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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Wait so Nova does have 900.000 and not 875 as reported earlier?
Knux-Future said:
Thanks for the help guys.

The road to mediocrity starts now.
LOL, I started watching that Zero video again and the first combo they show in slow motion doesn't work anymore in ultimate. So don't use that as a reference, just for entertainment.


Mrs. Harvey
Oddly enough based on what is so far, PSN seems to be running more smoothly than LIVE. I think I only had one laggy match so far out of whatever was for 2 hours.
Overall though, the netcode is better than AE. Now only if spectator mode was up to par. Not being able to boot people is a big womp womp womp.

Lobby is full but people are chatting in stream.

You know, I really have to commend Capcom for the online here.

I have no issues finding ranked opponents to fight on the regular. I hated that so much about vanilla. I literally had to stop playing certain nights because the game couldn't find ranked opponents to fight (open NAT, no issues in other games).


I didnt get a chance to play MVC3 that much thanks to crunch, but I'm having problems with using assists (when to call them, how to use them to continue combos from otgs and picking up enemies). It feels like the only thing holding me back from being king of scrubs :(
Kadey said:
Oddly enough based on what is so far, PSN seems to be running more smoothly than LIVE. I think I only had one laggy match so far out of whatever was for 2 hours.
Overall though, the netcode is better than AE. Now only if spectator mode was up to par. Not being able to boot people is a big womp womp womp.

Lobby is full but people are chatting in stream.

I hope they patch in booting folks. That shit sucks if the dude is afk hogging up a slot.
d0c_zaius said:
I didnt get a chance to play MVC3 that much thanks to crunch, but I'm having problems with using assists (when to call them, how to use them to continue combos from otgs and picking up enemies). It feels like the only thing holding me back from being king of scrubs :(
Are you using an OTG assist like Wesker or Deadpool, or are you using your point character's OTG move and calling an assist like Akuma to juggle them?
I hate the new She-Hulk, they ruined my Emerald Goddess :(

Thinking of going with Task and Trish as the core of my squad, whos a decent fit for the pair of them? Might go Wolvie, Trish, Task. Looking for someone relatively strait foward w/ decent health. Other options include Deadpool, Ryu or Nova.

Any suggestions?


good credit (by proxy)
haunts said:
We just released out UMVC3 guide today, and while its a work in progress at this point we do plan on updating it weekly now that the game is out. Currently working with Brokentier to add in some awesome stuff in the following months so keep an eye on it. :)


Also, if you guys see any corrections to be made or want to contribute in anyway just hit the tips email at the top of the page there.

FUCKING TEAM BUILDING GUIDE! EXACTLY what I needed to get into this game!


Knux-Future said:
Any tips on how not to suck?

I'm currently using the SFIV fightpad and that's not helping so far, so I went back to the reg ps3 pad and now I'm back to just mashing.

I got a shiity fightstick but have no clue how to use it.

Man...it's like I never left lol.

Still I want to get at least mediocre at this game. Got the guide (I'm a whore for guides man) and plan on pouring over that and getting in the lab this time around.

But first I need to find a damn team...the only guy I'm half decent with is SSJ Ryu but even then I just spam the kamehameha wave until two characters are dead(works everytime...yeeeah).

I know I need a good main and anchor but can't seem to find one that I know wtf I'm doing with.

Still having a lot of fun so far even though I'm getting lit up like a Christmas tree online(gonna stay off of that for a bit)

If you're using Ryu you should know that without an assist covering your approach or locking down an opponent for you that you're pretty limited on how to get inside. Thats been alleviated some in Ultimate since Vanilla though since Hado-spam with S seems to at least block some things to stay safe off a dash, but it won't really move you forward enough to simply dash, spam since it'll leave them enough time to teleport or possibly jump punish you while you're doing it.

