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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Storm's wind control and Sent's drones work so well together. I need a third character for this team though, and I hate Magneto.

Poor Tron is so ass in this version. Her assist and jump C was all she had and now she has neither. Great job Capcom!

but everyone is magneto in this game.


Storm's wind control and Sent's drones work so well together. I need a third character for this team though, and I hate Magneto.

Poor Tron is so ass in this version. Her assist and jump C was all she had and now she has neither. Great job Capcom!

MODOK. No shit. Drones aid his keep away game and if you corner them or do a snap out combo you can pop a shield in front of them and call drones and they'll go over their head cutting off any jump or teleport escapage from their cornered state. Fish for high lows with cubes and jamming bombs there.

Storm Whirlwind would help you to corner folks for MODOK combos too. MODOK Jamming bomb would equate to huge trolling of jump in attempts against either Storm or Sent and if you don't like this you could always go blaster or barrier to push people out. Blaster is my choice out of the two since both Storm and Sent have great air dashes to let you setup overheads off a beam assist.

Just remember MODOK combos are pretty much H, D+H, and analyze cubes. Dont screw up and hit DF+H or you'll throw an anti-air attack instead of a low one. Other than that bit of knowledge he's not too hard and he's pretty versatile for these two in team building. M is his OTG by the way and its lasts for 60 frames so yay long combos.


I'd say Taskmaster vs. Nova is a 6-4 matchup in Task's favour.

Any airdash from Nova leads to full combo for Taskmaster

Now if I could be a little more lame as Dormammu and actually start playing like its not vanilla, it'd be nice...
So am I the only Gaffer that runs a Skrull? I thought more people would pick him up after his buffs. He's a lot of fun to play plus he packs a heavy punch. I love being able to OCV a team with him + Sent drones assist. I keep Wesker in the chamber in case everything goes to shit (which it usually does).


Any airdash from Nova leads to full combo for Taskmaster
Can Nova cancel airdash into his energy shield thingy? If so maybe he can troll Taskmaster or something with a dash into one...
So am I the only Gaffer that runs a Skrull? I thought more people would pick him up after his buffs. He's a lot of fun to play plus he packs a heavy punch. I love being able to OCV a team with him + Sent drones assist. I keep Wesker in the chamber in case everything goes to shit (which it usually does).
I like Skrull and want to use him after all the fun he game me during my sendoff playthrough of vanilla, but I just can't comeup with a team for him. I'd like to though...it'd give me a nice 3rd team to switch to in sets on occasion.
I like Skrull and want to use him after all the fun he game me during my sendoff playthrough of vanilla, but I just can't comeup with a team for him. I'd like to though...it'd give me a nice 3rd team to switch to in sets on occasion.

If captain badass is who I think he is, you would probably dig a small green villain. :p


Can Nova cancel airdash into his energy shield thingy? If so maybe he can troll Taskmaster or something with a dash into one...
Basically, when I play Ultimoo, I change how I play depending on what he does. If he does energy javelin spam, I start moving in and firing arrows accordingly - if he starts rushdown (i.e. air dash in) then I start mighty swinging and cancelling to arrows if necessary (yay Taskmaster's jump C) And if he air dashes forward and I happen to hit him...full combo for me.

Then again, Nova has a lot of mobility and his airthrows lead to a lot of meter and damage, and Sentinel drones are kinda annoying. So it comes down to who gets who first, really.
Nova can troll Taskmaster with his shield and lance and just cancel his airdash into human rocket at sight of arrows. Nova gives a lot of lamers trouble in the long run.
No, but is instant and on sight of projectiles, players will throw it out.

Why Nova going to be good. He looks to have no absolutely horrendous matchups. Looks to have matchups that could be determined by luck.

His worst matchups are going to be 6-4. Just an overall solid char.
So am I the only Gaffer that runs a Skrull? I thought more people would pick him up after his buffs. He's a lot of fun to play plus he packs a heavy punch. I love being able to OCV a team with him + Sent drones assist. I keep Wesker in the chamber in case everything goes to shit (which it usually does).

no because skrull is ugly


No, but is instant and on sight of projectiles, players will throw it out.

Why Nova going to be good. He looks to have no absolutely horrendous matchups. Looks to have matchups that could be determined by luck.

His worst matchups are going to be 6-4. Just an overall solid char.
Seems more like a guessing game to me - I doubt players would be able to predict projectiles around midscreen. And I haven't seen Nova players do amazingly well against other aerial characters - namely Storm or Magneto.

Still week 1 - lots more tech to be discovered anyways.
Against Storm and Magneto it is a 5-5. Comes down to whoever touches the other first.

Like you said week 1. Eventually Nova users will go hyper off of projectile.

Against Ghost Rider I give it to Ghost Rider in 6-4. Vergil is 5-5. Nova won't have many overwhelming matchups unlike other chars but the fact that it is looking like his worst matchup will be 6-4 makes him a good char.

But even then, some of the top tier chars will have so many matchups in there favor it will be ridiculous. He will be like Spencer, only a couple bad matchups but the chars above him just have better matchups overall.


nova's human rocket hyper has no invincibility on start up. there isn't enough time to react to a hyper if it travels the screen fast enough. trust me, I try every time LOL
I was referring to projectiles in general. Know opponent is throwing out projectiles, throw it out there.

