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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Mrs. Harvey
Don't have a true team yet but I've been using Vergil 100% of the time with Akuma, Cap, Zero, Wesker, Ryu or Chun.

Uncle AJ


I'm so conflicted about how to play this game... I get bodied online and go "oh, I just don't know how to block any of these mixups, I need to learn how to block and then I'll be fine." And a lot of the advice earlier in this thread was "if you have to block in this game, you're doing it wrong."

Basically it comes down to not having a sparring partner to practice against. Ranked matches are worthless because people just use cheap lag tactics. I've tried to introduce this game to one or two friends but no matter how much I try to explain the fundamentals they always end up going "lol I'm just gonna mash buttons cuz it looks cool, so can we play SSF4 now?" I need help... I'm 0-12 against QisTopTier and I don't want to show my face around Kadey's stream again until I've leveled up my game.


I don't know, I kinda like the new airdash. It's really badass looking. Functional? Not nearly as good, but i could never properly tri-dash anyways. The airdash straight down from super jump is godlike though, so fast and devilish. I still can't do flight mode combos with IM even though they've supposedly become easier with the faster start up on flight mode. I think it's best summed up by saying most of the changes don't resonate very well with my low skill level (case and point: I got perfected on stream today. *holds L deep inside torso*). I'm having trouble connecting anything after hard knockdown of Repulsar Blast, is there some trick to that? It seems like a crapshoot to me, there's no consistent rhyme to it (even though they've supposedly decreased randomness in such, it's still fairly random). Doesn't seem like it's worth it, especially in matches when the pressure is on and you need a go-to. By all means, share anything you've got with Iron Man, I'd love to hear it.
Like I said I don't know what to think about him OVERALL in terms of the game's meta but this is what my rundown with him has been:


*Almost all of his normals feel better even including his cr.M which is even more beastly. You can actually use st.M to combo into from a juggle/anti-air situation. J.S now properly crosses up on opponents so Iron Man actually has a decent right/left mix up in his arsenal. This makes his hit confirms on the ground and in the air easier.

*Replusor Blast/Spread is hella buffed... in priority, in ease of input and hard knockdown. This is his best anti-air options especially against sword users. Yeah comboing off of its hard knockdown is not that easy but it's doable with Smart Bombs into cr.M. This is a very important part of Iron Man's control of mid screen. Comboing Repulsor Spreads -> Smart Bombs with assists lead to heavy damage with IM (I saw a video with IM using only 1 bar that crossed 1 million in damage!!!).

*Smart Bombs are hella buffed. The damage is buffed so combo ending with Smart Bomb -> Proton Cannon pack a punch and Proton cannon does more damage due to mashing. Less recovery in the air of Smart Bombs means they are a much better pressure/zoning tool and they are a primary way of covering IM's approaches due to his slow start up on dashes from super jump height. The lesser ground recovery means you can easily link cr.M after it into BnB from corner throws, Repulsor Spread and even after certain air combos for relaunches. They are also an important part of IM's control of mid screen.

*Up to down air dash is hella buffed. Like IM has a better high/low mix up than both Nova and Magneto. When coming down he can easily do j.L or cr.L and it's a guaranteed 50/50 mix up at close range. This combined with his faster flight cancel meaning if you can get your opponent locked in for even a second on the ground they can get opened up by IM.

*Dash cancellable normals is very nice as it gives IM much more flexibility in developing combos and air to air hit confirms. He has a very more fleshed out combo game when before he had to rely on just a couple of combos. You should do more soul searching with IM's BnB combos as he has a range of decently easy but good damaging combos to high execution high damaging combos. Now that IM can link j.M after a flight cancel on the ground, he can hit confirm into his KrispyKreme combo from very far distances.

*IM is sort of more versatile in his usage of his air dashes. His tri-dash is mostly used to get in from very far/full screen/SJ height away with smart bomb and after the start up he comes in fast enough and nearing the opponent they have to guess high/low again. Box dash is his mid screen approach with j.S leading into a possible cross up. Up/down air dash for very close mix ups. You have to choose one of these approaches at the certain distance so you can't do tri-dash at close range or box dash at long range. Due to his great normals, it's hard to hit him out of his dashes and use of Smart bombs makes punishing him a bit more difficult than it appears.

*Cr.H buff is of course beastly as expected. He can spam cr.H into Repulsors and unibeam at even full screen away and it makes getting on him a pain. It also allows easier hit confirms as he can even do flight cancel combos after cr.H.

*With all the assists that were nerfed due to hit stun changes, IM's Unibeam is very valuable now as it locks them in place anyway until the hits are over and you can still easily follow up after it.


