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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!

My man! Samanosuke would be so fucking good for a VS game!

This is just another part of the MahvelGAF cycle.
We've discussed theory Capcom All Star rosters before! -_-

I will always have a soft spot for Onimusha. Great games. One of my greatest gaming memories is my back to back to back Impossible playthroughs of Oni 1-3. Hardest difficulties, no items, no guns and arrows, no magic, no upgrading, normal sword only, three saves or less, all phantom realms completed, all side character quests completed (Oni2), critical kills only (Oni2+3). So fucking good.


I will always have a soft spot for Onimusha. Great games. One of my greatest gaming memories is my back to back to back Impossible playthroughs of Oni 1-3. Hardest difficulties, no items, no guns and arrows, no magic, no upgrading, normal sword only, three saves or less, all phantom realms completed, all side character quests completed (Oni2), critical kills only (Oni2+3). So fucking good.
Damn son.
I love onimusha, but I never had the patience to play through the critical kills only mode.
I did do every story branch in Onimusha 2 and unlocked all of the extra's. I still haven't completed the oni spirits minigame in Onimusha 1. :/
I loved that you could unlock all 3 of the weapons from Onimusha 1 in Onimusha 3.

What did you think of Onmusha: Dawn of Dreams? I did not care for it.

Onimusha definitely ranks up there was one of my favorite Capcom series ever though.

Why didn't capcom make an Onimusha HD Collection for PS3. Or atleast put them up on the store as PS2 Classics? :(

This is unrelated, but I'm playing through Megaman X4 right now...Why doesn't Capcom make games like this nowadays?


As in "Heathcliff"
Many people already mentioned what I want, including BOF characters.

I'm surprised that no one ever mention Chuck Green. He have more potential with different kind of weapons that Frank West are lacking.
What did you think of Onmusha: Dawn of Dreams? I did not care for it.

Dawn of Dreams is a travesty. (Wall of text incoming, kind of sort of, maybe if I can post without raging thinking about it.)

It is a horrible game and it should feel bad. Onimusha was a planned trilogy from the start. Team 1 worked on Oni1&3, while Team 2 worked on Oni2. This just feel forced fan service. On the surface though it's not a bad game. The gameplay is does a good job of pretending to be an Onimusha clone and had some nice ideas that were executed poorly, very poorly.

From what I remember the gameply plays similar to past titles but takes the skill and finesse out to truly feel like a hack and slash copy of the past games. The game is mind numbly easy for the most part and then is sprinkled with bits of stupidly hard parts. Certain items make the game a complete joke and aren't hard to obtain. In Oni3 there was the charm that made every strike a critical hit but at the very least it took health away AND you had to breat all of the critical challenges to unlock it. DoD had some pretty OP stuff from what I recall.

Then all of the new characters were all terrible. Main character is named Soki, is in Japan but is American and not even based on a real person? WTF is this? Then we have old Samonuske. Clearly Capcom wanted to shove him in for no reason, but didn't want to pay royalties. So let's give him a fake name, make him really old so we don't have to use any likeness's and give him a personality that even all ready bare bones Samonuske would look the other way. Just to twist the knife let's make him a spear user and his point in the game baseless. The other characters aren't even worth mentioning. And there's like what 5 total or something.

So you gradually play with all the characters depending on what path you take. Even though you only play with them for a short amount of time, you better level them up and give them some half way decent equipment, because at the end of the game you have to fight like 5 or 6 bosses back to back with these characters and if you didn't bother with them you are completely fucked. Thanks game. It's like in a RPG you get to control one of the NPC characters for a second in the story and then it's switched back to the main party. Gee I hoped you leveled up that one dude from the beginning of the game cause he's gotta fight the second to last boss on his own.

I mean you can level those characters but the game makes it feel optional and more for Co-op. That right this game has Co-op. Does the game mention this? No. Not even in a bullet point. In fact looking at the box now it even says ONE player only. Wow. Maybe they are right not to advertise it as such, as it's horribly implemented. It's about as Co-op as Devil May Cry 3. So like at any point there's more than one character in the story player two can press start and be the second character that the AI normally controls. The second player doesn't have their own screen so they just share it with player one. Kinda like Tails in Sonic 2 or 3. Every time player 1 shifts the camera, player 2 has to blindly follow whether their there or not. Kinda like Tails catching up with Sonic but it's not automatic. Also this makes certain parts incredibly easy as Player 2 is completely invincible. Just have player 1 stay back and let player 2 do all the work. Victory! Okay player 2 this is a one player only part I'll get you back in about a half in hour when another AI comes along.

