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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

radioheadrule83 said:
No way, you're sefton? I live in Bath but I'm from Aintree, my family live not too far from the old roan and davenhill, near the blue anchor.. still visit a lot. Where abouts are you? Does Sefton cover bootle?

Hah, I played against Davenhill once for my school. Saved a penalty in a shoot out which won us the game. And I go shopping at the ASDA near Old Roan and Switch Island. I'm in Thornton, a tiny little place which mainly acts as a junction between motorway traffic from Switch Island and the old Liverpool-Southport Road (A565).

Sefton covers Bootle in the south, and goes up in a big strip along the coast to Southport in the north. Bootle (as I'm sure you know) is the much more populous and poorer area of the borough, further north Crosby, Thornton, Formby, Hightown and Southport are much richer. Thus there's enough traditionally Labour votes in the south, and Tory/Lib Dem votes in the north, to hang the council.
Oh dear God they've wheeled out Ming. ;_; poor poor man. I really like him, he's dignified and spouts common sense. Why is he still with the Lib Dems...
Empty said:
why haven't they stopped saying 'national interest', i was really really tired of it 11 months ago.

I keep expecting them to just bring out a tape recorder and play the one PR tape they have: "Biggest mess ever, need cuts, national interest, borrowing expensive, biggest mess ever serial"


The Amiga Brotherhood
Lib Dem vote collapsing in Scotland and going to SNP.
Imagine the same will happen in Northern England but go to Labour.
And the same but to a lesser degree in the South.
Dark Machine said:
I expect the SNP to make big gains in Scotland. They (along with the greens) are seemingly taking up the virtually empty left of centre ground in UK politics.

The thing is, Labour did fucking amazing last year at GE. Scots are canny about how they vote for different parliaments.
Dark Machine said:
Hah, I played against Davenhill once for my school. Saved a penalty in a shoot out which won us the game. And I go shopping at the ASDA near Old Roan and Switch Island. I'm in Thornton, a tiny little place which mainly acts as a junction between motorway traffic from Switch Island and the old Liverpool-Southport Road (A565).

Sefton covers Bootle in the south, and goes up in a big strip along the coast to Southport in the north. Bootle (as I'm sure you know) is the much more populous and poorer area of the borough, further north Crosby, Thornton, Formby, Hightown and Southport are much richer. Thus there's enough traditionally Labour votes in the south, and Tory/Lib Dem votes in the north, to hang the council.

I know thornton well, I've got family there too. My mum is originally from Crosby and my dad from kirkdale. I used to love going to formby beach and southport.. you're a red right? You got XBL? Or a 3ds yet?

I went to holy rosary but davenhill is the nearest one to my parents.. I knew sefton was a large borough but I didn't realise how large. I always remember it being hung as we'd pay the ratepayers association for local stuff and get all sorts of crap from all political sides through the door...

Liverpool is gonna kick the lib dems by the sound of it... they're having a bad night all over the country. It does seem a bit daft to me, they're a junior partner, they couldn't have formed a government with labour, it would have been a stillborn Parliament. They're there perfect scapegoat it seems.


Carl said:
I wish Warsi would should the fuck up.

this, this, this.

i'd say i wish they'd tag her out, but then they'd probably just replace her with eric pickles (aka. jabba the cut).


The Amiga Brotherhood
I feel sorry for the Lib Dems as well, made the whipping boys for everything and royally stitched up by the Tories on AV.

Things are going to get messy in the coalition from tomorrow.


Carl said:
I wish Warsi would should the fuck up.

Oh god yes. so much.

Scottish news is on freeview 81. You lose Dimbleby but you get to see Jim Wallace the libdem nearly crying and a bunch of politicians who all really hate each other bickering.

I'm flipping between that and bbc1. To be honest, whenever Warsi gets too much for me.
radioheadrule83 said:
I went to holy rosary but davenhill is the nearest one to my parents.. I knew sefton was a large borough but I didn't realise how large. I always remember it being hung as we'd pay the ratepayers association for local stuff and get all sorts of crap from all political sides through the door... Liverpool is gonna kick the lib dems by the sound of it... they're having a bad night all over the country. It does seem a bit daft to me, they're a junior partner, they couldn't have formed a government with labour, it would have been a stillborn Parliament. They're there perfect scapegoat it seems.

