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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Good going Olaf with that Dormmy. And thank you for using his command grabs. But that is his only tricks.

*try buffed Thor* Do it Olaf. he would be better without the ginormous hitbox.


are there any websites where you can read about character specific combos and strategies? or do most of you guys just watch streams and watch videos to learn about characters?
Gootecks is pretty much the only guy doing all of these things. Everybody is staying close to the mold already set. I like to see him succeed because he is truly passionate about what he does and he's always risking everything.
State many times already, people have their own ways of trying to drive forward the community but not really doing anything about it. The community needs more go-getters.

Didn't know it was just Gootecks behind all this. Makes it even more impressive. And I agree that it's fantastic to see someone trying to bring something new to the community. I'm sure most people out there would love to see more quality content like this stream.
No. Not notation. Execution. If we see you actually do this stuff you mention and it works and hits full combo then your golden. Notation posts only go so far as whoever bothers to write it down and then checks it in the lab themself and thats subject to their execution skills. Those aren't in question, but your execution skills are and this is how you can end that Beard. Its why I keep mentioning it so you can stop griping and being doubted.
You show yourself playing the game as good as you say. Maybe folks will even learn from you if you got good enough stuff Beard. Either way notation doesn't work. Vids or nothing man. Get on that.

Here's me hitting one frames with Dudley over a year ago:


my heavily outdated and partially incorrect dudley guide

Here's me getting a perfect on GAF's best Street Fighter player:


Here's me forcing two double kos in one match against GAF's best Marvel 3 player with the worst character in a completely unrelated and irrelevant game:


I used to keep all the recordings of me beating tournament players on my xbox, but my xbox is broken. I'd record new footage for you, but my camera is broken. I don't know what to tell you, man.


Above: me doing a modified Alioune loop


Mrs. Harvey
That means nothing GB. LOL.

Here's me doing a punch of one frame links.

Here's me perfecting and then trolling GAF's best.

Perfecting Seth isn't so out of the ordinary. He has low health and one or two mixups and he's dead. Remember that I beat Art? The best Seth in the U.S at the time. It means nothing though.

If you played consistently against people, I think people wouldn't be so hard on you. It's okay to accept yourself.


Here's me hitting one frames with Dudley over a year ago:

my heavily outdated and partially incorrect dudley guide

Here's me getting a perfect on GAF's best Street Fighter player:

Here's me forcing two double kos in one match against GAF's best Marvel 3 player with the worst character in a completely unrelated and irrelevant game:

I used to keep all the recordings of me beating tournament players on my xbox, but my xbox is broken. I'd record new footage for you, but my camera is broken. I don't know what to tell you, man.

Above: me doing a modified Alioune loop

Beard why are you dancing around this? Those are impressive and nice and all but THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MARVEL. I simply ask you to put up your UMVC3 tech you say you got. Thats it. Your tech for this game. Not SFIV. THIS GAME.

You've offered like everything but the only thing I'm asking for here. Cmon man just do it already and post a vid of your current tech offline in UMVC3. You said you had a nemesis combo at 650k and was going for 700k or something the other day with no meter used. Post that. Post your invisible Magneto stuff. Explain what your trying to do and attempt it a few times if nothing else so maybe someone else can help you crack that shit.

This is getting old though that I ask for only one thing and you dance around it. Seriously man I'm giving you a free way to end all the griefing and joking people give you by posting a vid of this stuff and your just inviting worse opinions of yourself by dancing around it so much.

Just post your current tech and end all this debate once and for all Beard. Geez.

EDIT: Man if I got an old webcam I will send you that shit if this is what it takes but you saying you got no way to record this? I call bullshit. Your only proof is broken and you got no way to record new stuff? No phone? No $10 webcam of 5 megapixel cheapness from Wal-mart or Amazon (currently in stock)? Seriously Beard I am disappointed. Till you post I'm just not inclined to buy anything you post about. At least I'll tell people I'm free and don't really have big tech to smirk about...


Holy shit, why are you on God's ass so bad. There is griefing, then there are the post that joke around. It's obvious which ones are which. If you play God's you can tell you knows what he is doing and that lag is holding him back. When we played the other day it was his FIRST time playing online in umvc3 and messing with new characters IN LAG BAD LAG AT THAT. Seriously chill the fuck out with the childish harassment. Why does he have to "prove his holy worth" or some shit like that.