The thing I hate most about this game is the final Phantom Relms. For those who don't know the Phantom Relm is Onimusha's take on Bloody Palace or a kind a multi-floor endurance round. Pure gameplay bliss. Except for Dawn of Dreams case. In order the complete the game 100% and get every characters best weapon/armor you have to complete the PR at the end of the game. Past games PR's were fair and balanced and quite long. Dawn of Dreams needed to take the extra step though. While past games PR could be completed in about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, Dawn of Dreams literally lasted closer to 4 - 5 hours. That is fucking ridiculous. No check points. AND you have to do this for all of the characters individually! While past games PR were hard, Dawn of Dreams where just cheap. Each floor has a set enemey pattern. The last 10 floors or so in DoD have several waves per floor. To lose at the end when it really ramps up in difficulty is heartbreaking. It was never a feeling of "Man they totally got me there, that's a tough combo of enemies" but "Man I can't fucking move with these enemies lagging up the fucking game and being cheap pieces of shit" It's the classic philosophy of just throw more at the player and not the quality of the fights.

The story was stupid and pointless. The fighting game had a better story and connections to the series than this game. (Blade Warriors is under rated as fuck! Most defensive fighting game ever) Hitioshi (sp?) never needed to be expanded on and was a terrible villian. Main character's drive was pitful and Samonuske being a incredibly bad Old Snake was painful. All bone, no substance.

I'm surprised that no one ever mention Chuck Green. He have more potential with different kind of weapons that Frank West are lacking.

But Frank is a better character than Chuck and can do the same stuff as him. More people just like Frank. I'm surprised that after Off the Record that they used a new character for DR3.


Shit ...you know who I forgot to add? Characters from PN03 and Chaos Legion. They'd be awesome. If Sega can keep shoving Space Channel 5's mascot down my throat why not get a dancing Capcom lady too.


As in "Heathcliff"
But Frank is a better character than Chuck and can do the same stuff as him. More people just like Frank. I'm surprised that after Off the Record that they used a new character for DR3.

Yeah, Frank don't really use a lot of weapons from Dead Rising 1 and 2. Chuck would be more likely to replace Wolverine with his knife boxing gloves. He could set up a lot of interesting tools, like Freedom Bear, etc.


Just went and checked the UMVC3 marketplace and everything is on sale. $5 game and jill/shuma are $1.24 a piece. Costumes are all 75% off in addition to that.

Also MVC2 is $3.74

If you have MVC2 you had better turn it on...seems it had some updates at some point so get that shit installed before it delists.


is there a good video to learn plink dashing? the fchamp video is a pain since the video says to use like 8 buttons

Would also like to know, I think my movement is the weakest part of my game, even though I have the execution to do hard combos, it doesn't do me any good if I'm too predictable on where I am that I never land a hit. :p


After bothering to update my MVC2 digital copy I have to say that as busted as it was it feels like a better game to me than UMVC3 still. No Xfactor and the way assists were punishable at the beginning of their summon makes the MVC2 shenanigans seem absolutely fair by comparison.


Would also like to know, I think my movement is the weakest part of my game, even though I have the execution to do hard combos, it doesn't do me any good if I'm too predictable on where I am that I never land a hit. :p

All I do is either have my dash button set to M+H and press L, then the M+H button to plink or I use L+M dash button then use H to plink.

It's simpler than you'd think, you just need to practice, I rarely use it though since my movement is so god awful.

I'm sure there's other ways as well, but that's what I do, at least.

edit: ohmigosh omigosh, there's going to be Kumite in Tennessee happening in January and Justin Wong will be there. #I'MGOING


is there a good video to learn plink dashing? the fchamp video is a pain since the video says to use like 8 buttons

Just have to grind it out in training mode- either do H~M or H~ML and hold the direction you want to go (i.e., if you want to move forward, you might as well hold forward and option select the throw every time you dash).


When I was trying that I found you needed to start mashing on Cold Shower immediately after you hit that s.H to get it to connect.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";93776167]No, the timing's just weird. I used to do that a lot, but it's harder and does less damage than normal combos unless you do crazy links.[/QUOTE]
I just popped into training real quick to test my new digital copy and I managed to time it properly, I was just always delaying it a little too much, so thanks for that.


