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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Iron Fist holds back the Storm again.


get some go again
Change to Haggar was smart... it was 100% a rushdown team but the combo of Wesker + Haggar isn't as good.

Justin still needs to upgrade his IF... he doesn't use kara cancels at all. But he made some really smart choices going for the METER CHI to make sure he had the meter for Snapback. That was some clutch stuff right there.
I never really liked viscants use of haggars lariat assist. he threw it out too randomly in vanilla. you can't really do that in this game.


I think Viscant could still make Phoenix a force to be reckoned with, but he really needs a second character that he's just as good with as Wesker. Somebody with a beam/beamlike assist, like Magneto or Dante. Or just actually practice Doom.


I never really liked viscants use of haggars lariat assist. he threw it out too randomly in vanilla. you can't really do that in this game.
Very few characters could punish Haggar properly especially with Wesker breathing down their neck... in vanilla that is. In Ultimate Haggar can easily get clipped in the legs... Zero owns Haggar assist for free. Still good assist but you GOTTA THINK BEFORE YOU PRESS THAT BUTTON.


New BFFs?

I like what Justin is doing with his "new" team. Basically Wolverine + Akuma is a self made combo and with XFLVL2 you can rock this team like vanilla. Wolverine doesn't need a ton of meter to be good with unlike Storm who you want meter on deck and that sort of works against having Akuma on anchor (speaking of which... Justin hardly got any Akuma play in).

Although I am wary about his double rushdown + rushdown assist team. A tight zoning team can effectively zone it out. Hell... Ghost Rider ALONE can zone out that entire team.

SoCal is fairly free at the moment. Justin is by far the most consistent player from SoCal who will be there and even then he is just riding on fundamentals/basic game plans when other people have leveled up tremendously. I really don't like West Coast chances at SoCal. All other 7 players at this tournament looked mighty shoddy. There might be hope from NorCal if there is some NorCal representation there.

Flocker, ChrisG, Yipes, Noel Brown, Jago, PRBalrog (is he still coming)... Chris G. Yes I know I listed him twice but come on.
New BFFs?

I like what Justin is doing with his "new" team. Basically Wolverine + Akuma is a self made combo and with XFLVL2 you can rock this team like vanilla. Wolverine doesn't need a ton of meter to be good with unlike Storm who you want meter on deck and that sort of works against having Akuma on anchor (speaking of which... Justin hardly got any Akuma play in).

Although I am wary about his double rushdown + rushdown assist team. A tight zoning team can effectively zone it out. Hell... Ghost Rider ALONE can zone out that entire team.

SoCal is fairly free at the moment. Justin is by far the most consistent player from SoCal who will be there and even then he is just riding on fundamentals/basic game plans when other people have leveled up tremendously. I really don't like West Coast chances at SoCal. All other 7 players at this tournament looked mighty shoddy. There might be hope from NorCal if there is some NorCal representation there.

Flocker, ChrisG, Yipes, Noel Brown, Jago, PRBalrog (is he still coming)... Chris G. Yes I know I listed him twice but come on.
I see a win for EC if Justin and Clackwerk are taken out.


Justin Wong is also indecisive. He doesn't know if he wants to stick with IF or not. There will come a point in the tournament where he feels he has to switch out IF and he might end up picking a character he doesn't have practice with a lot.

At Bar Fights I bet against Clockwork because the display at this tournament was the Clockwork that I bet on. But then I realized that Fanatiq is also the one completely out of form and is having more trouble adjusting to the changes on his team. In a stack competition, I don't expect Clockwork to win a major at this level. I say the same for the rest of the people at SoCal. Justin has the best chance from SoCal by a mile.

There WILL be salt at EC invasion of WC.


so rusty. vergil is a lot of hard work, don't think I hit one fancy combo with him though.

did see that 20 second iron fist combo though, lol





Chris G or Flocker, who going to win?
It's hard to call.

