Incontinentia Buttocks
Haven't they already increased drastically?
They have.
Got that link from here:
Haven't they already increased drastically?
CHEEZMO;47081253 said:Take all of a mans Hob Nobs and he'll be so scared of dying in the street that he'll be incentivised to become an entrepeneur and start up his own small business biscuit factory with a loan from his parents because everyone's mumsykins has several thousand pounds just lying around, surely.
Hob nobs? I should be so lucky. When I was young, we had to make do with Rich Tea, and we was happy to! Folk next door didn't even get a digestive!
Do Tesco Value Rich Teas exist? That'd be like the 10th level of hell.
Do Tesco Value Rich Teas exist? That'd be like the 10th level of hell.
Hob nobs? I should be so lucky. When I was young, we had to make do with Rich Tea, and we was happy to! Folk next door didn't even get a digestive!
UK suicide rate rises 'significantly' in 2011
The number of people taking their own life in the UK rose "significantly" in 2011, latest figures from the Office for National Statistics have shown.
There is something altogether odd and unhealthy about proposing (however tangentially) to restrict access to Sky TV for those on benefits when the government continues to subsidise the Royal Opera House.
CHEEZMO;47080428 said:The campaign against the poor and vulnerable continues. Be interesting to see the suicide figures a couple of years from now.
Being unemployed and in near-poverty isn't enough, you're not allowed to spend money on things that give you a slight bit off enjoyment in your miserable life.
The worst part of things like this is how much of a success turning the poor against each other has been. That biscuit joke was right on the fuckin money.
I used to dislike Cameron as being a pro-establishment hack, but he's actually not that bad. I still think Michael Gove would make a much better PM.
CHEEZMO;47092920 said:Whenever someone mentions the idea of a Gove PMship I'm reminded of this
Gove's plans are all well and good, but he's upturning too many apple carts at once and expecting more and better quality cider.
He hasn't thought about the difficulties of implementing his plans with fuck all money.
Maybe he has but he - quite reasonably - expects that he only has 5 years to do anything he has to do?
The government is being shockingly radical in every area of policy. You would think that during a parliament of extensive and biting spending cuts that they would try to avoid rocking-the-boat in other areas but they seem determined to leave their mark in each department. I think Cameron gives the ministers a huge amount of free reign. That makes it more difficult to hear a coherent, unified strategy - in-fact there isn't one!
The government is being shockingly radical in every area of policy. You would think that during a parliament of extensive and biting spending cuts that they would try to avoid rocking-the-boat in other areas but they seem determined to leave their mark in each department. I think Cameron gives the ministers a huge amount of free reign. That makes it more difficult to hear a coherent, unified strategy - in-fact there isn't one!
CHEEZMO;47098809 said:That's what happens when you run a government based on nothing but ideology and being a ~true believer~. They don't give a shit about what's best, they just want to change shit to how they believe it should be, consequences be damned. No amount of studies and reports and fact-finding missions changes their mind on any of this shit. Whenever something pops up that says "Hey, maybe this is a shit idea?" they trot out some bullshit and sweep it under the rug before pushing on ahead.
Just look at who got put where in the cabinet reshuffle.
CHEEZMO;47098809 said:That's what happens when you run a government based on nothing but ideology and being a ~true believer~. They don't give a shit about what's best, they just want to change shit to how they believe it should be, consequences be damned.
I actually think that for the most part the cabinet ministers are true believers and do care passionately about making changes. I do believe that Gove or IDS or Osbourne are honest and genuine in their actions and intentions, regardless of whether I agree with them. The problem is that someone needs to step in and stop that shit.
that's why I posted the police story.
elected police commissioners.
foreign police chiefs.
fast tracked officers.
rearranged pay and conditions.
privatisation of some background functions.
combined with a 20% budget cut.
And what do you think defines ones ideology, other than what they think is best? I don't think you have to agree with them to believe they want what's best.
The police needs a severe overhaul, the Met in particular. It is rotten. Note: I am not saying that these methods are the means to achieving that.
However, privatisation has been rejected in certain cases by PCCs:�-PCCs-Blamed-_51202.html
Daily Mash said:BEING poor is a right laugh, according to people without any money.
As it emerged that many poor peoples council tax bills are set to rise, people living in poverty responded with characteristic glee.
Unemployed Roy Hobbs said: I love how Im just getting poorer and poorer.
Not having any money gives you a lot of freedom because youre never tempted to buy anything.
You can't argue with the facts.
CHEEZMO;47146014 said:
Love it.
We need Spitting image back in times like these.
CHEEZMO;47150164 said:It would be redundant.
And ergo a lying thieving scrounging bastard who should get a bloody job.
I don't know which news is better, the confirmation of Richard III's discovery or the end of Huhne's political career
"BBC legal affairs correspondent Clive Coleman said it was a serious offence which was invariably punished by a prison sentence - usually about six months in this kind of case."
So, what are the odds he actually goes to the clink for this?
"BBC legal affairs correspondent Clive Coleman said it was a serious offence which was invariably punished by a prison sentence - usually about six months in this kind of case."
So, what are the odds he actually goes to the clink for this?
I don't know which news is better, the confirmation of Richard III's discovery or the end of Huhne's political career
Richard III has more life in his corpse than Huhne's political career has.
Surely "taking responisbility" would have included at least a few of these:
A bloody dumb thing to destroy a career over, take the speeding ticket you twat.
Exactly, no one gives a fuck about speeding. If he was all "Yeah, I speed. So what?" I think he'd gain support. Except from Lib Dems I guess, the do-gooder twats.