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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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So im in the gallery and listening to Vergil's sound bites and wtf am I hearing? "the flames of vengeance couldnt even melt a marshmallow" or something like that lol. Who the hell does he say that too?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
GGs, Beef. Even though I'm convinced your router is sentient and knew I was winning that match. :lol

And damn, whoever said your anchor Ryu was awesome wasn't lying. Also Phoenix Wright, I said holy shit. Game needs replays so bad, so I can watch that RKO-style OUT OF NOWHERE ass whoopin' you gave me with him. :D
GGs, Beef. Even though I'm convinced your router is sentient and knew I was winning that match. :lol

And damn, whoever said your anchor Ryu was awesome wasn't lying. Also Phoenix Wright, I said holy shit. Game needs replays so bad, so I can watch that RKO-style OUT OF NOWHERE ass whoopin' you gave me with him. :D

That was more of a Cena victory, what with those damn odds I had to overcome!


Membero Americo
Trying out Capt. A/Dr.Doom/Frank West.

I love Frank. It's the character which I can deal the most damage with atm.
After seeing Dieminion and Chris G's Morrigan is there anyone who still thinks that Morrigan hasn't been buffed greatly from vanilla? Can't believe the scrubby "OMG SHE CAN'T BLOCK IN AIR DASH SHE SUCKS" nonsense.


After seeing Dieminion and Chris G's Morrigan is there anyone who still thinks that Morrigan hasn't been buffed greatly from vanilla? Can't believe the scrubby "OMG SHE CAN'T BLOCK IN AIR DASH SHE SUCKS" nonsense.

to be fair she can't block in the air dash though
to be fair she can't block in the air dash though

But she can't block in half of her air dash too in vanilla and it's not like anyone who knows how to use her would use her air dash like she's Ammy or Spiderman. So those complaining about how they nerfed her pretty much didn't know what they were talking about.


well remember that you can cancel a blocked slide into trick shot.
Seriously, I would slide into trickshot in training mode for 5 minutes straight just to completely glue in my head that you can do that. I only ever remember when I activate x-factor and want to go nuts.

And I'd totally buy Jill and Shuma if they went on sale. I never bought them cause I figured it was a waste of money. MvC3 has been out for almost a year and there's still a bunch of characters I haven't put any time into.


Okay, been trying to learn the new Felicia, and I realized something... I cannot do jumping DP motion. I've got regular DP motion down in both directions, but doing it after Up-Forward just doesn't work for me. It just short circuits something in my head when I try. Any execution tips on an arcade stick?

I was thinking if a UF, U, UB, B, DB, D, DB roll along the edge of the stick would trigger it? Or will I have to go through neutral?


Okay, been trying to learn the new Felicia, and I realized something... I cannot do jumping DP motion. I've got regular DP motion down in both directions, but doing it after Up-Forward just doesn't work for me. It just short circuits something in my head when I try. Any execution tips on an arcade stick?

I was thinking if a UF, U, UB, B, DB, D, DB roll along the edge of the stick would trigger it? Or will I have to go through neutral?

Yeah, I have the same issues as you.

I think that a few training sessions when all I do is do any kind of random dashing in one direction -> DP motion for an hour or two, and then my muscles will loosen up properly.

mr. puppy

i think i'm going to ditch taskmaster for hawkeye. that slide is just too good and he zones much better, though task has better option selects and overall ground game.

but seriously, fuck gimlet.


Okay, been trying to learn the new Felicia, and I realized something... I cannot do jumping DP motion. I've got regular DP motion down in both directions, but doing it after Up-Forward just doesn't work for me. It just short circuits something in my head when I try. Any execution tips on an arcade stick?

I was thinking if a UF, U, UB, B, DB, D, DB roll along the edge of the stick would trigger it? Or will I have to go through neutral?

slow down your mind, go neutral often.


The problem with the DLC characters is that they are both characters you gotta put work into them. If either of them had Wesker-like simplicity, I feel like you'd see them a lot more.


I never see anyone use Jill or Shuma..

Are they ass or somethin?

Jill is ultra hard to use. Her Beast mode is just a failed concept that Capcom decided to ignore instead of rehaul. Plus this is a probably the least liked version of her to boot.

Shuma should never have been in the game, making him a DLC character is the most absolute dumb fuck move a company could do.


Aside from the Cross Counter TV: UMvC3 Launch tournament they are selling, are there any other streams that sell their recordings? I'd like to get some of the streams downloaded onto my iPad for an upcoming flight, and the launch tournament is only 3 and a half hours so I wouldn't mind having more.
I really want to learn Wright, but he just doesn't seem feasible :/
It's not even getting the evidence that's the problem, it's hitting that stupid objection afterwards.
Jill is ultra hard to use. Her Beast mode is just a failed concept that Capcom decided to ignore instead of rehaul. Plus this is a probably the least liked version of her to boot.

You're supposed to look at the moveset, not the appearance of the character. :p
That's what they tell me at least, when I say I wanted Ken. :lol

I never really had a problem with Jill's RE5 incarnation and I understand why Capcom used her (blame Frank, Wesker, and Chris if you don't like her). I liked her character, I just don't mesh well with her moveset, so I don't really use her. Watching someone like Max use her in the assist me videos though -- she looks bad ass. I remember when she was first shown and people were saying how useless her 360 machine gun spray hyper was... apparently it was just part of the complex design that people hadn't discovered the uses for yet. :)


slow down your mind, go neutral often.
Slow down my mind, go neutral... You know, thanks to this somewhat cryptic advice, I think I know what I'm doing wrong now. It's so obvious when I look at it movement by movement, really.

