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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Alright for day 1(which for me will be like Dec) I'm going with:

Phoenix W/Tron/Morrigan

Tron's fire should help protect Wright looking for evidence. It will need to be used with Maya's barrier though since it sucks now. Really just using it make getting over the shield more difficult. Might switch it to something else it if doesn't work out. Morrigan will help with meter since Wright will be focused on getting evidence. If I can get Wright into turnabout I'll switch him out so I can use pressing the witness assist to beef up Tron who will be my main character. This is my old team with Phoenix instead of Amaterasu.

Scarlet Spider/Frank/Nemesis

Haven't done much thinking with this team so I'm not really sure about the order/assists/etc.


Peekaboo and dagger should hopefully provide some aerial defense for Chris. Peekaboo did worked for me in vanilla but I'm not sure how well daggers track vertically. This should be my main team. I know Chris benefited from a beam assist in vanilla but I'm hoping his buffs have made that a little less important. Might switch in Shuma gorath for Trish or Strange though.


Apparently phantom crown can be avoided if you tag in another character. But - that really opens things up as it would be an easy punish if the Vergil player would anticipate them herp derp tag in. It's also interesting how the phantom crown doesn't disappear after Vergil gets hit.

So, put out the crown. Stay back - read the tag in, if no tag comes in after the swords activate, and since it's not a true block string - commence with mix ups, teleports and assists to punish.

The safest thing a person could probably do is team hyper combo (i.e, dante's devil trigger to wesker's rhino charge counter). But you burn two meters.

This meta-game makes Vergil a great anti-Phoenix team. Naturally, this meta-game doesn't exist if the opponent is down to their anchor, as there is no one to switch to. Also, phantom crown would work great against Dark-Phoenix. Bitch can't do shit when locked down by those.


get some go again
HK-47 said:
So they dont actually want a better zoning game lol?
capcom doesn't know what they want. they make zoning stronger but introduce a bunch of teleport shit. i really hope combofiend doesn't use a teleport character. stay pure combo!


smurfx said:
capcom doesn't know what they want. they make zoning stronger but introduce a bunch of teleport shit. i really hope combofiend doesn't use a teleport character. stay pure combo!
Zoning is stronger in this now though. Their goal is to make it as 50/50 as possible.


Hyperfludd said:
Man, this game is so addicting. I was playing online ranked matches eariler on the PS3, no lag at all whatsoever. Way better than vanilla do far. (Until the masses come in I suppose.)

I'm quite clueless when it comes to online gaming, but I am assuming the online is all done through P2P, so wouldn't the number of people playing not really matter?


God's Beard said:
I like Iron Man. I had one of his comics when I was a kid. He got really drunk, beat his girlfriend up and killed a bunch of innocent people then his own suit kicked the shit out of him.

I don't like any of the newer Iron Man stuff, and I never read any of the other old stuff. I read a few hundred of the new marvel comics with the month subscription that came with the SE hoping I'd find something worthwhile. I didn't.

There are a lot of Marvel characters that I think would be really cool in a fighting game, but none that I think are cool as characters. I actually disagree pretty heavily with the way Marvel makes comics like a character stock market instead of just letting people write what they want. It's just a bunch of bullshit tie ins and rehashes. I wouldn't pay to watch movie trailers, and I wouldn't pay for Marvel's 30-page marketing pamphlets either.

If you mean comics outside of Marvel, none of the characters I like are superheroes.
This is actually not at all what I expected from you and on some levels can agree. They tend to use every character in every issue anymore instead of developing anyone too deeply. I don't like that and it usually means I'm reading DC, Topcow or Misc for my stuff. Occassionally something great pops up at Marvel, but anymore every comic tries to be about 15 dudes instead of about who is on the cover. Kind of hard to develop any lasting story moments when all your write about is the fighting. This is why in spite of mistakes I really enjoyed Brian Hitch's Ultimates. He wrote non action drama very well in most cases. When he was bad you threw the issue down he was so bad was his downfall. I'll never forgive him for horny hulk rampage.

I guess out of all comic books I only have 2 characters I go completely apeshit for even though I am a fan of most things in comics. I love Iron Fist, and I love The Ray in DC. There power sets seem really interesting and they're not fully adjusted to being a hero. They know they can make mistakes and this humanizes them to me a lot. Spiderman used to have that going on, but now he's just manic depressive. I like em powerful and slightly afraid of that fact. I like them trying to be a hero while knowing that just having power doesn't mean you may know how to help people. I like them to struggle.

