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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Can you use the instant kill as a dhc reset in other situations?

Nah, other characters will land on the ground. It's some weird choice Capcom made to have Jean transform in the air, that's the only reason it works.

Spider-Man SRK boards posted some cheap Hawkeye/Spider-Man bullshit that I've been running though, may as well be a DHC glitch. Only way to avoid it is to preemptively air dash, and even then, only if you're fast enough. Rocky's rocket skates have gotten out of it, but I should really test it more. Then again, every falls asleep at the wheel against Spider-Man (and usually end up paying for it).

Greasy tech: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IonQgoxMCqI#t=30s

Even without Doom, you're killing anyone.

They're somewhat restoring my old girl in that "other" game today, so I guess I should check it out, but after that, LET'S GO CRAZY.


I practiced for an hour last night just trying to do Nova's H fly, H, unfly, H, launch combos. I still often screw up the second unfly and get a tag assist in the air. If I try to slow it down, I miss the window, I do it too fast, I must hit the launch button a smidge before a full QCF is input.

Once I got somewhat consistent on those H's, I came to the issue of that the H when you are back on the ground whiffs. Ugh. :(

My most practical combo right now with Nova does 750Kish with 1 bar of meter and involves Wesker gunshot assist.

Anyone know a non flight combo with Nova that can net me 800-900K with 1 meter, and uses Wesker/Hawkeye in it ?

Same here, high five, brother.

I can actually do the H loop consistently now, but only in the corner. Midscreen is such a gamble it feels like and I just do safe stuff there.

Almost always safe stuff online.

Do you use Centurion Rush M after Wesker gunshot assist?

Otherwise, no, I'm going 700-750 w/o H Loop :(.

Nyoro SF

Just played around 200 matches against a friend of mine who plays Wesker / Wolverine / Doom. This guy is unstoppable, and the only way I could beat him was to switch to a heavy zoning team, and even then I could only get a 4-6 ratio of wins against him.

It is just absolutely brutal. He shoots the gun from all angles and calls Doom beam assist which does huge chip. He also mixes up the gunshots with teleports covered by Doom beam where it's almost impossible to tell where he'll be next (or when to counter his projectiles properly).

Add that up to when I finally get offensive pressure against him, and he holds up back and alternates between gunshot, jump S, air H/air throw and it's almost impossible to actually hit the guy with my team. Then he escapes, and I die to chip.

If I kill Wesker, I have to deal with Wolverine and the same shenanigans with a dive kick that is apparently impossible to air throw (I keep getting tagged in the legs). My team of Amaterasu / Ryu / Wesker, with variant team orders can't do anything against that team except make hopeful guesses or rely on Dark Wesker.

Most players will say "punish the assist" but that involves using meter that's very hard to come by in a match like this. Also the damage to either the assist or the point is very insignificant in the grand scheme of the match.

So that being said, I say they should just patch Wesker's jumping gunshot out of the game. I'm not the only person who is having trouble with this attack apparently, as Viscant abused it quite liberally in his EVO victories. Wesker teleports by themselves are no problem in terms of punishing them, but this combination of the teleports and the beam just make it horrible. The air gunshot is the true killer; it's super fast, does great chip, and prevents me from dashing or jumping. Super Jumping is a very bad idea against Wesker because then you're putting yourself in the mixup.

Another note is Wesker's jumping S. Not only does this move cover 360 degrees, but it crosses up and makes Wesker very hard to hit out of. My friend uses it very low to the ground, making it impossible to hit him out of it even with Amaterasu.

Shoutouts to Honzo, I'm borrowing his team to deal with this.


Spider-Man SRK boards posted some cheap Hawkeye/Spider-Man bullshit that I've been running though, may as well be a DHC glitch. Only way to avoid it is to preemptively air dash, and even then, only if you're fast enough. Rocky's rocket skates have gotten out of it, but I should really test it more. Then again, every falls asleep at the wheel against Spider-Man (and usually end up paying for it).

