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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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GhostRidah said:
Just thinking with all the Avengers in game and marvel trying to promote the hell out of their movie characters I bet we see Loki as dlc.

I'm surprised this wasn't released closer to the release of the movie.

Hawkeye movie skin?


I finally got my hands on the game! I originally used Doom/She-hulk/Akuma in vanilla, and I was planning on dropping Akuma in ultimate since I never liked him all that much and was using him mostly for the assist- so I need at least one replacement. Doom's buffs are cool, but I honestly don't think it makes him ALL that different- he was strong before and he's a bit stronger now. Being able to use footdive to knock people down from superjump height and combo peoples' asses is definitely awesome. Doom will always be on the team.

She-hulk is kind of bad. Still playable, but she can't relaunch midscreen anymore (which is a nerf to her air throw game as well), her hyper crosses up strangely in the corner, and the slide range nerf is pretty bad. I'll only stick with her until I have time to practice up a replacement.

I started using Strider and his damage is LOW. I know he is mobile and has crazy mix-ups, but I can't hardly break 500k with the combos people have discovered so far. Does anyone with the guide know what kind of damage he's capable of? I really like him, so I plan on sticking with him anyway.


good credit (by proxy)
My team I'm trying is Ryu, Chun Li, Zero...in that order.

What do you think is a good order and good assists for these guys?
Okay, Jago's vid convinced me to give Firebrand a spot on my team(first or second place). I will forgo the classic mixup team unless Vergil turns OMFG amazing on me. I'm thinking...

Firebrand(where his lack of amazing assist doesn't matter)/???/Ammy


Vergil/beam/mixup assist character(preferably beam)/Ammy

I'm still messing around with Dr.Doom and Wesker so who knows if Vergil will keep his place.
GhostRidah said:
Just thinking with all the Avengers in game and marvel trying to promote the hell out of their movie characters I bet we see Loki as dlc.
Sounds like a bad idea. Most folks have come to the conclusion that Capcom has a bit more say when it come to DLC characters. It makes sense for a couple of reasons. The first is that they somehow managed to get Shuma Gorath in the game(lol) and the second is the fact that DLC characters usually don't get much press like disc based roster updates.

Disc characters get the marketing and facetime while DLC characters are supposed(I say this because Capcom has not been following the rule) to make the money from fans of the game(not movies) and characters. Loki has no significant video game audience asking for him the way Gene, Megaman, Captain Commando, Venom or Gambit do.


Been playing a shit ton of mission mode. I'm on #10 for Iron Fist and I swear I'm not even going to attempt training mode or online matches until I get this.

I've broken it down and can do all of it, but the issue I constantly have is the first part where after you down H, down H, toward H, jump H, Jump S, then it wants a stand H into more combo... well that fucking stand H is like 1 in a million for me to hit.

I've tried going fast, slowing it down, neutral jump when you get to the jump portion etc. I've only hit that part twice at random, but the rest of the combo I have down pat if I can just figure that first part out I'll be golden.

Iron Fist is top tier... seriously. Biggest surprise is how godlike Ghost Rider is once you play him. He too is top tier no doubt.

Frank is this game's Phoenix though. <_<


get some go again
SolarPowered said:
I still have yet to go online. I won't feel comfortable heading out there until I have two solid teams set up.
hey you! lets have our first to 10 today. i got the skies, the ground covered with projectiles thanks to my zero/taskmaster/hawkeye team.


zlatko said:
Been playing a shit ton of mission mode. I'm on #10 for Iron Fist and I swear I'm not even going to attempt training mode or online matches until I get this

I did this for all the characters in Vanilla, which is why I really didn't start to get the hang of the game in real play until about a month ago and never really found a team to stick with:/ Too ocd.


zlatko said:
Been playing a shit ton of mission mode. I'm on #10 for Iron Fist and I swear I'm not even going to attempt training mode or online matches until I get this.

I've broken it down and can do all of it, but the issue I constantly have is the first part where after you down H, down H, toward H, jump H, Jump S, then it wants a stand H into more combo... well that fucking stand H is like 1 in a million for me to hit.

