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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Shipping Soon
Shipping Estimate: Nov 16 2011 - Nov 17 2011

Delivery Estimate: Nov 21 2011 - Nov 22 2011
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Signature Series
Capcom Capcom
Sold by: Amazon.com.ca, Inc.

I know it hasn't shipped yet but I am just glad it says that it will ship right away instead of the tentative date of next month.


The sexy UPS guy finally delivered my copy!

Urgh, so many awesome streams, but I wanna play, too. What do???

Fake edit: Nvm. Ears stream, eyes game.
_dementia said:
KFC is awful. Food equivalent of Hsien-ko in MvC3. Why must you bring that filth into every MvC3 thread, spindashing?

I'm only preaching the truth to you misguided fools!

Dartastic said:
It's on. GAF, get to character selection. This shit is serious.

Based chicken? That's obviously KFC. Remember when XFC was called KFC? What did Popeyes have? Nothing. Stay free.

I just got my copy of Mahvel from the UPS guy. Now to train.



Mrs. Harvey
I am for Teammygrandmommakeschickenbetterthananyofthosedamnplaces.

Enzo, where you at? I need to make you mod for my stream.


yay, I got the game now :DDD

too bad installing it on the PS3 takes nearly half an hour.

Can't wait to try online and battle some GAF peeps.

mr. puppy

AzureJericho said:
I go away for a bit and come back to the bestest best Civil War ever in Mahvel-GAF. :lol

#TeamLouisianaStyle got this.

is this a bunch of people from louisiana or is this some weird new meme?

Azure J

Kadey said:
I am for Teammygrandmommakeschickenbetterthananyofthosedamnplaces.

Enzo, where you at? I need to make you mod for my stream.

Nah, you don't bring grandma into this, that's that God Tier stuff. We're dealing with mortal affairs with this.

mr. puppy said:
is this a bunch of people from louisiana or is this some weird new meme?

Pre MvC3, a lot of communities were referring to X-Factor Cancels (XFC) as KFC (both as an offshoot reference to Baroques in TvC being called BBQ and well, silly reference's sake). On GAF though, there were a lot of people clowning on this because, well KFC ain't shit. :D

Fast forward to now where we're all in early (urley) Ultimate and people are bringing it back. It's all just some stupid fun. :p


This one goes out to Dahbomb...

ONLINE AND SPECTATOR IMPRESSIONSBeen playing for AWHILE now. Online is really really good. Finds me accurate matchups and it loads way quicker into lobbies and such. In fact it finds matches and loads them faster for me as well and guys like Solarpowered can tell you my connection is ass.

Spectator mode works like this. If you enter a lobby and a match is already going on then you wont be able to watch until the next match starts because everyone else is already loaded into spectate. This means if a bunch of people show up and your watching a set you don't have to suddenly suffer lag and frame skip in your stream due to more people showing up.
To watch on 360 hit "X" and you will be labeled watch. You still have to hit "Y" to put yourself up in the set for matches otherwise you'll just be chilling there like always. Its nice in case you need to drop out of the sets for a bit to hit the bathroom or do something.

Also the spectator mode has an interesting gimmick. It selects someone other than the player to host the spectating each match so that the bandwidth of the host whose main job is to secure good bandwidth for the matches isn't destroyed. There is a message that appears to you during character selection that tells you whether you are waiting to spectate or if you are the current host. If you're the host it warns you that if you leave or turn off the console no one will be able to watch the current match. This is pretty cool and lets folks watch without bogging down good netcode that should really be given top priority to the players. Keeps things seperate and smooth.

Firebrand is a fucking nightmare to fight. He's easy to play as and the auto flight activation out of his moves makes people screwed so hard to all his overheads. He pairs REALLY well with IronFist crescent kick. Do the ground fire and call it and witness the easiest high low opening ever...seems like you have all day to convert it to combo given how long that fire lasts. Dude is scary and expect a LOT of him being used for setups on teams. Also his swoop assist is annoying to fight.

