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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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So after watching Barfights I'm super interested in this. I've never been a huge fighting game person but I'm willing to put in the work for this one. Is it worth it? Any tips? How do I not be completely discouraged by being awful? Haha.
I think it's worth it.

Biggest tip: buy the strategy guide.

To not be discouraged: remember that everyone started out as bad as you are.


tagged by Blackace
Problem is most Hulks won't bother learning something other than spamming M/H and cancelling into Gamma Charge and then into Meteor Smash :/
The most badass part about Hulk to me is the AA Gamma Charge cancelled into the diagonal forward follow up. The pressure it puts on and the otherwise quick recovery compared to Hulks other options, makes it badass and keeps Hulk in your face.

I'm not gonna lie though, throwing out a random H Gamma Charge and then cancelling the first hit of the forward L follow up into Gamma Crush feels good man. LOL

Hulk is so much fun in this game.


So after watching Barfights I'm super interested in this. I've never been a huge fighting game person but I'm willing to put in the work for this one. Is it worth it? Any tips? How do I not be completely discouraged by being awful? Haha.
Play in lobbies with friends or gaffers.


tagged by Blackace
So after watching Barfights I'm super interested in this. I've never been a huge fighting game person but I'm willing to put in the work for this one. Is it worth it? Any tips? How do I not be completely discouraged by being awful? Haha.
First you have to accept that you will get angry at this game unless your 100% a free spirit. Mahvel builds itself on cheap tactics and frustrating your opponent.

The game is very user friendly, and is the ultimate (no pun intended) instant-gratification fighter. It takes very little technical skill to pull off combos, and from there using resources like the ones mentioned in OP for new players, as well as the official game guide like Karst says you can level up your game and get better. Another tip is to find sparring partners, be it with people on GAF, or online as a whole. However, some of the stuff you need to "learn" isn't said outright in the game or in the game's booklet, like the concept of OTGs and DHCs, so you will have to delve into the guide or do your research online to understand some of the competitive elements of the game, some of which are shared across other fighters like mix ups and whatnot.

I get discouraged often by this game because I am fucking terrible, but I always come back like crack. Even if it's just me in training mode, or sparring with a GAFer (shout outs to Bark for the set today!).

Check the OP's FAQ section for some resources.


The most badass part about Hulk to me is the AA Gamma Charge cancelled into the diagonal forward follow up. The pressure it puts on and the otherwise quick recovery compared to Hulks other options, makes it badass and keeps Hulk in your face.

I'm not gonna lie though, throwing out a random H Gamma Charge and then cancelling the first hit of the forward L follow up into Gamma Crush feels good man. LOL

Hulk is so much fun in this game.

I wouldn't be surprised if people found lockdown setups with the AA Gamma Charge, it's a great tool and the diagonal followup even causes a groundbounce which makes it even better, the only thing about Hulk I hate is getting my mixups blown up by a mashed st.H :'(


get some go again
woo got to 4th lord just now. don't know how long it took me the last time in vanilla but i know it wasn't this fast. you are falling behind tobe. :p sixfortyfive is keeping up a better pace.
Top 5 Most Swag Comboers in the game:

1) Dante
2) Magneto
3) Dr Strange
4) Iron Man
5) Vergil

Iron Man has immense swag in combos as well.. as much as Magneto IMO. Dante is the king of swag in this game.
Vergil is boring as fuck(still effective) compared to other characters and I've never seen anyone regularly use extended combos with Iron Man. M.O.D.O.K. and Ryu denjin cancel combos are way more fun to watch.
I'm probably lttp on this, but how can there not be offline VS for H&H mode? That's pretty crap...
H&H should have been a timed one(I can deal with two)month exclusive or something. Replay mode is way too useful for us poors who don't have a capture setup. I don't want to wait until Megaman edition drops.
I played an absolute Iron Man in vanilla and loved it (cause fuck man, it's Tony Stark), so I don't mind the struggle. lol Deadpool was my main in vanilla, so I'll shove him with Spidey. I'll pick my third from Storm, Dorm, Hawkeye, and Nova. Thanks!

What is that supposed to mean? :/

Don't get me wrong, I love Iron Man outside of Marvel 3. Movies, lore and comics are awesome, and Tony is a pimp... I just hate what they've done with him in Marvel 3 (and moreso in Ultimate). He doesn't feel like I think he would play, or altogether fun.