After bothering to update my MVC2 digital copy I have to say that as busted as it was it feels like a better game to me than UMVC3 still. No Xfactor and the way assists were punishable at the beginning of their summon makes the MVC2 shenanigans seem absolutely fair by comparison.
Most of the assists were invincible on start up in MVC2 (the good ones at least). It's actually the opposite in how it works in MVC2 and MVC3.... in MVC2 the assists are more punishable on their recovery while in MVC3 they are more punishable on their start up/incoming.

MVC2 is only fair in the sense that it has less damage, assist punishment is less severe and there's no X factor. Aside from that it's an absolutely unfair game.


Most of the assists were invincible on start up in MVC2 (the good ones at least). It's actually the opposite in how it works in MVC2 and MVC3.... in MVC2 the assists are more punishable on their recovery while in MVC3 they are more punishable on their start up/incoming.

MVC2 is only fair in the sense that it has less damage, assist punishment is less severe and there's no X factor. Aside from that it's an absolutely unfair game.

You got more experience than me at both games. Could you bulleted list the fair things in MVC2 and then UMVC3. Figure it'd be easier than the unfair.


Could you bulleted list the fair things in MVC2 and then UMVC3
Fair things in MVC2:

*Getting happy birthday'd in MVC2 is less stringent than in MVC3. You will generally only lose one full health character via Snapback glitch. In MVC3 getting happy birthday'd is generally guaranteed 2 characters dead even if both are full health.

*Damage overall is much lower. Sure there are TODs but they aren't as common as MVC3 and there is more focus on resets/neutral.

*No X factor of course which can be argued as being both fair and unfair. Unfair in the sense that the final character on a team is dead weight and relegated to being assist tier.

*No TACs so mix ups/resets are earned.

*Generally speaking if the point character gets hit as the assist character is coming in.. the assist just taunts and goes away. This is like a built in anti-happy birthday mechanic which Capcom forgot to implement in MVC3.

*You don't generally die from getting thrown in MVC2.

Fair things in MVC3:

*No meter gain on whiff means there is more focus on actual engagement than just flying around whiffing normals to gain meter like in MVC2 (ie. Storm flying around spamming j.HP and then spamming Hail).

*No guard breaks on incoming characters (well some characters have unblockables so that's sort of the same thing)

*Air dash characters don't auto correct in the air meaning air dashes have to be more deliberate especially using them at close proximity and when coming down. This decreases the gap between fliers and non fliers.

*No assist is completely invulnerable which means you need actual defense in MVC3.... not rely on invincible assists to bail you out from a tight spot. Haggar is the only assist that is close to being invincible and most characters can just mash jab against it.

*Addition of stuff like aerial ground bounce/wall bounces, better teleports and OTGs allow non flight characters to be able to get big combos off of aerial/stray hits which evens the playing field a bit.

*Character balance is generally much more fair in MVC3 than in MVC2. There are exceptions but in MVC3 a Low tier character can blow up a Top tier character fairly easy in many circumstances but in MVC2 the top tiers are literally untouchable and in the case of Sentinel, nearly unkillable. Having high damage and XF are some of the reasons why character balance is closer together in MVC3. Everyone pretty much admits that UMVC3 is the most balanced Marvel game made (although that is not really a great accomplishment).


Fair things in MVC2:

*Getting happy birthday'd in MVC2 is less stringent than in MVC3. You will generally only lose one full health character via Snapback glitch. In MVC3 getting happy birthday'd is generally guaranteed 2 characters dead even if both are full health.

*Damage overall is much lower. Sure there are TODs but they aren't as common as MVC3 and there is more focus on resets/neutral.

*No X factor of course which can be argued as being both fair and unfair. Unfair in the sense that the final character on a team is dead weight and relegated to being assist tier.

*No TACs so mix ups/resets are earned.

*Generally speaking if the point character gets hit as the assist character is coming in.. the assist just taunts and goes away. This is like a built in anti-happy birthday mechanic which Capcom forgot to implement in MVC3.

*You don't generally die from getting thrown in MVC2.

Fair things in MVC3:

*No meter gain on whiff means there is more focus on actual engagement than just flying around whiffing normals to gain meter like in MVC2 (ie. Storm flying around spamming j.HP and then spamming Hail).

*No guard breaks on incoming characters.

*Air dash characters don't auto correct in the air meaning air dashes have to be more deliberate especially using them at close proximity and when coming down. This decreases the gap between fliers and non fliers.

