This really is taking a turn for the Daily Mail.?
Well aren't we lucky that you turned up to turn it all into the Morning Star then?
I can generalise too! It's fun!
This really is taking a turn for the Daily Mail.?
Well aren't we lucky that you turned up to turn it all into the Morning Star then?
I can generalise too! It's fun!
Fine, how about addressing the rest?
I thought I'd more or less already addressed it? I am of the opinion that the state has a responsibility to support those out of work, but not to provide luxury items. IMHO it is ridiculous to suggest that anybody has an entitlement to be provided with tobacco in order to provide a decent standard of living. If you are unemployed, quit smoking. Simples.
I thought I'd more or less already addressed it? I am of the opinion that the state has a responsibility to support those out of work, but not to provide luxury items. IMHO it is ridiculous to suggest that anybody has an entitlement to be provided with tobacco in order to provide a decent standard of living. If you are unemployed, quit smoking. Simples.
I thought I'd more or less already addressed it? I am of the opinion that the state has a responsibility to support those out of work, but not to provide luxury items. IMHO it is ridiculous to suggest that anybody has an entitlement to be provided with tobacco in order to provide a decent standard of living. If you are unemployed, quit smoking. Simples.
I thought I'd more or less already addressed it? I am of the opinion that the state has a responsibility to support those out of work, but not to provide luxury items. IMHO it is ridiculous to suggest that anybody has an entitlement to be provided with tobacco in order to provide a decent standard of living. If you are unemployed, quit smoking. Simples.
I thought I'd more or less already addressed it? I am of the opinion that the state has a responsibility to support those out of work, but not to provide luxury items. IMHO it is ridiculous to suggest that anybody has an entitlement to be provided with tobacco in order to provide a decent standard of living. If you are unemployed, quit smoking. Simples.
News at 10: Left wing in telling the public what's best for them shocker!
You certainly seem to enjoy telling other people what's good for them. No wonder you're so anti-referendum. Also, just FYI, the quotes and source I gave about the EU thing came from the famously left/liberal Huff Post - take a look if you don't believe me. But yeah, what would "people like me" know?
I don't really think the problem is what people spend money on. I think the problem is that for people with few skills, the marginal rate of tax from getting a job at the low end of the spectrum is so high that benefits DO become a way of life. This leads people to prioritising things they care about,be it tobacco or alcohol or telly - because it stops being a stop gap between work and starts being 'the rest of their life'. This compounds itself because it does nothing to earn the person skills, and the larger the black hole on their CV becomes, the harder it'll be to find a job if they later get an incentive to do so.
It's a symptom of a problem, really, not a problem itself.
you could force them to only buy Tesco value products, and the fuckers don't need to celebrate Christmas either. I'm getting into this idea.
In other news Alex Salmond received a massive blow from the Electoral Commission today when they said his proposed question was biased and unacceptable. He proposed "Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent nation? Yes/No." The commission said having the word agree in there is not right and they proposed "Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes / No."
All parties accepted the outcome and the referendum will adopt the new question. Pollsters have found that the former question boosts independence by up to 10%.
Absolutely, it's the fault of the system. I don't even think it is that benefits are too high or too low, it is that the difference between benefits and a low skilled wage is so small. You could get rid of that in a few ways, none of which are particularly palatable because they all harm someone.I... agree with you. When job prospects are so bleak (for the low skilled), it is difficult to blame them either.
In other news Alex Salmond received a massive blow from the Electoral Commission today when they said his proposed question was biased and unacceptable. He proposed "Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent nation? Yes/No." The commission said having the word agree in there is not right and they proposed "Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes / No."
All parties accepted the outcome and the referendum will adopt the new question. Pollsters have found that the former question boosts independence by up to 10%.
Weird how such a little thing could make such a difference.
So basically your saying once you become unemployed, be it no fault of your own or not, you deserve nothing except the very basics to survive?
I mean I don't personally think we should be air dropping crates of Stella to the unemployed but by heck your all heart.
In other news Alex Salmond received a massive blow from the Electoral Commission today when they said his proposed question was biased and unacceptable. He proposed "Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent nation? Yes/No." The commission said having the word agree in there is not right and they proposed "Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes / No."
