Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner says she has asked for the Pope's intervention in the Falklands dispute between her country and the UK.
Visiting the Vatican, Ms Fernandez said she had asked the Pope to promote dialogue between the two sides.
Argentine Pope Francis was elected last week and will be formally installed as pontiff at a Mass on Tuesday.
In the past he has said the Falkland Islands, a UK overseas territory, belong to Argentina.
Before Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected, the 76-year-old was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Relations between him, Ms Fernandez, and her late husband and predecessor as president, Nestor Kirchner, were tense.
"I asked for his intervention to avoid problems that could emerge from the militarization of Great Britain in the south Atlantic," Ms Fernandez told reporters after a 15-20 minute meeting and lunch with the Pope.
President Kirchner says she wants dialogue between Argentina and the UK
"We want a dialogue and that's why we asked the pope to intervene so that the dialogue is successful."
The BBC's Alan Johnston reports from Rome that there has been no word yet as to how the Pope responded to the appeal.
In a referendum held a week ago, people in the Falkland Islands voted overwhelmingly in favour of remaining a UK overseas territory.
SFA_AOK said:A question I hope someone here can understand - our broadcasters are regulated, why is that OK but regulation of the press is not? I'm not being smart alec-y (self evident right?), just wondered what the arguments were...
The US had similar TV news rules, once they were scrapped they got Fox as it is, the Murdochs wanted Ofcom scrapped so they could do the same here.
I think that's pretty difficult to justify, because there's absolutely nothing on Fox that would break Ofcom's guidelines right now, unless there's a "annoying and prickish white hair shit" sub-clause I'm unaware of. The UK just doesn't have the size of market required for that.
TV news isn't allowed to pick a side like the press is, maybe I've got that wrong.
TV news isn't allowed to pick a side and bullshit. maybe I'm wrong.
Actually - on Fox News - when it was available on Sky, it got slammed by Ofcom (around 2004?) for failing to show "respect for the truth". Alright it's historical, but there we go.
And that's probably what the biggest problem with the tabloid press is - not political sides, but just lying, misleading, twisting.
But that's not to say I think we should have newspaper regulation. Christ, the current proposal is a mess - No 10 claiming it won't include blogs like Guido Fawkes because it's mainly gossip, yet, gossip is one of the things specifically cited in the proposal.
It wouldn't matter if they did include it, though. It's like them legislating the sky to be green. Go ahead, guys. It won't work...
British politics needs a bloody great shake up.
Labour became Tory'lite' and now the Tories are TorynewLabour'lite.I don't think it's healthy for democracy.
Lets face facts anything left of centre is pretty much of the table, market reforms blah blah blah is what gets the votes out so everyone is to the right.
Anarchism is not going to fly either so authoritarian right it is.
CHEEZMO;50625141 said:I was wondering why I couldnt find that post. lols
The new rules only affect the press when they get it wrong or break the law. They are still free to run any story they want, I would have preferred straight up legislation, we have gone from a dodgy privy council to some bizarre 2/3rds super majority for some strange reason.
That's sort of what worries me, though. Who decides that it's wrong? Ofcom (or a newspaper equivalent) aren't the police. What happens to Newspapers that talk about Tour De France winners doing drugs? Or Edwina Currie having an affair? Or Calling Chris Huhne a liar? Not only would the Sunday Times have had Armstrong suing them, the editor'd have had the CPS battering down the office door and switching off their printing press.
Incidentally, breaking the law is against the old rules, too - that's why it's breaking the law. And if you get caught hacking into a mobile phone, you'll get prosecuted now. If you don't, you won't, but you wouldn't under even a legislative regulatory system because you won't have been caught. All this would do is give those with money and power yet another tool to use to silence those with stories against them. Like Huhne admitting he was guilty the day before his sentencing after years of attesting the opposite, these scumbags will always try and plead their innocence until the last, and shutting down stories will, like our libel laws and super-injunctions, make it even easier for them to do it. Trust them with your press at your peril!
I think that's pretty difficult to justify, because there's absolutely nothing on Fox that would break Ofcom's guidelines right now, unless there's a "annoying and prickish white hair shit" sub-clause I'm unaware of. The UK just doesn't have the size of market required for that.
No it's not, Fox News wouldn't stand a chance against Ofcom. Partial propaganda that is knee deep in lies, false stories, exaggerations, agenda filled broadcasting and worse.