I get a lot of what I like from Iron Fist. The Ray however is like a rare treat if he ever shows up at all in DC. One of the most powerful guys ever and to this day I think every writer has sucked at using him. The new Ray in the reboot is fucking terrible and his outfit blows. I want Raymond Terrill back.

Sigh...comic books. At least they make great fighting game cast!


get some go again
QisTopTier said:
Zoning is stronger in this now though. Their goal is to make it as 50/50 as possible.
lol but what about the characters that don't zone or teleport? poor, poor haggar you are fucked my friend.

lowhighkang_LHK said:


Apparently phantom crown can be avoided if you tag in another character. But - that really opens things up as it would be an easy punish if the Vergil player would anticipate them herp derp tag in. It's also interesting how the phantom crown doesn't disappear after Vergil gets hit.

So, put out the crown. Stay back - read the tag in, if no tag comes in after the swords activate, and since it's not a true block string - commence with mix ups, teleports and assists to punish.

The safest thing a person could probably do is team hyper combo (i.e, dante's devil trigger to wesker's rhino charge counter). But you burn two meters.

This meta-game makes Vergil a great anti-Phoenix team. Naturally, this meta-game doesn't exist if the opponent is down to their anchor, as there is no one to switch to. Also, phantom crown would work great against Dark-Phoenix. Bitch can't do shit when locked down by those.
yeah you get a raw tag but it still costs the virgil player 2 meters. can you air x factor as your character is coming in from a tag? if so then you just solved your problem with being hit from the naked tag.


smurfx said:
lol but what about the characters that don't zone or teleport? poor, poor haggar you are fucked my friend.

yeah you get a raw tag but it still costs the virgil player 2 meters. can you air x factor as your character is coming in from a tag? if so then you just solved your problem with being hit from the naked tag.
I don't think haggar is ever NOT fucked 1v1 lol


Professor Beef said:
Tell that to DC Comics. :3
Thats because they went with Midway and tried to use heroes in a game based on fatalities and footsies.

If you can fly and shoot beams your not a footsy fighting game character design. You are born to be used in a game like MVC because it caters to superjump, air combo, zoning, and teleport antics. And why on Earth would you ever put superheroes who are never really for killing people as a solution in a game with fatalities?

Someone at DC went full retard there. They should've either contacted Capcom or tried to get ASW to work on their product. As is Nether Realm would have to create an entirely new fighting game system to do a DC fighter if another was called for by WB. MK style just won't cut it when the cast needs flight, crazy dash and dodge, and beams to feel canon to fans of the characters during combat.


get some go again
i got hit with virgils level 4 yesterday. i don't know if its the new hud but i had no idea the player even had that much meter. i remember him going into devil trigger mode and then not thinking much of it but then the fucker teleported and fucked me good. i remember just yelling "shit!" because i knew haggar was going to die since it takes a ton of life.
shaowebb said:
Thats because they went with Midway and tried to use heroes in a game based on fatalities and footsies.

If you can fly and shoot beams your not a footsy fighting game character design. You are born to be used in a game like MVC because it caters to superjump, air combo, zoning, and teleport antics. And why on Earth would you ever put superheroes who are never really for killing people as a solution in a game with fatalities?

Someone at DC went full retard there. They should've either contacted Capcom or tried to get ASW to work on their product. As is Nether Realm would have to create an entirely new fighting game system to do a DC fighter if another was called for by WB. MK style just won't cut it when the cast needs flight, crazy dash and dodge, and beams to feel canon to fans of the characters during combat.
I would love to see Reverge tackle a DC fighter. Or, better yet, if they were able to get both licenses and actually do a MvDC game, in 2D? Pipedreamin never felt so good.


Master Milk said:
I would love to see Reverge tackle a DC fighter. Or, better yet, if they were able to get both licenses and actually do a MvDC game, in 2D? Pipedreamin never felt so good.
All honesty as much as I want Marvel vs DC I think DC as its own fighter with no versus to it needs to happen more first. The universe has a lot more established single heroes than teams and it caters well to a heroes vs villains roster. I can easily rock out like 50 characters and almost all big draws in the DC universe that would fit well in a fighter. Hell I've done it before in the theorycraft thread.

DC is just too good to be so wasted on poor fighters. Its really sad.


Parallax Scroll said:
Yeah, Vergil is pretty much Wolverine with a built in Akuma assist. Rapid Slash cancelled into Devil Trigger is soooo easy.
Haha, so he's pretty much going to get nerfed on the 1st patch for UMvC3.
Arde5643 said:
Haha, so he's pretty much going to get nerfed on the 1st patch for UMvC3.
Too early to say really. His biggest weakness I've heard about so far on SRK is that a lot of his moves are unsafe on block.

