There are a few things I'm having issues with
1) Movement.. My guys move so slow.. I try dashing and even use the (Attack + Attack) shortcut key but it feels like I am still moving slow or it only moves you so much and you have to wait a brief second or two before hitting it again to dash...
2) Blocking .. I am blocking and just buckling down and getting owned in corners. I can't tell if they are hitting me low and I keep trying to advance guard but sometimes it just causes me to get opened up..
3) Throws.. How the hell do you tech throws in this game? They move in within seconds and just throw you and you have no clue/idea they do that =[
4) Punishes.. I see guys whiff combos on me all the time and me not advance guarding so they are still close.. I try to punish with my fastest attack or what I think is my fastest attack (crouch light) and it whiffs or it doesn't punish and they are able to block.. Blah
5) Attacking/Approaching.. I seem to be having issues approaching and using normals to get in and start combos onto people. Like for Doom I do a lot of jumping mediums but I can't seem to connect anything after 2 of those.
With Doom I can launch and super cancel into air finger lasers.. I can't do his dash cancels in the air though to continue combos after that. I can do combos with him in the corner for free though including relaunches!
i can't really speak on everything else, but
1. learn to wavedash. 2 attack buttons and use down to cancel your dash directly into another completely eliminates any dash recovery period and allows you to get across the screen as fast as possible.(doom doesn't have a wavedash so just tri-dash across if you must)
2. definitely learn to pushblock so you're able to start some offense of your own...some characters can just overwhelm you if you don't.
3.'ll come with time.
4. a lot of things are safe so you must pushblock them and hope they whiff something randomly that you can take advantage of...even if it's just for screen positioning or breathing room.
5. with doom, learn to dash cancel forward H and S footdives...i like to do forward H(blocked) dash cancel crossup M with helps open people up a bit but you can also do a quick tridash land and go for a low. never, ever, ever use the stick for your dashes...always use 2 attack buttons.
as for combos with doom...learn both loops after you're comfortable with the game and your movement options. if you can do relaunches in the corner then you can do a couple of loops and when you press H while they're on the ground ready for relaunch you can cancel it into his level 3(qcf atk atk) with the same timing you'd use to launch them to kill chars off. just keep it simple for now!
if you wanna play sometime, send me a message on xbl: vexco
i can help you with some doom stuffs maybe...i'm still pretty bad at the game tho ;p