All of the things you mention could be achieved within the remit of a free trading area rather than a political one.
And every single Englishman could independently agree to the creation and funding of a collective body to fight fires and sign a contract to that effect. But you'd have a fucking hell of a time trying to get that to happen.
If you're going down that route then you have to explain why you've chosen the multinational "UK" level rather than the multinational EU, national England or subnational Sussex or Chichester or North Street or Joe Bloggs levels for any given form of government.
The political union exists for a reason. It's impractical to have a new bloody treaty every time you need to regulate the use of a new toxic chemical. So we have an executive the states have chosen and a parliament the people have elected to provide both speed and accountability to what is, at the end of the day, legislation in incredibly narrow, technical areas of competence. Areas where harmonisation is generally a benefit in of itself.
But yeah, let's "go back" to a Free Trade Area and watch as the Single Market fragments into 28 little ones.
The more you actually scrutinise the EU the less I like it. I know it is well meaning and the intentions are good, but results are a complete mess.
I just can't comprehend how anyone can study the EU and live in the UK and *still* think that the EU is not in their interests but presumably Westminster is. Westminster is your enemy (well, unless you're a banker, a 1%er, in the business of selling private services to the NHS or all three). Brussels is your friend and consistently proves it's fighting for the interests of all citizens, not just a narrow clique.
EDIT: Actually, I can understand because we've had decades of media saturation from papers and networks who are ideologically opposed to Europe filling the air with a mix of half truths and outright lies to the extent that all debate in favour needs to overcome that propaganda before the real meat of the discussion can be knawed at. Spend some time on and get a feel for what the
political portion of the EU is doing. Like me, I doubt you'll find much to disagree with.