Depends on how quickly the hyper is. But that comes down to frame data.

AZ Greg

Here's me getting a perfect on GAF's best Street Fighter player:




Well I changed my mind and I'm gonna stick with Captain America as a point character. I read that his Backflip now has some invincibility, and I never even thought to use his double jump in combos :|

So now I'm trying to learn a BnB with him. Could someone help me pick a second character? For now, Taskmaster is my placeholder. Pretty sure I'm gonna use Sentinel as an anchor.


MODOK. No shit. Drones aid his keep away game and if you corner them or do a snap out combo you can pop a shield in front of them and call drones and they'll go over their head cutting off any jump or teleport escapage from their cornered state. Fish for high lows with cubes and jamming bombs there.

Storm Whirlwind would help you to corner folks for MODOK combos too. MODOK Jamming bomb would equate to huge trolling of jump in attempts against either Storm or Sent and if you don't like this you could always go blaster or barrier to push people out. Blaster is my choice out of the two since both Storm and Sent have great air dashes to let you setup overheads off a beam assist.

Just remember MODOK combos are pretty much H, D+H, and analyze cubes. Dont screw up and hit DF+H or you'll throw an anti-air attack instead of a low one. Other than that bit of knowledge he's not too hard and he's pretty versatile for these two in team building. M is his OTG by the way and its lasts for 60 frames so yay long combos.

Sounds great, I might give it a shot. I can think of some nasty set ups with barrier.

Use Felicia. Watch what Felicia and Storm can do together from 0:28:55 onwards:


It doesn't look like Storm benefits much from Felicia though.
Well I changed my mind and I'm gonna stick with Captain America as a point character. I read that his Backflip now has some invincibility, and I never even thought to use his double jump in combos :|

So now I'm trying to learn a BnB with him. Could someone help me pick a second character? For now, Taskmaster is my placeholder. Pretty sure I'm gonna use Sentinel as an anchor.

Task assist seems redundant with Sentinel drones. I don't know what assists help Cap, maybe something to control vertical space like Dante jam session or Hulk anti-air.


Task assist seems redundant with Sentinel drones. I don't know what assists help Cap, maybe something to control vertical space like Dante jam session or Hulk anti-air.

Thanks for the advice.
I was also thinking about getting an OTG assist. Cap's air throw seems very hard to follow up with Shield Slash, and earlier posts seem to say that air throw follow-ups are crucial for a point character.
Good projectile assist or something like the tatsus or shopping cart will help Cap with his cartwheel shenanigans. The other assist should be something to help extend Cap's OTG combos to two reps, so something to catch off of his L Shield Slash.
Nice little discovery over at Nova forums:

Well.... Nova's centurion rush M(divekick aka assist) ignores the ground bounce limit and his fully charged Gravimetric pulse L/M ignore the wallbounce limit.

Sounds fun huh?


Good projectile assist or something like the tatsus or shopping cart will help Cap with his cartwheel shenanigans. The other assist should be something to help extend Cap's OTG combos to two reps, so something to catch off of his L Shield Slash.
I'm using Sentinel drones as a projectile. Is extending combos that useful for Cap? I seem to be able to use L Shield Slash twice in a normal BnB for close to 700k for now....but I'll be getting better.

Protip: Use Wesker
Surprisingly, it doesn't seem to work after an air throw. Tried out Heartless Spire as well.
Yes being able to extend combos helps you increase the damage as well as build more meter for DHC. And Sent drones can do that or tatsu like assist. Just think of who you want to use and experiment. Nothing more can be said.


Yes being able to extend combos helps you increase the damage as well as build more meter for DHC. And Sent drones can do that or tatsu like assist. Just think of who you want to use and experiment. Nothing more can be said.
Ok, I thought that because L Shield Slash did OTG, an OTG assist wasn't necessary. Thanks.

I hope to find one that works with his air throw. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
The L does but it has to be cancelled into Hyper charging star. So using Sent drones after wards allows you to throw in another rep before you hyper.

So allows you to extend your damage even more so than how much Cap already does. Which he does a ton already.


The L does but it has to be cancelled into Hyper charging star. So using Sent drones after wards allows you to throw in another rep before you hyper.

So allows you to extend your damage even more so than how much Cap already does. Which he does a ton already.
Ok...as you've guessed I'm a total scrub, but how are drones supposed to have the time to get to the opponent after the shield slash? They come in like 2 seconds too late.


You don't have to use an assist to OTG. It's just a lot easier and applicable to more situations. In an ideal situation, you can just OTG without the need of an assist.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Felicia having a legit dive kick is so great. Zipping from corner to corner all day.
Taskmaster is still a boss. That guy can move now.
I don't know how to do anything properly with Hawkeye except Gimlet XFC Gimlet, but that shit wins matches all by itself lol. It's like a Bionic Arm in projectile form!


Alligator F*ck House
Ran into Combofiend online and played a bunch of games. Really pleased with my set team of Wesker, Doom, Strider. Still figuring stuff out tho. Might post some of the matches later.
Current team is Frank (shopping cart), Deadpool (katana), Morrigan (meter gain). I boost Frank with Morrigan or just combo until I have 2 meters, land a combo or just rip a combination hyper and get Frank up to lv 4. Jump a lot and mash M ftw!
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