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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Man, I wish I could do grav loops online. I started using a team I never played before, Magneto/Sentinel/Phoenix because the only way I could do combos was if I pushed people into the corner where my old flight loops from vanilla still work lol. Still, the team is pretty fun. I probably have a natural affinity towards it because I'm half Filipino, though. I actually really like Sentinel now because his flight mode reminds me of war machine from MVC1 a little bit.

If you're talking about the j. h, adf, m, h xx fly [h, adf] x n loop, then all you have to do is change the m to an l and it still works.
If you're talking about the j. h, adf, m, h xx fly [h, adf] x n loop, then all you have to do is change the m to an l and it still works.

Seriously? Wow. Never noticed because I had no real reason to do that combo anymore. Even when I want an easy combo I just do jH adf, jMH, jH adf, jMH, jH adf, jMH, jH adf, jMH, S, jMMH aduf jMMHS.


20 online vergils in a row, chill out xbox live!

i blame dahbomb for this
There has been a recent surge in Vergil awareness and play at high level. I think everyone knew before the game even came out that a character like Vergil was going to be a popular pick online.

Just gave my exam for system surgery... that was hard as hell.


GGs, Jet. You random Wesker Phantom Dance too much, got you in trouble a few times.

Also helped me figure out my problem. Panda, you were right, I need to re-acquaint myself with the controller I use for PS3 :(.

Missing SRK motions all day.

GGs all in the HBR.


GGs, Jet. You random Wesker Phantom Dance too much, got you in trouble a few times.

Also helped me figure out my problem. Panda, you were right, I need to re-acquaint myself with the controller I use for PS3 :(.

Missing SRK motions all day.

GGs all in the HBR.

Eh, I was in panic mode because I had no idea what to do about Zero. Thanks for reminding me how much I suck. BTW, do you have a secret instant air grab button or something? I swear I was trying to tech every time but you still grabbed me like 5 times in a row in that one sequence.


Yeah, that was nuts. I was honestly enraged the Wesker OTG missed 3 times in a row, so I kept doing it.

And no, I just have been good at throwing for awhile :(. I know one guy who's even better, it's scary lol.


I'm terrible with airthrows. Absolutely terrible. I don't get how some people do it, because I always fail when I try to go for them. I'm weak to UPBACK! :(

Then again, most of the time I try to go for airthrows with Dante, and his airthrow range is ass, and his after airthrow game is ass outside of XF. I'm generally more successful with Strider and Spencer, but even then I only get an airthrow half the time. Most of the time when I go for airthrow, I get first two frames of j.H and then get airthrown for my troubles. Don't know if it's just that I suck, or if it's just 'lol netcode' biting me in the ass.

I wish I could airthrow like PIGG. Dude airthrew me so low to the ground I clipped through the floor.


Seriously? Wow. Never noticed because I had no real reason to do that combo anymore. Even when I want an easy combo I just do jH adf, jMH, jH adf, jMH, jH adf, jMH, jH adf, jMH, S, jMMH aduf jMMHS.

Yep. First thing I did when I found out the old combo didn't work was go into training mode and figure out how to do it with the least amount of changes. I think it's more timing specific than in vanilla, but it's not hard at all. I regularly land it even with online Marvel lag.


How's Taxmaster/Hawkeye synergy?

Considering running Tax/Hawk/Wesker because my Strider wasn't good enough to perform at all, especially with that health.

I know Tax/Wesker have an unblockable together, so there's that


C. Viper is so good. Been practicing Viper/Vergil/Doom and the Viper/Vergil DHC takes 1.1 mil eay. Learnt some easyViper combos and loops that do about 850k with net meter gain, but I need to learn some resets with this team if I want any chance to win with this team.
How's Taxmaster/Hawkeye synergy?

Considering running Tax/Hawk/Wesker because my Strider wasn't good enough to perform at all, especially with that health.

I know Tax/Wesker have an unblockable together, so there's that

They work pretty well together if you're trying to zone someone out. That chip damage really adds up quickly.


Mrs. Harvey
PSN HBR 2 archives is done already.

Good stuff to everybody. Stream goes down after last match. No matter what. It's for archive purposes. Max viewers at one time was actually 112.

We had a rough start but it worked out in the end. PSN on blast with the disconnects. Future HBRs will always get better of course.

Final scores

Panda= 70 points
Biz= 35 points
Beef= 18 points
Degen= 17 points
GB= 9 points

I think I'm going to run Live HBR3 later tonight if anybody is interested. Same time, etc. Just PM me for a spot.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
GGs, Jet. You random Wesker Phantom Dance too much, got you in trouble a few times.

Also helped me figure out my problem. Panda, you were right, I need to re-acquaint myself with the controller I use for PS3 :(.