I've tried going fast, slowing it down, neutral jump when you get to the jump portion etc. I've only hit that part twice at random, but the rest of the combo I have down pat if I can just figure that first part out I'll be golden.

The key is to leave it as late as is humanly possible. Iron Fist has practically forever to follow up the quick kick in the combo with an air H. Leave it until the dummy has started to fall after the quick kick and then do it.

I can get it about 75% of the time with this, although sometimes the H will cross under if you hit it very slightly too early, which can screw you up.

Edit: Neutral jump and you'll never accidentally cross under.


Timedog said:
My team I'm trying is Ryu, Chun Li, Zero...in that order.

What do you think is a good order and good assists for these guys?

Chun with legs assist is the only good assist on that entire team and she's decent in xfactor lvl 3, so I'd put her in back. As for who you'd put on point, I'd vote for zero. He needs assists to maximize he potential, and ryu is better with meter so having him second would make more sense.


good credit (by proxy)
Zissou said:
Chun with legs assist is the only good assist on that entire team and she's decent in xfactor lvl 3, so I'd put her in back. As for who you'd put on point, I'd vote for zero. He needs assists to maximize he potential, and ryu is better with meter so having him second would make more sense.

I was thinking of putting Ryu last because he's so slow and would benefit from the speedboost in XF3. Chun is already so fast. Maybe I just need to get rid of Ryu and find someone I can actually use and that has a good assist :(


Has anyone, playing online, while blocking was suddenly set into a neutrel position?
Some of the people I chat with had this happen to them when playing online.
Tizoc said:
Has anyone, playing online, while blocking was suddenly set into a neutrel position?
Some of the people I chat with had this happen to them when playing online.

Sounds like it could be something with lag? Just a guess though...


Timedog said:
I was thinking of putting Ryu last because he's so slow and would benefit from the speedboost in XF3. Chun is already so fast. Maybe I just need to get rid of Ryu and find someone I can actually use and that has a good assist :(

Ryu isn't that slow, and I'm not even sure what Ryu's x-factor level 3 speedboost is in ultimate. He'd probably be an ok anchor since he can get damage off of air throws, and he can do a high/low mixup on the ground with his now comboable overhead. Ryu's denjin tatsu assist is supposed to be good- if you're saving him for last, you could get him in denjin mode and try to swap him into your third spot. Zero is just a really good character, but I don't really see the purpose of chun on your team.

He takes/steals the Murmasha blade from wolverine.... That blade would be way more powerful than yamoto. and he is probably right when he says that he is a better person to tap its power....at least outside of sliver samurai.



Still loving Nemesis. I'm not even getting my hits due to armor, but with the threat of command throws.

I also put Hawkeye on the team, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to open people up with him. I know his jumping H or S can cross up, but that's about it.

I also read people saying how his chip is really good. Which arrows should I be using for that, triple arrow tends to miss crouching characters.


good credit (by proxy)
Zissou said:
Ryu isn't that slow, and I'm not even sure what Ryu's x-factor level 3 speedboost is in ultimate. He'd probably be an ok anchor since he can get damage off of air throws, and he can do a high/low mixup on the ground with his now comboable overhead. Ryu's denjin tatsu assist is supposed to be good- if you're saving him for last, you could get him in denjin mode and try to swap him into your third spot. Zero is just a really good character, but I don't really see the purpose of chun on your team.

She's the only character that I can get any damage with :(, I like how she plays. What is Chun's usual role on teams?


Timedog said:
She's the only character that I can get any damage with :(, I like how she plays. What is Chun's usual role on teams?

In vanilla chun wasn't on any teams because she was pretty bad overall. She's supposed to better in ultimate, so maybe it's me being stuck in vanilla mode telling you not to play her. It seems like your team could be zoned really hard. How are any of your characters supposed to get in?


good credit (by proxy)
Zissou said:
In vanilla chun wasn't on any teams because she was pretty bad overall. She's supposed to better in ultimate, so maybe it's me being stuck in vanilla mode telling you not to play her. It seems like your team could be zoned really hard. How are any of your characters supposed to get in?


