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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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For the most part they made each characters xfactor match the character. Ammy's before made no sense, xfactor 3 was I think only a 30% damage boost and no speed.
picked up a copy last night at midnight and hopped in training mode for about 30 min before bed. wanted to try out some combos with bionic bomber otg...didnt have time attempt the 990k corner combo from japan but looks manageable.

messed around with hawkeye too, seemed pretty fun, but i dont have the guide yet so i dont really know bnbs or playstyle of the new characters.

any suggestions for a new team?


i was thinking nova or iron fist out of the new characters, out of the old characters that i know, maybe task or ryu...but i'll try anybody.


Timedog said:
God, no tutorials I find online actually go over HOW to play the game. It's all stuff that just goes over combos, or tells you how systems in the game function. Usually the "how to use those systems effectively" is skimmed over or not really brought up.

It's like there's this disconnect where people that are good at the game forget non-intuitive stuff they needed to learn in order to get good (probably because they were beginners way back in MvC2 days). The important stuff isn't combos, you can watch any tournament video and see some combos. Seems like this stuff would be way more important:

-when it is best to use certain combos (why choose one combo over another in a certain situation)
-what type of assist you would need to have to accomplish certain combos
-what assists to choose with your characters
-ways of deciding team order
-different methodologies for deciding your team (Actually the Viscant tutorial for MvC3 Vanilla goes over the Battery/Assist/Anchor method, but I think there are other methods to)
-character specific ways of getting in/mixing up
-how/when to use xfactor and do it intelligently
-stuff that you should never/rarely use with a character
-effective ways of practicing
-ways to defend against specific characters (what to look out for when your opponent chooses a certain character)

I'm probably unrealistically looking for like some magic 4 hour long video(it'd probably have to be super long to go over that much specific stuff for each character) that will never exist, but damn, if I had the Marvel skills/knowledge, I'd make that video.

This type of shit should be built into the game as some sort of interactive/practice tutorial to help ease new players into the game. But of course they're not because Japanese devs are stupid and don't know what it takes to broaden their audiences.


Lucky you guys that have it waiting. I got a notice that due to a airplane mechanical issue mine is not even close yet. I am so annoyed right now.


ElyrionX said:
This type of shit should be built into the game as some sort of interactive/practice tutorial to help ease new players into the game. But of course they're not because Japanese devs are stupid and don't know what it takes to broaden their audiences.
Strat guide buy it :p Or watch a bunch of match videos or just get your ass handed to you til you learn. It's not like everyone instantly knew the best times to do things.
God's Beard said:
I like how all the top players are sliding into different characters. It really shows that we don't know where this game is going.

Yipes - Nova
Clock - Strider
Combofiend - Hawkeye
Justin - Iron Fist
God's Beard - Nemesis
Filipino Champ - Dr. Strange
Marn - Frank West

This is why Andre is one of my favorite players. Best character right off the bat.
God's Beard said:
I like how all the top players are sliding into different characters. It really shows that we don't know where this game is going.

Yipes - Nova
Clock - Strider
Combofiend - Hawkeye
Justin - Iron Fist
God's Beard - Nemesis
Filipino Champ - Dr. Strange
Marn - Frank West

This is why Andre is one of my favorite players. Best character right off the bat.

Justin has indicated that he's unlikely to stick with Iron Fist since he's a character that's hard to win with. So too is he unlikely to stick with Nova since he's mid tier in his opinion He'll probably go with some _____/Storm/Frank West or Akuma team. Marn said that he's playing Vergil/Zero/Wesker, but knowing him it's unlikely he will stick to that team.


ElyrionX said:
This type of shit should be built into the game as some sort of interactive/practice tutorial to help ease new players into the game. But of course they're not because Japanese devs are stupid and don't know what it takes to broaden their audiences.

And neither do you, since this definitely isn' the answer.


ElyrionX said:
But of course they're not because Japanese devs are stupid and don't know what it takes to broaden their audiences.

I'd narrow that down to Capcom's in-house devs opposed to Japanese devs on whole because Arc System Works did amazing work with BlazBlue's tutorials. I learned about jump cancelling and other advanced techniques by going through it's various mission/tutorial modes.

It's a shame too. Tom Chick wrote a piece regarding the complete lack of any sort of tutorial/teaching aid system in Marvel. I know he's a controversial writer/reviewer for most, but he was also one of the only mainstream writers that isn't part of the FGC to be a huge fan of the Marvel and also lament it's poor utilization and implementation of teaching/guiding modes.