Greasy tech: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IonQgoxMCqI#t=30s

Even without Doom, you're killing anyone.

Gonna try this out tonight. I run Spidey/Hawkeye/Deadpool
Nah, other characters will land on the ground. It's some weird choice Capcom made to have Jean transform in the air, that's the only reason it works.

Spider-Man SRK boards posted some cheap Hawkeye/Spider-Man bullshit that I've been running though, may as well be a DHC glitch. Only way to avoid it is to preemptively air dash, and even then, only if you're fast enough. Rocky's rocket skates have gotten out of it, but I should really test it more. Then again, every falls asleep at the wheel against Spider-Man (and usually end up paying for it).

Greasy tech: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IonQgoxMCqI#t=30s

Even without Doom, you're killing anyone.

They're somewhat restoring my old girl in that "other" game today, so I guess I should check it out, but after that, LET'S GO CRAZY.

That reset looks exactly what I was thinking about, so it does work. I bet you could do that with just about any character, right? It's the same idea as a she hulk/nemesis/frank west air grab reset, except web throw tracks. Can it be avoided?
That reset looks exactly what I was thinking about, so it does work. I bet you could do that with just about any character, right? It's the same idea as a she hulk/nemesis/frank west air grab reset, except web throw tracks. Can it be avoided?

Only Rocky's preemptive rocket skates UB have avoided it. Obviously first few frame invincible air supers like Hard Drive and Morri's Level 3 will avoided it too. I'm unsure if there are other fast UB airdashers that have a small enough hitbox to avoid it.

Stealth edit: Gonna say they'll be too high, even at high hitstun deterioration, launchers seem to send them the same distance which is pretty far out of range for UWT.
Only Rocky's preemptive rocket skates UB have avoided it. Obviously first few frame invincible air supers like Hard Drive and Morri's Level 3 will avoided it too. I'm unsure if there are other fast UB airdashers that have a small enough hitbox to avoid it.

Will it work with setups at other heights? like if you did launcher sjc hyper dhc web throw?


Santa May Claus
Depends on the characters. Some can punish him, but that requires beam style hypers.

I love when people are using primarily keep away characters like Hawkeye (or projectile based ones like Dormammu). I'll burn meter like a son of a bitch throwing out tackles.

You do need to predict it / get reads, though. You have to start yours before Gimlet or Spell of Vishanti, for example, to not be knocked out of it.

It's not hard to read most people, though, since they spam projectiles.

Yeah, it's punishable and baitable, but I was just trying to say that Bionic Lancer certainly isn't safer.

So that being said, I say they should just patch Wesker's jumping gunshot out of the game. I'm not the only person who is having trouble with this attack apparently, as Viscant abused it quite liberally in his EVO victories. Wesker teleports by themselves are no problem in terms of punishing them, but this combination of the teleports and the beam just make it horrible. The air gunshot is the true killer; it's super fast, does great chip, and prevents me from dashing or jumping. Super Jumping is a very bad idea against Wesker because then you're putting yourself in the mixup.

Doesn't Ammy stand under gunshot and crouch under beam? In my opinion, Ammy is a hard counter to Wesker.

Anyway, Wesker's jumping gunshot shouldn't be nerfed, much less removed. It's his other stuff that's the problem.
Just for future reference...

*Wesker's glasses and phantom dance cross up need to die in a fire
*Zero's buster shot special cancels can burn in hell. That guy doesn't need more safe stuff
*Doom's footdivekick needs to have some tightening done so he doesn't have a century's worth of time to confirm into a full combo
*Spencer's damage off his zip grapples needs to be looked at. His mobility is cool but his damage is retarded high. Seems even scarier than Viper now

There are probably five or six characters that could run the metagame in the end and these four alone are probably going to be the first ones(nevermind the new cast that is way too new to judge) to get the pain started. Wolverine will probably be a nuisance and people are too busy ignoring Phoenix in search of new bullshit.
I'd like to present a case of Zero as being this game's number one at this time:


W.T.F. S-Class hunter indeed.