I want the guardbreaking evil sonuvabitch he was in MvC2, or something that lets me press buttons to that effect. I want him to be in everyone's grill with lasers and missiles instead of some awkward amalgamation of mid-range control. He's a jack of a couple of trades, and some characters play that jack better than he does for the most part T_T Ultimate was supposed to fix that, but like someone said here re: Ultimate:

Doom's the new Magneto, Magneto's the new Doom, and Iron Man's the new Iron Man.

Love that people try to make him work, and I always cheer for those who do have superior tech. Just don't think he's worth it.



tagged by Blackace
I play Iron Man based off of the character alone. He has some of the swaggest combos around but I can't do them so that's not really any incentive. He's my weakest character and usually responsible for most of my losses too. But I still think he's badass. His playstyle fits mine, because I can get a little bit of lame in, and still get in that ass chucking some plasma from my fists.

Oh also, there's nothing more satisfying in MvC3 than a random Iron Avenger. Because you know when it hits, the opponent is stuck for a good 5 seconds pouring some salt out wondering how they made themselves so vulnerable to get hit by it. Also he has a godlike assist.

I wish they did more for Tony, I really do. Was desperate for him getting a new move cause I really think he still needs something to add to his arsenal, perhaps an Energy Javelin or Hidden Missile, or SOME PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY GODDAMN HES IRON MAN. But I still have fun playing him win or lose so I bear with it. I never really contemplate dropping him in favour of someone else on my main team. I imagine it's rough for most other serious Iron Man players though.
So after watching Barfights I'm super interested in this. I've never been a huge fighting game person but I'm willing to put in the work for this one. Is it worth it? Any tips? How do I not be completely discouraged by being awful? Haha.

You will get bodied in the first few weeks of online play. Don't be surprised or discouraged when you see a 10 wins - 60 losses record, that's common. This game is a lot more demanding and difficult to master than what many people give it credit for, if you are afraid of that don't pick it up. But it's certainly rewarding and you will get better over time.


Vergil is boring as fuck(still effective) compared to other characters and I've never seen anyone regularly use extended combos with Iron Man.
.... You just don't know.

Although MODOK qualifies for swag. IF and Ryu I already credited under GROWN ASS MEN. Sentinel and Nemesis don't qualify as men. Thor is a god.

Doom's the new Magneto, Magneto's the new Doom, and Iron Man's the new Iron Man.
I agree and I feel sad that you used my original phrase against me. :(

It's not even hard to make IM godly again. different trajectories on air Smart Bomb L/M/H, vanilla air dash start ups, can immediately act out of ground dash, d/f+H new slide move that allows him to confirm off of max range cr.M and an aerial KNEE DIVE move from MVC2 (mapped to d+M) that causes a hard knockdown so he can easily follow up with Smart Bombs OTG cr.M. He would be A tier minimum character. He was SO close to being great in UMVC3 but the aerial dash changes was as bad as I thought it would be.

So after watching Barfights I'm super interested in this. I've never been a huge fighting game person but I'm willing to put in the work for this one. Is it worth it? Any tips? How do I not be completely discouraged by being awful? Haha.
Of course it's worth it, it's a great high octane fighter. But just like every fighter you are going to start off worse than others and will get mauled at. Stick with it, through tough and think and you will be rewarded when you make that hype moment happen for yourself. Everyone was awful at this game when they started... even players like Justin Wong.

alright i'm still salty that ChrisG vs. Combofiend isn't happening this weekend. Who do we think would win? Would ChrisG eventually bail on firebrand and just go straight to Wesker?

I'm sure Combo has played Chrisis' firebrand, who definitely plays that character better than ChrisG, so I bet it happens. Maybe a first to 5 would be combo winning the first one or two, Chris changing to Wesker, and then its maybe who gets first ToD?
I don't think Combo has played Chrisis' Firebrand and even if he has it doesn't matter much because ChrisG's Firebrand is extremely basic... he doesn't take advantage of the stuff that makes Firebrand insanely good.