ChrisG doesn't have the match up experience against Zero and 2 of his characters outright lose to Zero (Wesker and Ryu). Firebrand and Hawkeye do alright against Zero. Chris's Firebrand isn't at the level where he can compete with Flocker's Zero so that is also in Flocker's favor... he will be sticking to Wesker for the clutch. Hawkeye does the best against Zero on his team and if he plays it smart he can start off Hawkeye and force Zero to come to him. The bad side to that is that rushing Chris' Hawkeye exposes the fact that he has no cover assist for Hawkeye, he basically has two combo extension assists for him. I expect Chris' clutch team to be Wesker/Ryu/Hawkeye, it's the most optimum team for him at this time.

Flocker's Vergil is also something Chris doesn't have much experience with (ie a decent Vergil). Chris was getting blown up by Omniscythe's Vergil and if it wasn't for a few errors, he would've taken it despite there not even being 1 horizontal assist on that team. Flocker's Vergil while basic gets the job done on his team... he's the clean up man. Zero plays the game with minimal resources and Vergil spends them. Flocker is great at meter management with Vergil and that's how he gets so many kills with the character. His Hawkeye is solid too but I edge Chris' Hawkeye out.

If Chris is able to eliminate Flocker's Zero early he can win. He also can't burn XF early because he would then have to deal with XF Hawkeye at anchor which is something he doesn't want to do. But taking out Flocker is the entire battle itself, his defense is so strong and his fundamentals with the characters even better. It's going to be a battle of fundamentals but as far as team composition I think Flocker edges out Chris' team. But player vs player... Chris Godlike is tied for best Marvel player in the world right now. He is winning tournaments with TROLL teams just on basic fundamentals. He's like the EC version of Justin Wong... only possibly even more solid.

It's a toss up. It just depends on who makes less chokes. Chris has a knack for it at the top level so who knows... we might see another Shinkuu fuck up.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Just unpacked the 360 and hooked it up for the first time since getting back from a local last weekend. Tried out some player matches. I get matched against someone who literally does nothing but jump around and mash H to start combos... and it works half the time because I can't tech due to lag even though I'm pre-emptively attempting all the time. Hitconfirms are still as impossible as ever.

I literally had to set down the controller and walk away in rage mid-match before I broke something or woke up my neighbors. Video games never do this to me.


Just unpacked the 360 and hooked it up for the first time since getting back from a local last weekend. Tried out some player matches. I get matched against someone who literally does nothing but jump around and mash H to start combos... and it works half the time because I can't tech due to lag even though I'm pre-emptively attempting all the time. Hitconfirms are still as impossible as ever.

I literally had to set down the controller and walk away in rage mid-match before I broke something or woke up my neighbors. Video games never do this to me.

is that you degen, playing on the 360 too? LOL


Well, I'm finally going to start sinking time into this series since stream monstering has made me fall in love with it. I know this is an ambitious team with some hard execution but what do you guys think of Felicia/Magneto/Spencer? All 3 are characters that I really like and would love to eventually be decent with. I like several other characters too so if this is a team destined to fail I'm willing to switch it up.


.... you're kidding right?

LMH Stinger -> Rapid Slash = Cross up they have to block opposite
LMH Stinger -> Judgment Cut = Fake the Rapid Slash animation, catches them pressing buttons or blocking forward
LMHSH - Rapid Slash/Judgment Cut/Trick = Same as above, different string
Call assist during block string -> Trick M = Standard teleport + assist cross up
Call assist during block string -> Trick L = Fake the teleport + assist cross up
Call high hitting assist -> Activate Spiral Sword -> dash up and do crouching L's = Unblockable set up, even if they try to advance guard Vergil's fast wave dash + Spiral swords negates it. Can only be gotten out via cross over counter.
Crouching block strings + overhead assist (centurion arts) = Run of the mill unblockable set up
Random Helm Breaker -> Trick H -> Helm Breaker + assist call -> Trick L or M = Teleport mix ups with Helm Breaker. People like doing this with a low hitting assist, even though Helm Breaker doesn't hit overhead as soon as they see you port up they start to block high. With Devil Trigger on you can do Rapid Slash or Judgment upon getting them to block a Helm Breaker and they have to make the guess because you are at frame advantage in Devil Trigger after Helm Breaker.
Round Trip -> Trick M = Teleport as soon as the Round Trip is about to connect the opponent guarding. Self imposed cross up.
Round Trip -> Trick L = Same as above but you are faking the teleport cross up
Round Trip -> Trick M -> block string -> Trick M or Trick L = Double Round Trip cross up set up. You throw Round Trip and Trick before it hits them. You do a couple of hits while Round Trip is coming back to you and before it reaching you, you do another teleport changing the direction of the RT. You can do cross up or fake cross up. You can see this being done in the video I provided above. You can combine this assists for even dirtier set ups.
Helm Breaker -> Trick H -> Starfall on cross up = Trick H usually puts you in decent position to attempt a cross up with Starfall
During Devil Trigger -> Air dash -> Starfall on cross up = You can use air dash to attempt cross up with Starfall. Not that great but worth mentioning
Dash under st.H or st.S into Upper Slash series = Standard dash under cross up with Vergil due to insane hit box of Vergil.
Instant overhead (works only on tall characters) = j.L especially during Spiral swords