All parties accepted the outcome and the referendum will adopt the new question. Pollsters have found that the former question boosts independence by up to 10%.
The word "agree" makes it seem as if there is already a consensus for independence and people usually don't like to go against the consensus.
There's nowt wrong with Tesco Value stuff, half the stuff I buy is the cheapo brand because it tastes the same as pricier products.
Absolutely, it's the fault of the system. I don't even think it is that benefits are too high or too low, it is that the difference between benefits and a low skilled wage is so small. You could get rid of that in a few ways, none of which are particularly palatable because they all harm someone.
A) lower benefits to increase the differential. But they already offer a fairly grim way of life so thisll harm people.
B) increase wages. This isn't something the government can practically do in a climate like this (or, if you ask me, many climates at all) but the EU offering an unlimited labour pool does dampen wages.
C) ease off the fall off so that for every pound you earn, you only lose half the benefit you currently would. This is basically the solution being put into place by IDS ATM and its the one I support. But it will cost more in the short term. But, tbh, itll make its money back in the he future and at any rate, its about saving lives more than money IMO. A life on the dole and kids growing up in households where no one has worked their whole life is damaging in more than just a financial way.
I'll force your head up my bum and pump!
after spending some time in denmark recently, where even an entry level waiter job will earn you the equivalent of a skilled professional wage in this country, it's very hard to reason that we're doing it right and they are doing it wrong. the effect of this relatively uncompetitive fiscal environment is tangible in just about every human interaction you make - a nebulous sense of courtesy and being excellent to one another. i almost felt like my cynical english presence was poisoning the well.
maybe you need to be earning more than £80k to really understand these compromises, but no dane i spoke to seemed to lament them; including an engineer who could be earning twice as much living somewhere else.
vcassano1 said:I made mention of an increase in wages earlier, but I completely agree with this. However, excuse my ignorance, but did tax credits not function in a similar way as a means of easing people into work from benefits? Or, at least, were intended to do so.
I think their economy is a result of their culture, not the other way around alas.
Cameron tells SNP MP to 'fuck off' under his breath : https://twitter.com/Herring1967/status/296614868717543424
Ok, good response. My point - and I explicitly said that it was not practicable - was to try and stimulate domestic businesses rather than Amazon or other outside businesses. Not xenophobia.
not bad for a country which arrived so late to the enlightenment party.
At what point does a business become 'domestic' and is no longer considered an outsider? Amazon employ tens of thousands of people in the UK (and provides a path for thousands of small businesses to sell their goods online through them). Just because they were not founded in the UK, doesn't make these businesses any less important to the British economy to go around limiting how much people can spend there. The whole notion of controlling where people can spend their benefits is, thankfully, too uneasy to be implemented. The whole 'image of the jobless' is so out of whack, no-one is living a life of luxury.
Cameron tells SNP MP to 'fuck off' under his breath : https://twitter.com/Herring1967/status/296614868717543424
So basically your saying once you become unemployed, be it no fault of your own or not, you deserve nothing except the very basics to survive?
I mean I don't personally think we should be air dropping crates of Stella to the unemployed but by heck your all heart.
Cameron tells SNP MP to 'fuck off' under his breath : https://twitter.com/Herring1967/status/296614868717543424
I can't hear anything. Is it a joke?
CHEEZMO;47080428 said:The campaign against the poor and vulnerable continues. Be interesting to see the suicide figures a couple of years from now.
Being unemployed and in near-poverty isn't enough, you're not allowed to spend money on things that give you a slight bit off enjoyment in your miserable life.
The worst part of things like this is how much of a success turning the poor against each other has been. That biscuit joke was right on the fuckin money.
Biscuit joke?
Be interesting to see the suicide figures a couple of years from now.
CHEEZMO;47080617 said:A rich man, a poor man, and a poorer man have a packet of biscuits. The rich man takes 18 biscuits and gives the poor man 1 and a half biscuits and the poorer man half a biscuit. The rich man leans over to the poor man and whispers in his ear "Look out, mate - that guy's trying to steal your biscuit".
Haven't they already increased drastically?
Nail, meet head. Talk about succinct.
Give a man half a Hob-nob and he can eat for a day. Give him the recipe and err, I'm losing it.