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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Jedeye Sniv

London, please could you stop embarrassing the UK?


Dude what? It's not only a lovely looking sculpture but it's also quite profound. Not only mocking its surroundings but also saying more about our lives and out culture than any of the other monuments in Trafalgar Square and their references to wars long past. Good stuff.

yay art!

If I were a tourist and I saw that on the fourth plinth I'd think, wow, this country is full of hipster dickheads.

That's funny, whenever I see someone decrying hipster dickheads I think, wow, this person is an idiot.

Why not just go all out and move that steel monstrosity next to the Olympic Stadium to Trafalgar Square?


It's as if with all the shit sculptures, logos etc the UK is just trying to prove how avant-garde and edgy we are.

I like that, one of the few good things to come out of the Olympics.


i don't see how the new sculpture is hipster at all and wonder how meadows reacted to the the last sculpture of the bottled boat, there to point out that the square, the column and the other plinths celebrate things built on the slave trade and colonial power.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
it's actually quite insulting to the other sculptures in the square I reckon, it's almost mocking them

Considering the militaristic baggage of most of our statues (especially horse related ones) it comes across as a bit of a piss-take. By allowing it to be displayed it's verging on self-parody on our part.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Considering the militaristic baggage of most of our statues (especially horse related ones) it comes across as a bit of a piss-take. By allowing it to be displayed it's verging on self-parody on our part.

what's wrong with it being a pisstake of all the militaristic statues? are people only allowed to create art that glorifies war?
You didn't watch the Brits, you survived it.

Blur are the new Samantha Fox and Mick Fleetwood, Adele gets cut off by Babe the Pig and Sid Owen is the new shining star of pop music. What really happened at the Brits last night...

The ceremony opened with the human equivalent of 12 general anaesthetics, Coldplay, who appeared to have come straight from the paintball scene in Biker Grove where PJ goes blind, with an extra helping of Paul’s Boutique to add insult to sartorial injury. The event was hosted by Chairman of The Intolerable Cunt Parade ™ himself, James Corden (you’ll remember him from films such as The History Boys and Babe 2: Pig In The City.) Winner of the Critic’s Choice award went to the lovechild of Beverley Knight and Ed The Duck, Emeli Sande. YAWN. A half-arsed montage of Whitney Houston followed. Apparently she died or something? Here’s hoping this is just another vicious Internet rumour, guys!

Some great quotes in the rest of the article.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
London, please could you stop embarrassing the UK?



I like it. Sure it is kind of a piss-take on all the mounted-general-whoever statues, but I see nothing wrong with that. It's also rather sad when you realise that lad might grow up to become one of them, or maybe (since rocking horses are a bit out of fashion) he did so already.

Plus, anything with echoes of Rolf Harris can't be all bad - altogether now! "... each had a wooden horse ..."

That other thing is just a vast mess with no particular reason for being there, rather like the minecart ride in Skyward Sword.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Nothing really. My post is really just expressing surprise that it was allowed to be displayed due to the obvious connotations.

Did I say that?

no but i got flashbacks a friend who would defend the reputation of the military to the death

also, it's not the first statue that's provided counterpoint to the other statues in the square, e.g. the ship in the bottle


Also it's not really self-parody because the sculptors are Swedish.

The ship in the bottle (to a lesser extent) and this just make me think that the arts council are going "well fuck these guys, now that these famous sculptors are dead lets take the piss out of them by putting ironic statues up that show how we were dickheads in the colonial times"


i don't see what's so bad about that

I have a lot of love for art, but there's a time and a place for it. Trafalgar Square during 2012 isn't, in my opinion, the time or place where we should be apologising for our country's heritage by letting 2 Swedish sculptors put this in.

Yes we were dickheads in colonial times, but we put ourselves down too much, it makes us look like a joke.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I have a lot of love for art, but there's a time and a place for it. Trafalgar Square during 2012 isn't, in my opinion, the time or place where we should be apologising for our country's heritage by letting 2 Swedish sculptors put this in.

