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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Linkified said:
Went up to Eldon Square on my lunch break yesterday, the spending that was going on was crazy. Huge lines to buy electronics, huge lines to buy dvds, etc.

If these people were so badly affected why were they wasting precious money on luxury items then?
Poor people lack fiscal responsibility?

I bought an iPad last month. Doesn't mean I'm not feeling the pinch, it just means I'm a (happy) idiot that is willing to forage for nuts & berries rather than eat properly.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
SmokyDave said:
Poor people lack fiscal responsibility?

Pretty much.

SmokyDave said:
Doesn't mean I'm not feeling the pinch, it just means I'm a (happy) idiot that is willing to forage for nuts & berries rather than eat properly.

I spent 5 months this year without a regular income (whilst in Japan and Taiwan) and since I've started earning again everything non-essential is being saved. As in I entered Scottish Mode at full effect. I've eaten pretty much nothing but noodles and dumplings (5 packs of noodles = £1, 80 dumplings = £2) for the last two months. My tax refund of £400 that I got a few weeks ago balanced my books and has saved me from that shit though, thank fuck for that.


SmokyDave said:
Poor people lack fiscal responsibility?

I bought an iPad last month. Doesn't mean I'm not feeling the pinch, it just means I'm a (happy) idiot that is willing to forage for nuts & berries rather than eat properly.

You run your own country, you can print your way out of the mess,

meanwhile the rest of us plebs forage for nuts and berries
louis89 said:
I'm trying to figure out what in the fuck I'm going to do on my gap year in Japan after I graduate next year (which I've decided I'm definitely doing come what may), if I get rejected from the universities in Tokyo I'm applying to... English teaching is the obvious thing which most people end up doing, but I can't think anything other than what a horrible teacher I would make. I want to do something that's worthwhile and looks good on a CV, so I don't want to be stacking shelves in a supermarket or something. But what else is there to do on a working holiday =/

Oh I've just applied to a teaching english job in Japan aimed at new graduates, interviews are in December, hoping I get in. I too am really keen on the idea of visiting Japan. Have also applied to a placement programme organised by the British Council but either way.

You could scope around for jobs in line with your degree whilst doing the english teaching, no?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Killamangiro said:
Oh I've just applied to a teaching english job in Japan aimed at new graduates, interviews are in December, hoping I get in. I too am really keen on the idea of visiting Japan. Have also applied to a placement programme organised by the British Council but either way.

You could scope around for jobs in line with your degree whilst doing the english teaching, no?

Sorry for not responding to your PM. I've been busy recently and most of my ESL advice is on the last or second last thread of the GAF megathread.

Is that the JET Programme? If so: good luck, you'll need it. My understanding is that it's being cut to shit and places are getting more competitive. The ESL market in Japan is non existent compared to Taiwan, Korea and China.


industrian said:
Sorry for not responding to your PM. I've been busy recently and most of my ESL advice is on the last or second last thread of the GAF megathread.

Is that the JET Programme? If so: good luck, you'll need it. My understanding is that it's being cut to shit and places are getting more competitive. The ESL market in Japan is non existent compared to Taiwan, Korea and China.
Any thoughts on why that is?
industrian said:
Sorry for not responding to your PM. I've been busy recently and most of my ESL advice is on the last or second last thread of the GAF megathread.

Is that the JET Programme? If so: good luck, you'll need it. My understanding is that it's being cut to shit and places are getting more competitive. The ESL market in Japan is non existent compared to Taiwan, Korea and China.

It's cool, I should have done a search, didn't realise there might be a dedicated thread.

The JET Programme you mention seems really stringent, with it's long-ass application form. No what I applied to was advertised in a broadsheet, seems legit but almost too good to be true. 24K, subsidised apartments, health insurance and no prior experience needed!
The other placement programme is called IAESTE and you have to be a UK student to apply.
That kind of protest would be better justified over any number of other things.. I hate practically every little cunt thats been interviewed. So fucking ignorant of what has actually been proposed and ignorant of how much harder people have it at the moment in the real world, the working world. They talk like they're being thrown into poverty or something and they know nothing about poverty. And then there's the idiots who are clearly just having fun wrecking things.

I wish the police were on horseback with fucking medieval iron maces as crowd control.
radioheadrule83 said:
That kind of protest would be better justified over any number of other things.. I hate practically every little cunt thats been interviewed. So fucking ignorant of what has actually been proposed and ignorant of how much harder people have it at the moment in the real world, the working world. They talk like they're being thrown into poverty or something and they know nothing about poverty. And then there's the idiots who are clearly just having fun wrecking things.