Let alone I don't get where people are acting like God's is trying to act like he is the BEST GUY EVER WHO ACTUALLY REALLY SUCKS SO HE NEEDS TO PROVE WHAT HE IS SAYING. It's never been like that ever. Holy shit this is getting annoying to read.

I mean why does he even have to give out his tech, maybe he wants to keep it to himself. Til it gets revealed another way. Him saying it's possible should just make it so you want to figure it out yourself cause you now know it's possible, just cause he isn't giving away ALL THE INFO don't get so fucking butt hurt. You guys are treating him the same way you treated fucking Lupinko, getting salty as fuck over not getting all the info about something like a spoiled brat. Grow The Fuck Up, it's just a game.
I mean why does he even have to give out his tech, maybe he wants to keep it to himself. Til it gets revealed another way. Him saying it's possible should just make it so you want to figure it out yourself cause you now know it's possible, just cause he isn't giving away ALL THE INFO don't get so fucking butt hurt. You guys are treating him the same way you treated fucking Lupinko, getting salty as fuck over not getting all the info about something like a spoiled brat.
I won't argue with the rest of your post, but the simple fact is this: if you have tech and want to keep it to your self, then do that. Keep it to yourself. No one hated Lupinko just for knowing the roster. The irritation from from his "nana nana boo boo I know and you don't so let's play some dumb riddles" attitude. If you have secret tech, that's find, but keep it secret. Don't come on a forum, brag about having tech, and then refuse to share it. That's just being a bitch.

No, I'm not calling God's Beard a bitch. He's shared his stuff plenty of times in the past via notation. I just think it's a legitimate perspective to get annoyed about.


I won't argue with the rest of your post, but the simple fact is this: if you have tech and want to keep it to your self, then do that. Keep it to yourself. No one hated Lupinko just for knowing the roster. The irritation from from his "nana nana boo boo I know and you don't so let's play some dumb riddles" attitude. If you have secret tech, that's find, but keep it secret. Don't come on a forum, brag about having tech, and then refuse to share it. That's just being a bitch.

No, I'm not calling God's Beard a bitch. He's shared his stuff plenty of times in the past via notation. I just think it's a legitimate perspective to get annoyed about.

Nah, see I don't really look at it that way. I look at it like WAIT YOU CAN DO WHAT!? Oh shit guess I know something new to try for! It's twenty times better than never knowing it was possible in the first place.
Nah, see I don't really look at it that way. I look at it like WAIT YOU CAN DO WHAT!? Oh shit guess I know something new to try for! It's twenty times better than never knowing it was possible in the first place.
It depends on the circumstances. In this situation, it would be God's Beard saying there's a way to make Magneto invisible. How the hell could anyone even begin to experiment toward that?

And in this situation, it's not even something most of us want to shoot for, it's just something we want to see. I don't play Magneto or want to play Magneto, but I'd love to see what God's Beard is talking about.


It depends on the circumstances. In this situation, it would be God's Beard saying there's a way to make Magneto invisible. How the hell could anyone even begin to experiment toward that?

And in this situation, it's not even something most of us want to shoot for, it's just something we want to see. I don't play Magneto or want to play Magneto, but I'd love to see what God's Beard is talking about.

Yeah but he gave a huge ass hint about it.

I found a setup where I can turn Magneto invisible during a THC. I like this game.

This was actually shown at a major tourney on stream before in MvC3.


Mrs. Harvey
I don't really care about his tech. I just want him to play more games with GAFfers.
We all lag now and then but we still play against one another. It's the nature of online play at the moment. Some days it can be really bad whether you are using a $100+ internet connection or not. It is what it is. You get more kudos points for trying.

And what Kars said. It's not all about blowing him up or anything. People just want to see the interesting stuff. I make it a habit to watch every combo video and videos of stuff you normally cannot do in games.
GB obviously does not care but he cares enough to post subtle comments and then reply to whomever calls him out. Mainly Shaowebb. While I think he's borderline obsessive, it isn't wrong for him to do so.

It use to be the same way with me posting my combo videos and not playing against GAF as much. People shut up real quick once you start playing with them.
Nice set there, good comeback from being in the losers bracket.