His basic BnB combos are so fuckin easy. You don't need to care where the opponent is. Just jump straight up whenever you launch them. The hitboxes on his normals are gigantic so they never miss.


get some go again
i turned off that automatic jump thing whenever you launch an opponent. it was fucking up my taskmaster combos.
Arde5643 said:
Haha, so he's pretty much going to get nerfed on the 1st patch for UMvC3.

Not really. People just don't know how to defend against Vergil. So a character primed on mix-ups and resets is going to be effective out of the gate, but when you get fight experience against Vergil, these things shouldn't be a problem. Much like Sentinel seemed godlike out the gate, but then he normalized when people developed anti-Sent strats etc.

Also, Vergil has no invincibility during that move. So you can just hit him out of it pretty easily. And if he gets hit - it's a dead Vergil considering he's got low health.

Vergil doesn't need to be patched, not anymore than Wesker or a few other "probably soon to be top tier characters need to. People will adapt and adjust. Seth has mentioned before it's their intention to not continually fuck with the game, unless there is something that is moreso glitchy as opposed to overpowered, there probably won't be a patch.

PS: These kneejerk reactions with Wesker, Vergil and some of the other characters need to stop. We're making the same mistake we made with Sentinel in Vanilla, calm the fuck down people and learn to block. / real talk - yeah that's right, I said it.
smurfx said:
i turned off that automatic jump thing whenever you launch an opponent. it was fucking up my taskmaster combos.

Can't believe they default that shit to on. I wonder how many people aren't going to figure out there is an option to turn it off.


lowhighkang_LHK said:
Not really. People just don't know how to defend against Vergil. So a character primed on mix-ups and resets is going to be effective out of the gate, but when you get fight experience against Vergil, these things shouldn't be a problem. Much like Sentinel seemed godlike out the gate, but then he normalized when people developed anti-Sent strats etc.

Also, Vergil has no invincibility during that move. So you can just hit him out of it pretty easily. And if he gets hit - it's a dead Vergil considering he's got low health.

Vergil doesn't need to be patched, not anymore than Wesker or a few other "probably soon to be top tier characters need to. People will adapt and adjust. Seth has mentioned before it's their intention to not continually fuck with the game, unless there is something that is moreso glitchy as opposed to overpowered.
Oh wait, it's not invincible? I thought it was going to be invincible a la Wolverine's.
smurfx said:
i turned off that automatic jump thing whenever you launch an opponent. it was fucking up my taskmaster combos.
Same here. It's gonna suck if I go to an event and it's left turned on.

And yeah, Rapid Slash isn't invincible. It's still a very nice tool to have in your arsenal.
Arde5643 said:
Oh wait, it's not invincible? I thought it was going to be invincible a la Wolverine's.

Not invincible, it also has a long start up. So, combine the lack of invincibility with long start up - and a hit box that's only effective AFTER Vergil is behind you, you have a lot of time to knock him out of it.

Vergil's Rapid Slash IS NOT the new Berserker Slash. By no means. Long start up, and no invincibility will always hold it back. (I can't speak for online play, but not tournament player should be getting it by hit to be honest).


Professor Beef said:
Was it known that you can't increase the damage on Haggar's level 3? Because apparently you cannot.
Yeah, Maximillian showed it in the mashing hyper videos - his lvl1 gets really buff though - 400k without x-factor from mashing.

lowhighkang_LHK said:
Also, Vergil seems to have a low damage output. Some of his more advanced Isedelica shit is only doing about 600,000. Whereas Iron First's/Wesker/Dorm/etc.etc. herp derp abc , 123 semese street combos are doing 800,000 +.
Funny thing is, the simple low-mid tier characters like Ryu or Cap Am now do really good damage even with just 1 or 2 meters.

Ryu has a denjin combo that does 700k+ with just one meter and a 900k-1mil one with 2 meters.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Ra1den said:
I'm quite clueless when it comes to online gaming, but I am assuming the online is all done through P2P, so wouldn't the number of people playing not really matter?

When it comes to fighting games the biggest problem the masses bring is greater chance of fighting people with horribly configured routers or who are on terrible connections. This is what hurt SF3:OE, I thought, and gave GGPO a bad image - tons of people with poorly configured routers, causing issues with packets and stuff.

When I play fighting games online, I tend to notice this pattern:

* Weeks 1 - 4 random matches produce loads of shitty connections from people who seem to be on dial-up.