Go for super jump or jump LIGHT tatsu in the air since it crosses people up as your main approach. Its pretty safe on block and has a tendency to screw people up even if they know its coming sometimes. Do that and then jump and block to bait out people trying to punish your frequent Tatsu attempts. This generally can lead to full combo, but if they're too high to combo after the block you can input Shoryuken with S and mash to get the hado Shoruken to punish them with a bunch of fireballs in the air above you. Good meter build too.Failing this Jumping Light is actually pretty good on priority and since his norval L attacks are also mashable you can just mash after the confirm to go into the rest of your ground series. Also if you jump in a lot try to get good at air throws as a really scary way to panic guys on your approach. One airthrow with RYU is always followable into an air Shinko for big punishment. With Air X-factor it gets even worse for the poor thrown bastard you hit with that throw.

That covers Ryu approach with no options. However, get yourself a beam user or something that covers a decent distance in front of you that you can wave dash through on the ground to really make Ryu threatening. He's got no way to really motor on the ground into someones face without one. Take your pick on who to use for this. I can safely say that Ghost Rider is not as good as you'd think for this. Go for someone with a projectile that'll beat out or cancel someone else's projectiles a lot. Plasma Beam with Doom is pretty darn good for this. Other options are Magneto,Sent,Task&Hawkeye (to a degree) and for smaller have screen dash ups Ammy Coldstar is pretty good.

A solid pairing for Ryu is generally one assist to enhance mobility and one to OTG since without one you generally have to end all your combos with a meter early since its his only OTG option. Again this is something thats up to you on who you prefer since there are lots to choose from. Try to choose someone that would benefit from having a combo extender in the form of Ryu's tatsu if you can. Tatsu is really his best assist, but its not safe for covering someone's approach since it doesn't cancel projectiles. Big fat spinning target so no spamming it. Still if you find someone with an OTG assist who could use a nice long hitting assist like Tatsu to keep things going for them in the corner after their OTG to extend things into a longer combo go for it.

Thats all I got. I mained Ryu in Vanilla so those are my pieces of advice for how to make a team that works for him and can still function with him if you tag him out.
Whoohoo! UPS confirmed delivery at home.
GAF Scrub 360 ill be on in an hour hit me up if you want to practice some matches.
GT: Toonami918

El Sloth

A Human Becoming said:
Man, I can't do the z-motion to the right if my life depended on it. :(
What are you having trouble with exactly? And if you don't mind me asking, what are you playing on?

Just in case you don't already know: The "z" motion is, Forward - Down - Down Forward + Button Press. Go into training mode and make sure you have input display turned on. Then try doing the motion and see what the game is saying you're actually doing.




God's Beard said:


Thats his facial expression during crH lol
Seriously though I dig crH with Nemesis. Gets him some nice screen mobility. Nemesis' ghetto charging star.


Didn't check the damage yet, but right now one of my team's I'm trying to make work is Iron Fist, Frank, and Vergil, but the way I have it set up I believe I can get Frank from 1-4 in one combo if I have both assists available, otherwise it's level 3 without any assists if Frank is on point.

If Iron Fist is on point you can open someone up, and during the IF combo in the early portion you can call in Frank's shopping cart assist to add a lot of hits, then when you do the slow stagger with IF in his Rekka's which I think is ending on QCF + M, you can then tag in Frank, and go slide into launcher, do his air combo, put the opponent back on the ground, vergil assist as you do hammer, then bat, then launch, into air hit into photograph.

Trying to add in as much as possible and not waste any meter so I can get to level 4 Frank, tag his ass out, and use Vergil then to kick ass, IF to back him up, and leave level 4 frank as anchor.

Seriously, Frank can fit on ANY team thanks to his shopping cart assist and how easy it is to hit level 4. He's gotta be top 5 in this game.


Mrs. Harvey
_dementia said:
I hope they patch in booting folks. That shit sucks if the dude is afk hogging up a slot.

Having this problem right now. Two people idling since the lobby started. How can Capcom miss something so simple?

Plus another annoying feature is the spectating watermark in the middle of the screen. Yeah, we're aware that we are spectating. No need to tell us.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Kadey said:
Plus another annoying feature is the spectating watermark in the middle of the screen. Yeah, we're aware that we are spectating. No need to tell us.

It always ends up on people's foreheads on the win screen for whatever reason, which I find kind of funny.
I'm reading the IPW team building guide and I can safely say that it will be a godsend to folks who don't get how to build teams properly.
Kadey said:
Having this problem right now. Two people idling since the lobby started. How can Capcom miss something so simple?