So now that the tourney is over, anyone up for some Scrub GAF? I'm Gunstarheroes77, i'll make a lobby, just shoot me a message. Tournament has me in the mood to play some fights.
Yeah but he gave a huge ass hint about it.
This was actually shown at a major tourney on stream before in MvC3.
I assume he's talking about something new, and not just fucking around with Okami Shuffle THCs. Really though, for me it's just about wanting to see it - I don't care enough to experiment with a character I don't play or want to play. I just like seeing what can be done in this game.


Mrs. Harvey
I still have a lobby up for PSN if anybody wants in. I think it's just Ultimoo holding it down while Degen is "learning new tech."
GB is no Lupinko lol.

Lupinko gets shit on way more.
SRK has been kinda iffy since SF4 came out. Dat casual crowd.
I kinda stopped taking it seriously after the way the UMvC3 announcement was handled. I really do like the place, but it can definitely come off as one giant echo chamber sometimes.

Also, the community is pretty large so the number of dumbass posts can be pretty wacky. Not that I'm some great fountain of knowledge...
Mike: Can you teach me how to use Nova?
Yipes: Sure, but you gotta drop Hulk.
Mike: ...It was a pleasure talking to you!

The guy really should pick someone else.


I see what everyone's saying and all, but if you want to know why I ride him its what Karsticles said to some degree about Lupinko. Its the coming online, bragging, proving nothing, and then leaving it that way with kind of a "im so cool" attitude that I'm just tired of. That and the fact that anytime someone shows up excited about something he'll shit on it while we are always wrong if we point out things about his own stuff to watch out for.

I'll lay off asking for actual proof if you want, but it doesn't change anything really. If you got tech then just post it, describe it fully or prove it so we can learn about it, but if you want it secret don't jerk us around and don't sneer at other people so much when they try to give you other perspectives on things you do or may need to look out for.

Simply put. Post a vid and people can stop questioning whether or not to take your posts and opinions seriously. Its not griefing...its telling him up front that this is how it is and how you're seen. You want it to end then this is a free and simple way. I'd love for him to have some tech, but this much dancing is weird. Even if it turns out he's a scrub somehow (which I actually do doubt) I'm cool with it because at least then we'd know one way or the other and could stop having to think either believe in Beard or totally blow him off. If it turns out he simply lacks online capabilities by proving he has execution offline then all doubts are gone and he is king of the world again. All he can do here is win by doing what I say so why be offended by me asking for proof.
It use to be the same way with me posting my combo videos and not playing against GAF as much. People shut up real quick once you start playing with them.

When I had an xbox, I played with gaffers every single day(mostly vex, saty and greg) in SSFIV(and a little Marvel 2 towards the end). When it broke, I was playing gaffers on GGPO every single day in ST, 3s, Jojos, Alpha 2, Last Blade 2, etc. When I got my PS3, I tried but lag was too bad. Now that I'm in a new apartment, I have more access to locals and worse internet, but I still try to play a few times a week on AE PC. I even entered a couple of the tournaments, yours included.

I've always been playing with gaffers, but it's mostly been through live directly or IRC and almost never through the threads.


Storm's wind control and Sent's drones work so well together. I need a third character for this team though, and I hate Magneto.

Poor Tron is so ass in this version. Her assist and jump C was all she had and now she has neither. Great job Capcom!
Ultimoo, I hope you appreciate the irony of asking me how I can enjoy sitting back and throwing out tons of Stalking Flares from full screen, and the way you play your new point character is literally just throwing up a shield and mashing out A+S. :)

I'm glad you found something to compliment your f.HHHHH main, with A+S, A+S, A+S, A+S, A+S.

I kid. Looks like you have a nice Nova.
Ultimoo, I hope you appreciate the irony of asking me how I can enjoy sitting back and throwing out tons of Stalking Flares from full screen, and the way you play your new point character is literally just throwing up a shield and mashing out A+S. :)

I'm glad you found something to compliment your f.HHHHH main, with A+S, A+S, A+S, A+S, A+S.

I kid. Looks like you have a nice Nova.

Hey, you forgot Nova's bnb consists of launch then HHHHHHHHHHHHHH. LOL.


Storm's wind control and Sent's drones work so well together. I need a third character for this team though, and I hate Magneto.

Poor Tron is so ass in this version. Her assist and jump C was all she had and now she has neither. Great job Capcom!

been saying tron is bad since day 1
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