A long term recession?
Where has there been a long term recession?
I know our growth can hardly be described as explosive but can we all just quit with the hyperbole and call it what it is?
I'm not sure where the idea that the government blowing wads of cash and borrowing till the pips squeak is suddenly going to fix all the problems caused by massive worldwide low consumer confidence is coming from. There is hardly any trust in the world anymore for anything or anyone is no-one is safe from problems and until that trust is rebuilt people and companies are just going to hang on to as much as they have instead of taking risks, but even that is now a risk if Cyprus and the potential theft of money is anything to go by.
How are the markets supposed to trust our ability to pay back whatever they deem to be excessive borrowing if they don't trust anyone else? Our current low interest rates are because we are viewed as one of the best of a bad bunch but that could change overnight or at the swipe of a ratings agency pen as we are already seeing. If interest rates go out of control we'll be spending and borrowing even more billions just to pay off interest, that's before whether we should worry or not if people get a free 3rd bedroom or not.