I wish the police were on horseback with fucking medieval iron maces as crowd control.

Just watching Sky News now. It's all escalated from a donut being thrown at a police officer, apparently.. :lol

There's all these placards saying such things as 'RIP future', when in reality it's not going to affect them that much. Anything that is going to paid back is going to be paid back in minimal instalments. You're not blowing £9,000 a year out of your own pocket. Do they not realise that?

I can understand that some will be irritated by having to eventually 'cough up' because of government cuts to humanities and such, but that's just where the chips have fallen...

Tear gas would be useful I'd say.


venison crêpe
Did you hear about the schoolgirls who surrounded the police van to protect it?

There's your headline picture folks.


Protesters and activists need to wise up and find new ways of disseminating their messages. The current 'angry mob' method is painfully counter-productive.

Mr. Sam

Had the option to go to the protests today. Went home instead. Spent a short amount of time hiding from placard wielding students inside a piss-smelling phonebooth. Fun times. Fun times.


Anyone else see this on the BBC and think that Ainsley Harriot had died?



There was a sit in at the Art Centre here at Warwick. Just a load of police outside by the time I got there to have a look. Did see a great protest sign, "WHAT WOULD DUMBLEDORE SAY?"


SmokyDave said:
Protesters and activists need to wise up and find new ways of disseminating their messages. The current 'angry mob' method is painfully counter-productive.
but it's really fun


A bunch of the protestors have broken into the Radcliffe Camera here in Oxford and are occupying it. Apparently they're playing loud music, throwing people's work about and generally being teats and not letting people work. Most of the protesters are A-level students too, according to a friend who's in there.

I agree with the protest but don't fuck with our libraries.


SmokyDave said:
Protesters and activists need to wise up and find new ways of disseminating their messages. The current 'angry mob' method is painfully counter-productive.
was stuck in traffic for like half an hour fucking students.
Has anyone seen an episode of one of the police programs (Booze Britain / Road Wars / Police Camera Action etc) where this guy is kicking off big-time on the police until they all pile on him? It ends with a close up of the guys face while he's been cuffed to the floor and he goes "You've killed me!" in a really sad drunken over-dramatic voice... its one of the funniest things I've ever seen...


radioheadrule83 said:

What annoys me most in those videos... placards campaigning for EMA?
Biggest waste of money the previous Labour government ever thought of. Bribing kids to go to sixth form and college... utter bollocks.

Yeah I don't really agree with that. I never had it but I had one close friend who relied on it to go to sixth form, despite having a part time job. Pretty sure it wasn't meant as a bribe, it was meant to make higher education a viable alternative to starting work at 16
radioheadrule83 said:

What annoys me most in those videos... placards campaigning for EMA?
Biggest waste of money the previous Labour government ever thought of. Bribing kids to go to sixth form and college... utter bollocks.

I can't remember the link to the report but EMA significantly encourages 16 year-olds to go onto further education. It is a bribe and a very unfair system but it does work.


I do know that everyone at my college on ema always went. Like me for example.

Dear the weather




Lear said:
A bunch of the protestors have broken into the Radcliffe Camera here in Oxford and are occupying it.

I support execution. There are numerous wonderful precedents in Oxford for the grisly removal of entrails and the lopping off of heads.


Salazar said:
I support execution. There are numerous wonderful precedents in Oxford for the grisly removal of entrails and the lopping off of heads.
Burn the buggers at the stake in the middle of Broad Street I say.

Actual quote from one of the librarians in the Codrington Library at All Souls after a police lock-in earlier - 'we aren't locking it for your safety, but the protesters...I might do something nasty to them if they came in'. Don't come between an Oxford librarian and books, it will not end well for you.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I'm at University in Newcastle, walked straight past the protest. Everyone's protesting for different things, most of them don't even have a fucking clue.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
radioheadrule83 said:
Has anyone seen an episode of one of the police programs (Booze Britain / Road Wars / Police Camera Action etc) where this guy is kicking off big-time on the police until they all pile on him? It ends with a close up of the guys face while he's been cuffed to the floor and he goes "You've killed me!" in a really sad drunken over-dramatic voice... its one of the funniest things I've ever seen...

No, but now I really want to.


radioheadrule83 said:
Has anyone seen an episode of one of the police programs (Booze Britain / Road Wars / Police Camera Action etc) where this guy is kicking off big-time on the police until they all pile on him? It ends with a close up of the guys face while he's been cuffed to the floor and he goes "You've killed me!" in a really sad drunken over-dramatic voice... its one of the funniest things I've ever seen...
Yes! It was awesome. I think it happened in an episode of 'Street Wars'.


brain_stew said:
I take it you don't live in the north?