*Start up on all his dashes hurt him for sure. Tri-dash at mid range is a joke. This even applies some what to his ground dash and this affects his reset game because it's harder for him to do Smart Bombs dash up air throw. Speaking of his air throw at mid screen, he has a harder time following up air throws at a certain vertical distance. It's doable but it feels harder.

*Due to no block during air dash and having a start up on air dashes... getting in with IM is more difficult and characters like Hawkeye and Ghost Rider give him immense trouble. It's goes without saying but IM does not qualify for a rushdown character anymore.

*While IM's XF bonuses are nice along with the speed boost... I still feel IM is a weak anchor in this game. His air throw game is iffy and he still has trouble getting in so mounting a comeback with him is difficult. I think 2nd slot is the best option for him at this point because seriously the amount of top anchors in this game is going to make IM look like a joke at the back.

*No double jump means no more double overheads. It's missed. :(

Overall I feel that IM has been greatly buffed in his control of mid screen, his hit confirms, overall damage (which was good before but even better now) and general zoning but weakened in his throw game and general rushdown which by default makes him a worse anchor. You have to play him different now for sure and you have to pester the opponent into coming to him so you can space them out with his gigantic hit boxes and then confirm into a possible TOD. Of course he can't do that against the sword characters but you would be surprised the stuff he can beat out. He's still a high execution character but the barrier of entry has been lowered for him. He gives off a poor impression when you first play him sort of like vanilla Doom but when you get into him more you realize that he's better than you thought he was.

Nori Chan

On the CC machinama YouTube account they have the ultimate marvelous adventure's first episode. Someone please make a pic of mike's ima baws pose after his win.

oh and dahbomb fo real man tl;dr



Oh and I know someone is going to ask this so I am going to say this anyway: Zero, Viper and Dante are the top 3 in the game. I am not going to talk about anything else tier wise except this. This game is way more difficult to predict who is going to be good and who is going to be top. I am down for discussion about which character is looking good and which isn't.


Membero Americo
I'm terrible and I'm getting my ass kicked so bad online it's not even funny, yet I keep playing and I'm having fun.

Tell me the truth, GAF, am I a sick human being?
Welcome back Enzo and Bomb. I was getting a bit sad when I wake up to check this thread and only having to catch up on 1 or 2 pages. Now things should be alot more active.
GGs PSNGAF. My Ryu took a lot of games that he may or may not have deserved.

GGs had some killers there as well. Duststriker and Busterwolf83 performed very well.

I did ok...

I'm terrible and I'm getting my ass kicked so bad online it's not even funny, yet I keep playing and I'm having fun.

Tell me the truth, GAF, am I a sick human being?

It can be very hard to get if you just started. Alot of practice in the training mode with maybe 3 bar network simulation should help. Just keep practicing those Frank combo.
Am I the only Magneto main on GAF?
*Up to down air dash is hella buffed. Like IM has a better high/low mix up than both Nova and Magneto. When coming down he can easily do j.L or cr.L and it's a guaranteed 50/50 mix up at close range. This combined with his faster flight cancel meaning if you can get your opponent locked in for even a second on the ground they can get opened up by IM.

No, he doesn't. Nova and Iron Man both basically have C.Viper's airdash down, but are slightly worse because they can't set it up like she can. However, Iron Man's dash canceling make it really good. The important thing about the new Iron Man is that he can do a couple mixups because his flight cancel is so fast. Unfortunately, he doesn't have as good a crossup as Doom, making his dash canceling less useful. That said, Iron Man is a much better footsie character and his execution is slightly lower, which is more in line with his move set. He's a good character.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It was cool figuring out how to do it though.

Yeah, you'll notice that even Yipes and PR Rog get snow when they want the ground pound.


Nova doesn't have a good low to 50/50 with his up/down air dash and Iron Man couldn't even hit overhead reliable after his up/down air dash before. It's definitely a legit buff. It's true he can't set it up like Viper/Magneto can but once he's in that range it's a guaranteed 50/50 and there isn't anything better than a 50/50.

Flight cancel mix up is only slightly better, the faster flight cancel isn't THAT much faster.

He's a good character but he was a good character before so don't know where that leaves him. He was good at "footsies" before as well.


Magneto/Captain America/Shopping Cart here.

Magneto's basically almost exactly the same as as vanilla minus DHC Glitch + Magnetic Powers. I'd say High Tier.

Captain America does BUFF damage off stupid easy combos. If I do a herp derp mixup and Happy Birthday you, say goodbye to two characters easy with XF lvl 1.

