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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Mr. Sam

Gonna take a break from essay-writing in a minute to pop into Gamestation and grab Darksiders on PS3 for £8. Good idea/bad idea?


Turned down the job I was meant to be taking.

- Changed the deal from "around 18k a year" to £100 a week (I know, that's 1/3 the minimum wage).

- The area is shit. Fuck Leeds-Bradford.

- The woman who was interviewing me was 15 minutes late in from a lunch break when I'd spent £10 in petrol and more than an hour to get there from York.

- Changed my job role from consultancy to basically data entry.

Fuck them, they moved all of the goalposts and wasted my afternoon. What a disgrace.


Turned down the job I was meant to be taking.

- Changed the deal from "around 18k a year" to £100 a week (I know, that's 1/3 the minimum wage).

- The area is shit. Fuck Leeds-Bradford.

- The woman who was interviewing me was 15 minutes late in from a lunch break when I'd spent £10 in petrol and more than an hour to get there from York.

- Changed my job role from consultancy to basically data entry.

Fuck them, they moved all of the goalposts and wasted my afternoon. What a disgrace.
This is sign of one of three things:
1) A company that doesn't respect their employees
2) A company in financial difficulty and trying to rapidly cut costs
3) Both of the above.

Last company I worked for was #2, which swiftly led to #3. With all my heart, I recommend you don't consider them anymore.

Quite how they can justify paying £100 a week is curious though - is there a commission element to the job? Did you raise the fact that they were suggesting paying you a wage that would be illegal?
Turned down the job I was meant to be taking.

- Changed the deal from "around 18k a year" to £100 a week (I know, that's 1/3 the minimum wage).

- The area is shit. Fuck Leeds-Bradford.

- The woman who was interviewing me was 15 minutes late in from a lunch break when I'd spent £10 in petrol and more than an hour to get there from York.

- Changed my job role from consultancy to basically data entry.

Fuck them, they moved all of the goalposts and wasted my afternoon. What a disgrace.

That's a shitter but better to have found out what a useless bunch of bastards they are now instead of after you'd started/moved etc.


Quite how they can justify paying £100 a week is curious though - is there a commission element to the job? Did you raise the fact that they were suggesting paying you a wage that would be illegal?

They tried to justify the £100 a week (37hr week) by saying that it was an unpaid "placement" rather than a job and that the wage was for living cost expenses (lol, that £100 would be spent on rent alone).

I didn't bother suggesting the wage was illegal because I knew I didn't want to work with them.

As soon as the lady arrived 15 minutes late from a lunch break to interview me I kind of didn't want to work with them. That's really disrespectful, I'd arrived 10 minutes early (well, 25 minutes, but I didn't want to go in too early), least she could have done was sort out her lunch arrangements.

I'm better than this, I'm gonna graduate with a decent BA (very likely a 2:1) from a top 15 (and now Russel Group!) uni with great interpersonal skills and some good, relevant job experience. I think the least I deserve (or the least I will take) will be a salaried job, even if it's 16-17k a year.
anyone have any podcast recommendations? Here's what I have on my phone right now:

Idle Thumbs
This is Only a Test
My Brother My Brother and Me
Stuff You Should Know
8-4 Play

My friend was telling me about a podcast where people make predictions about the future, that sounds pretty interesting but i can't remember the name. I think it was the forecast or something like that.


They tried to justify the £100 a week (37hr week) by saying that it was an unpaid "placement" rather than a job and that the wage was for living cost expenses (lol, that £100 would be spent on rent alone).
That is also illegal. Unpaid placements are only legal if being done through an educational institution, or being arranged as a four week "work experience" type deal.

Far too many media companies think they can just get free workers by calling them "unpaid placements/internships". It's in violation of both UK and EU law and the government has recently started cracking down on it.


That is also illegal. Unpaid placements are only legal if being done through an educational institution, or being arranged as a four week "work experience" type deal.

Far too many media companies think they can just get free workers by calling them "unpaid placements/internships". It's in violation of both UK and EU law and the government has recently started cracking down on it.

