I'm really just more interested in just general Vergil tech. Most of my tech comes from teleports with assists, Round Trip teleport derp, and some OTG shenanigens with Spencer's Slant Shot. OTG + Slant Shot, teleport down into low/ground-throw/Rapid Slash. It's not the safest method, but no one seems to expect it haha.
If Helm Breaker -> Call Slant Shot -> Hightime -> assist connects combos then your team is set. Really one of the most important things with Vergil is being able to get good damage off of Helm Breaker and if he has that he doesn't need an OTG assist. I have a set up with Nova where I can do Helm Breaker -> Call Centurion Arts -> Hightime -> assist hits but it's some what space/timing dependent although guaranteed in the corner. Centurion Arts resets ground bounce so I don't have to worry about that at all. Plus Centurion Arts gives me BRAIN DEAD easy unblockable set ups and simultaneous high/low + right/left mix ups with Vergil.
Helm Breaker can be whiffed teleport cancelled or OS into Rapid Slash. You can just input Helm Breaker -> DP + H. If it whiffs you get a safe air teleport, if it connects/blocked you get Rapid Slash out. Helm Breaker can even be cancelled into S on block to catch someone attempting to punish that move.
The best hit confirm/block string of Vergil is LMH f+H Rising Sun Trick Down. On block it's unpunishable as it's only -2 or -3 on block. And if it hits you get the BnB. Really if you are WHIFFING with st.H and Stinger which are both 3/4th screen covering normals then you should be playing a different character.
Round Trip in the corner is stupid. They can't see it coming back. On in coming characters you throw round trip under them, do a dash under cross up (so you end up backed to the corner) and if they block it you can time your M teleport with the Round Trip on return into so now they are back in the corner except when you teleport they get hit with the RT.
HSH Upper Slash series is godlike for resets. Basically after you have used your ground bounce, when you hit someone with HSH the final H will put them into soft knockdown recovery where depending on if they are holding back or forward they will roll. If they are holding back for back roll, just call assist as soon as you connect H into Trick M with an assist like Akuma or Frank West shopping cart and they get opened up. If you think they are expecting the cross up and holding forward for the forward role, you can do Trick L FAKE cross up and they get opened up that way. So many people expect Vergil to trick behind them that they get opened up with the Trick L numerous times.
A little known mind game aspect of Vergil is that the start up animation of Judgment Cut and Rapid Slash is very similar because he backs up before he does it. Same someone blocks that mix up above, you can do ABC Stinger into Rapid Slash for the cross up. There is a small window where they have to block forward or back and in this window they have to see if you are using Rapid Slash or not. When people see Vergil back up, they expect Rapid Slash however if you through out a Judgment Cut instead they get confused and block wrong and you can Devil Trigger to confirm into a combo off of Judgment Cut (you would need DT anyway to confirm off Rapid Slash).
I probably have a ton of day 1 stuff that I am missing but these stuff is what I have been messing around with lately. During combos involving Judgment Cut you can link a st.L and go into STANDARD Wesker like mix ups/resets after the st.L. Dash under cross up (aka Ryan Hunter), jump up air grab, jump up air loop (Vergil's is MMH instead of LHS), jump up Helm Breaker OS (d/f+H into DP+H), teleport mix ups either L or M or even a Round Trip mix up.
There are also a ton of gimmicks that you can do with Vergil involving meter that people never see coming. Against an incoming character, stuff like activate Spiral Sword dash under is stupid dirty because it's an instant right/left mix up. People underestimate Vergil's capability to dash under anti-air because he has godlike anti-airs and a fast Wesker like dash.
Aight Dahbomb, here's a simple question. My main team is Zero/Wesker/Vergil. Marn plays it Vergil/Zero/Wesker. What do you think is the best order for that team?
Marn doesn't know how to play Vergil. In fact he doesn't even know how to play Wesker. Your team order is fine but Marn's isn't that bad either especially if you want to learn Vergil (and the best way to learn Vergil is to play him on point). When you play Vergil on point you learn where his strengths and weaknesses are as well as valuable match up experience. Once you learn Vergil on point (and it's a difficult task because you can't play herp derp with him in good matches) and you put him down the order you realize how absurd he is with meter and anchor. In Devil Trigger mode has has no weakness because generally everything he throws out is either safe or can be made safe even on whiff. His DT bonuses stack with X factor and his absurd hit boxes + speed and combo off of air throw means he is a godlike anchor. With 2 bars, you can Storm Sword their last character into a locked mix up session and they can't do anything about it. Most people just block and get air throw during it as well which in LVL3XF is a character kill.
Vergil doesn't get much out of Zero's assists and Vergil to Zero DHC is decent but not the most optimum. The slow fireball of Zero assist isn't what Vergil needs, he needs a fast space covering assist so his teleport cross ups are difficult to block. Zero to Vergil on the other hand is a very optimum DHC and Zero benefits from Vergil's assists (gets an air throw combo off of Judgment Cut and mix ups). Wesker's DHCs are terrible no matter what but at least you get on point "Dark" Wesker so Zero/Wesker/Vergil is also optimum but in this order you want Rapid Slash for Wesker (Zero can get combo off of Low gun shot anyway). Both Zero and Wesker build a ton of meter for Vergil to overwhelm with in XF and I haven't played an anchor match up where I thought I didn't have an advantage with Vergil.