Shopping Cart is Shopping Cart... Frank West has some tricks, but I have no idea how to reliably use him except as a last resort. I wish Shopping Cart had Akuma Tatsu priority, but it's still hella good as long as you don't tag Frank before he gets the shopping cart out.
I'm just saying Iron Man's high/low isn't better than Magneto's. I couldn't care less about Nova, he can do whatever.

Of course he was good at footsies before. He's better at it now. Flight cancel is really really important because it lets him stay in by negating pushblock now that he can dash cancel his moves but his forward movement is slower. It's good safe pressure, and it makes his j2H even better now.


I just popped in after late night college stuff on cinematography and found Enzo and Dahbomb are back!

Shoutouts to Sephi for Iron Fist cancel video. I've been doing the chi cancel and hyper punishing some lately. You miss its cause you are way too fucking bold to be doing something like that, you hit it and you are a GOD. The way I see it if I got the meter I'm just gonna pop it and mash the hyper anyways in case they do go in on me. When my reflexes train up enough to do this hyper counter without auto mashing it by default then I'll stop but for now the chip is good enough for me even on block to kill by the time I use it.

I kept your catchphrase warm for you Dahmbomb as promised. Now I can go back to yelling "MANLY!" all the time again.

Also shoutouts to Enzo giving me shoutouts for helping give him the theories for his team that bodied the shit outta the stream for awhile. That was a lot of praise Enzo and it was your work on learning those characters that made all that theorizing worth anything. Your truly awesome at what you do and I was glad some of the things we talked about help you get the idea to create your Godly Ryu/IronFist/Ironman team.
For those that missed it you don't even know...combos keep going, you can't keep him away, dhc's, otg extensions, and soooooooo much damage. Enzo is looking sick with his options.


I'm gonna go pass out now. Welcome back guys and thanks to everyone from beyond the grave for all their play and hype generated off forum.


Yeah overall Magneto's high/low is still way better than IM I am just speaking at that range it's pretty much the same where you have to guess (shouldn't have added Magneto as better, it's just better than Nova who people nowadays are comparing with IM).

Speaking of Nova he is AMAZING! Just like I said he would be when people were shitting on him for being boring and straightforward. It's just too bad he doesn't have a super fast low attack but then again... that's really one of the thing that keeps him from being way better than both Magneto and IM along with a bad tri-dash at mid screen like IM.

Oh and expect Combofiend to BEAST with his team of Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye. It's basically 3 Bionic Arm like moves in one team. Plus DAT Nova + Spencer synergy! I was always iffy on Nemesis on Combofiend's team, Nova is a much better fit for him due to that slide and air throw/reset game.
I was using Nemesis a lot because he plays pretty similarly to the way I played Wesker in vanilla. I do think that they're pretty comparable characters, but Wesker can still be played the way I used to use him, I just needed to adjust my EMD assist timing. Furthermore, Wesker is an overall better character now than he was in vanilla, his damage is up when everyone else is down, he's faster, and the game has more assists that seem like they were built specifically for him. Of course, he's incredibly safer than Nemesis.

Regardless, Nemesis rockets is still a retardedly good THC hyper. My two teams right now are


I also think that Magneto is significantly better in Ultimate. His damage is literally the same, he's faster and gravity is too good.


Mostly everyone's damage is buffed except for the tops like Dante, Taskmaster, Magneto and Zero who I would argue still do a ton of damage.

Every character I played in UMVC3 does more damage now. Deadpool, Dormammu, X-23, Felicia, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Haggar, Ryu, Akuma, Wolverine, Chris, Trish, Super Skrull etc. The rest of the characters which I don't play like Morrigan, Hsien Ko, Arthur, Joe, Shuma, Chun Li all appear to have gotten veritable buffs in either new tools to combo with or mashable hypers that up their damage.

I would say Spider Man and Tron got hit the hardest in the damage department. Spider Man was expected, the unscaled damage was BS the meterless damage that he had access to was insane. Tron I don't know what to think of anymore.


My team is so cheap. I love it:


This might be the first well thought-out team I have ever used. I was originally going to do she-hulk/doom/strider, but she-hulk is pretty wrecked. Also, Dante combos are really fun- I never used him in vanilla, but if he got nerfed to this, I can't imagine what it was like to play him before. None of his stuff seems *that* crazy to pull off either.


Mostly everyone's damage is buffed except for the tops like Dante, Taskmaster, Magneto and Zero who I would argue still do a ton of damage.

