parliamentary sovereignty and our ability to set interest rates.

I'm glad to see that Diane Abbott has made it onto the ballot paper. Having seen her on This Week regularly I think she has a likeability and uniqueness that the other 4 candidates do not. Plus she has the benefit of not being associated with the New Labour "regime" having been a fairly critical backbencher.


jas0nuk said:
cntrational, is that copied and pasted from an RSS feed, or are you spending a lot of time writing it? xD

I'm against the Euro for a mixture of reasons. Firstly I don't believe it will benefit us. After Black Wednesday we had nearly 2 decades of economic growth, hence some people referring to it as White Wednesday. Being tied to a such a diverse range of economies as there are in Europe I just don't see how it can be a longterm success without full political union, which would mean giving up even more powers to the EU, something I'm totally against. We should keep our parliamentary sovereignty and our ability to set interest rates.

it's from my secret sources

Hmm, okay, I can sorta see your objections about the Euro. I don't quite agree with it, but I'm not quite capable of properly arguing against it, right now. >_>

Well, where is he? He hasn't been seen in the Commons since the election. Major and Thatcher remained as backbenchers until the next election after they ceased to be Prime Minister, Tony Blair resigned as an MP immediately - shows how much regard he had for his constituents.

I'm pretty sure that Brown decided to become a backbencher.


Hughes is Lib Dem deputy leader
from BBC News
Long-serving MP Simon Hughes wins the contest to be deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats.​

Finland in double-dip recession
from BBC News
Finland's economy slipped back into recession during the first three months of 2010, official figures show.​

EU urged to ban high-risk trading
from BBC News
France and Germany urge the European Commission to impose an EU-wide ban on speculative trading known as naked short-selling.​

Where could spending axe fall?
from BBC News
We have been told painful public spending cuts are on the way, but where should the axe fall?​

Victory for whatdotheyknow website
from BBC News
A new decision this week by the Information Commissioner's Office represents a significant victory for the FOI requesters' website whatdotheyknow.com in its battles with the few public authorities that object to its mode of operation - in this case, the House of Commons.​

Outcry over plans not to extend free school meals
from BBC News
Campaigners against child poverty attack plans not to extend free school meals provision in England.​

Is English test really about integration?
from BBC News by Mark Easton
The home secretary says her demand that foreign wives and husbands of British citizens learn basic English before they come to the UK is about promoting integration. But critics claim there's a more sinister and discriminatory reason for introducing the new rules.​

New Northern Ireland Affairs committee chair appointed
from BBC News
Laurence Robertson has been appointed as the new chairman of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee.​

Government suffers Lords defeat
from BBC News
The coalition government suffers its first House of Lords defeat - over plans to scrap new local councils.​

UK and US hail Afghan commitment
from BBC News
UK Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox and US counterpart Robert Gates speak of their commitment to Afghanistan in London.​

US blames EU for Turkey 'drift'
from BBC News
Turkey's growing hostility to Israel could be partly caused by its effective rejection by the EU, the US defence secretary says.​


cntrational said:
US blames EU for Turkey 'drift'
from BBC News
Turkey's growing hostility to Israel could be partly caused by its effective rejection by the EU, the US defence secretary says.​

Why? Turkey isn't in Europe...and I hope it never will be.

And what's this school dinners 'child poverty' bollocks. There arn't any kids in poverty in the UK...unless 'poverty' is a 42" LCD, Xbox 360 and Dad with a BMW.

Mr. Sam

Raydeen said:
And what's this school dinners 'child poverty' bollocks. There arn't any kids in poverty in the UK...unless 'poverty' is a 42" LCD, Xbox 360 and Dad with a BMW.

I'm sorry?


Zenith said:
that's it? an op-ed filled with typical eurosceptic BS?
Anatole Kaletsky writes for The Times Comment pages on Thursdays. One of the country's leading commentators on economics, he was formerly Economics Editor and is now Editor-at-large of The Times. He has won many awards for his financial and political journalism. Before joining The Times, he worked for 12 years on the Financial Times.

Just because you don't like his opinion doesn't mean it's bullshit.

Raydeen: They're scrapping the pilot project for non-means-tested free school dinners, I believe. Which means that we'll be going back to the old system where only people who NEED them will get them. Dunno what you're talking about really. Poverty is a huge problem in the UK and has only got worse over the past few decades.

Mr. Sam

cntrational said:
Hughes is Lib Dem deputy leader
from BBC News
Long-serving MP Simon Hughes wins the contest to be deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats.​

This deserves a mention just because of the bloody awful Lib Dem pun (worse then "Hur hur Lib Dumbs!"):


"ANOTHER ONE BITES THE PILLOW" - stay classy, Sun.


jas0nuk said:
Just because you don't like his opinion doesn't mean it's bullshit.

all you have is 1 article, going against the rest of thje economic consensus and the actual reality of the events. Black Wednesday wasn't a total disaster! Sure we lost most of our money reserves but it was a good thing! :lol


It was a good thing for the future of our country. It put us back in control of our economic destiny.

It cost us £3.3 billion, just a little less than Brown's selling of gold when it was at bargain basement prices, which has cost us at least £4 billion.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Mr. Sam said:

"ANOTHER ONE BITES THE PILLOW" - stay classy, Sun.

I can't believe people still give a damn about an individuals sexuality.


The future of our country and industry is in the EU. I love the idea of a European Confederacy, the idea that a person can come and go as they please, the common sharing of a currency and a vast union of different cultures. It's great. The basis of a type 1 civilisation IMHO. Our technology is already ahead in regards to that.


Zenith said:
all you have is 1 article, going against the rest of thje economic consensus and the actual reality of the events. Black Wednesday wasn't a total disaster! Sure we lost most of our money reserves but it was a good thing! :lol

Trials make you stronger!