Doncaster, and I lived in Doncaster in the 80's, albeit as a child. Times were much harder then and it affected everybody, with state cutbacks and massive inflation/interest. There was as much general wealth as there is now before that hit.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
louis89 said:
Any thoughts on why that is?

The ESL market is a bubble economy. It burst a long time ago in Japan. Korea's will burst soon (I think they're going to stop hiring foreigners for public schools within 4 years) but China and the Middle East will be huge for the next decade. That and oversaturation of teachers. Throw a coin from the top of the Taipei 101 and you'll probably hit some Canadian English teacher.

The basic thing is that most people don't need to know how to speak English in their day to day life, so why bother teaching it? There are only really two types of people who want/need to learn English: businesspeople and folks who like Western culture. And the latter of those pick it up through immersion rather than drilling and structured lessons.

Killamangiro said:
No what I applied to was advertised in a broadsheet, seems legit but almost too good to be true. 24K, subsidised apartments, health insurance and no prior experience needed!
The other placement programme is called IAESTE and you have to be a UK student to apply.

That's about average for teaching in Japan. What's the name of the school/recruiter?

And believe it or not a lot of schools prefer zero experience teachers. They're easier to mould into shape. That sounds negative, but over the course of a few years teaching you pick up habits, traits, and generally your own style of teaching. This can sometimes be at odds with a school's preferred method. For reference, I had absolutely zero teaching experience when I went to Korea.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
radioheadrule83 said:
Has anyone seen an episode of one of the police programs (Booze Britain / Road Wars / Police Camera Action etc) where this guy is kicking off big-time on the police until they all pile on him? It ends with a close up of the guys face while he's been cuffed to the floor and he goes "You've killed me!" in a really sad drunken over-dramatic voice... its one of the funniest things I've ever seen...

Reporting Scotland use a short video of one of my friends being stomped on the ground in Galashiels on a Friday night as their stock footage for drunken violence. I laugh whenever I see it.
industrian said:
The basic thing is that most people don't need to know how to speak English in their day to day life, so why bother teaching it? There are only really two types of people who want/need to learn English: businesspeople and folks who like Western culture. And the latter of those pick it up through immersion rather than drilling and structured lessons.

I agree mostly with this despite wanting to teach in the far east and Japan especially, however I would say that at University I witnessed first hand how beneficial English as Lingua Franca can be to people. My friends were Polish, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean respectively, they didn't speak any language apart from their own and English, but they were able to all be friends and go out together because they knew English. It helps people communicate easier, I think that's one way you can try and motivate young, mobile people especially.

But yeah, I totally agree with your points anyway.


Why is there no Korean culture in the UK? Seriously, I live in York, which has around 200,000 people, and there isn't a single Korean restaurant here. Off topic I know, but I read on wikipedia that 20% of all UK Korean businesses are in one town (somewhere in SW London). Any ideas as to why?
Meadows said:
Why is there no Korean culture in the UK? Seriously, I live in York, which has around 200,000 people, and there isn't a single Korean restaurant here. Off topic I know, but I read on wikipedia that 20% of all UK Korean businesses are in one town (somewhere in SW London). Any ideas as to why?
Why aren't there bakeries selling pork pies in Siberia? I don't know.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Dark Machine said:
I agree mostly with this despite wanting to teach in the far east and Japan especially, however I would say that at University I witnessed first hand how beneficial English as Lingua Franca can be to people. My friends were Polish, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean respectively, they didn't speak any language apart from their own and English, but they were able to all be friends and go out together because they knew English. It helps people communicate easier, I think that's one way you can try and motivate young, mobile people especially.

But yeah, I totally agree with your points anyway.

For my example of "most people" I use my sister as the biggest example. She'll never live outside of her town let alone the UK. She'll never study abroad, travel to somewhere that's not-accommodated for English speakers, and she doesn't listen to non-English movies or watch non-English movies. You find people like her in every country. Why would the Japanese equivalent of my sister need to learn English if she's never going to actually need to use it?

Napoleonthechimp said:
Why aren't there bakeries selling pork pies in Siberia? I don't know.

I'm actually tempted to put together a business proposal to sell Scottish takeaway food via night market stall in Taipei. Get a bag of chips wi' a fried pizza and enough salt and vinegar (nane ae this salt n' sauce pish, east coasters) to drown a child, and a can of Tennants to go with it for NT$150. I think it'd do well. :lol
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