Yes we were dickheads in colonial times, but we put ourselves down too much, it makes us look like a joke.

i don't think artists should self-censor


it's one plinth in a square dedicated to how amazing we are though

we're not america and i appreciate that we include a little bit of humility, self-deprication and introspection in among our national pride, instead of screaming 'uk number 1'.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
it's a single statue in an entire square dedicated to our successes in warfare. i really don't think it's that big of a deal. i prefer british style apology to american style jingoism any day.


Holy shit that red tower is completely and utterly terrible. What an embarrassing way to shit a load of money down the drain. As someone who dislikes both the Olympics and London, this whole fiasco makes me despair. I'm not quite sure why people give enough of a shit about Athletics (well, once every four years) to spend all this money and effort hosting it.

I might make it my personal goal to not watch a single minute of it. And that's as much an artistic achievement as putting a child on a rocking horse in Trafalgar Square.


it's a single statue in an entire square dedicated to our successes in warfare. i really don't think it's that big of a deal. i prefer british style apology to american style jingoism any day.

there's an inbetween

I don't want USA USA USA style chanting, but some chest thumping in a time of economic hardship would really help us out.

I really don't want self-depreciation and irony to get in the way of a good olympics, we should be proud of our heritage and where we're from, the UK is a bloody good country and we should have a chance to tell people that.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
well, agree to disagree i guess? i think the country is going down the pan and if i get a chance to emigrate i will.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I have a lot of love for art, but there's a time and a place for it. Trafalgar Square during 2012 isn't, in my opinion, the time or place where we should be apologising for our country's heritage by letting 2 Swedish sculptors put this in.

Yes we were dickheads in colonial times, but we put ourselves down too much, it makes us look like a joke.

I'm amazed there is so much adverse reaction to this sculpture.

Sure, you can read it as being mocking or self-deprecatory, but you don't have to read it that way. Other ways of reading it include:

- as a salute to innocence and a celebration of happiness
- a poignant reminder that the future is yet to come, whatever it may bring
- a nod to the fact that all these generals and whatnots were once children too, they had then their own hopes and dreams - were they ever fulfilled?
- the possibility that this young lad in, say 1904 or thereabouts, grew up to become the Unknown Soldier, who no statues were ever made of

I don't see that is necessarily (or even obviously) jocular or irreverent. Indeed, the more I think about it, the more I like it.


I agree with Meadows. His posts are well thought out and his argument is logically sound. We all know the language we speak, English, and those who abuse it either lack education or simple intelligence.

I digress, I went to the nearest fast food franchise, Burger King, and was disappointed by the high prices.


I'm amazed there is so much adverse reaction to this sculpture.

Sure, you can read it as being mocking or self-deprecatory, but you don't have to read it that way. Other ways of reading it include:

- as a salute to innocence and a celebration of happiness
- a poignant reminder that the future is yet to come, whatever it may bring
- a nod to the fact that all these generals and whatnots were once children too, they had then their own hopes and dreams - were they ever fulfilled?
- the possibility that this young lad in, say 1904 or thereabouts, grew up to become the Unknown Soldier, who no statues were ever made of

I don't see that is necessarily (or even obviously) jocular or irreverent. Indeed, the more I think about it, the more I like it.

I'd agree if it wasn't on the 4th plinth, but I think the sculpture's geographical context makes it somewhere between mocking and insulting.

However, art is obviously subjective (apart from Emin, she's shite) and I appreciate your reasoning as to why you like it.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'd agree if it wasn't on the 4th plinth, but I think the sculpture's geographical context makes it somewhere between mocking and insulting.

However, art is obviously subjective (apart from Emin, she's shite) and I appreciate your reasoning as to why you like it.

I'll see your Emin, and raise you one Jeff Koons.


Why not just go all out and move that steel monstrosity next to the Olympic Stadium to Trafalgar Square?


It's as if with all the shit sculptures, logos etc the UK is just trying to prove how avant-garde and edgy we are.

I'm sure it'll look a lot better when the scaffolding is taken down.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
It looks shit. The render looks shit. The design is shit. It is shit. It's a child-high-on-jelly-teddies-given-a-red-crayon shit. It's a giant's spiky buttplug covered in eviscerated colon matter shit.
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