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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


thanks for the laugh
Dark Machine said:
This edition of Prime Ministers bake off is brought to you by GREGGS! Britain's favourite pasties!
as someone who grew up in cornwall, this would probably make me pull a guy fawkes.


venison crêpe
Bored of the "oh no my tax money being spent on a wedding" talk already.

No it wont. The families are going to pay for the dresses and Harry's rehabilitation after the stag do. That taxpayers money will be spent on making sure some twat doesn't blow up the hundred's of thousands of people who line the streets, including several dozen world leaders.

Mr. Sam

Threadworthy? Somebody else can make a thread if they deem it so.

Edit: Though I'd like the phrase "All Hail Our New Overlords!" to be used in some form.


Mr. Sam said:
Threadworthy? Somebody else can make a thread if they deem it so.

Edit: Though I'd like the phrase "All Hail Our New Overlords!" to be used in some form.
I've sent Wes back through time to make the topic. You can find it here. Unless someone sends someone else back to kill him (or me) before the topic can be created, in which case, I just gave you a dead link.


JonathanEx said:
Was anyone else at the demo? I was there, proud to be part of the (now ignored) 50,000 - but saw Millbank kicking off. Interesting day. Filmed a bunch of it too.

Got a completely different side to what was reported - it really was a tale of two protests.

You talking about the student protest?

They royally fucked that up.... Just ended up looking like a bunch of brainless spotty pissheads. Not really a good sign when the protest was about how much it costs to educate said brainless twats....


extra bank holiday. fuck yeah. just so long as i'm nowhere near my parents place while it happens - because the wedding will be all they talk about- it's cool.

Mr. Sam

Wes said:
That taxpayers money will be spent on making sure some twat doesn't blow up the hundred's of thousands of people who line the streets, including several dozen world leaders.

Chinner said:
perfect, now that all the royal family wil be together at once we can finally get rid of those pesky germans.

Stop wasting our taxes, Chinner!


Empty said:
extra bank holiday. fuck yeah. just so long as i'm nowhere near my parents place while it happens - because the wedding will be all they talk about- it's cool.

I'm waiting for Betty2 to kick the bucket, i will need at least a week to get over the grief.
It would be preferable if she snuffed it in the summer as i like to mourn using BBQ's and lager.



Nearly half of all newly qualified teachers leave the profession within five years. Charlie Carroll went on the road for a year, working in the most challenging schools, to find out why


During one lesson, I taught Caroline, one of the few girls at this school: a tiny 11-year-old with huge, pretty eyes and an endearingly babyish appearance.

"Shall we have a go at this work, Caroline?" I asked her.

She turned and stared at me. "Fuck off, you fucking southern cunt," she said. "Fuck off back down south. No one wants you here. We all fucking hate you."

There was a calm and committed malevolence in her voice and, for one brief but terrifying moment, I thought I might cry. Instead, I decided to be honest. "Caroline, you've really hurt my feelings there. Those are very nasty things to say."

"Fuck your fucking feelings," she said, and marched out.

The guy writing the article has obviously cherrypicked the worst possible schools to go to, as a substitute teacher no less, but its still interesting
Deadman said:

The guy writing the article has obviously cherrypicked the worst possible schools to go to, as a substitute teacher no less, but its still interesting

The scary thing is, that's not really that extreme. My parents are both high school teachers, my Dad retired after a kid threw a chair at him in class when he asked her to take her coat off. My Mum get's told to fuck off routinely every day, and one of her collegues had his nose broken by a kid last year. They teach in different schools in the North West. Maybe it'll wake people up from the 'Our kids can do no wrong and should face no consequences! It has to be the teachers fault!' mindset we've slipped into.
Kids like that need a fuckin' slap. And by slap I mean back handed closed fist at the highest possible velocity. Thing is, you just know that they either pick that up from their circle of mates or their parents are just absolute cunts. Its one or the other.
radioheadrule83 said:
Kids like that need a fuckin' slap. And by slap I mean back handed closed fist at the highest possible velocity. Thing is, you just know that they either pick that up from their circle of mates or their parents are just absolute cunts. Its one or the other.

The parents are the most important, after all some of these kids are as big or bigger than you and I, and have tons of agression inside them, trying to beat them would be an 'interesting experience' I think. Parents often don't care or are so deluded that they push all the problems onto the teacher, holding them responsible. Teachers are not riot controllers, not social workers and are not physical or emotional punching bags. The culture needs to change...how to do it...I'd like thoughts from the rest of you.