Answered ya above GB.
This new wave of people acting like we've only been worried about Wesker are gonna get annoying very quickly. We knew about Zero being retarded in vanilla, but at least his buffs don't fly in the face of common sense for Ultimate(yeah, special cancels are pretty crazy, but not like glasses).

Zero is stupid though.

mr. puppy

man you guys love crying about a month old game. zero isn't even big yet and nobody is trying to solve the problem before it gets worse instead of just bitching.


I'd like to present a case of Zero as being this game's number one at this time:


W.T.F. S-Class hunter indeed. Teleporting sword guys ftw.

Answered ya above GB.



Just for future reference...
*Wesker's glasses and phantom dance cross up need to die in a fire
You probably already know this, but not pushblocking has really reduced the amount of times this happens.

*Doom's footdivekick needs to have some tightening done so he doesn't have a century's worth of time to confirm into a full combo
I play Doom, but you're absolutely right. I traded j.S with some move that caused soft knockdown, and I had the time to get up and combo off of it. He was in the corner which helped, but I even said to myself "now that was some bullshit!"
Answered ya above GB.

And I'm assuming startup's too much for something like toy touch dhc web throw.

*Doom's footdivekick needs to have some tightening done so he doesn't have a century's worth of time to confirm into a full combo
When they mentioned that footdive change at evo, I thought they were trying to nerf doom by making his S a ground bounce instead of a hard knockdown. That would have sucked balls.
And I'm assuming startup's too much for something like toy touch dhc web throw.

When they mentioned that footdive change at evo, I thought they were trying to nerf doom by making his S a ground bounce instead of a hard knockdown. That would have sucked balls.

Hmmmmmmmm. This gives me an idea. Thinking full Spider-Man combo ending in Spider Sting, raw tag Felicia, toy touch to helper to UWT. Or I can just TAC after a full Spidey combo. Miiiiiiiiiight work, will give it a try.

Been looking to add Felicia eventually, her rushdown is awesome.

OT: I like the Chris play in that video I posted earlier, towards the end. Wonder if Sams Club is Atashiwa from Vanilla online.
Remember all those posts I made at the beginning of Vanilla where I was trying to decide whether to learn how to play Magneto or Zero?

...I might have made the wrong choice. Goddamn.


so uh.. Ghost Rider's "Hellfire" vs "Heartless Spire" assists. Which do you guys recommend? Guess it comes down to "powerful OTG" or "multi-purpose OTG"

I've been using Hellfire since day 1, but looking at SRK members' posted teams, it looks like the ratio of Spire-Hellfire is like 10-1. Am I playing fraudulently?


When people ask, I always tell them to try Zero and Wesker. Especially if they're newer players.

Zero's harder to play than Wesker, but even a newb Zero has more than enough stuff to get by.
so uh.. Ghost Rider's "Hellfire" vs "Heartless Spire" assists. Which do you guys recommend? Guess it comes down to "powerful OTG" or "multi-purpose OTG"

I've been using Hellfire since day 1, but looking at SRK members' posted teams, it looks like the ratio of Spire-Hellfire is like 10-1. Am I playing fraudulently?

What Crimson said. Spire is better IMO. Just does more things and works essentially as well.


I'm glad nobody here is in charge of balancing the game. We would have a boring game. There are tiers in this game, but nobody who is broken. Most people asking for nerfs are salty cuz they're getting scrubbed out by XF3 Wesker online. When Wesker does XF, run/block/don't call assists. You'd be surprised how much better you do against him.