Plus another annoying feature is the spectating watermark in the middle of the screen. Yeah, we're aware that we are spectating. No need to tell us.
Well... they did miss out on the entirety of spectator mode last time and that is pretty simple.


Did the DLC costumes get put up online anywhere to see them all that isn't that link we had earlier where I had to download individual zip files?


Karsticles said:
Ugh, Morrigan's new bnb is so hard to do.

It's awesome that Dormammu has so much style now in his combos. Fly combos, teleport cancels, all that good stuff...!
What's Morrigan's new bnb? Her damage seems better now at least. I dropped her from my team really early in the vanilla days, but I was pleasantly surprised my old super basic combo with her does over 500k now.


First time playing Vergil I reflexively did a QCF for Killer Bee, and I keep accidentally trying to Bold Cancel when I use Stinger. It's pretty bad, haha.
Kadey said:
Having this problem right now. Two people idling since the lobby started. How can Capcom miss something so simple?

Plus another annoying feature is the spectating watermark in the middle of the screen. Yeah, we're aware that we are spectating. No need to tell us.
I know! I mean, it'd be like a fighting game this generation not having spectating at all... :lol


Parallax Scroll said:
Are you using an OTG assist like Wesker or Deadpool, or are you using your point character's OTG move and calling an assist like Akuma to juggle them?

I'm using Arthurs fire bottle assist when trying to continue a Nemesis regular combo, or trying Hawkeyes poison shot but I don't really understand when to call the assist as it's always late.

I also have trouble with the second case you mentioned, using arthurs fire bottle to OTG then calling an assist to juggle them.

I'm sure its just a matter of finding that proper activation window and getting used to it.
d0c_zaius said:
I'm using Arthurs fire bottle assist when trying to continue a Nemesis regular combo, or trying Hawkeyes poison shot but I don't really understand when to call the assist as it's always late.

I also have trouble with the second case you mentioned, using arthurs fire bottle to OTG then calling an assist to juggle them.

I'm sure its just a matter of finding that proper activation window and getting used to it.

I think the general rule of thumb is to call it before you start your input for the OTG move -- basically, tap it sometime after the move you use to bring them to the ground, I think. Mission mode, in the middle to late stages, will give you a better idea of when to call things like that.

In general, hit the assist button sometime before your OTG input to adjust for the assist startup window.
d0c_zaius said:
I'm using Arthurs fire bottle assist when trying to continue a Nemesis regular combo, or trying Hawkeyes poison shot but I don't really understand when to call the assist as it's always late.

I also have trouble with the second case you mentioned, using arthurs fire bottle to OTG then calling an assist to juggle them.

I'm sure its just a matter of finding that proper activation window and getting used to it.
i think the problem is that you are using arthur


God's Beard said:
Magneto/Nemesis/Wesker is just a random team I made up on the spot -_-

I'm not very comfortable right now.
I'd drop nemesis vs Q matchups till you got him learnt. I sure as hell wouldn't play his team with Iron Fist no matter how much I love the character if Im green on him...well...unless I used Gamma wave to counter projectiles.

Anyhow...Magneto looked like he was gonna hit a H dash loop but it dropped. God though I think you got mindfucked or something because your Wesker and Magneto herp derped there for awhile at full screen. You've fought Q before though so maybe he had something you was afraid to challenge with disruptor or wesker teleports. I know his Shuma assist ate the teleoport at the end.


A Human Becoming said:
Man, I can't do the z-motion to the right if my life depended on it. :(


I can do it pretty decently in training, but then in the heat of a match, I just kind of start flailing and can't get the right motion and just end up jumping all over the place. :(
Yeah I suck.


For anyone else using Morrigan it seems like 6M is actually useful now. I don't remember being able to do much with it in vanilla but you can do 5M > 6M, and then use her meter stealing soulfist right after. You'll have to use an assist to continue the combo though.


Crossover Counters: When blocking, if you push forward and call an assist, that assist will appear on the screen and perform its assist, but you will now be in control of that assist, as it has become your new point character.

What does it mean by push forward. Does it mean I go out of blocking and press assist at the same time as I push forward on the stick?
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