Zero - no clue, maybe assist+command dash?

Chun - She's way faster than the other two and has double jump/airdash, I think spinning bird kick has decent priority? I don't know how well the "throw a slow fireball and follow behind it" works outside of Street Fighter.

What kind of stuff do other characters use to get in. Not knowing how to get in is what made me stop playing Vanilla MvC3 after like 3 days.


The physical form of blasphemy
I can't believe I zoned out Ammy with Nemesis. lol Air-dash nerf lol. Sent aside, I can't stand "big body" characters, but damn is Nemesis fun.

Man, it's taking some getting use to Magneto now. His Jump-in-L is easy as hell to do though. His flight combo just needed a slight adjustment. Attraction -> Shockwave is some fun ass damage.

Storm feels fast as hell now. Maybe I'm seeing shit, but she's good.
Oldschoolgamer said:
I can't believe I zoned out Ammy with Nemesis. lol Air-dash nerf lol. Sent aside, I can't stand "big body" characters, but damn is Nemesis fun.

Man, it's taking some getting use to Magneto now. His Jump-in-L is easy as hell to do though. His flight combo just needed a slight adjustment. Attraction -> Shockwave is some fun ass damage.

Storm feels fast as hell now. Maybe I'm seeing shit, but she's good.
Nemesis is a good zoning character...

Dai Kaiju

Is there any reason to pick up one version over the other? I have the special edition xbox controller with the new and improved dpad, but is that better than the ps3 dpad? i'm kinda new to fighters.

Also, does one version have better online than the the other?
Oldschoolgamer said:
I can't believe I zoned out Ammy with Nemesis. lol Air-dash nerf lol. Sent aside, I can't stand "big body" characters, but damn is Nemesis fun.

Man, it's taking some getting use to Magneto now. His Jump-in-L is easy as hell to do though. His flight combo just needed a slight adjustment. Attraction -> Shockwave is some fun ass damage.

Storm feels fast as hell now. Maybe I'm seeing shit, but she's good.
Storm is looking pretty good to me too. I never really played her but she felt right when I tried in ultimate. So I'm looking at viper/storm/??. I need to find a good anchor for this team. Still trying a bunch of stuff out. I mainly need an assist that covers the air which is vipers main weakness but has to be a good anchor also. Any ideas other than ammy/Dante?

Amazon sent me my DLC code. Has amazon shipped anyone's guide yet? I should be shipping today if the delivery estimate is correct.


Timedog said:

Zero - no clue, maybe assist+command dash?

Chun - She's way faster than the other two and has double jump/airdash, I think spinning bird kick has decent priority? I don't know how well the "throw a slow fireball and follow behind it" works outside of Street Fighter.

What kind of stuff do other characters use to get in. Not knowing how to get in is what made me stop playing Vanilla MvC3 after like 3 days.

I used She-hulk/doom/akuma in vanilla. She-hulk on her own would have a hard time getting in, so I used doom's beam assist to clear out projectiles/assists from long range to begin approaching my opponent and then once I got in, I could use akuma tatsu assist to lock down my opponent or make my she-hulk stuff safer. Akuma tatsu assist also eats projectiles, so if doom was getting shot before he could get his beam assist off, I could use akuma to clear out spam so that I could get past zoning.

Ryu might benefit from a low-hitting assist. You could jump in with light air tatsu to do an unblockable if you time your assist correctly. As long as you have meter, your opponent can't really call assists against you or try to keep you out too predictably since ryu's shinku hadouken keeps them honest. A beam assist could help ryu to an extent and it would also you to do teleport mixups and stuff with zero. You probably shouldn't listen to me though, I think shaowebb plays ryu and parallaxscroll plays zero, so they'd have better advice.
After watching Clock's doom, I think I want to put in the time to learn that a bit -- hidden missles (or the beam assist) could do wonders for Strider and Wesker... so team one would look like:

Strider[teleport]/Wesker[samurai edge]/Doom[missles/beam] (maybe reverse Wesker and Doom, depending on how good I get with Doom)

Maybe my Dante team will be:

Dante[jam]/Dormammu[dark hole]/Vergil[rapid slash]

Still need to figure out where I can use Iron Fist as well as some of the other characters I liked in vanilla, like Akuma and Morrigan.