I don't understand how Zero is doing those super long combos even when including high-scaling assists like Dante's Jam Session. It looks like he doesn't even use the assists until he's already done 2-3 relaunches.
What can wesker do on anchor without x-factor? He can't confirm gunshots, he has no high/low game, he can't cross you up, he has no way to beat pushblock or chickenblocking, has no full screen punishes, crap chip and he can't do lvl 3 after a full combo. NOTHING about Wesker lends itself to being an anchor, other than fucktarded x-factor boosts and hoping people shit themselves. It's neither a consistent or particularly smart plan.
he has one of the best command grabs in the game and also an extremely good air throw (throw tech is bugged right now sure, but patch is confirmed to be on the way). people can outzone wesker, but pure runaway isn't so good. he's better off than quite a few characters in the game.

jetman81 said:
I don't understand how Zero is doing those super long combos even when including high-scaling assists like Dante's Jam Session. It looks like he doesn't even use the assists until he's already done 2-3 relaunches.
his lightning move has extremely long hit stun and everything can be cancelled into his buster which is a soft knockdown.


Just catching up with the posts:

*Nova's Rocket Tackle is totally not as good as the Bionic Arm. The projectile invincibility starts up too late so you have to read in advance. It's why you haven't seen people do crazy punishes with it, also it doesn't lead into much. Pretty meh hyper overall, it's situational in usage.

*All characters struggle last when they have to make a comeback without X factor. Yes that includes Wolverine, Dormammu, Akuma, Strange (especially Strange) etc. It's not a Wesker exclusive trait.

*Hawkeye is going to be relevant in the UMVC3 meta for a long time. There is no way you can sleep on that hyper, that meterless harassment, fast projectile spam, mid screen slide, combos off of air throw and speed in X factor. He is one of those characters that actually keeps Zero in check.... when he is at a distance at least. Also if zoning becomes a viable strategy in UMVC3... Hawkeye is going to run amok because right now he is the king of zoning. And if Hawkeye becomes popular... Strange will get picked up because he counters Hawkeye on paper.

*Ghost Rider Spire vs Hellfire is up to team composition. Hellfire is a better lock down and easier OTG to follow but Hellfire is a superior GTFO assist. Both are good it depends on what you need more. I would say zoning teams like Spire more and rushdown teams like Hellfire more. Spire is safer to use/spam so I lean more towards that.

*I have been talking about Zero + Vergil synergy for a long time now. Vergil + Dante is like... WTF DUH synergy in every way possible. Dante + Zero is also a tried and tested synergy set up from vanilla. Put all these teleporting sword wielding bastards in one team and it's a top team. No surprise here. That Zero play reminds me from Atashiwa from vanilla.

*I don't care about Doom's Footdive anymore. It's retarded but because of it he has to be respected and he can hang with the top class in the game. It's better he has it than not have it. It can probably use some fine tuning though. I can't believe Spencer's Wire scaling isn't fixed by now, that is something that is definitely going to get looked into once Spencer play sky rockets (it already has tripled from vanilla). Wesker's glasses is dumb as stated numerous times already. Let Zero keep his Buster cancel but do something about Lightning cancels. If Zero uses Buster after Lightning, the Lightning should disappear. Beyond these 3 characters I am having trouble identifying true dumb stuff in the game. Dante and Viper are very good top class characters but you still need to put in the effort with them so you still need to play at a high enough skill level to control their options. Same for Magneto, Felicia, Vergil, Hawkeye, Firebrand, Strider etc. Wesker's air gun shot and j.S should not be nerfed because it's a major part of his toolset. J.S I agree is one of the best buttons in the game but that's the only air button of Wesker that you really respect. He really has limited air options out of these 2 moves, you need to find a way to get on top of him.

*Spider Man tech keeps rolling in. I can't believe people thought this character was going to be ass in UMVC3. SMH. Now if only more IM tech would show up...

Yeah that's Atashiwa for sure.


Actually, I just investigated a little more and maybe I'm wrong. It's not that he gives projectile invincibility, but he "eats" the beam after touching it and it's left without any hitbox. Apparently Viper and Akuma can do this too since vanilla and I never knew >.>

Chris' grenade launcher super also eats beams too.


Same here, high five, brother.

I can actually do the H loop consistently now, but only in the corner. Midscreen is such a gamble it feels like and I just do safe stuff there.

Almost always safe stuff online.

Do you use Centurion Rush M after Wesker gunshot assist?