Upper Slash reset = During combo, add HSH after you have used up your ground bounce. This will put opponent in a soft knockdown roll state and they have to instantly roll back or forward. You can cancel the H into a teleport + assist call. Trick M catches them on the back roll and Trick L catches them on the forward roll.

Rapid Slash/Judgment Cut + Upper slash reset = Same as above only you attempt to mix them up with Rapid Slash or Judgment Cut after HSH.

Stinger reset = During combo, add a 2nd Stinger to your combo to initiate a psuedo-wall bounce and teleport. Teleport M crosses them up and Teleport L fakes the cross up. They are in an aerial state so you can also go for air throw or dash under cross up.

The "Wesker" = During a combo, add a st.L and immediately go for a Helm Breaker d/f+H OS with air throw. They block, they get air thrown... they press buttons they get high priority Helm Breaker to deal with.

The Vergil loop = Instead of going for the Helm Breaker OS you can do j.M, j.M, j.H into combo of choice just like Wesker to catch them pressing buttons. Delay the hits just like Wesker.

Spiral Swords dash under cross up = During combos you can opt to drop the Spiral sword loop to attempt a reset. You can dash under them with Spiral swords on and have the swords hit on the opposite side which is an instant cross up. Works extremely well on in coming characters as well. This is a bit tricky to set up mid combo, you need to knock them up high enough with something like Hightime

Rising Sun reset = End combo with Rising Sun into Trick down, puts them in an air tech state. You can opt to go for various reset options from here as they are in a vulnerable state. Air throw, Helm breaker, MHS/MHS, Round Trip set ups, Spiral sword dash unders, assist + teleport cross ups etc.

Hightime reset = Same as above only the easiest to set up. This used to be day -20 Vergil reset set up.

Whiffed Lunar Phase reset = During combos it is actually possible to whiff the final hit of Lunar Phase but this leads into a possible reset/mix up situation very low to the ground that they have to deal with. Hit them with everything I have stated above.

Storm Sword set ups = A very expensive set up that is ONLY RESERVED for killing anchor characters (last character on team). With 2 bars, mark them with Storm Swords and then lock them down with assists, Judgment Cut and Round Trip. As soon as Storm Swords start hit... start teleporting and once you get the confirm start the combo. The meter here is well spent as it usually denies X factor comebacks.

Bottom line: Use numerous mix ups and resets in conjunction with other. You use the Upper Slash reset and they block it? No worries... use a block string and if they advance guard it toss out Round Trip into RT mix up. They don't advance guard... attempt Rapid Slash cross up. Experiment with what mix ups work for you and there are more mix ups/resets options to be explored especially when Devil trigger and Spiral swords are used.

And I have way more resets/mix ups than these... the ones that I mentioned are match proven. Most of Vergil's advance tools are still largely unexplored yet including Round Trip, Spiral, Blistering, Storm and Devil Trigger.

so I've learned that when under pressure, all I can do is spam H and S.

so good.
Just unpacked the 360 and hooked it up for the first time since getting back from a local last weekend. Tried out some player matches. I get matched against someone who literally does nothing but jump around and mash H to start combos... and it works half the time because I can't tech due to lag even though I'm pre-emptively attempting all the time. Hitconfirms are still as impossible as ever.

I literally had to set down the controller and walk away in rage mid-match before I broke something or woke up my neighbors. Video games never do this to me.
I know that feel bro.
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