* Weeks 5 - onward, all the people who have bad connections, but don't know why, give up on the game and leave, so it's mostly people with good connections remaining. As time goes on and the hardcore tough it out, natural selection weeds out folks who are on a poor connection for fighting games.
Kaijima said:
When it comes to fighting games the biggest problem the masses bring is greater chance of fighting people with horribly configured routers or who are on terrible connections. This is what hurt SF3:OE, I thought, and gave GGPO a bad image - tons of people with poorly configured routers, causing issues with packets and stuff.

When I play fighting games online, I tend to notice this pattern:

* Weeks 1 - 4 random matches produce loads of shitty connections from people who seem to be on dial-up.

* Weeks 5 - onward, all the people who have bad connections, but don't know why, give up on the game and leave, so it's mostly people with good connections remaining. As time goes on and the hardcore tough it out, natural selection weeds out folks who are on a poor connection for fighting games.
Don't forget the exception for Weeks 5+ - people from foreign countries who have no one to play with, and are entirely willing to tolerate slideshow matches out of sheer boredom and loneliness.


get some go again
spindashing said:
Oh, that's on by default?
yup. i kept on missing a certain part of his combo and then i went into options and saw it was on by default. turned it off and i was again able to hit my combos. btw guys what is that gift capcom was going to give people that bought mvc3?


Karsticles said:
Don't forget the exception for Weeks 5+ - people from foreign countries who have no one to play with, and are entirely willing to tolerate slideshow matches out of sheer boredom and loneliness.

I once fought someone with a connection so bad that the match lasted TEN MINUTES. It didn't end in a timeout either, I beat him with furious laggy hulk mashing with like 12 seconds left on the clock.

At least he apologized for it afterwards.
smurfx said:
yup. i kept on missing a certain part of his combo and then i went into options and saw it was on by default. turned it off and i was again able to hit my combos. btw guys what is that gift capcom was going to give people that bought mvc3?
You unlock galactus mode without needing 30,000 battle points first.

lowhighkang_LHK said:
blah blah blah high level shit
I'm scrub tier so none of that stuff matters :D

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
smurfx said:
yup. i kept on missing a certain part of his combo and then i went into options and saw it was on by default. turned it off and i was again able to hit my combos. btw guys what is that gift capcom was going to give people that bought mvc3?

....Galactus mode unlocks instantly as opposed to when you hit 30K PP.
shaowebb said:
Thats because they went with Midway and tried to use heroes in a game based on fatalities and footsies.

Someone at DC went full retard there. They should've either contacted Capcom or tried to get ASW to work on their product. As is Nether Realm would have to create an entirely new fighting game system to do a DC fighter if another was called for by WB. MK style just won't cut it when the cast needs flight, crazy dash and dodge, and beams to feel canon to fans of the characters during combat.
its because $$$$.

smurfx said:
yup. i kept on missing a certain part of his combo and then i went into options and saw it was on by default. turned it off and i was again able to hit my combos. btw guys what is that gift capcom was going to give people that bought mvc3?
doesn't it only activate if you hold down the button? is the window really that lenient? or does something like double-tapping s cause it too?
DHCing out of Vergil's Dimension Slash is tricky because it sometimes crosses up so you have to reverse your inputs, but Vergil's invisible while the super is active so it's hard to tell when you've crossed them up. I'm gonna see if I can figure out the pattern to it.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So how's the UI this time around? Was one of my biggest annoyances with vanilla MVC3. Especially the game always telling you how many points or whatever you earn after every match, regardless if you had already played the 2 hours it took to unlock everything.

shaowebb said:
Thats because they went with Midway and tried to use heroes in a game based on fatalities and footsies.

If you can fly and shoot beams your not a footsy fighting game character design. You are born to be used in a game like MVC because it caters to superjump, air combo, zoning, and teleport antics. And why on Earth would you ever put superheroes who are never really for killing people as a solution in a game with fatalities?

Someone at DC went full retard there. They should've either contacted Capcom or tried to get ASW to work on their product. As is Nether Realm would have to create an entirely new fighting game system to do a DC fighter if another was called for by WB. MK style just won't cut it when the cast needs flight, crazy dash and dodge, and beams to feel canon to fans of the characters during combat.

If a DC fighter ever gets made, Netherrealm will probably be the ones making it since they're both owned by WB.


God's Beard said:
Phoenix Wright would probably do well with the kick assist.
Yeah. I'm thinking PW on point until I can get his invincible assist, then switch him for Iron Fist. Hrm. I want to also run Scarlet Spider, butttt I should have put more time in with Spidey in the first game. -.-


So Combofiend thinks Phoenix Wright is going to be godlike. And Justin/PR Rog think Wesker/Vergil is the new best friends forever?

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