Rocket Raccoon is Godly. He combos really easily and is actually good up close with how fast his normals are. His combos aren't the longest, but he seems like he may have a lot of priority or something given how often he beats out things with his normals for me. I'll check the guide later on that so don't take it as the gospel truth, though.
His teleports are crazy fast, but don't hold H on the bugs bunny dig thing unless you're avoiding a hyper. You're punishable to most shit if you try to get inside with it. Just use teleports to run with him if you're using H. L and M dig teleports are good and fast to get inside though.
His blaster M is surprisingly good out there. It even worked okay against triple arrow to a degree, but it didn't beat it so you use it to fire then teleport or skate away.The timing to do it is a little touchy so don't go trying to put the wall in front of Hawkeye with blaster too often to set up your escape because you might get ate. Cr H is godly though. Locks people down on jump ins and dash ins because of its speed and angled direction. Combine it with a beam and they are screwed. Can't emphasize it enough if you plan on zoning with him. Also using barrier type assist with Raccoon to setup his traps equates to turning the whole screen into a pain in the ass to navigate. Traps everywhere and then when hes done its log, cr M, and assist spam alongside of blasters. Raccoon is GOOD.Also Log is even scarier than we thought to fight against if its an assist. Works really REALLY good with Storm.

Iron Fist is a beast and half. His wave dash means trying to jump away is fucking pointless, because you will NOT escape him. I even out raced a jumping Hawkeye and Tasky shooting arrows to cover their escape. He's just that damn fast. Him and Firebrand are best buds for me right now. So many high low setups with those two. QCB moves seem more useful to combos than QCF stuff so far and his S rekkas are only doable if proceeded by two other rekkas so no spamming of dragonkick or shoulder ram wall bounces folks. Either combo them or get good at canceling into them.

Nova is Godlike. Red health don't mean shit to him because he doesn't get blasted easily. The guy's kicks and basic retard combos are great and forward H OTG punch is really fucking smooth to link into stuff. Basically if someone is anywhere on the screen Nova can have a setup with most assists to go into nearly 600k damage combos easily without getting fancy. His Kick assist is really good BTW. Not sure if it can crossup or what, but its easy to time it into high lows for easy openings on folks to run stuff out of.

I'll have more later but DAMN is there a lot to play still.

Oh yeah and theres this Vergil guy or something...All I saw were some swords and a Perfect screen. Seems like his special ability lol.
Man was not planning on buying this since most of my time going to be with KOF after it comes out.
Still i end up buying it since i can't help my self when it comes to fighting games so i will seen PSN gaf online after some time in the lab .


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
spindashing said:
lol food elites.

Well, as long as you accept KFC as your lord and savior and denounce lesser chicken spots, just like Popeyes. Going to Popeyes must be just like posting scans in a Mahvel thread.

Does no one on GAF eat like an adult?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Best Chicken Ive ever had?



Got my copy, I'll be online tonight!
Just got back with my copy, installing to 360 right now.

Anyone else pre-order from Best Buy? The guy I spoke to yesterday said that the pre-order code should show up on the receipt. Dude I talked to today said that it should be emailed.

Anyone wind up getting their pre-order code from BB yet?
Just posting to say that I got it (relatively) urley!

I say early because none of the shops got their shipment, and they all told me they'd be getting it next week, I got REALLY lucky with a really small shop. I think it's the only one with the game in the whole city.
striKeVillain! said:
Just got back with my copy, installing to 360 right now.

Anyone else pre-order from Best Buy? The guy I spoke to yesterday said that the pre-order code should show up on the receipt. Dude I talked to today said that it should be emailed.

Anyone wind up getting their pre-order code from BB yet?
Mine was on my receipt and got emailed to me so...


Professor Beef said:
Doom needs to be toned the fuck down. Every single time he hits me, I just put the controller down.
I had never picked up the character before and was doing the M&M loop within a few minutes. Why did they think this was ok?

Nori Chan

striKeVillain! said:
For anyone wondering about not getting the Villains Costume pack from BB. I just saw this posted on their customer service forum:

So, good news.
I told them that I didn't get a code for BF3 and one of the forum mods gave me one.

Then I got an email for another code and I proceeded to trade for another pre order offer :3
Every character in the game gets the same x-factor boosts, but they're split amongst speed and damage differently depending on character.

lvl 1 x-factor: 40%, 10 sec
lvl 2 x-factor: 70%, 15 sec
lvl 3 x-factor: 100%, 20 sec

For instance, Rocket Raccoon is 120% boost for both in lvl 1, Thor is 140% power boost and no speed boost.
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