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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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I'm a student. I'm also going to be one of the grinning nobs in the next prospectus. I thought only attractive women were supposed to be in uni adverts and stuff. Now, I do look great in a miniskirt I'm not sure it's the look they're going for.

Hate most students though.

Still can't believe they didn't officially endorse those fake ads for Lincoln uni. They're so good. And we're designing the 2014/15 Huddersfield prospectus atm on my course, so I may well end up in there. Woop woop!
CHEEZMO™;34698892 said:

Strictly fancy dress and lost bets only.

Still can't believe they didn't officially endorse those fake ads for Lincoln uni. They're so good. And we're designing the 2014/15 Huddersfield prospectus atm on my course, so I may well end up in there. Woop woop!

They did sort of endorse them, in that they didn't try and get him in trouble after they got popular (the uni loves complaining about things sometimes). And they commissioned him to make a video advert for clearing.


Where do you live: Edinburgh
Where are you from: Largs (Scottish West Coast)
Occupation: Student
University: Queen Margret University
Sports team of choice: Celtic/Ferrari
Current political party of choice: I was Labour before big Ed came along.
Barm, batch, cob or bun: It's a roll.
Favourite (current) UK TV show: Top Gear
Oasis or Blur: Neither really. Prefer music way before my time. 60's and 70's is where it's at.
They did sort of endorse them, in that they didn't try and get him in trouble after they got popular (the uni loves complaining about things sometimes). And they commissioned him to make a video advert for clearing.

Ah, that's good. I saw an interview he did on YouTube where he spoke about them giving him grief for it, so that's nice that it all worked out.


Where do you live: Manchester
Where are you from: Bradford
Occupation: Student
University: Man Met
Sports team of choice: Manchester United
Current political party of choice: None of them. I'd probably vote Labour if I wasn't in a Labour safe seat despite their uselessness
Barm, batch, cob or bun: A roll?
Favourite (current) UK TV show: Still have to watch this Xmas's Sherlock and Black Mirror, sure I'll like both. Have I Got News For You and QI are always favourites but I don't watch much TV
Oasis or Blur: Blur
you only get shitty hands by comparing turds

or something

Anyway, we have the internet now, we don't need to settle for less than top tier entertainment. Why people still watch soaps, I do not know.


Where else am I going to see someone get murdered at their own wedding by a gas leak and a portable generator explosion??


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I signed up with a Milk Man yesterday, I thought they went extinct.

At least I hope he was a milk man and not some entrepreneurial drug dealer.
I signed up with a Milk Man yesterday, I thought they went extinct.

At least I hope he was a milk man and not some entrepreneurial drug dealer.
Won't your milk be luke warm in Summer, or do they have refridgerated floats these days?

Can't remember the last time I saw a milk float actually, kinda sad.


Pizza Dog
I imagine that milkmen have got through the stage where they die out and have now reached that nostalgic retro resurgence, charging you £2 a pint while giving you an ironic wink as they walk down your driveway, whistling loudly.


I signed up with a Milk Man yesterday, I thought they went extinct.

At least I hope he was a milk man and not some entrepreneurial drug dealer.

I used to help out the milk man when I was younger, loved doing that (was only about 14/15 I think). I used to get up between 04:30 and 05:00 for years when I was at school for various jobs, no chance of that happening any more!


Where do you live: Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan
Where are you from: Bristol
Occupation: Glamour Photographer
University: Cardiff
Sports team of choice: Liverpool, England Cricket Team
Current political party of choice: Con
Barm, batch, cob or bun: Buns and rolls is how i roll.
Favourite (current) UK TV show: Masterchef :)
Oasis or Blur: Both :/ but Oasis

Am soon to be buying a house (live in a flat atm), but alas it appears nowhere in the Vale has milk deliveries. I'm very envious of my parents :(
When I was younger I had a milkman, he used to leave glass bottles outside your house really early, drinking it when it was ice cold was heaven


Milkmen were great for "walks of shame" back home at 5am after a night out, you knew what time it was when you saw them and if you were brazen you might even be able to swipe some early morning calcium.


Pizza Dog
The gf watches Corrie and Eastenders. At least she's got so far behind with Hollyoaks that she doesn't watch it anymore, there were days when hours of the evening were taken up with watching the bloody things.
Out of Corrie and Eastenders, it'd have to be Corrie every time. Don't watch either of them nowadays but when I had a gf that did Corrie was the clearly superior product. Genuinely funny, better storylines and better acting.
Not only did I have a milkman as a kid, I also had a coal man and a rag 'n' bone man!