I don't know who will win between the two but for sure... ChrisG is going to put Wesker on point asap. I give the edge to Combofiend because I believe fundamentally they are both strong players, ChrisG is more solid on the defense but Combofiend has legit TODs on his team.


woo got to 4th lord just now. don't know how long it took me the last time in vanilla but i know it wasn't this fast. you are falling behind tobe. :p sixfortyfive is keeping up a better pace.
Idk whats going for online marvel i got stcuk in 5th, i get randomed out a lot more than vanilla, also my whole house is being remodeled, its tough to concentrate while some dude is drilling a effing hole through a concrete wall :(


SoCal UMVC3 $1000 Showmatch - Good Bye Hello Phoenix Tournament


Justin Wong

I want to see a Clockwork vs Fanatiq SALTY RUNBACK!

lol at viscant's picture



Depends on the bracket, it's single elimination. You never know with this stuff... Justin might end up playing Viscant first. I expect Justin to take this unless Clockwork is in one of his rare forms again.


NVM just saw the bracket (scrolled down).

Justin vs Viscant is very likely. I can see Justin vs Clockw0rk in grand finals too. But whatever it's single elimination so anything can happen. Last one went according to plan (ChrisG won as expected).


tagged by Blackace
i wouldn't be surprised to see justin lose early.
Maybe to Clock or DiosX if they're on their ball, otherwise free to Wong and Viscant, provided Viscant gets his Doom shit together. But I'm fairly certain he won't run his Phoenix team, and will run one of his Strider ones instead.

EDIT: Yeah Justin doesn't have it that bad. DiosX is his problem, Clock is Viscants. Otherwise GB's prediction is best. Justin vs. [Clock or Viscant) Grand Finals I say.


doing vergil combos make you feel bad ass, much easier than dante ones. too bad I can only get like 650k with one bar, or if I want to be flashy, like 730k with 2 bars to be flashy.


doing vergil combos make you feel bad ass, much easier than dante ones. too bad I can only get like 650k with one bar, or if I want to be flashy, like 730k with 2 bars to be flashy.
You can get up to 750K fairly easily using Spiral Sword combo. This is the preferred Vergil combo set up solo because it does consistent damage unlike the Dimension Slash combo, builds bar back after you have use the meter for Swords and gives you ample follow up opportunities to do more damage or resets or set ups.

For 2 bars you should be doing 900K+ otherwise it's not worth the investment and the combo you are doing is not optimum.

With 2 assists you can do a million damage

The trick to maximizing damage with Vergil is to use as many Lunar Phases in a combo as possible. Lunar Phase even after maximum damage scaling does 50K damage and combined with Spiral Swords you can add at least 2 of them in there. This is what makes Vergil a dangerous DHC character, his ability to ignore HSD with Spiral swords and tack on damage after max scaling is what makes him a strong candidate for the 2nd spot on a team.

doing it wrong, dahbomb can kill 3 characters with half a bar no x-factor
You joke about this but if someone does an accidental THC and I catch them with half bar... they all die for sure.

http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky/b/302624720 <-- 50:00+ sick Vergil play with support from Morrigan Dark Harmonizer

Sick Round Trip cross up set up
Sick Upper Slash reset on Ghost Rider
Sick Round Trip FAKE ambiguous set up (appeared in front of Chris instead of behind like last time)

Finally people are starting to "get" this character. Also the match after that one at 55 min is also crazy with some nice Chris tech.


but those combos require round trip, and I still can't hold a button during combos. :(

bleh, vergil, why you gotta be like zero.


An easy variant of Vergil's bnb that I do now is after Spiral Swords activation, Lunar Phase, Round Trip, cr. H, judgement cut, cr. H Lunar Phase, call Dante in, Volcano xx Beehive into Million Dollars. Only works if you haven't used up your ground bounce or have Deadpool's assist to reset it though. Does over 900k consistently and you also build a bar during the combo.

but those combos require round trip, and I still can't hold a button during combos. :(

bleh, vergil, why you gotta be like zero.

L is your friend. Becomes second nature after a few sessions in the lab.


What do people do during Spiral Swords juggle? Always see it in streams but haven't found the combo notation for it. I think it has something like Spiral Swords, Helm Breaker, Round Trick, Sword Slash, and Lunar Phase into another Spiral Swords or something.

I guess I should also ask what are some good Vergil BnBs (that could also end in Spiral Swords since I love the way it looks.)


