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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Despite being terrible at this game, I'm enjoying PS3 scrub lobbies. Its fun to watch other GAFers.

Team Armor is just nasty though lol.


Called Amazon to try to get my code and the customer rep had no idea what I was talking about. Ended that call and got on the customer service chat and got my code in 2 mins. Now only if Best Buy would hurry up so I can get my sweet Viper alt..


striKeVillain! said:
Anyone on 360 hosting a scrub party? I am ASS at this game. Need some GAFers to have fun with. :/
I'm starting a lobby now. Look for the smo show on the mahvel gaf xbl account and send me a message on live and I'll add you.


get some go again
lol OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! buster shot cancels are soooooooooo awesome. you can do some dirty shit with the H lightning move buster shot.
fuck man, every time I use hammer and I get hit out of it, I'm like YO THIS SHIT USED TO WORK

I feel like I leveled down 5 times compared to the last game -_-

Azure J

smurfx said:
lol OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! buster shot cancels are soooooooooo awesome. you can do some dirty shit with the H lightning move buster shot.

You didn't know about this? Try playing with his SRK + Buster cancels next. ;)
Mr Touchdown said:
Hmmm. Well thanks for testing that one. How about landing, then super scatter shot then launch? 1 meter relaunch XD.

also I keep forgetting Hawkeye has a level 3.
That works, but I'll keep that for finishes/flashy moments. LOL.

Spirit of Jazz said:
You can get it to work with back-dashing, you just need to time your normals correctly. An easier alternative is to jump backwards off your S, you'll land in the perfect position to pull off the ice shot.
But this works. Thank you! I feel stupid!
Noriega said:
Is it safe to buy the New Testament from Amazon?

It says it'll ship it to me on Christmas...

probably not, my pre-order says it is shipping tomorrow, and also the product page says it's available in 1-3 month (although usually they get the product much faster than listed)
I'll play against you guys on Thursday. I won't be around tomorrow most likely.

Thanks again Spirit of Jazz for that Hawkeye tip. Next to Nova, Hawkeye's my favorite new character and I hope to learn more tricks with 'em.


Smo21 said:
Anyone else down for scrub gaf lobby?
Is this 360? Also how long will you be running it? I'm Dynasty Penguin so friend request me for it.

On a different note Galactus gained magic pixel and his life bar NEVER LEAVES during the heralds battle. Its pretty distracting and it creates the problem that for some reason at least one of the heralds is almost always off screen the whole match. I don't know why but WTF. Also part of the screen that gets torn away by Galactus to intro the final battle doesn't leave the screen either (lower right area) it blocks the screen a good bit during his intro
Also old character endings haven't really changed largely if at all. Same old stuff. :|

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Slamtastic said:
Requesting an invite for any low level play going on PSN!

Hey, did you invite me earlier? Then beat me once, after which I left?

If so, I'm sorry for leaving like that. I got an invite to a full GAF lobby. Again, my apologies.


shaowebb said:
Is this 360? Also how long will you be running it? I'm Dynasty Penguin so friend request me for it.

On a different note Galactus gained magic pixel and his life bar NEVER LEAVES during the heralds battle. Its pretty distracting and it creates the problem that for some reason at least one of the heralds is almost always off screen the whole match. I don't know why but WTF. Also part of the screen that gets torn away by Galactus to intro the final battle doesn't leave the screen either (lower right area) it blocks the screen a good bit during his intro :|
Message parallax
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