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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Studying and a meal with my family. Rock and roll.


Got two episodes of the walking dead sky plus'd to watch tonight. I'm heading to mates house on saturday to watch the rugby and drink a few cans of bulmers berry. I have some work to finish up so sunday will be a work day. I'll be working from home though so it won't be too bad.
what's everyone's plan for the weekend?

All dayer tomorrow (well, from 2ish) to watch Wales smash Italy. Then it's out on the tiles of Barry Town celebrating the birth of a mates baby. Sunday then is all about recovering by pigging out and playing BF3. Might finish off by having friends over and having an Inbetweeners marathon.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
what's everyone's plan for the weekend?

working all weekend, I'l probably watch some sons of anarchy when i'm at home, perhaps il try and unlock shit for my famas on Battefield 3.

Yeah i know its pretty boring but I'm a non drinker now.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Hope that Man United twat West Brom into oblivion. Edit some essays. Sort out some travel insurance.

I picked some travel insurance for me and misses a few days backz 20 quid for the both of us and it was sorted out there and then.

Moneysavingexpert always comes through

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;35859235 said:
I might be heading into Manny tomoz to pick up ME3. Where will it be stocked?

Maybe try the unholy supermarket triumvirate of tesco/sainsburys/asda. If you've got a day off it might be nice to go out for a trek :D

I ordered off Amazon. If it's not sitting on my doormat when I get home something is going to get kicked.


Ugh :/ so hung over. The good news is ME3 arrived.

Looks at reviews on Metacritic. User reviews - 3.3


Already know that the 'PC kiddies' (I decided it is actually these types of PC gamers where this term is more fitting and not the console crowd) have given the game 1s and 0s for the most moronic shit.

Looks at review.

JongUn scores it a 1. The game must be completely unplayable for such a score. Surely there must be a huge problem with the game for it to deserve that?

Mass Effect 3 does not live up to the hype, at all. First of all, almost no graphics options. I mean what the hell?

Jedeye Sniv

Looks at reviews on Metacritic. User reviews - 3.3


Already know that the 'PC kiddies' (I decided it is actually these types of PC gamers where this term is more fitting and not the console crowd) have given the game 1s and 0s for the most moronic shit.

Looks at review.

JongUn scores it a 1. The game must be completely unplayable for such a score. Surely there must be a huge problem with the game for it to deserve that?

Plus apparently loads of people are giving it low scores for the gay romance options. Americans, surely. Cunts.


Happens every time though. Unfortunately in this day and age console is the lead platform.

It's not so much that the PC version of a game is usually an after-thought, it is the retaliation from PC gamers giving the game 1s and 0s because it doesn't have graphics options or moaning that the texture resolution is low, etc. It's just the way it is now.

There are pros and cons to this. The pros are that we haven't had to upgrade as much this generation as most games run fine on 5 year old rigs, and not only have we had a greater quantity of console games make their way to PC, they are also actually playable. I remember when console ports were really bad.

Of course the cons are that there are very few games now made specifically for PC. The games that do come out aren't really PC centric or provide the options PC gamers have been used to in the past.


They're just user reviews, though. They're only good when working out a mass mean average based on hundreds, if not thousands of them, where every stupid-reason-1 is cancelled out by a stupid-reason-10. It's why IMDB's user ratings for films tend to be fairly accurate, due simply to the fact that it's about quantity of reviews rather than quality.

It's nothing to do with PC vs console, but rather people who get paid to formulate opinions vs fans and detractors who vomit over their keyboards.


They're just user reviews, though. They're only good when working out a mass mean average based on hundreds, if not thousands of them, where every stupid-reason-1 is cancelled out by a stupid-reason-10. It's why IMDB's user ratings for films tend to be fairly accurate, due simply to the fact that it's about quantity of reviews rather than quality.

It's nothing to do with PC vs console, but rather people who get paid to formulate opinions and fans who vomit over their keyboards.

I know this. I'm not saying the world revolves around user-reviews of course. It is just more a point about how moronic and petty people are these days.