Missing SRK motions all day.

GGs all in the HBR.

Do you play on pad?

Also I hate every single character on your team. :)

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Something weird about the HBR is that the last hour or so just became a cycle. I'd beat whoever, then face Biz. Most of the time I lose to Biz so it's just a matter of only allowing him to gain 1 point aka Dark Wesker me. Then I just hope that Degen takes out his alt team, which was usually the case.

I think it's all a matter of everyone's alt team sucking lol.

Also I hit the full Hulk combo online for the first time during the HBR, that was pretty cool.

mr. puppy

reading through some old marvel 2 stuff and I found a great interview with Clockwork on his strider/doom/sentinel team:


I really like this part in particular:

Maj: Your name always comes up whenever anyone talks about Strider/Doom. Why hasn’t anyone been able to duplicate your success with that duo?

4) Attitude/Heart – I feel a lot of Strider players don’t put enough into it to win as much as they’d like. I remember a while back, Devil_X of Tekken/Soul Calibur was getting really good with Strider. But I felt he could never win as much as he should because of his outlook on the team (how weak it is, how limited Strider is, how crappy Doom is, etc). If you don’t believe you can win, the game is already lost.

I know Strider isn’t as strong as some other characters. But I definitely believe Strider has more potential than the other 55 characters in the game, and so that’s why I’ve played him the past decade. He has the tools to get it done, it’s just mistakes are unforgiving. I also feel Doom is more than strong enough to hold his own when he comes in on point against top tier, and is better than any of the other “assist only” characters on point (Cyclops, Commando, Psylocke, Tron). That’s how I feel, so that’s how I fucking play it.

Even in situations where the match up is no good (vs Matrix) or if I’m clearly losing, if I have at least a little bit of Strider and Doom and at least one meter to work with, I feel fantastic, even though I shouldn’t. I feel characters should be afraid of Strider, even if they shouldn’t, so I that’s how I play it. Your game is a reflection of your own confidence, or lack thereof.


Kind of long, some of my recent thoughts based on playing a lot of games over the weekend:
I am coming to the conclusion that Wolverine on point is still the best bet if you want to win frequently...

Right now my main team is doing pretty well Wesker, Vergil, Doom (beam) ... but I am also playing some alts. With my main team, I have to play super carefully against Zero and Wolv point characters. Wesker's jump up gun + doom beam zones very well. It will cause some damage to Wolverine as he is getting in... completely owns Ghost rider and Sentinel. However, if Zero or Wolv land a hit or I make any spacing mistakes, Wesker is in a world of pain.

*I have also been practicing with Skrull ... but outside of random meteor dives or catching bad assist calls, its a bit tough to open people up with Skrull. (He does ridiculous damage, but hes is not as amazing as he looks on tourney streams unless you really know all of his normals. ie. SSFIV type normal knowledge) I played around with Skrull + Doom missiles, it is pretty good, but not as good as it sounds :(

*I tried playing Zero, but I don't think the character is for me. A little bit too tough always holding down A...my fingers start to cramp.

I want to try 3 other teams for my experiments -- I am wondering if I can make an all anchor team work.

Skrull Vergil(rapid slash) Wesker. Theory is that Skrull can control the air pretty well, and Vergil slash assist will help pressure the bottom part of the screen. Wesker assist will help extend combos for both.

Wolverine (berserker barrage) Vergil (Rapid slash) Wesker -- Wolverine and Vergil can use the slash assists to lock down enemies and then cross up with with Berserker Slash/Teleport. Wesker for combo extension. If they are zoning heavily out of the gate and Wolverine is getting bodied, worst case scenario, hard tag in Vergil and activate swords.

Finally, Wolverine, Wesker, Doom (beam)... this is probably the safest bet for easy wins, but I really want to keep playing Vergil. I just love the character... but I can't deny Wolverines ability to kill 2 characters.

Thoughts? I am thinking Wolv Vergil Wesker team can do some real damage...

PS. Until recently, Vergil has been the liability on my team. Somehow I really leveled him up... I am using swords super more than anything right now. Its a free way to get in and they can't do anything about it. Completely shuts down momentum, whuch is GODLIKE in this game. Anyways, I played a long set with this amazing Magneto player from SRK. He could do TOD with rom combos and never dropped them. He raped my alt teams, and I ended up winning 5 straight against him because of Vergil and swords super. Even XF3 sentinel is scared of Vergil with swords :)


The physical form of blasphemy
Vergil is fun to use. heh. Using him is teaching me how not to throw out buttons all of the time for certain. Working on Vergil / Magneto / Akuma. I might swap Akuma for Wesker though.

I think I might do it Tobe, Phoenix/Magneto/Frank West. It's a team that takes more courage than anything I've ever tried.