What are people's thoughts on the Labour leadership? I cant trust Balls and I dont like the smarmy look of Andy Burnham but I think I could live with the Milliband brothers. I hope Diane Abbot gives all the others a run for their money too.


defel1111 said:
What are people's thoughts on the Labour leadership? I cant trust Balls and I dont like the smarmy look of Andy Burnham but I think I could live with the Milliband brothers. I hope Diane Abbot gives all the others a run for their money too.
I could live with a Milliband in power. Preferably Ed. Diane Abbot has made a career out of being a black woman in politics with nothing of substance behind her. She's just vacuous.


Boris rise for Living Wage left of Labour
from Liberal Conspiracy by Sunny Hundal
The Guardian reports that Boris Johnson today announced a 25p increase in the London “living wage”, bringing to £7.85 the hourly rate that Londoners are judged to require to lift them out of poverty.​

Badger cull will continue despite appeal, says minister
from BBC News
The Welsh rural affairs minister says she is determined to continue with a cull of badgers in Pembrokeshire.​

'Charities will bear brunt of cuts in public sector,' says Dame Suzi
from The Independent
Charities will struggle to fill the gaps left by public service cuts, Dame Suzi Leather, the chair of the Charity Commission warned yesterday, suggesting that vulnerable groups could see vital facilities axed.​

UK cuts 'to push unemployment close to 3m'
from BBC News
Government spending cuts will push UK unemployment up from its current 2.5m to almost 3m, a report has warned.​

Degree costs a burden on taxpayer, says David Willetts
from BBC News
The cost of degree courses is a "burden on the taxpayer" and the system of funding is in need of "radical change", the universities minister has said.​

Scottish government Alcohol Bill plan faces key vote
from BBC News
The Scottish government's plans to tackle Scotland's historic alcohol abuse problems are expected to pass their first parliamentary hurdle later.​
Raydeen said:
Why? Turkey isn't in Europe...and I hope it never will be.

And what's this school dinners 'child poverty' bollocks. There arn't any kids in poverty in the UK...unless 'poverty' is a 42" LCD, Xbox 360 and Dad with a BMW.

Raydeen said:
And what's this school dinners 'child poverty' bollocks. There arn't any kids in poverty in the UK...unless 'poverty' is a 42" LCD, Xbox 360 and Dad with a BMW.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're an actual moron

Mr. Sam

Sir Fragula said:
I could live with a Milliband in power. Preferably Ed. Diane Abbot has made a career out of being a black woman in politics with nothing of substance behind her. She's just vacuous.
The BBC coverage of her was disgraceful. "All the other candidates are white men but, holy shit, this one's a black woman. Quick, everyone surrender your votes to our new overlord."

Abbott as Labour leader would rule me out of supporting that party for a long time.


Mr. Sam said:
The BBC coverage of her was disgraceful. "All the other candidates are white men but, holy shit, this one's a black woman. Quick, everyone surrender your votes to our new overlord."

Abbott as Labour leader would rule me out of supporting that party for a long time.

I think Abbott is one of those actual socialists, no?


Once And Future Member
Mr. Sam said:
The BBC coverage of her was disgraceful. "All the other candidates are white men but, holy shit, this one's a black woman. Quick, everyone surrender your votes to our new overlord."

Abbott as Labour leader would rule me out of supporting that party for a long time.
I agree, it's a joke that they're now saying the contest is "diverse" because a black woman has become an option, rather than "white men in suits". The contest has become more diverse, but it's not because she's black or a woman. It's about the views not their fucking race and fashion sense.

It's a shame Abbott is about the worst possible back bencher who could've been in the running. Not a chance and rightly so, hypocritical idiot. Dave Milliband probably gave her his vote to shore up some of the union support Ed has.


I'd much prefer to have seen Cruddas run from the left, i like him a fair bit. However him not running suggests to me there may be a chance that he's struck a deal with one of the candidates, probably Ed, for a senior position, which is a potential bonus.

Mr. Sam

Ed Balls on The Daily Politics. Everything this guy says rubs me up the wrong way. It's like he's constantly mollesting me.


Raydeen said:
Why? Turkey isn't in Europe...and I hope it never will be.

And what's this school dinners 'child poverty' bollocks. There arn't any kids in poverty in the UK...unless 'poverty' is a 42" LCD, Xbox 360 and Dad with a BMW.
For the first of your two stupid statements, a lot of the Turkish people lived in Eastern Europe in the time of the Ottoman Empire, and still would call themselves European. There is a difference between 'Christian' and 'European'.

As for the second point... What? Poverty does exist in the UK, maybe not much where
you live but certainly elsewhere.
Anyone who thinks Turkey is civilized enough to join the EU simply doesn't think. They're barely a step ahead of the intellectual black hole that lies to their east/south-east.

Mr. Sam

If the EU hadn't expanded out of its initial economic policy areas, perhaps people would be more supportive of Turkey joining. Damn you, Maastricht.


jas0nuk said:

Silver, Chait destroy GMU economist's claim conservatives understand economics better than liberals
from Media Matters by Brian Frederick
In an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal, George Mason University economist Daniel Klein purported to show that liberals are less informed about economics than conservatives based on a Zogby poll he conducted with Zogby researcher Zeljka Buturovic. Klein and Buturovic looked at respondents' answers to eight questions about economics and their political leanings. Here's how Klein explained it in the Journal:​

...I never even noticed that you cited a fucking Zogby poll. :lol :lol :lol :lol An internet poll. I would've laughed in your face if I noticed that.


Scary Euro Man
cntrational said:
...I never even noticed that you cited a fucking Zogby poll. :lol :lol :lol :lol An internet poll. I would've laughed in your face if I noticed that.

I laughed in his face anyway. :p
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