Deadman said:

The guy writing the article has obviously cherrypicked the worst possible schools to go to, as a substitute teacher no less, but its still interesting
So, we pay scum to breed, straight from school, with no work ethic. We erode the powers of teachers to administer discipline in schools. We marginalise father figures and promote poor male role models, usually sports stars or singers. We try our best to avoid concepts such as 'failure' and 'success' lest they prove non-inclusive to the hard of thinking. We ramp up the hysteria surrounding paedophilia to a point where teachers are afraid to take an interest in pupils and random males on the street feel bad about interacting with children. The police force, paralysed by much of the above, are unable to do much about street gangs that roam our estates and influence their younger peers.

Given that, why should we be surprised?

I'm amazed that the other half don't drop out too. I am lucky to count several secondary teachers in my circle of friends and none of them deserve the shit they receive on a daily basis. If I was them, I'd say "Here's how you fill out your fucking benefits applications" and then walk out.

As an aside, I read an article earlier postulating a link between smoking during pregnancy and bad behaviour. Much like the above, all I could really think is, man, does nobody else see who is breeding in this country? It isn't the nicotine, it's the shitty fucking parents.

We haven't even seen the tip of this iceberg yet. The next generation will make the last one look like they sprang from the pages of a 'Just William' book. Thank fuck I haven't got children to suffer through this crap.

Dark Machine said:
The culture needs to change...how to do it...I'd like thoughts from the rest of you.
Sterilisation and execution. It ain't going to happen though. I predict we'll pour billions into failed social programs and then wring our hands as we run out of 'soft' options.
Everyone always gets airy fairy about giving them respect and giving them things to do -- but those we're talking about here -- they don't want respect, they have none for others and none for themselves, and they want to do whatever they want - without considering the possibility that they could be doing something better.

I don't think the current crop is any worse than my age group were when we were that young, but honestly, thats just because we were all little shits as well.

What would I suggest?

I would suggest that lack of respect in school suggests that they don't believe in it. They don't believe it will help them. Maybe they feel they are just pre-destined to be street-corner dwelling, drunk, drugged up yobs. Someone who is gonna knock up a young girl and live on the 'bennies'. I can only think that they must be severely lacking in self worth and belief... pandering to them with respect and pleasantries isn't going to change that!

They either simply don't believe that they could amount to something better OR the people around them are reinforcing their negative attitudes. If thats a failing of the school system it should be addressed so we can unlock their true potential... for their own good. If that means keeping them behind, separating them from friends or taking sterner measures - schools should be able to do that. Fact is, they often don't have the resources. How do you be stern with these brats when the teachers are completely neutered and unable to bring kids under control? They're pressured into taking a softly softly approach until finally, the kid has committed so many offences that its easier for them to offload, sidetrack / isolate or expel them. Their hands are completely tied in such a way that they can't get to the root of their behaviour.

I would seriously consider introducing mandatory civil or military service for behaviourally failing students and truants. Have some lunatic beasting them around an obstacle course and drilling routine and discipline into them... but also trying to strengthen them and isolate their better qualities. Make them feel they have something of themselves to work with, or work on. Let them earn some money and taste the prospect of earning more of it, buying things with it, having a good time...

Or how about partnering with big businesses and local outlets on punishments... get rid of ASBOs. Ban them from local pubs and shops on pain of imprisonment. Freeze their bank accounts. Ban their families from using Internet Service Providers, ban them from Xbox Live, PSN, Facebook, their mobile phone network... force known habitual drugs and drink using teens to submit to regular testing. Grounding kids doesn't mean anything anymore. Their social lives exist in the palm of their hand, in the ether, across the airwaves. Partner with whoever necessary in order to attack them there. Punish them to such an extent that the social inconvenience will COMPEL them to behave.

I'm not a nazi really. And I'd have been horrified if anyone proposed to do any of the above to me back in the day... but honestly, I would LOVE it if they did it to todays yobs


radioheadrule83 said:
I would seriously consider introducing mandatory civil or military service for behaviourally failing students and truants...*snip*

Or how about partnering with big businesses and local outlets on punishments..*snip*
Y'know, if I was ruled by my head, rather than my heart, I might have come up with useful, viable and sensible proposals like these. Especially the second. Take away the boys Black Ops and you take away his Bravado.