Timedog said:

Zero - no clue, maybe assist+command dash?

Chun - She's way faster than the other two and has double jump/airdash, I think spinning bird kick has decent priority? I don't know how well the "throw a slow fireball and follow behind it" works outside of Street Fighter.

What kind of stuff do other characters use to get in. Not knowing how to get in is what made me stop playing Vanilla MvC3 after like 3 days.
You have the right idea with Zero -- he does well with something like a beam assist or some other sort of fast/strong projectile that covers space. Ryu would benefit from something like that too, actually. Once you close some of the gap with Zero, an assist like Lightning Legs which can put the opponent in lengthy blockstun to set up for command dash mixups could work. Zero also has his buster and divekicks to help him keep the opponent pinned down as he's advancing. Level 3 Buster doesn't cause a hard knockdown anymore, but it's still extremely fast and can lead into really damaging stuff at a surprising distance; make the other guy respect it and you'll get a lot more room to approach.

Ryu is in kind of a similar boat, but with somewhat worse movement options. He needs something, again like a beam or something like Sentinel's drones, which can keep the opponent blocking long enough to try and close the gap. The problem with your team is that none of your characters' assists are particularly suited to covering each other. Ryu's Hurricane Kick assist is not as good as Akuma's, but it seems to me like it's probably your best option. Both Ryu and Zero get much stronger assists if you tag them out while their power-up supers are activated, but that isn't something I would rely on unless you have really good setups that let you activate and switch safely (DHC works, but burns a lot of meter).
A good assist for Wright is Dante's Jam Session. Allows you to set up a Maya shield, then you just dig and spam the assist until you get what you need.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I fucking swear, every single "Beginners, Unite!" room is the goddamn same. One person with a huge win streak and a 75-90% win ratio with a ridiculous number of total matches played. It's like, why even fucking try? -_-


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
what the fuck @ Hulk's voice

the voice tracks from vanilla and the new lines are like night and day



I'm so lost with Strider. Love him, but he seems like more of a 2nd character than the point character I want him to be.
Hmm... Hell Vomit assist has more active frames than Cold Star and more durability than Plasma Beam.

Firebrand looking mighty fine as an anchor. The only debate now is whether I should swap Magneto to Iron Man or Doom for my middle position, maybe even someone else? I don't know if disruptor is really what Nemesis needs, even if Magneto's my best character.

LakeEarth said:
What do you use, forward C and jumping d.C?

yeah, and air rocket and 2C and C, and command grabs

Mr Touchdown said:
A good assist for Wright is Dante's Jam Session. Allows you to set up a Maya shield, then you just dig and spam the assist until you get what you need.

God's Beard = 1
Shaowebb = 0

Oldschoolgamer said:
Man, it's taking some getting use to Magneto now. His Jump-in-L is easy as hell to do though. His flight combo just needed a slight adjustment. Attraction -> Shockwave is some fun ass damage.
I'm so salty that Attraction/Repulsion got nerfed to shit. Fucking Justin Wong.
After play ok in the Scrub gaf last night, i went 0-10 in ranked this morning :(

I think im playing Nova wrong lol

Will the scrub gaf be active tonight? :) cant wait to get off work

JazzmanZ said:
I've started seeing some of the DLC costumes online now, did anyone get theirs yet?

i got the amazon code this morning


Twisted-Gamer said:
After play ok in the Scrub gaf last night, i went 0-10 in ranked this morning :(

I think im playing Nova wrong lol

Will the scrub gaf be active tonight? :) cant wait to get off work
Are you on 360? Wouldn't mind getting in some scrub lobbies tonight.


Finally got that mission 10. It had a lot of specific timing things.

The jump H has to be done late, as well as the follow up S has to be done late. You also have to neutral jump like mentioned above or else you cross under and fuck it up. The QCB L, QCB H, QCF H, wants the QCF H to be timed right when the 2nd up kick hits the opponent.
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