I think the major thing is that the Lib Dems went from being largely centre-left (according to their manifesto anyway) and are propping up a government which is more right wing than many thought it would be. Minority Tory government might've been the better option. I also think they underestimated how much many Northern people institutionally hate the Tories. They disliked Labour after 17 years and a move to the right, but they really hate the Tories.

There's also the thing that much of the Lib Dem vote is on their policies and ideas rather than the Labour/Tory vote which is based (still despite everything) on class. At least that's my opinion. The Lib Dems haven't (now by their own admission) been able to input as many of their ideas as they wanted or needed.

And yeah I'm a red. :D But I have a PS3 (it only does CC fraud, but thankfully not to me) and I haven't got a 3DS yet. Trying to cut down on buying games because I'm going to China in August, and I already have a PSP and DS and a HUEG backlog.


Random thought: If Clegg were to get ousted as leader of the lib dems, would Cameron be obligated to take his replacement as a new deputy PM? Could he even stay on as deputy PM if no longer the leader?
mclem said:
Random thought: If Clegg were to get ousted as leader of the lib dems, would Cameron be obligated to take his replacement as a new deputy PM? Could he even stay on as deputy PM if no longer the leader?

That really would be a Lloyd-George moment wouldn't it? An ex Lib-Dem propped up by Tories, propping up the Tories. I suppose they could need to re-draw the coalition agreement.


The Amiga Brotherhood
mclem said:
Random thought: If Clegg were to get ousted as leader of the lib dems, would Cameron be obligated to take his replacement as a new deputy PM? Could he even stay on as deputy PM if no longer the leader?

No idea.

I don't think Clegg will be going anywhere, instead cracks will form in the coalition and the Lib Dems turn their fire on the Tories. The NHS reforms will be the first to fall.


DECK'ARD said:
Lib Dem vote collapsing in Scotland and going to SNP.
Imagine the same will happen in Northern England but go to Labour.
And the same but to a lesser degree in the South.
What about Wales? Do you think Labour have a chance of running it alone?

Hamilton & Larkhall: HOLY SHIT 11% SWING


The Amiga Brotherhood
Dambrosi said:
What about Wales? Do you think Labour have a chance of running it alone?

I don't know much about Wales, and how much Plaid Cymru figure into it.

I imagine Labour could get close though with what's happening to the Lib Dems.
The question is, will the SNP (probably with the Greens who're talking about gains for themselves) get over the line required to wholly govern Scotland? And then input a referendum on Independence? I'd support Scotland leaving the Union, as an Englishman I think it would benefit them to run their own affairs.

Mr. Sam

killer_clank said:
Independence referendum gonna happen.

Somebody had to come out and say it at some point but, um, who's going to move to the newly independent Scotland? I'm contemplating it.
Dambrosi said:
Do you think the Tories would ever let Scotland break away from the Union? Honest question here, no digs.

If the people decided, they'd have to. The independence referendum would fail anyway, dunno by how much.


killer_clank said:
If the people decided, they'd have to. The independence referendum would fail anyway, dunno by how much.
From the graph Vine just showed, looks like by more than 40%.

I like Alex Salmond, actually. I think he'd make a fair enough Prime Minister.

Mr. Sam: I've been contemplating it for years, but I have too many ties to Liverpool that keep me here
plus I'm too lazy to move
killer_clank said:
If the people decided, they'd have to. The independence referendum would fail anyway, dunno by how much.

Why would it fail? I thought (at least from the rhetoric) that Scots wanted shut of the English.


The Amiga Brotherhood
For the SNP to call a referendum which they'd likely lose would damage them quite a lot as it's their central policy.

I don't think they'd be in a hurry to do it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Dark Machine said:
Why would it fail? I thought (at least from the rhetoric) that Scots wanted shut of the English.

Did you just see the poll averages over the years?

Independence has fallen away down to around 20%.
Dark Machine said:
Why would it fail? I thought (at least from the rhetoric) that Scots wanted shut of the English.

Support for independence fluctuates between 30 - 40%. Votes for the SNP dont necessarily mean support for independence. They have good policies.
Yeah guys I saw the polls, but I wanted to know why. The rhetoric I see here is that Scotland would like to be shut of the English. I know the SNP have good policies, and would like a similar party (and more proportional system to elect them) here in England. Like I said, the centre-left ground has now been abandoned by the 3 main parties.

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