The only criticism I have is that the two gay romance options literally shove it down your throat in the first conversation you have with them.

"Oh hi shepard, I HAD A HUSBAND BY THE WAY."


If it was a bit more subtle, or they came up after a few more conversations, that'd be fine. Just seems like pandering.

edit: There are graphics options, they're just in a seperate exec


I know this. I'm not saying the world revolves around user-reviews of course. It is just more a point about how moronic and petty people are these days.

Nothing's changed though. The only way for us to listen to the wealth of opinions and comments on the internets is to make them as critical and hyperbolic as possible. It's the equivalent of who has the loudest voice, and it works. We're listening to them.
They're just user reviews, though. They're only good when working out a mass mean average based on hundreds, if not thousands of them, where every stupid-reason-1 is cancelled out by a stupid-reason-10. It's why IMDB's user ratings for films tend to be fairly accurate, due simply to the fact that it's about quantity of reviews rather than quality.

It's nothing to do with PC vs console, but rather people who get paid to formulate opinions vs fans and detractors who vomit over their keyboards.

IMDB majorly failed me the other day, giving Mysterious Skin 7.8. That film was a steaming turd, more deserving of a 3 or less. I assume JGL fangirls/boys are the reason for it's ridiculously high rating.


Nothing's changed though. The only way for us to listen to the wealth of opinions and comments on the internets is to make them as critical and hyperbolic as possible. It's the equivalent of who has the loudest voice, and it works. We're listening to them.

Actually, I think it is more the point that we're not listening to them. There has been a fair bit of criticism in recent years aimed at the game enthusiast press. Claims of them being sell-outs. Inflating scores in exchange for exclusives, ad revenue, etc. The truth is though, the public isn't worth listening to any more.


IMDB majorly failed me the other day, giving Mysterious Skin 7.8. That film was a steaming turd, more deserving of a 3 or less. I assume JGL fangirls/boys are the reason for it's ridiculously high rating.

Only .4 above the professional reviews though.

Actually, I think it is more the point that we're not listening to them. There has been a fair bit of criticism in recent years aimed at the game enthusiast press. Claims of them being sell-outs. Inflating scores in exchange for an exclusives, ad revenue, etc. The truth is though, the public isn't worth listening to any more.

I meant 'listening' as in giving them the time of the day by acknowledging them here. I agree though, I don't care how Joe Bloggs can't remap his keys, or doesn't identify with the main character, or doesn't like the hacking minigames because I can formulate my own opinions on entertainment based on creators, designers, writers, publishers and track record. When it comes to hardware or proper software I will always read customer impressions. For media like games and films I don't need G.Public's impressions at all.


Actually, speaking of the quantity of reviews specifically: The user reviews for Mass Effect 3 overall is 3.3. lol

That is the point.
I haven't played any of the ME games yet. I'll be spending the weekend round a friends place, and he's into them and is getting ME3 today. It'll be interesting to see what it's like as we're both PC gamers.


If I'm going to University in September would I be able to claim jobseekers allowance now, before I go? I just got laid off which ruined all my plans for saving up money for Uni. =/

Jedeye Sniv

Maybe it's a bit crap then?

No, it's because it's only been out for a couple of days. It'll even out.

I think the trouble is that it's usually the whiny PC-bitches and bigoted homophobic cuntheads that can muster up the ire to write these reviews. People who simply like the game are content to enjoy it and move on with their lives. It's only the malcontents who take to the interwebs with pitchforks in hand.

As for me, I usually just go by impressions on podcasts. I have a couple that I listen to and trust, if they say a game is good I'll usually believe them. Also you can kinda tell by reading a random page of the official thread. The shit seems to rise to the surface often (like, check out the Dragon Age 2 thread for a good indicator as to the patchy quality of the game). The ME3 thread seems really quite positive, I think it means that game will be good.


If I'm going to University in September would I be able to claim jobseekers allowance now, before I go? I just got laid off which ruined all my plans for saving up money for Uni. =/
Should be fine, don't even tell them your going to university in September.
If you resigned or were sacked, then you might have to wait a few weeks.
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