Otherwise, no, I'm going 700-750 w/o H Loop :(.

Oh wells. I found a way to get 950K with 2 meters, and I'm able to build 1 bar during it...so if at the start of a fight I touch your character and they don't have more than that in health, then kiss them goodbye.

Jump H, stand M, stand H, launch, air M, air m, air H, fly, air L, air M, air H, launch down, forward + H, launch, air M, air M, air H, QFC L, Nova force hyper mashed, then do hulk QCB hyper = 950K easy peesy.

I'll just drop Wesker for now to see how this team works, and keep Hawkeye anchor. :)

Edit: Was also messing around with Ryu, and doing the same combo, but ending with Hadouken Hyper going straight up nets you 880K. So if I find a way to toss in Ryu/Hawkeye assist, (earlier was at 520K, but dropped the hyper for Nova) then you can break 900K with him and get the benefit of Ryu tatsu assist which is great for Nova.

The only other character I can think of that I have to test later should be Taskmaster.


Oh wells. I found a way to get 950K with 2 meters, and I'm able to build 1 bar during it...so if at the start of a fight I touch your character and they don't have more than that in health, then kiss them goodbye.

Jump H, stand M, stand H, launch, air M, air m, air H, fly, air L, air M, air H, launch down, forward + H, launch, air M, air M, air H, QFC L, Nova force hyper mashed, then do hulk QCB hyper = 950K easy peesy.

I'll just drop Wesker for now to see how this team works, and keep Hawkeye anchor. :)

Nice. Yeah, Hulk is great for a damage add. I can't remember how much mine does if all three characters are alive, it's less though. I want to say 910-930k, but at work so can't check.

I know you don't use Zero, but what you can also do with him and Nova...

Jump H, stand M, stand H, launch, air M, air m, air H, fly, air M, air H, launch down, call Wesker OTG, Centurion Rush M, launch, air H, Nova Force hyper mashed --> Rekkoha after it ends.

Might be able to do QCF L into Nova Force at the end, but with my luck I'd not pay attention to my red life if I got into the habit.

Doing the H loop in the corner with the ending Wesker OTG / Centurion Rush M, launch, air H, Nova Force, Rekkoha does something retarded like 970-977k considering Zero's hyper doesn't do the best damage.


Holy crap I can post.

Hello MahvelGaf. Long time luker, first time poster. I've been creeping since the pre-MVC3 announcement days and have been watching you all from afar, sort of how you're uncle used to do while you slept. I'm representing the 360 side, so feel free to add me - razXnerd


tagged by Blackace
Holy crap I can post.

Hello MahvelGaf. Long time luker, first time poster. I've been creeping since the pre-MVC3 announcement days and have been watching you all from afar, sort of how you're uncle used to do while you slept. I'm representing the 360 side, so feel free to add me - razXnerd

Welcome. Add the MahvelGAF Tag in OP though, and challenge people through that.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Just catching up with the posts:

*Nova's Rocket Tackle is totally not as good as the Bionic Arm. The projectile invincibility starts up too late so you have to read in advance. It's why you haven't seen people do crazy punishes with it, also it doesn't lead into much. Pretty meh hyper overall, it's situational in usage.

I agree. It starts up way too slow and feels awkward even if you hit someone with it. I was hoping it'd be the equivalent of a projectile invulnerable only version of Weapon X-Prime, but it really isn't. Crouching L not being low is irritating as well, but I reaally love how they handled Nova other than that though.


Nice. Yeah, Hulk is great for a damage add. I can't remember how much mine does if all three characters are alive, it's less though. I want to say 910-930k, but at work so can't check.

I know you don't use Zero, but what you can also do with him and Nova...

Jump H, stand M, stand H, launch, air M, air m, air H, fly, air M, air H, launch down, call Wesker OTG, Centurion Rush M, launch, air H, Nova Force hyper mashed --> Rekkoha after it ends.

Might be able to do QCF L into Nova Force at the end, but with my luck I'd not pay attention to my red life if I got into the habit.