Easy mode easy damage combo starter with Vergil:

cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, Stinger, Trick, H, S H, Judgment Cut L, Spiral Swords, Lunar Phase, *Lunar Phase -> hard knockdown off of which you can do assist call plus extended combo or Trick behind the downed opponent and do Rising Hightime -> Dimension Slash.

*You can omit this and during the Spiral Swords start up you can start holding L while you do a single Lunar Phase. Release, cr.H, Judgment Cut L cr.H Judgment Cut L into another Spiral Sword loop if you wish.

Eventually you want to do the combo follow ups and set ups with Vergil that you feel comfortable with. You can also instead not do Spiral sword stuff and opt to go for more resets and save meter for Dark Angel kill. The flow chart for that is 1) Perform 1 or 2 resets/mix ups against first character 2) Land full combo on 2nd character via mix up and you should have 4 bars... Dark Angel finisher 3) Land hit on 3rd character via mix up and X factor for the kill.

I think it has something like Spiral Swords, Helm Breaker, Round Trick, Sword Slash, and Lunar Phase into another Spiral Swords or something
That's the Richard/Yipes special I believe. The Helm Breaker is used to stabilize the combo when used after like Spiral Swords activation -> Rising Hightime +_ assist call. It works but there are better combos available during Spiral Swords.


Easy mode easy damage combo starter with Vergil:

cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, Stinger, Trick, H, S H, Judgment Cut L, Spiral Swords, Lunar Phase, *Lunar Phase -> hard knockdown off of which you can do assist call plus extended combo or Trick behind the downed opponent and do Rising Hightime -> Dimension Slash.

*You can omit this and during the Spiral Swords start up you can start holding L while you do a single Lunar Phase. Release, cr.H, Judgment Cut L into another Spiral Sword loop if you wish.

Eventually you want to do the combo follow ups and set ups with Vergil that you feel comfortable with. You can also instead not do Spiral sword stuff and opt to go for more resets and save meter for Dark Angel kill. The flow chart for that is 1) Perform 1 or 2 resets/mix ups against first character 2) Land full combo on 2nd character via mix up and you should have 4 bars... Dark Angel finisher 3) Land hit on 3rd character via mix up and X factor for the kill.
Nice, will try that out in training. How does it compare to this BnB I've been using:

LMH Stinger > Rising Slash Trick Down > sj j.MHS > land H Stinger > Teleport back ...

After Teleport back I land the crouching M half the time but I'm not sure what to connect with after or if I can fit a Spiral Swords in somewhere.


It's the same as the one I posted just with a different starter. Some people (including myself) don't like doing the Rising Sun starter.

After Teleport you simply do st.H into Spiral Swords or do St.H, S, M H d+H call OTG assist Spiral Swords. You can't do HSH after the Stinger because you used your ground bounce with Starfall.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
woo got to 4th lord just now. don't know how long it took me the last time in vanilla but i know it wasn't this fast. you are falling behind tobe. :p sixfortyfive is keeping up a better pace.
That's something, considering that I haven't played online in about 2 weeks.


I can do the rest of the bnb, I just need to practice the round trip + judgement cuts with spiral cut. I also have no idea how to open up people with Vergil. I've always played characters with air dashes or a flight mode.


I also have no idea how to open up people with Vergil.
.... you're kidding right?