Every character I played in UMVC3 does more damage now. Deadpool, Dormammu, X-23, Felicia, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Haggar, Ryu, Akuma, Wolverine, Chris, Trish, Super Skrull etc. The rest of the characters which I don't play like Morrigan, Hsien Ko, Arthur, Joe, Shuma, Chun Li all appear to have gotten veritable buffs in either new tools to combo with or mashable hypers that up their damage.

I would say Spider Man and Tron got hit the hardest in the damage department. Spider Man was expected, the unscaled damage was BS the meterless damage that he had access to was insane. Tron I don't know what to think of anymore.

tron is almost on hsien ko levels now. drill nerf and j.H nerfs were the worst things in the world.


^^ LOL that team is CHEAP for sure (Dante/Doom/Strider).

Any team with XXX/XXX/Strider is insane where the XXX can self-OTG into a full combo and have decent synergy between them.

One of Wesker's weakness is that he can't cover the top portion of the screen very well but the Vajra mitigates this considerably. A lot of characters are like this... Vajra is the GREAT equalizer in UMVC3.
^^ LOL that team is CHEAP for sure (Dante/Doom/Strider).

Any team with XXX/XXX/Strider is insane where the XXX can self-OTG into a full combo and have decent synergy between them.

One of Wesker's weakness is that he can't cover the top portion of the screen very well but the Vajra mitigates this considerably. A lot of characters are like this... Vajra is the GREAT equalizer in UMVC3.

That's the truth. Viper gets a ton of mileage off striders assist. Brings them back to the ground for her to dominate. It's pretty much one of the best assist for a lot of chars that can't control the air well.


The funny part is that the characters who were actually good against Viper were those that could fly to that top corner of the screen and apply pressure from there. So now someone like Firebrand who should be good against Viper has to keep things honest in fear of the Vajra assist.

Although the Vajra still has to be used with care. It can get stuffed out with air to air moves and hypers and once he get clocked he dies pretty damn fast as an assist.


Alright, I went through and highlighted a few moments during the lobby earlier. Some of them I had to make longer than needed because there seem to be issues with loading short highlights. *shrug*

Myself versus Tobe101 during a bout of random select.

Me against Tobe again. This one was an intentional troll that actually worked, lol.

Tobe versus the French guy. Lots of lag, and lots of fraudulence.

This one is just... just watch it.

Me versus that French guy... no comment.

Hopefully none of you have any issue watching them. Twitch/Justin.tv is always buggy for me, for some reason or another. :/


I am just waiting for the first UMVC3 major tournament. I believe it's NEC next week.

There are going to be so many blow ups and exposure it's going to be hilariously hype.

Honestly the ban did me good as I went 110% into lab rat plus crack mode. Even when I stopped to play some UMVC3, I went online to stream monster some UMVC3. And damn is Yipes GOING IN with UMVC3... he's playing that game like non stop every time I see him.



Intended day one team for when I finally get my copy of Ultimate next week. I played Deadpool/Trish/Doom in vanilla, but I'm ready for a change. lol I got some other team ideas I'm eager to try, like X-23/Strange/Taskmaster and Wright/Dante/Strider.

Also, stinger bold teleport with Dante is harder than it looks (for me, anyway).


Just had my first decent training mode session. Air xfc isn't quite as good as I imagined (still probably extremely good, but I thought it might reset things like double jump, flight and special move limits), and Sent's rocket punches have been nerfed pretty hard, so all the stuff I thought might be possible with him doesn't work.

I was basically testing out Strider's wall cling + beam assist, wall dive (if you use Doom's beam or anything that puts them mid-air, the wall dive causes ground bounce), then some relaunch combos after that. Frank west makes things easy cause you can just use shopping cart + slide, and you can hyper with Strider and DHC straight to Frank West utilising his OTG super, if you're at a point in the combo where there's too much hitstun decay to use qcb+Sx2.

Wall cling + beam into ground bounce seems like a good crossup tool, but I couldn't figure out any good teleport setups or good overheads. Any strider players had a go at that kind of stuff?


I can't even change colours because I have plugs in the RB/LB button holes =[ might need to drill into my controller and put some extra buttons at the back or something.


Really? I assumed it was MvC3 style. I haven't played Ultimate.

LB/RB to cycle the different colors, including the alt costumes. You cant see what the color is thoguh till you pick him (Except like a border with the color which is weird). I was watching the new Ultimate Adventures with Gootecks/Mike ross and they mentioned the fact that you cant see the color, but they didnt notice the border.


welcome back guys, sorry for getting some of you banned when I asked for some links to the scans :(

anyways I've been playing this game for a bit and I'm 100% sure dis is my main team.


Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Played more online after the lobby shifted to PSN.

Zero / Nova / Wesker, I am in love ;).

