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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

Meadows said:

I was just thinking, doesn't this job make him a really easy terrorist target?

Couldn't someone who wanted to kill him just find out when he's working (surveillance on RAF Valley) and then pretend to get trapped on a mountain and then blow him up/shoot him when he comes to get him?

Not too sure why someone would do it or anything, it just seems strange that's he's so vulnerable.

This is a good point, but I'd be willing to bet there's still a lot of security surrounding his life. All depends on someone actually wanting to kill him and having a calculated means to.
Ashes1396 said:
Anybody here, who didn't vote?

*raises hand* :/
*raises hand*

Empty said:
why not, out of interest?
Finished work late and didn't feel like going to the polling station. I didn't really get enthused by the AV campaign anyway, and if I had voted it would have been No.


You know you don't need the card...the polls are still open for half an hour. SAVE DEMOCRACY

but only if you're voting yes, if you're voting no I wouldn't bother, TV looks pretty good tonight.
Meadows said:
You know you don't need the card...the polls are still open for half an hour. SAVE DEMOCRACY

but only if you're voting yes, if you're voting no I wouldn't bother, TV looks pretty good tonight.

Inside the human body and then copious amounts of Dimbleby.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I voted yes today. The people running the ballot told me turnout was low, only 23% (this was at about half seven this evening). Hopefully the apathy most people seem to have will work in the yes campaigns favour. I think people are more likely to go and and vote for change rather than vote for the status. I still think it won't go through.
louis89 said:
Holy shit, what? Didn't know you could just watch what's on. Thanks.

It came in very handy when the main TV was occupied and I needed to watch Top Gear and Being Human one after the other. iPlayer is fuck awesome.
Rule Britannia etc.

Ian Duncan Smith, Caroline Flint and Cable on Sky News now.

Vincey is being restrained on the "No" campaign, possibly has been briefed on "don't blow up the coalition" for once, oh he doesn't want to talk about if there were lies...

Mr. Sam

DECK'ARD said:
The guy on the far left makes the Daily Mail sound reasonable.

Fortunately, Paddy Ashdown is there to put him firmly in his place. That guy is absolutely fucking awesome. I have no greater desire in life than to give him a fist bump.

Armando Iannucci and Dimebly are also being typically awesome. I think my head might explode.

Mr. Sam

Oh God, Iannucci vs. Ashdown. What will happen when the immovable force meets the unstoppable object?
I'm with Armando.


Question Time is usually a complete joke, but as soon as i saw Armando, it was a must see.

'Dangerous idiot' hahaha
Jeremy Vine to launch The Sims: House of Commons edition, apparently.

I've bust out the Baileys as it's time for a fun night of awkward news coverage.


JonathanEx said:
Jeremy Vine to launch The Sims: House of Commons edition, apparently.

I've bust out the Baileys as it's time for a fun night of awkward news coverage.

I would totally buy that. Shh, don't tell EA.


Wow, the Lib Dems are gonna get slaughtered tonight, aren't they?

Normally I'd be sad about that, but right now I can't seem to muster up enough fuck to give.
How did Jeremy Vine get from the House of Commons to the BBC studio so quickly?!?!?!?

Wait what, CG?!

DECK'ARD said:
Budget cuts with the election studio!
This studio used to be the BBC World News studio, but they took the old News 24 studio - and this became the backup studio. It was prepared if there was a snap Election as an Election studio, and was used for the EU election in its current style.

Also, where Emily is with the massive touch screen, the background isn't 'screens' like in the other studios, just massive pictures on lightboxes.

THE MORE YOU KNOW. If anyone wants more FASCINATING election studio facts I've got plenty more tonight.


JonathanEx said:
Also, where Emily is with the massive touch screen, the background isn't 'screens' like in the other studios, just massive pictures on lightboxes.


Can't wait for more facts.
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