Can you edit those out of your post so that I can take them and pretend they were my ideas?


Salazar said:
It's a shame we closed the mines.

Is it because it stopped the stable exploitation of workers, meaning that people were forced away from non-official moderating influences such as the Working Men's club and forced into the unstable exploitation of neo-liberal capitalism and it's lack of steady job opportunities, causing a commodification of leisure that has created violence in city centres.

Or because you like coal?


Meadows said:
Is it because it stopped the stable exploitation of workers, meaning that people were forced away from non-official moderating influences such as the Working Men's club and forced into the unstable exploitation of neo-liberal capitalism and it's lack of steady job opportunities, causing a commodification of leisure that has created violence in city centres.

Or because you like coal?

I was being as sarcastic as I can be while sitting down.
SmokyDave said:
Y'know, if I was ruled by my head, rather than my heart, I might have come up with useful, viable and sensible proposals like these. Especially the second. Take away the boys Black Ops and you take away his Bravado.

Can you edit those out of your post so that I can take them and pretend they were my ideas?

I can't be bothered...

if its any consolation, I feel I was only channelling your spirit and sense of ruthlessness in these matters.

We should form a political party!


radioheadrule83 said:
I can't be bothered...

if its any consolation, I feel I was only channelling your spirit and sense of ruthlessness in these matters.

We should form a political party!

Yeah, let Smokey be PM, but Chinner can be a Malcolm Tucker moderating influence. I'll be a generic politician that goes "eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" during parliament.


Meadows said:
Yeah, let Smokey be PM, but Chinner can be a Malcolm Tucker moderating influence. I'll be a generic politician that goes "eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" during parliament.

I will contrive a memorable sex scandal and head to Mallorca with my parliamentary pension.
radioheadrule83 said:
I can't be bothered...

if its any consolation, I feel I was only channelling your spirit and sense of ruthlessness in these matters.

We should form a political party!

The 'Bloody Common Sense Party'?


I knew something awesome would come out of this thread. I hadn't predicted it being the political party of the future. I promise not to try and stop elections from being held once we're in power. I swear. Honest.

What? So what if I have my fingers crossed? It's just comfortable like that.


It's always been weird for me to hear complaints about teaching standards etc., given that i attended an all boys grammar school. Whilst we did always seek any opportunity to disrupt lessons and prevent learning, there was always a sense that some teachers you could get away with it but that other teachers just wouldn't take that shit, even though they all obeyed the same rules and couldn't do anything above what any other teacher could do. I always associated the ability to bring a class under control with good teachers. Ultimately, however, everyone at my school did want to learn, everyone was reasonably smart. It has always been an alien concept to me that there are pupils out there who will simply try to improve themselves.

Since leaving secondary school and taking a greater interest in the outside world it has become increasingly obvious that there are people out there for whom learning holds no allure and is only there to be disrupted. There is a part of me that wonders if this is a result of their early years or if this is a problem with the teaching - i am often led to wonder if the teachers who i had that i though "would not take any shit" would be able to handle some of the horror classes you hear about in the papers. However, there is still a big part of me that still believes good teaching is the key to the problems of secondary education in the country today. In Sweded, which is the best place in the world for education if i'm not mistaken, to become a teacher requires one of the best degrees in the country - essentially, a teaching degree is equivalent to any masters in this country. Now, aside from weeding out some weaker candidates, this excellence also attracts many of the best students to teaching degrees because they know that even if they do not want to become teachers they will still have a degree that will get them a job anywhere in the country. I cannot help feel that if the United Kingdom adopted a similar method to education many of the problems could be overcome quite swiftly and that many of the difficulties that have been highlighted in recent times are far more a problem of teaching than of a difference in parenting or the level of the pupils.

What do you think GAF?


sohois said:
What do you think GAF?

Folks have come to think of themselves as capable of being a teacher if they 'like being around children'. Burns me up when I hear that - and I hear it quite often.


sohois said:
What do you think GAF?
I think you make some excellent points but this bit...

sohois said:
I cannot help feel that if the United Kingdom adopted a similar method to education many of the problems could be overcome quite swiftly and that many of the difficulties that have been highlighted in recent times are far more a problem of teaching than of a difference in parenting or the level of the pupils.
Is utterly, totally and completely incorrect to my mind.