*No assist is completely invulnerable which means you need actual defense in MVC3.... not rely on invincible assists to bail you out from a tight spot. Haggar is the only assist that is close to being invincible and most characters can just mash jab against it.

*Addition of stuff like aerial ground bounce/wall bounces, better teleports and OTGs allow non flight characters to be able to get big combos off of aerial/stray hits which evens the playing field a bit.

*Character balance is generally much more fair in MVC3 than in MVC2. There are exceptions but in MVC3 a Low tier character can blow up a Top tier character fairly easy in many circumstances but in MVC2 the top tiers are literally untouchable and in the case of Sentinel, nearly unkillable. Having high damage and XF are some of the reasons why character balance is closer together in MVC3. Everyone pretty much admits that UMVC3 is the most balanced Marvel game made (although that is not really a great accomplishment).

Im putting this in my notes. Im currently trying to get the EF 12 system set up for a very particular list of meta tools and then I'll begin putting together more precise things like movesets based around the system. Im in the really early stages as Im still learning all the areas and how to edit them, but stuff like this will be useful to pull out once its time to sit down with my character designs and put together the loose concepts to run past the higher level players I'll be pulling for combat strategy meetings.

If you guys got any core philosophies on basic meta like this list chime in. Character stuff is too specific right now. Im just looking through system mechanic meta so if you want to chime in on marvel do it here and if its other stuff like the TVC games PM me. Im getting REALLY serious into this engine and its looking definite that I can turn it into something over the next few years.
GGs kevo. Would've loved to play more but I'm already about to be late for work as it is. I was supposed to stop like 5 matches earlier. At least I got to do the one thing I was trying to do the whole set.
Im putting this in my notes. Im currently trying to get the EF 12 system set up for a very particular list of meta tools and then I'll begin putting together more precise things like movesets based around the system. Im in the really early stages as Im still learning all the areas and how to edit them, but stuff like this will be useful to pull out once its time to sit down with my character designs and put together the loose concepts to run past the higher level players I'll be pulling for combat strategy meetings.

If you guys got any core philosophies on basic meta like this list chime in. Character stuff is too specific right now. Im just looking through system mechanic meta so if you want to chime in on marvel do it here and if its other stuff like the TVC games PM me. Im getting REALLY serious into this engine and its looking definite that I can turn it into something over the next few years.
Have you played Skullgirls? If not, it is a good place to pull ideas from.


Have you played Skullgirls? If not, it is a good place to pull ideas from.

Definitely played and backed it. I believe its honestly the future of fighting game design. I already know I want to setup a few tricks in EF 12 to cover unblockables and I'm looking hard at wakeup options, projectiles, and mobility tools. I like giving a lot of options in those areas because the more the better. It adds a lot of mind games.

Im torn on one VERY big thing for me though...I want dodge rolls like KOF 13. Badly. However, I am set on assists. This creates a pretty big potential problem of just rampantly having folks do the Frank setup of call lockdown, roll through, stomp a bitch. I might alleviate this some by setting up anything with a certain variable added to them that labels them as an "assist' with a special block mechanic where if you block them any other attacks you take during that will also be blocked. It'll take some work though on how to handle the stun from that if I try it. Whole thing seems too loose and sketchy to wanna go that route though. I mean if you timed your attack right before they came out of blocking even if they immediately went to neutral off a blocked assist you could time it so that your active frames come out like 1 frame after he goes into neutral or IMMEDIATELY upon when he came out of block. It'd go around an unblockable setup protection like that and it'd jail you. I love KOF footsies and rolls, but I dont really know if I can make the roll work in a game with assists.

Any thoughts on this? Its one of my biggest system things right now that I'm trying to lock down a final decision on. I may have to resort to a meter cost to one or the other if I have both in the same game at this rate.
GGs kevo. Would've loved to play more but I'm already about to be late for work as it is. I was supposed to stop like 5 matches earlier. At least I got to do the one thing I was trying to do the whole set.
GGs mango. What were you trying to do?
Cards on the table, that was the most I've ever mashed bionic arm in all my history of matches.


Why not just adjust the roll range so that it's the exact range of a push block? That way if say they do a normal into roll + assist, if you push block the normal the roll doesn't actually move them in position and you just block the lockdown assist. In addition, you can make the roll throwable so if they don't use a normal to make you block first you can throw them out of the roll and also avoid the assist.
GGs mango. What were you trying to do?
Cards on the table, that was the most I've ever mashed bionic arm in all my history of matches.
I hit a raw launcher with Chris during your Nova box dash. It's something I'm working on with Chris since he's weak to Nova's box dash.