Link to the piece he wrote today. (Article includes links to his Vanilla review as well as why Vanilla was both his favorite and most disappointing game of the year)
ElyrionX said:
This type of shit should be built into the game as some sort of interactive/practice tutorial to help ease new players into the game. But of course they're not because Japanese devs are stupid and don't know what it takes to broaden their audiences.
Blame American audiences, not Japanese companies. The Japanese scene is tiny in number and Capcom doesn't do more than it needs to get the nearly guaranteed sales despite the efforts of other developers.
QisTopTier said:
BBCS had a wonderful tutorial. No one really paid attention to it though.
Yep and that is not ASW's fault.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
ElyrionX said:
This type of shit should be built into the game as some sort of interactive/practice tutorial to help ease new players into the game. But of course they're not because Japanese devs are stupid and don't know what it takes to broaden their audiences.

You know, for all that people like to gripe about this and make it a huge deal, to indicate how awful Japanese developers are...

... the hypocrisy is, WHAT highly competitive game genre has true, comprehensive tutorials as a standard feature?

Where's the in depth tutorial in Modern Warfare 3 that actually trains players on the correct way to play maps, use perks, select loadouts, and how to play with various weapon enhancements?

Where's the robust tutorial in Battlefield 3? Gears of War 3?

Those are western games.

You know what game has a serious tutorial for how to play correctly? Gran Turismo. Driving tests. Really in depth. Complex. Explains almost too much info. And that's a Japanese game.

Truth is, people get salty and frustrated in fighting games more because they're 1 on 1 and intense, and I think this makes them whine that they should be told or made to play the game better, rather than just put in the hours and learn it. That doesn't mean that there couldn't be better tutorials, mind you. In ALL of the game examples I cited.

But it's getting a bit tiring to see the JAPANESE PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID strawman every time there's a feature someone wants that a game doesn't have, when there's just as many complaints to be made against western developed games in various aspects.


I've been playing nothing but MW3 the past few days. I almost forgot this game comes out today. Let's do this!



SolarPowered said:
Stick to RR and Ghost Rider because it is hell when they create some distance.

You don't want to fight Firebrand as an anchor, Nemesis hits as hard as he is ugly, Vergil is DMC levels of retarded and you should respect Nova like you would Magneto(He will catch you off guard with projectile invul moves, tri jumps, etc.).

Also, Phoenix Wright is the new Phoenix.
Retarded may just be what the doctor ordered. I'd like to have Phoenix Wright or Frank West ready, but don't want two leveling characters.

Not feeling RR but speaking of hell from a distance, RR/GR/Hawkeye/Chris (I like the latter 3) would be a fun zoning group to me, but the MvC3 really didn't reward that style.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
amazing..I ordered this game less than 24 hours ago off of amazon for have it on my desk for the low price of $38. Thanks internets!
Oldschoolgamer said:
Vergil is difficult to use. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to land Maximum Bubbles after he does his launcher. Why does the timing seem so strict? On the other hand, there will be no issue with making this dude safe

You can add me to scrub gaf: GT = OldschoolGamerZ
The two ways to land it are to either hit c to teleport and cancel to super as soon as you see the blue flash or just do m+h like everyone else

I realize im bad at this game, mainly because I have a hell of a time adjusting to the new characters BS so...
add me to scrub center for 360: drubski


VF4 and BB had epic training modes and scrubs still complained. Putting them into a Capcom fighter will change nothing. If learning a new fighting game in the modern era intimidates you, you can:

1. Admit to yourself you're intimidated and persevere. There's tons of info out there to help you level up - too much in fact.

2. Stop playing modern fighting games. There's plenty of other genres that are more willing to hold your hand in preparation for online armies.


Kimosabae said:
VF4 and BB had epic training modes and scrubs still complained. Putting them into a Capcom fighter will change nothing. If learning a new fighting game in the modern era intimidates you, you can:

1. Admit to yourself you're intimidated and persevere. There's tons of info out there to help you level up - too much in fact.

2. Stop playing modern fighting games. There's plenty of other genre's that are more willing to hold your hand in preparation for online armies.

Nice, so because two unpopular (yet good) games had great training modes, Capcom should just give up.

