The Lib Dems obviously couldn't be trusted with something so important when it really came down to it, which is why their support collapsed at the end.
Not being confrontational, but I just don't understand it when people say this. It always seems to go (insert Labour or Tory for X and Y as you prefer):
"[Party X] have no clue, they've just fucked up everything, it's unbelievable!
If only we hadn't voted for [Party X], maybe [Party Y], as incredibly shit as they are too, would have been better. /sigh
Why can't there be another choice? Of course the Lib Dems can't hold a pencil the right way round so forget them. Of course, we've never actually seen them hold a pencil and X and Y are so crap that I can't see how things could be worse but still..."
I voted Lib Dem
Just the collapse in their popularity when it actually came down to voting said that effect was still there, and the economy was probably firmly behind it.
Interesting (and depressing) stories from the Torygraph and Grauniad.
As though the collapse of the country's economy were not enough, the constant moving of goalposts by the Tories is surely a sign that their economic policies are a failure.
And a follow-up piece by the Graun:
It's an interesting problem. Why hasn't there been strong public condemnation of the Tories' failed policies? Have they really just done such a good job hoodwinking people into believing that their policies are a success, or necessary?
Heh, so did I (obviously). Surely the collapse could be more down to people not wanting to 'waste' their vote though, rather than questions over their competency?
Although I secretly like wasting my vote, means I get to complain to those people who say, "If you don't vote you can't complain" with no worries about actually having to put it to the test ;-)
Good thing the third option quite simply doesnt exist anymore then eh!
I made a Clegg mistake.
Actually getting kinda scared about the future of this country these days.
Cameron was just on the radio giving a speech about the Olympics. Am I the only one who completely shuts off when he starts talking? He's like a soundbite machine.
Cameron has always been very much Proto-Blair.
Just missing the stage-magician qualities.
He is a failed TV PR man and will always come across to me as a Snake Oil salesman who is far too posh for his own good. Blair at least had some redeeming quality's, he was middle class at least rather than a dyed in the wool "born to lead" posh Hunt.
I'm okay with liars. I can't expect anyone to go through politics and not make promises they can't keep, play the game, and use peoples expectations. Thats the world we live in, where whats on the front page of The Sun is what millions of people in this country believe as the only version of the truth available, and how do you fight that? When youre vying for the trust of people, many of them bewilderingly and depressingly stupid, its an arms race of honeyed words.
What makes a person like Cameron contemptible is just how disconnected from the rest of us he is but to what end? He doesn't seemingly have any personal goals, he just wants to rule just as he was bred to do so. Blair fed people some real shit, but no matter how delusional he may have been, I think he believed everything he was doing was in the best interests of those he governed. I respect that in an odd way. The demonisation of Brown however will always be a low point of this country's history I've experienced. It was absolutely rabid. For all those that hated teflon Tony and then transplanted that hatred to glum old Gordon, he was the only person at the head of a party it turns out that was just there getting on with a job the best he could.
Which of course leads us to the worst; Clegg. To go back on absolutely everything he pledged to do, all just to wear the big boy trousers, all just to look like the big men... its truly unbelievable. His belief may have been that this country could benefit from a genuine 3 party system may be a good thing, but he just smashed that dream to shit when entire generations will remember during the televised political debates, a real big thing for our country, he reeled off a checklist of shit he would personally go back on, from tuition fees to not touching the NHS.
Not of course that he's got anywhere near the nuclear heat of going back on his entire party's raison d'être than the uproar the general public vomited from their mouths over the expenses scandal. I would say politics is at its absolute worst right now, ripe for a new age of people with actual fight behind their convictions. Tom Watson proved himself to be my favourite politician with not just how he doggedly chased the Murdoch empire down but also his understanding of issues like the digital economy which is close to my heart and livelyhood. But sadly I guess he isn't anywhere near to being in a leadership position, probably because he actually does shit he believes in which no doubt ruffles plenty of feathers.
I see Cameron is blaming the Eurozone and 'boom and bust' years (i.e. 'it's Labour's fault').
They can't really get away with that again, can they?
GAF's favourite, Louise Mensch, is stepping down.
...GAF's favourite, Louise Mensch, is stepping down.
I want this government to end. For the first time I think that Clegg should pull out from the coalition.
I think that's the most likely way this government's going to end, the LibDem's are going to pull the rug under the Tories and then the Lories will sweep the election. I can't see this government reaching 2015.
That said, it won't happen during the Olympics.
Thank God. Someone as amoral as her should have no part in deciding how the country is run. I fear she'll be back in some other role though.
GAF's favourite, Louise Mensch, is stepping down.
Not only stepping down, but leaving the country.
To New York, so I wouldn't be too surprised if it's another person US PoliGAF will moan about within two years.
GAF's favourite, Louise Mensch, is stepping down.
A farce? Sounds like a job for Dave and Nick, the Chuckle Brothers!So the Lib Dems are going to vote against the boundary changes. It would be a farce to even attempt to continue the coalition at this point, time for a general election.
So the Lib Dems are going to vote against the boundary changes. It would be a farce to even attempt to continue the coalition at this point, time for a general election.
CHEEZMO™;40680330 said:If this government collapsed and an election was held I'd actually go out and vote. Gotta do my all to keep those Tory fucks out of office.
To New York, so I wouldn't be too surprised if it's another person US PoliGAF will moan about within two years.
CHEEZMO™;40680330 said:If this government collapsed and an election was held I'd actually go out and vote. Gotta do my all to keep those Tory fucks out of office.
Democratic boundary changes that just happen to give the Tories more seats? Lol.
And replace them with what though. Ed Milliband and the dregs of the previous Labour cabinet. Better than the tories but hardly something that'll inspire people.
And replace them with what though.
Democratic boundary changes that just happen to give the Tories more seats? Lol.
CHEEZMO™;40681286 said:It's good enough for me.
Until Ed Balls is gone I think the tories are [marginally] the better option to be honest
All I know is that everyone I've spoken to personally wont vote Labour with him in charge (and these are virtually all ex Labour voters). They'd rather not vote at all.What's so wrong with Ed Balls that he makes the whole Labour Party unelectable? Apart from being a slimy twonk, that is (and there's a thousand worse than him in the Tories). Honestly, I think you two are overstating it.