Our parents are so terrible (I do not feel that this is hyperbole, I grew up on a council estate and I live next to one now. Shit is getting worse), and our teachers so hamstrung, that all the reform in teaching teachers in the world couldn't fix our system. It'd simply create better trained teachers to burn out even quicker.

The problem starts at home. That is where the problem needs tackling.


sohois said:
It's always been weird for me to hear complaints about teaching standards etc., given that i attended an all boys grammar school. Whilst we did always seek any opportunity to disrupt lessons and prevent learning, there was always a sense that some teachers you could get away with it but that other teachers just wouldn't take that shit, even though they all obeyed the same rules and couldn't do anything above what any other teacher could do. I always associated the ability to bring a class under control with good teachers. Ultimately, however, everyone at my school did want to learn, everyone was reasonably smart. It has always been an alien concept to me that there are pupils out there who will simply try to improve themselves.

Since leaving secondary school and taking a greater interest in the outside world it has become increasingly obvious that there are people out there for whom learning holds no allure and is only there to be disrupted. There is a part of me that wonders if this is a result of their early years or if this is a problem with the teaching - i am often led to wonder if the teachers who i had that i though "would not take any shit" would be able to handle some of the horror classes you hear about in the papers. However, there is still a big part of me that still believes good teaching is the key to the problems of secondary education in the country today. In Sweded, which is the best place in the world for education if i'm not mistaken, to become a teacher requires one of the best degrees in the country - essentially, a teaching degree is equivalent to any masters in this country. Now, aside from weeding out some weaker candidates, this excellence also attracts many of the best students to teaching degrees because they know that even if they do not want to become teachers they will still have a degree that will get them a job anywhere in the country. I cannot help feel that if the United Kingdom adopted a similar method to education many of the problems could be overcome quite swiftly and that many of the difficulties that have been highlighted in recent times are far more a problem of teaching than of a difference in parenting or the level of the pupils.

What do you think GAF?
We have shortages of particular types of teachers in this country. Putting some huge additional barrier in front of becoming one is not going to help anything. And just because someone has an advanced degree doesn't mean that they are better at controlling a class. They might be better at teaching their subject, but why does the fact that they're highly qualified stop a kid from wanting to take a swing at them? Besides, I don't think that there's any systemic problem with teaching standards here.

As for your last point, why is it the teachers' fault that kids deal drugs and fight with each other? Don't you suspect that they might act that way outside of school as well? The kids are pieces of shit because their parents are. That's the problem here.


Culture minister Ed Vaizey has backed a "two-speed" internet, letting service providers charge content makers and customers for "fast lane" access.

It paves the way for an end to "net neutrality" - with heavy bandwidth users like Google and the BBC likely to face a bill for the pipes they use.

Mr Vaizey said ISPs must be free to experiment with new charges to help pay for the expansion in internet services.

But critics warn the move could harm free speech and stifle innovation.

i find this concerning.


radioheadrule83 said:
Ed Vaizey can fuck off. I'll leave my ISP if it tries this and I'll fucking welcome DoDS attacks against any ISP that tries this.

Ed's Wikipedia page has already been adjusted.


I'm getting so hyped up by the project to laser-scan the caves of Nottingham that I'm starting to wish I put a little more effort into becoming a local historian. I absolutely adore my city.

Chinner said:
i feel kind of drunk still, welps.

this is what it must feel like to be smokey dave 24/7.
You get used to it a couple of years in. Horizontal horizons are overrated.

I do tend to gravitate toward stoned during the week and drunk during the weekends though. Got to mix up those intoxicants.

Salazar said:
SmokyDave has the livers of ten men.
What have I told you about looking in my fridge?

I need those. For science.


i tell you what though, i'm constantly surprised by how fucking bitchy girls can be. jesus christ.

going to force myself to turn gay i swear.


Chinner said:
i tell you what though, i'm constantly surprised by how fucking bitchy girls can be. jesus christ.

going to force myself to turn gay i swear.
From my extensive experiences in the Hotel & Catering industry, let me assure you, gay men can be extremely bitchy. To be fair though, they tend to do it with rapier-like wit.

In the interests of impartiality, I should probably add that as a straight man, I can be exceptionally bitchy if the necessity arises, to men and women. I blame the aforementioned influences.


yeah i know what you mean, but this is different. its like a group of lions hunting in a pack looking for targets. its annoying.

guess i'll become a hermit and jerk off to goats.
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