Stopping by to update the H&H list. I moved
RS4- to the
Heralds side to balance things out.
MarvelGAF Heroes & Heralds - Week of December 25th
GAF Username System Gamertag Faction Location Availability
---------------------- ------ --------------- ------- ----------- ------------
Sixfortyfive 360 Sixfortyfive Heroes USA/AL after 7PM ET
Oldschoolgamer 360 OldschoolgamerZ Heroes USA/MD after 7PM ET
shaowebb 360 Dynasty Penguin Heroes USA/WV 10PM - 1AM ET
RS4- 360 dokterrhouse Heralds CAN/Tor anytime
The Abominable Snowman 360 vagabond01 Heralds USA/VA after 8PM ET
Professor Beef PS3 ProfessorBeef Heroes USA/CA anytime
ihearthawthats PS3 ihearthawthats Heroes CAN/ON after 9PM ET
Degen PS3 Dragon17013 Heralds USA/PA after 10PM ET
Karsticles PS3 Karsticles Heralds USA/IL various
If you're listed here, please remember to choose the appropriate faction this week. If you want to join later this week, please pick the faction with the fewer current number of participants on your console so that we can maintain a roughly 50/50 split. Make a post when you join up so that I can keep this list current.
If you see me online and want to coordinate an H&H game, feel free to drop me a message anytime.