LMH Stinger -> Rapid Slash = Cross up they have to block opposite
LMH Stinger -> Judgment Cut = Fake the Rapid Slash animation, catches them pressing buttons or blocking forward
LMHSH - Rapid Slash/Judgment Cut/Trick = Same as above, different string
Call assist during block string -> Trick M = Standard teleport + assist cross up
Call assist during block string -> Trick L = Fake the teleport + assist cross up
Call high hitting assist -> Activate Spiral Sword -> dash up and do crouching L's = Unblockable set up, even if they try to advance guard Vergil's fast wave dash + Spiral swords negates it. Can only be gotten out via cross over counter.
Crouching block strings + overhead assist (centurion arts) = Run of the mill unblockable set up
Random Helm Breaker -> Trick H -> Helm Breaker + assist call -> Trick L or M = Teleport mix ups with Helm Breaker. People like doing this with a low hitting assist, even though Helm Breaker doesn't hit overhead as soon as they see you port up they start to block high. With Devil Trigger on you can do Rapid Slash or Judgment upon getting them to block a Helm Breaker and they have to make the guess because you are at frame advantage in Devil Trigger after Helm Breaker.
Round Trip -> Trick M = Teleport as soon as the Round Trip is about to connect the opponent guarding. Self imposed cross up.
Round Trip -> Trick L = Same as above but you are faking the teleport cross up
Round Trip -> Trick M -> block string -> Trick M or Trick L = Double Round Trip cross up set up. You throw Round Trip and Trick before it hits them. You do a couple of hits while Round Trip is coming back to you and before it reaching you, you do another teleport changing the direction of the RT. You can do cross up or fake cross up. You can see this being done in the video I provided above. You can combine this assists for even dirtier set ups.
Helm Breaker -> Trick H -> Starfall on cross up = Trick H usually puts you in decent position to attempt a cross up with Starfall
During Devil Trigger -> Air dash -> Starfall on cross up = You can use air dash to attempt cross up with Starfall. Not that great but worth mentioning
Dash under st.H or st.S into Upper Slash series = Standard dash under cross up with Vergil due to insane hit box of Vergil.
Instant overhead (works only on tall characters) = j.L especially during Spiral swords


Upper Slash reset = During combo, add HSH after you have used up your ground bounce. This will put opponent in a soft knockdown roll state and they have to instantly roll back or forward. You can cancel the H into a teleport + assist call. Trick M catches them on the back roll and Trick L catches them on the forward roll.

Rapid Slash/Judgment Cut + Upper slash reset = Same as above only you attempt to mix them up with Rapid Slash or Judgment Cut after HSH.

Stinger reset = During combo, add a 2nd Stinger to your combo to initiate a psuedo-wall bounce and teleport. Teleport M crosses them up and Teleport L fakes the cross up. They are in an aerial state so you can also go for air throw or dash under cross up.

The "Wesker" = During a combo, add a st.L and immediately go for a Helm Breaker d/f+H OS with air throw. They block, they get air thrown... they press buttons they get high priority Helm Breaker to deal with.

The Vergil loop = Instead of going for the Helm Breaker OS you can do j.M, j.M, j.H into combo of choice just like Wesker to catch them pressing buttons. Delay the hits just like Wesker.

Spiral Swords dash under cross up = During combos you can opt to drop the Spiral sword loop to attempt a reset. You can dash under them with Spiral swords on and have the swords hit on the opposite side which is an instant cross up. Works extremely well on in coming characters as well. This is a bit tricky to set up mid combo, you need to knock them up high enough with something like Hightime

Rising Sun reset = End combo with Rising Sun into Trick down, puts them in an air tech state. You can opt to go for various reset options from here as they are in a vulnerable state. Air throw, Helm breaker, MHS/MHS, Round Trip set ups, Spiral sword dash unders, assist + teleport cross ups etc.

Hightime reset = Same as above only the easiest to set up. This used to be day -20 Vergil reset set up.

Whiffed Lunar Phase reset = During combos it is actually possible to whiff the final hit of Lunar Phase but this leads into a possible reset/mix up situation very low to the ground that they have to deal with. Hit them with everything I have stated above.

Storm Sword set ups = A very expensive set up that is ONLY RESERVED for killing anchor characters (last character on team). With 2 bars, mark them with Storm Swords and then lock them down with assists, Judgment Cut and Round Trip. As soon as Storm Swords start hit... start teleporting and once you get the confirm start the combo. The meter here is well spent as it usually denies X factor comebacks.

Bottom line: Use numerous mix ups and resets in conjunction with other. You use the Upper Slash reset and they block it? No worries... use a block string and if they advance guard it toss out Round Trip into RT mix up. They don't advance guard... attempt Rapid Slash cross up. Experiment with what mix ups work for you and there are more mix ups/resets options to be explored especially when Devil trigger and Spiral swords are used.

And I have way more resets/mix ups than these... the ones that I mentioned are match proven. Most of Vergil's advance tools are still largely unexplored yet including Round Trip, Spiral, Blistering, Storm and Devil Trigger.


guess I'll look at that in the lab later. I guess I just need a devoted beam or arrow assist with Vergil, my movement is really limited without raw teleports.
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