Frank West...on anchor? o.0


I think I might do it Tobe, Phoenix/Magneto/Sentinel. It's a team that takes more courage than anything I've ever tried.

i think phoenix really needs a get off me assist, maybe a phoenix/sent/haggar you get good dhc options.

phoenix should at least have air normal dash cancel like magnus, if you have a 375k character might as well give her ALL the tools in the game :p


The physical form of blasphemy
This is probably going to be the most scrubby Vergil ever, until I can spend some more time learning how to do Spiral Sword loops in a match.

He really didn't need round trip...


Frank West...on anchor? o.0
I think Frank West is a character that you need on in second position. Not because he's a bad anchor (although he is), but because you NEED to have a "get him to level 4" strategy. And the easiest way to get that to happen is a DHC/THC from your point character. If that isn't a priority, then all you got is an assist.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Wolverine (berserker barrage) Vergil (Rapid slash) Wesker -- Wolverine and Vergil can use the slash assists to lock down enemies and then cross up with with Berserker Slash/Teleport. Wesker for combo extension. If they are zoning heavily out of the gate and Wolverine is getting bodied, worst case scenario, hard tag in Vergil and activate swords.

Finally, Wolverine, Wesker, Doom (beam)... this is probably the safest bet for easy wins, but I really want to keep playing Vergil. I just love the character... but I can't deny Wolverines ability to kill 2 characters.

Thoughts? I am thinking Wolv Vergil Wesker team can do some real damage...

Well for the first team Rapid Slash is a pretty bad lockdown assist anywhere other than the corner. I'm pretty sure it pushes the opponent away full screen on hit and block. As Wolverine you want to be up in their face not push them away.

As for the second team it's good for the most part. I'm not sure about how Doom beam will effect your combos if it hits though. It does 8 hits I think, that will scale the crap out of your combos. Then you'd also have Doom as an anchor, which I find underwhelming with or without xfactor (I say this because you said you'd like Wolverine to kill off 2 characters, makes me think you'd try to use xfactor earlier in the match)


Well for the first team Rapid Slash is a pretty bad lockdown assist anywhere other than the corner. I'm pretty sure it pushes the opponent away full screen on hit and block. As Wolverine you want to be up in their face not push them away.

As for the second team it's good for the most part. I'm not sure about how Doom beam will effect your combos if it hits though. It does 8 hits I think, that will scale the crap out of your combos. Then you'd also have Doom as an anchor, which I find underwhelming with or without xfactor (I say this because you said you'd like Wolverine to kill off 2 characters, makes me think you'd try to use xfactor earlier in the match)

I like Doom's assists but I don't really like him as an XF3 anchor. I tend use XF2 a lot on my team. Doom is great for completely neutralizating the other team's xfactor. He can spam fullscreen supers, airbeams and fly to timescam & completely run out their XF3. So if you are winning, he is good to maintaining the win. However, making comebacks with Doom is possible, but pretty difficult.

IMHO he is good for shutting down the cheap shit that online players tend to use -- XF3 Morrigan, XF3 Wesker, etc.
I think Frank West is a character that you need on in second position. Not because he's a bad anchor (although he is), but because you NEED to have a "get him to level 4" strategy. And the easiest way to get that to happen is a DHC/THC from your point character. If that isn't a priority, then all you got is an assist.

He was on anchor so I could tag from Magneto to him after Phoenix dies from random hits.


tagged by Blackace
These Hyper Battle Royales becoming so frequent means I gotta switch up the way I was formatting them for the new OP, damn.

Wish I could get H&H games to actually get the titles :(

EDIT: Oh and at that.. we need a new thread title for OT2. Get brainstormin', GAF.

mr. puppy

speaking of Frank West, when is Noel going to drop that character? Everytime his Wolverine fails he's shit out of luck if Frank is Lvl. 1....its like he's trying some weird ass Point/Assist/Phoenix play from Vanilla and just has Frank in there for building meter at that point for Dark Wesker.

Sure, he can get Frank built up but by that point he's already got a clear advantage from opening people with Wolverine.


speaking of Frank West, when is Noel going to drop that character? Everytime his Wolverine fails he's shit out of luck if Frank is Lvl. 1....its like he's trying some weird ass Point/Assist/Phoenix play from Vanilla and just has Frank in there for building meter at that point for Dark Wesker.

Sure, he can get Frank built up but by that point he's already got a clear advantage from opening people with Wolverine.

Its a really good assist though.


Sentinel still blows up people. Damn.

Sentinel is scary because you can't push buttons... Best strategy IMHO is to jump at him and block. Most sentinels do Jump S all day and you can punish his J S on block. You run risk getting airthrown, but its better than getting cornered and then command grabbed into KO.

Wesker and Vergil with swords rape Sent for free though.
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