Everyone was dropping combos, it was pitiful. And I don't know how to explain it.
I was there. Even reverse OCV'd a team in Marvel teams when it got to me on anchor and our team didn't get stopped until we hit Noel Brown / Dieminion / Wong. It was pretty fun.
...but the stations sucked. I have no idea what it was. Some were CRT's, some were monitors (not ASUS), all PS3's, but I couldn't get ANY of my combos consistently. And it wasn't tournament jitters (well, not 100%).
It was weird.
Like, in singles I got paired against Unknown. I was wrecking him, beating him pillar to post, but I couldn't complete any of my combos. It sucked. He had no idea how to stop my ghetto reset with Zero / Nova and I was cutting him down, but I just couldn't
finish it. Still went three matches. He even gave me props and said I had him.
Fine. I go two more matches and then get paired against Dragongod. On the same system as I used against Unknown.
Now, that match went a bit differently and even under ideal conditions I have doubts about whether I'd have won
. He was really good. But, we didn't have ideal conditions. Still dropped combos.
Afterwards I leaned over and was like "Don't take this the wrong way, please, it probably wouldn't have ended differently, but I gotta ask. Were you having trouble with dragon punch motions?"
He laughed and confirmed he was having serious problems, too, and we "shared a moment". Seems like a good guy, honestly.
So..I dunno, Dahbomb. The only thing I can say is the timing seemed to vary from machine to machine and that might've been fucking with people. I didn't get time to do casuals on them to get accustomed and there were only 9 setups for AE and 9 for Marvel for 250+ people sooooooooooooo.
I still enjoyed myself, but it wasn't ideal conditions.