Yup, public spending is way up this year. Bunch of idiots. They couldn't manage a McDonalds at a fat camp in Texas.
I take it either labour are either incompetent at raising these issues to the public at large or are biding their time for a massive 'I told you so'.
This is a quote that has always stuck with me, particularly given that I am a teacher:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said:
The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.
Things seem to only be getting bleaker in that regard. We've let a decade or so of 'boom', 'bust' things for the next few generations. House prices, working salaries, the price of higher education etc all seem to make things very unfavourable for young adults now.
Relative to what a lot of people are facing currently, and what people in the future will face; I have come out of things quite well. I'm in a career I love, I've had the opportunity to graduate from two Universities with two degrees etc, but all of that was in spite of my circumstances. I was just brought up in a prudent family.
For example, during my time at secondary school and 6th form college we did not ever receive lessons about how to be prudent or how to manage a household. These things are surely becoming imperative now. Spiralling debt will help no-one.
One of the most devastating truths of my job is that some of the children I teach and have fun learning from will end up in prison, hopeless situations or won't be able to achieve because they've been held back for a variety of reasons. If more and more obstacles yet placed in their way, I'll have more and more cases of that to look forward to. Finance is a killer.
So where does the government think growth will come from? What sectors will drive the growth?