Makes sense, you know.
Grifter said:
Retarded may just be what the doctor ordered. I'd like to have Phoenix Wright or Frank West ready, but don't want two leveling characters.

Not feeling RR but speaking of hell from a distance, RR/GR/Hawkeye/Chris (I like the latter 3) would be a fun zoning group to me, but the MvC3 really didn't reward that style.
Give zoning a shot on this go around. The playstyle got ridiculously buffed to the point that there are probably 15+ STRONG(not just viable) zoners in the game.
Chavelo said:
lol animu


Is talking about having a proper tutorial mode on the MVC3 GAF cycle?
We've covered just about every single topic possible for the Mahvel games, but no one in their right mind has tried to make that a discussion point. Maybe a few blurbs here or there, but nothing serious.

It just won't happen and it'd probably turn out shitty anyway.


Chavelo said:
Nice, so because two unpopular (yet good) games had great training modes, Capcom should just give up.

Makes sense, you know.

Don't respond to my posts if you're only going to interpret them with two of your brain cells. You've seen me make this argument ad nauseam.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Kimosabae said:
Don't respond to my posts if you're only going to interpret them with two of your brain cells. You've seen me make this argument ad nauseam.
And it's never once made sense.


I'm annoyed the strategy guide was delayed to early december and from where I preordered the game it still hasn't shipped and says out of stock.

I really wanted to play this today.


Kimosabae said:
VF4 and BB had epic training modes and scrubs still complained. Putting them into a Capcom fighter will change nothing. If learning a new fighting game in the modern era intimidates you, you can:

1. Admit to yourself you're intimidated and persevere. There's tons of info out there to help you level up - too much in fact.

2. Stop playing modern fighting games. There's plenty of other genres that are more willing to hold your hand in preparation for online armies.
Or 3. Mash buttons and complain that the game is unbalanced and game makers suck.


Kimosabae said:
Don't respond to my posts if you're only going to interpret them with two of your brain cells. You've seen me make this argument ad nauseam.

Sure the casuals won't care, but what of us who are by no means tournament level players but are still ardent supporters of the FGC? Like I posted above, I learned lots of advanced techniques to level up my scrub level game from BB's tutorial system and even though I won't be using those skills in a tourney, they infinitely increased my enjoyment and understanding of matches I played and streamed. I know there is plenty of online/video help, but there is just something more intuitive about having the game teach you those mechanics in a step by step mode versus having youtube open and going into training mode.

I think it's another repeatedly missed opportunity by Capcom. Also, as is evidence by the Tom Chick piece, there are some casuals that would adore such a mode as well.
Lothars said:
I'm annoyed the strategy guide was delayed to early december and from where I preordered the game it still hasn't shipped and says out of stock.

I really wanted to play this today.
WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF@the guide on Amazon
Kimosabae said:
VF4 and BB had epic training modes and scrubs still complained. Putting them into a Capcom fighter will change nothing. If learning a new fighting game in the modern era intimidates you, you can:

1. Admit to yourself you're intimidated and persevere. There's tons of info out there to help you level up - too much in fact.

2. Stop playing modern fighting games. There's plenty of other genres that are more willing to hold your hand in preparation for online armies.
Well... BlazBlue is the first 2D(strictly 2D) fighter besides Mahvel where America actually competes with Japan. I don't think that the tutorial itself was a huge part of that, but something about the game was done right for such a niche game to develop an EVO worthy community/game.

I mean... KoF has been around for forever as far as I am concerned yet BlazBlue is the one at major events and tournaments as a non Capcom 2D fighter.


QisTopTier said:
LOL that shit scared me. So I checked my order.

Delivery Estimate: November 18, 2011


Same here, I freaked out when I saw it was out of stock and wouldn't shipping for 1-3 months. Also, they price matched my preorder and I saved another $0.50! WIN-WIN


God's Beard said:
Yo Yipes says Nemesis is better than Vergil.

1. Firebrand
2. Rocket Raccoon
3. Phoenix Wright
4. Ghost Rider
5. Srider
6. Frank West
7. Nemisis
8. Nova
9. Vergil
11. Dr. Strange
12. Iron Fist

I stand by this list til I'm proven wrong months down the line
Chavelo said:
Nice, so because two unpopular (yet good) games had great training modes, Capcom should just give up.

Makes sense, you know.

VF4/Evo was a pretty popular game in the PS2 days. Not on the level of CvS2 but popular nonetheless.
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