They're doing it to their own downfall, apart from the execs the people who were milling around looked like fucking morons who didn't give a shit.

Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
Job market is pretty shit nowadays. People really undervalue a quality employer and are often too concerned with pay (I'm saying this generally, not to you in particular). A company that respects its employees and potential employees gets an A in my book. Say what you want about the City, every company I went for an interview with was professional and respectful.
I had my card declined in Iceland of all places, then I ventured to the bank and saw I had £1 to my name.

That was subsequently spent on a Chicken Mayo in McDonald's, so needless to say I'm eating pasta tonight.

Life is good bros :p


I had my card declined in Iceland of all places, then I ventured to the bank and saw I had £1 to my name.

That was subsequently spent on a Chicken Mayo in McDonald's, so needless to say I'm eating pasta tonight.

Life is good bros :p

Im pretty much living of cereal, rice and pasta. Sucks being a student arggh
Im pretty much living of cereal, rice and pasta. Sucks being a student arggh

Yeah, this term has felt so bloody long.

I haven't budgeted that well, so I can learn from this. I live pretty close to home though, so I can nip back at the weekend to get some goodies no doubt.
anyone have any podcast recommendations? Here's what I have on my phone right now:

Idle Thumbs
This is Only a Test
My Brother My Brother and Me
Stuff You Should Know
8-4 Play

My friend was telling me about a podcast where people make predictions about the future, that sounds pretty interesting but i can't remember the name. I think it was the forecast or something like that.

The Infinite Monkey Cage is really good, it's a BBC Radio 4 show with Prof Brian Cox and Robin Ince, and various scientist/comedian guests. Funny and informative, what more could you want.

Jedeye Sniv

anyone have any podcast recommendations? Here's what I have on my phone right now:

Idle Thumbs
This is Only a Test
My Brother My Brother and Me
Stuff You Should Know
8-4 Play

My friend was telling me about a podcast where people make predictions about the future, that sounds pretty interesting but i can't remember the name. I think it was the forecast or something like that.

Some cool podcasts I like:

Geekbox - Ryan Scott and co talk geeky shit. Can occasionally be terrible when they get talking about WoW but can also be spectacularly funny when a drunk Adam Fitch tries to explain something or talks about sex. Or does a Japanese accent.
Comedy Button - from the ashes of the Gamespy debriefings comes a podcast where 5 men shout over each other and compete to be the most obnoxious. On paper it shouldn't work, but it's often hilarious.
WTF with Marc Maron - bitter Jewish comic Marc Maron interviews the great and the good in the world of comedy. spectacular. Listen to the Todd Glass episode where a respected comedian comes out on the show as being gay, it's fantastic. Also notable would be great interviews with Russell Brand, Bryan Cranston and Stuart Lee
Joe Rogan Experience - you know what, Joe Rogan is a total twat but his podcast is often hilarious. Go back through his feed and find anything with Joey Diaz on it, the guy is maybe the funniest human that has ever lived. Imagine a 60 year old Cuban American who sounds like a psycho gangster and tells crazy stories about selling coke to Whitney, eating monkeys and life in Aspen. Other episodes can range from boring as shit to fascinating, especially when they get counterculture people or fringe scientists/writers on there. But Joey Diaz is a fucking force of nature.
Turned down the job I was meant to be taking.

- Changed the deal from "around 18k a year" to £100 a week (I know, that's 1/3 the minimum wage).

- The area is shit. Fuck Leeds-Bradford.

- The woman who was interviewing me was 15 minutes late in from a lunch break when I'd spent £10 in petrol and more than an hour to get there from York.

- Changed my job role from consultancy to basically data entry.

Fuck them, they moved all of the goalposts and wasted my afternoon. What a disgrace.

This changing of the goalposts happened to one of my friends at a marketing firm in Southampton. Totally bang out of order.

Got any other options on the table?


This changing of the goalposts happened to one of my friends at a marketing firm in Southampton. Totally bang out of order.

Got any other options on the table?

Nothing as yet, got some hard circumstances to work with.

Me and my GF both want to work in the same area so we can live together, but it'll have to be somewhere with good public transport because she hasn't got a driving licence.