We used to get a man that would deliver just pop! In large glass bottles. For the life of me I can't remember the make of the pop. American Cream soda was the dogs bollocks back then though. I think he done the Pools as well.
We used to get a man that would deliver just pop! In large glass bottles. For the life of me I can't remember the make of the pop. American Cream soda was the dogs bollocks back then though. I think he done the Pools as well.

Our pools collector got down for collecting the money but not handing it in. Luckily, my Dad never won it.


We used to get a man that would deliver just pop! In large glass bottles. For the life of me I can't remember the make of the pop. American Cream soda was the dogs bollocks back then though. I think he done the Pools as well.

Was it Jones'?!

We had one of those too, and a pools guy.

And a window cleaner. And a postman.

My house was a beacon for strange men during my youth. I need to have a serious chat with my mother.


Maturity, bitches.
Nearest thing I watch to a soap is Causality. It's small break during the year is teh only thing preventing it from being given soap status.

My mother also watches Home and Away.
Was it Jones'?!

Just rememberd : Corona


I vaguely remember him giving you money back if you gave him the bottles back. Happy Days!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
We used to get a man that would deliver just pop! In large glass bottles. For the life of me I can't remember the make of the pop. American Cream soda was the dogs bollocks back then though. I think he done the Pools as well.

Corona by any chance? That's what our man had.

EDIT: beaten by a whisker


Popman ...Corona Pop l think it was called
Pools/ Spot the ball man

We even had some guy who used to sharpen your knives on some sort of manually driven grinding wheel device.
Also my Dad used to get a few bottles of beer (Davenports) delivered every week.

*edit, rag n' bone man.


Where do you live: Sheffield
Where are you from: Nottingham
Occupation: Student
University: Sheffield Hallam University
Barm, batch, cob or bun: Cob (they call them Breadcake's in sheffield)
Favourite (current) UK TV show: QI
Oasis or Blur: Neither. I'm much more into Lamb of God and Pendulum.


Maturity, bitches.
My parents had a falling out with our milkman after he delivered milk while we were on holiday despite us informing him. Besides it's much easier to nip round to the local shop to buy milk when we've run out.
Corona, awesome.

Related, my mother still gets milk delivered. I often wonder how they're able to keep the service going with so few people making use of it these days.


Pizza Dog
My dad won the pools once. He had the cheque for 58p framed up on the wall.

We had a milkman, but eventually the threat of birds pecking the lids off or the convenience of supermarket milk put an end to it. I remember window cleaners turning up randomly at our house too. There seemed to be no regular schedule, they'd just be there one day to clean the windows. They also seemed to refuse to take money at the time, they'd turn up at some unannounced point in the future to collect it later. I never really understood why.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
in Scotland if we return our glass irn bru bottles we get 30 pence store credit for every bottle


in Scotland if we return our glass irn bru bottles we get 30 pence store credit for every bottle

Irn Bru is not made from girders. I checked the ingredients. It's mostly just carbonated water and some flavouring.

I've refused to drink it ever since.

Jedeye Sniv

So, I was warned of incoming snow, My coat was almost 3 years old, from Burtons (so pretty shoddy indian sweatshop workmanship to start with!) and in kept in no heat. So today I decided to go into town and buy a new coat.

Fucking shops are the worst.

John Lewis - Seems to stock nothing below Medium (I'm a small). Are the middle classes that podgy?

M&S - Looks like it's atleast 10 years old

H&M - Made of nothing, But very cheap?

Topshop - Tax avoiding scumbags

I had to settle on River Island, I felt like a proper ladyboy buying shit from there, But £85 later I have a new coat that fits and is really fucking warm.

You should try being a gentleman of a lerger stature then. I'd say I'm chunky rather than wobblingly obese and I cannot find clothes to fit me anywhere, it's a real shitter. T-Shirts are all too short and always have a bit of belly or arsecrack showing, I tried on a godamn XL hoodie in Primark and couldn't get it over my arms! Trousers in most shops will stop at a 38 and I'm a 40, it's total bullshit.

I see people way fatter than me all the time, I want to stop them and ask where they shop for clothes. But that would involve talking to randoms...
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