I'm sad I had you death to rights one game and then dropped my combo before the launcher. Would have liked to win at least one game against you. I was fairly outclassed in the lobby but still had fun.

Also, for future reference: did anyone have an issue with my connection? Gamertag was NAFLA, I had no problems apart from the very first game where I forgot to pause the stream while playing. Also felt like I was the host for spectator mode most of the time and I'm guessing the game doesn't give that to crap connections. I'm asking because I know certain people
very much frown upon international players joining US lobbies but I would hate not being apart of the stream at the rare times I could join. However, the people who played me, be honest, if it was lagging too much on your end I will totally respect that.

Lastly, welcome back my banned brethren.
Howdy, everyone.

I've been basically using Nova/Doom/Wesker and Wright/Doom/Hawkeye. First team's working relatively well, although my Doom needs some serious work. The second team... not so much. >_>

Edit: Anyone happened to have that victory pose art pack? I neglected to save it before it got deleted.
My current squad:


Probably will swap out She-Hulk though, feel like she has too much trouble with what is shaking out to be the top tier characters. Really tough to land that first hit with her.


Loving this team. Hawkeye has forward shot, and Doom has hidden missles. Hidden missles let Nemesis get in, and you can command throw just before the missles hit and all the missles miss so they don't blow up your combo.

Azure J

Oh shit, Scans-GAF got unbanned? Welcome back guys. :)

It was pretty cool running into you guys on the different streams that went down from Ultimate's launch. :lol


Tier Whore

I'm so conflicted about how to play this game... I get bodied online and go "oh, I just don't know how to block any of these mixups, I need to learn how to block and then I'll be fine." And a lot of the advice earlier in this thread was "if you have to block in this game, you're doing it wrong."

Basically it comes down to not having a sparring partner to practice against. Ranked matches are worthless because people just use cheap lag tactics. I've tried to introduce this game to one or two friends but no matter how much I try to explain the fundamentals they always end up going "lol I'm just gonna mash buttons cuz it looks cool, so can we play SSF4 now?" I need help... I'm 0-12 against QisTopTier and I don't want to show my face around Kadey's stream again until I've leveled up my game.

Best way to block is not to be there when the mix up happens. Use air dashes and air moves and keep moving and air blocking. This game is all about movement, if you keep blocking you are going to get tagged eventually...trust me! Action is way too fast to always block everything when opponent starts getting random on your ass.

Oh and playing against Qistoptier is not a good idea lol... if he is saying he is a scrub he is lying :).
I'm liking this team. I've always liked playing with viper and strider assist helps her when people run to the corner. There are probably better chars for the middle slot on this team but I'm liking storm a lot so I put her in between. Storm can't really capitalize on a strider assist hit since she doesn't have a viable OTG but her movement is ridiculous. Sometimes I throw in felicia for delta kick fun.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Dahbomb, could you elaborate on the Nova/Vergil synergy? Haven't tried Vergil yet, but something feels off in either my Taskmaster/X-23/Nova team and Nova/Task/Dorm and permutations thereof.

Uncle AJ

Best way to block is not to be there when the mix up happens. Use air dashes and air moves and keep moving and air blocking. This game is all about movement, if you keep blocking you are going to get tagged eventually...trust me! Action is way too fast to always block everything when opponent starts getting random on your ass.

Oh and playing against Qistoptier is not a good idea lol... if he is saying he is a scrub he is lying :).

Nah he never said he was a scrub, I just assumed Kadey's lobby would be casual/friendly matches and I get blown up pretty much every time.

One of the things I go for with my team is to get in with Chun, get a combo with a decent number of hits, then aerial exchange into Frank so he can get the camera shot. I always end up doing air lightning legs to extend the number of hits in the combo, but it ends up pushing the opponent away from me pretty far (upwards and to the side), which means a downwards aerial exchange will whiff; only side and upward will connect. That effectively means I only have a 50% chance that the opponent won't correctly guess which counter to mash and me actually getting the combo I want... it's a fundamental flaw that I need to find a better alternative to.

Capitalizing off a Chun OTG is NOT EASY. The process has to go:

  1. Finish aerial combo with an air S
  2. Air dash (you can land on the ground before you do this, in fact it gives you a higher chance of your assist in Step 3 actually coming out)
  3. Do the OTG, and at the same time, call an assist that can lock them in place (like Frank's shopping cart)
  4. Air dash again to cancel the upward bounce from your OTG
  5. Pray that you get back to the ground in time to do a hyper or relaunch before the opponent techs out after all that hitstun

And all of that needs to happen in the span of about 2 seconds.
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