That pretty much nails us to (we both want to live in the NW):


She'll also need a sponsored job because of the visa system, which basically restricts her to really big companies, so that'd be either Manchester or Liverpool realistically.

We've both got good CVs, and she's probably gonna graduate with a 1st in BA Management which will look good (on top of her speaking absolutely perfect Mandarin/English and good French/Cantonese).

As long as she gets a job I'll be happy, I'm sure I can talk my way into something, I've got the gift of the gab as my mum always says.

Until then there's graduate schemes, but my thinking is that these things are fucking stupid, because the people with the best CV's/applications are probably getting accepted onto 3 or 4 of the things, meaning that say, every 100 grad places are being taken by 25ish people, who will, very late on tell the companies that they've got a place somewhere else, by which time the rest of the grads will have moved to other jobs/master degrees/abroad.

The system sucks but I think I can game it.


If I were you Meadows Id be tempted to move out to the far east and spend some time abroad.

Yeah, but my girlfriend would prefer to stay here. It's much easier to get a job when you've got your foot in the door so to speak.

Plus the pay for clerical jobs isn't as high in the far-east, although that will change in the coming years.
Yeah, but my girlfriend would prefer to stay here. It's much easier to get a job when you've got your foot in the door so to speak.

Plus the pay for clerical jobs isn't as high in the far-east, although that will change in the coming years.

Dump her and enjoy yourself, Chinner can comfort her.
I hear there are quite a few jobs in the south east...


In all seriousness, good luck to everyone looking for employment, no matter where.


I hear there are quite a few jobs in the south east...


In all seriousness, good luck to everyone looking for employment, no matter where.

haha thanks, but I don't like the south east. If we had the choice between Taiwan and London we'd choose Taiwan.

She doesn't like London either, I've taught her well ;)

Jedeye Sniv

I hear there are quite a few jobs in the south east...


In all seriousness, good luck to everyone looking for employment, no matter where.

I just found out today that I have an interview at a very prestigious private school on Monday for their exams officer position. First interview in about 2 years despite having sent off dozens of applications, but this is the first one where I know I can nail the job.

I'm a bit nervous though since it is proper posh and I am totally not posh at all. I know I can do the job, but I just hope they're not too judgemental about my bog standard comprehensive education. Still, it's a very exciting proposition and means a good 8 grand pay increase if I get it. Come on universe, come through for me on this one!
my only real complaint with the south east is that the land is very flat and not very attractive

Yeah, it's not the hilliest although there are still some very pretty places. I love Beachy Head and the Sussex downs but they do pale in comparison to some other areas of the country.


I'd generally agree, but they have the White Cliffs:


quite stunning.

NW isn't the best when it comes to natural beauty I must admit (although parts of the pennines/mersey/cumbria are great). Clearly the most gorgeous parts of our country are North Wales and the Scottish Highlands.


I'd generally agree, but they have the White Cliffs:


quite stunning.

NW isn't the best when it comes to natural beauty I must admit (although parts of the pennines/mersey/cumbria are great). Clearly the most gorgeous parts of our country are North Wales and the Scottish Highlands.

The NW has The Lake District which is the most beautiful part of the country.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I'd generally agree, but they have the White Cliffs:


quite stunning.

NW isn't the best when it comes to natural beauty I must admit (although parts of the pennines/mersey/cumbria are great). Clearly the most gorgeous parts of our country are North Wales and the Scottish Highlands.

I dunno man, what about Exmoor


Jedeye Sniv

my only real complaint with the south east is that the land is very flat and not very attractive

Not really. I live near Guildford, and having cycled around the Surrey hills just a couple of weeks ago I can wholeheartedly say the area can be downright mountainous. There's a place called the Hog's Back that I had to push my bike up and the view was astounding, lush rolling hills as far as the eye could see. And the ride down was brilliant!


So I just played Journey like I said I was going to.

It was one of the most powerful moments of my entire life.

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that, I promise.
New page new question:

What sports do you spectate and play?

Spectate: football, international cricket, six nations rugby, f1

Play: volleyball, football, golf
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