When I jump in the game, I HOLD Up+Direction. I don't need to do that, it's not Mario, the height of the jump is not determined by how long I hold the direction. Jumping is supposed to be a tap, not a charge. This might also explain why I never got superjump at 100% execution either. I focus too much on the holding part, when it's not needed.

So, thanks! I got something I need to try now. Because tap jump makes Air DP the exact same as ground DP if I let the stick hit neutral first.

So all that's left, really, is the same thing as when I practiced the normal DP. 10 Air Delta Kicks facing right, 10 facing left. In a row. Miss one and I start that set over. That's how I got the Shoryuken down.
Slow down my mind, go neutral... You know, thanks to this somewhat cryptic advice, I think I know what I'm doing wrong now. It's so obvious when I look at it movement by movement, really.

When I jump in the game, I HOLD Up+Direction. I don't need to do that, it's not Mario, the height of the jump is not determined by how long I hold the direction. Jumping is supposed to be a tap, not a charge. This might also explain why I never got superjump at 100% execution either. I focus too much on the holding part, when it's not needed.

So, thanks! I got something I need to try now. Because tap jump makes Air DP the exact same as ground DP if I let the stick hit neutral first.

So all that's left, really, is the same thing as when I practiced the normal DP. 10 Air Delta Kicks facing right, 10 facing left. In a row. Miss one and I start that set over. That's how I got the Shoryuken down.

I think you've got it, at least what you need to do/work on. Up > Neutral > SRK.

lol que?

Oh wait, DR2K. k.

Hate a character all you want, that's your right -- but he does have a point -- if they were going to hold back a character that wasn't quite finished yet, doing so with Shuma and expecting him to sell was kind of a bad marketing idea. I mean, they must've had another Marvel character that was almost done -- they had Jill and Shuma who weren't quite finished but were on disc and then Frank who they did a bunch of work on but had major bugs with so they cut him out... so that means there should've been a Marvel character cut when Frank and/or Jill weren't ready (to go with Shuma). Maybe it was Ghost Rider, since they were saying they were having trouble figuring out how to incorporate the bike and such? Think about it -- how many people would've shelled out the $5 for Ghost Rider if he the original Marvel DLC character? Probably a lot more than those who bought Shuma. :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Dr Strange is thankful for upGamma Charge assist. Thanks Bruce, for blowin up my blind spot.

Dr Strange is thankful for the Vishanty+Gamma Crush. Cuz when given a birthday, you gotta go all out. Thanks Bruce.

Hulk is thankful for Daggers. Cuz with no Daggers Hulk has no Hope, no left-right mixup. Thanks Sir Arthur.


Aside from the Cross Counter TV: UMvC3 Launch tournament they are selling, are there any other streams that sell their recordings? I'd like to get some of the streams downloaded onto my iPad for an upcoming flight, and the launch tournament is only 3 and a half hours so I wouldn't mind having more.

I would love to see more tournaments being sold in high quality, I couldn't resist the Cross Counter one and I hope to see more.


Jill is ultra hard to use. Her Beast mode is just a failed concept that Capcom decided to ignore instead of rehaul. Plus this is a probably the least liked version of her to boot.

Shuma should never have been in the game, making him a DLC character is the most absolute dumb fuck move a company could do.

Agree. Terrible, terrible choice for Shuma as a DLC character (I'd argue the game in general), especially when it seems they're using it as a barometer for interest in DLC in general. Same for Jill but to a lesser degree.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I have to agree that putting your most obscure character by a longshot in as DLC doesn't provide much enticement. I also think that if Jill was a little more scrub friendly to play it would have helped out her sales.
Why shouldn't Shuma be in the game? Just curious. Remember him from MvC2..

He's an obscure Marvel character that has made less than a handful of appearances in comics. Yet for all the "OMG what a funny looking octopus!!!!" design Capcom gave to him they seem to have missed out how he's supposed to be the god of multiple dimensions and someone vastly more powerful than Galactus or Dorm. He was a revolutionary and darling design during the Marvel Superheroes days (one of the first non-humanoid to appear in fighting games) but essentially he's a wasted slot in MvC3 and could have gone to a better character if not for the tentacle fetish of some guys in Capcom. And yeah making him a DLC was a ridiculous decision.

Morrigan is better not because of her buffs, but just general system changes and top character nerfs.

The soul fist buff is huge, the big damage and hit stun makes her now one of the best zoners in this game as the big 2 tourney showed. The much lower minimum air dash height and ability to combo off air throws are 2 other huge buffs.


Question about Magneto:

Does anyone have a link to how to do his new loops and basic BnB's in UMvC3? I only find MvC3 tutorials, and the ones I ran into are a bit meh.


The physical form of blasphemy
Question about Magneto:

Does anyone have a link to how to do his new loops and basic BnB's in UMvC3? I only find MvC3 tutorials, and the ones I ran into are a bit meh.

Fanatiq: MSS Then and Now

To do Alioune's Blast Loop, you have to do a dash forward when you land:

so something like, c.H, S, j.H, adf, j.H, magnetic blast L, land, dash forward, [either j.M, j.H, magnetic blast L, or c.H, S], whatever else you want

edit: Combo video in the Maggy forums on Srk.
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