Yeah, let's see how harshly the BBC gets lambasted for the Mcalpine thing shall we? My bet is "not very much".
Yeah, let's see how harshly the BBC gets lambasted for the Mcalpine thing shall we? My bet is "not very much".
Didn't BBC's chairman resign over it? And isn't an enquiry and case taking place over it? Can't get much more than that. It's certainly more than we'd get from Murdoch. And that's one thing compared to Fox's infinite sea of shite.
You let your bias get the better of you far too often Cyclops. Now it's as bad as trying to compare the BBC to Fox News. Deary fucking me.
Let's see how much -
Oh yes, that much. With a libel case settled there's no point in further action being taken.
I think that's pretty difficult to justify, because there's absolutely nothing on Fox that would break Ofcom's guidelines right now, unless there's a "annoying and prickish white hair shit" sub-clause I'm unaware of. The UK just doesn't have the size of market required for that.
A question I hope someone here can understand - our broadcasters are regulated, why is that OK but regulation of the press is not? I'm not being smart alec-y (self evident right?), just wondered what the arguments were...
I think that's pretty difficult to justify, because there's absolutely nothing on Fox that would break Ofcom's guidelines right now, unless there's a "annoying and prickish white hair shit" sub-clause I'm unaware of. The UK just doesn't have the size of market required for that.
LOL. They lie, brazenly on fox and do not issue corrections. No channel can do that here. They wouldn't qualify as a news channel and if that was the case couldn't brand themselves as a news channel.
Austerity is a failed experiment that the bastards refuse to stop running on the British public. Hope you all like bread and water, fuck it, you'll be lucky to even get that..
The story doesnt give much information but it does hopefully signal that the government recognise that they dropped the ball on infrastructure spending. Im not holding out much hope though.
The infrastructure spending should be on top of the current proposal without further fiscal cuts. If the £2.5billion increase in departmental cuts is met 1-for-1 by a £2.5billion increase in capital spending then that at least isnt as bad as an outright cut but as zomg mentioned before there are plenty of creative ways that the government can increase capital spending without explicitly adding to the deficit. Why not get the best of both worlds?
I think in terms of this political cycle, which is all our Chancellor cares about, the horse has bolted and there is little hope of arbitrarily stimulating a recovery within the next two years.
*Sigh* - the longer this depression goes on the more people are going to go crazy when the recovery happens... We're going to be back to classic boom and bust instead of spending in the bad times and saving in the good.
Do you even know what a depression is?
CHEEZMO;50746095 said:Something that causes you to top yourself after your ATOS assesment?
*Sigh* - the longer this depression goes on the more people are going to go crazy when the recovery happens... We're going to be back to classic boom and bust instead of spending in the bad times and saving in the good.
ATOS wouldn't recognise topping yourself as reducing your capacity to work.
as Cyclops implys in his post above.
Do you even know what a depression is?
Invaded a few less countries, saved a little more, demolished the City of London... yes. I mean I don't think overspending by Labour was our biggest problem; exclude the bank bailouts and debt levels are pretty low compared to long-term averages. I think under-spending during the recession is our biggest economic problem.Genuine question - would you have been happier/think we'd be in a better place now if Labour had spent less during its boom years? If growth returns to a robust but fairly small amount, would you be happy to see cuts to ensure we have a surplus?
To be fair, we may not have even had a double dip if ONS revisions are right (I think?).
We are in a sort of stagnant, low growth rut but not a depression by the Great Depression standards, when that word is used it conjures up Grapes of Wrath and 25% unemployment (not just youth) etc...
I imagine we will splutter along until the next election, when the Torys can't preach "cuts" because people won't listen, they can't fear-monger about losing AAA any more because we already did and no one died.
I don't think it's too outlandish to regard the last six years or so as part of a western-hemisphere depression. In England at least I can see what you mean about there not being mass unemployment; but we've traded that for some fairly huge real-term reductions in wages.
Well I am not sure of the definition of depression, I know recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth but what qualifies a depression? People being depressed doesn't cut it I don't think
If it's a long (years) recession then we haven't had one, dipping into negative the odd quarter isn't a recession, despite the media's attempts to make it so. ONS data is also unreliable.
There isn't a universally accepted definition; it's not yet a technical term, which is why arguing over it is a bit silly.
Heh, if that came out harsh then apologies.Who is arguing? I thought we were discussing.