Doing the H loop in the corner with the ending Wesker OTG / Centurion Rush M, launch, air H, Nova Force, Rekkoha does something retarded like 970-977k considering Zero's hyper doesn't do the best damage.

Actually Zero was who I built my team around in vanilla with Zero, Sent, Deadpool. I was trying to do the same kind of team mechanic, but a team I could play on pad and stick, since I don't always get to use the stick at night since I hit the buttons loudly for confirms. My new deadpool is Hawkeye, his assist is the drones, Wesker was filling the Zero spot of cheapness, and then Nova is who I built the team around.

I'll try to hit up Zero later too as well as Task, but I doubt I can play Zero that well on pad. :p


Man I am so glad the Herald alts are just unlockable costumes and not forced team costume like I thought they were.

It's already hard trying to fight against all black team trenchcoats... fighting against an all Herald team is going to be hard as fuck.

Also some of these cards no one is going to use. Invisible life bars? Who cares... people are going to put in broken shit like infinite X factor, armor on assists or projectile invulnerability.

Upon viewing the entire Zero set, that isn't indicative of Zero being #1. Lots of bad match ups and bad assist calls in that game. People shitting themselves over TOD Zero combos need a reality check, even characters as low as Lower Mid tier can TOD with 2 assists. Zero is godlike but not because he can zone out Haggar with clone hyper... he could always do that in vanilla.


I use the analog and map two buttons to L. I actually learned how to switch buttons for charging buster during combos on my 360 pad, but I usually stray towards combos that don't require it.

Zero's do-able on it, though.
I use the analog and map two buttons to L. I actually learned how to switch buttons for charging buster during combos on my 360 pad, but I usually stray towards combos that don't require it.

Zero's do-able on it, though.

I could be wrong, but afaik the main incentive to button switch with Zero now is so you can do lightning / double lightning mixups. If you always charge with the L button (the easy way), you miss out on any mixups that start with Lightning L into Buster.
GGs Karsticles, that was the first time I had a connection good enough to be able to tell what's going on(not that I've played online since kadey lol). It kinda reminded me of playing a CPS1 game with the fewer frames of animation, lol. Neither of use could combo to save our lives, though. Well, you had the cool Dormammu x-factor one.

Also, sorry about the Felicia/Spiderman/Sentinel team, I just made that one about 10 minutes before your invite because I wanted to try out the web throw reset lol

edit: throwing dormammu out of liberation with spiderman made me feel so cool
I'm glad nobody here is in charge of balancing the game. We would have a boring game. There are tiers in this game, but nobody who is broken. Most people asking for nerfs are salty cuz they're getting scrubbed out by XF3 Wesker online. When Wesker does XF, run/block/don't call assists. You'd be surprised how much better you do against him.
I will let every top player that gets run over by XF3 time and time again that they're doing it wrong. Actually, I'm a bit busy this week - maybe you could make a nice post on SRK sharing your ingenious knowledge that absolutely no one has thought of before?

GGs Karsticles, that was the first time I had a connection good enough to be able to tell what's going on(not that I've played online since kadey lol). It kinda reminded me of playing a CPS1 game with the fewer frames of animation, lol. Neither of use could combo to save our lives, though. Well, you had the cool Dormammu x-factor one.

Also, sorry about the Felicia/Spiderman/Sentinel team, I just made that one about 10 minutes before your invite because I wanted to try out the web throw reset lol

edit: throwing dormammu out of liberation with spiderman made me feel so cool
GGs GB, I wish we had a better connection. We were both dropping far too many things. No need to apologize about using a team for the first time against me - it's all in good fun. I could tell you didn't really know how to use Felicia after there were like 5 Delta Kick ground bounces in a row that you didn't follow up from. I thought "Hmm, I bet GB isn't very experienced with this team". Haha.

The Dormammu X-Factor combo is really finicky because of the Flame Carpet changes. I've lost a lot of matches because people will roll out of the carpet. -_-
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