And I don't blame you for all those Bionic Arms... Sometimes it's the only shit you can do against Felicia.
Definitely played and backed it. I believe its honestly the future of fighting game design. I already know I want to setup a few tricks in EF 12 to cover unblockables and I'm looking hard at wakeup options, projectiles, and mobility tools. I like giving a lot of options in those areas because the more the better. It adds a lot of mind games.

Im torn on one VERY big thing for me though...I want dodge rolls like KOF 13. Badly. However, I am set on assists. This creates a pretty big potential problem of just rampantly having folks do the Frank setup of call lockdown, roll through, stomp a bitch. I might alleviate this some by setting up anything with a certain variable added to them that labels them as an "assist' with a special block mechanic where if you block them any other attacks you take during that will also be blocked. It'll take some work though on how to handle the stun from that if I try it. Whole thing seems too loose and sketchy to wanna go that route though. I mean if you timed your attack right before they came out of blocking even if they immediately went to neutral off a blocked assist you could time it so that your active frames come out like 1 frame after he goes into neutral or IMMEDIATELY upon when he came out of block. It'd go around an unblockable setup protection like that and it'd jail you. I love KOF footsies and rolls, but I dont really know if I can make the roll work in a game with assists.

Any thoughts on this? Its one of my biggest system things right now that I'm trying to lock down a final decision on. I may have to resort to a meter cost to one or the other if I have both in the same game at this rate.

You could just make it a low damage game. Jojo's has crazy wakeup shit like that but damage is really low so it's not that painful.

Don't forget that the knocked-down character can roll on wakeup, so if you commit to a roll mixup you're losing punish potential if your opponent rolls. That's how it works in Jojos. That's why tick throws are so dumb in that game. Especially with Shadow Dio who gets unblockables off a throw.


Why not just adjust the roll range so that it's the exact range of a push block? That way if say they do a normal into roll + assist, if you push block the normal the roll doesn't actually move them in position and you just block the lockdown assist. In addition, you can make the roll throwable so if they don't use a normal to make you block first you can throw them out of the roll and also avoid the assist.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";93869585]You could just make it a low damage game. Jojo's has crazy wakeup shit like that but damage is really low so it's not that painful.

Don't forget that the knocked-down character can roll on wakeup, so if you commit to a roll mixup you're losing punish potential if your opponent rolls. That's how it works in Jojos. That's why tick throws are so dumb in that game. Especially with Shadow Dio who gets unblockables off a throw.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for these guys. I'm keeping a lot of things open and I'm pooling together a lot of opinions on some stuff Im leaking out early on my designs to try and prep for a really specifically designed system.

Im an Animator, but Im not gonna be like some indie dudes I've seen who thought that having a big pretty list of characters is enough to make a good game. I want a solid environment laid out FIRST in its system. Im designing some characters but not committing 100% to anything and I'm really working hard to not design a lot of cast early on. I just feel designing cast after the system is in place will end up creating better themes and tighter characterizations than by making a guy and then trying to make them fit. Its staying flexible to fit within whatever the game demands.

Only a few characters have things that I demand go in and thats only small stuff like "I really like this character and no matter what the tone of the game their character will make it in using whatever tools that game demands".

I will say this though. Im letting Skullgirls be Skullgirls and Im aiming to do my own thing here. Im aiming for 2v2 as people tend to get really good at 2 characters and sort of get okay with their third. However, Im wanting to try making assists as inventory items you whip out that way you do NOT have to pick certain partners to get the most out of your favorite character. Choose whoever you want and then equip assists without resigning yourself to only certain team options to get the best setups. This creates a whole new list of issues to weigh though.

Wish me luck. I'll need to settle my interview and land the job Im going for this week, but its looking like a lock. If I get it then I can commit to this full time outside of work. Goal is to only bring on board people that have a career in place because I dont want a game that has to release early or people go hungry. Im after a game that I can play for years and that will take a LONG dev time that would hurt some people.


So basically you are going the MvC1 route with your game?

2 characters and a separate selection of assists to choose from (like picking an item).


Also, (small rant)

...Im really sick of how under represented certain ethnicities are in fighting games and how formulaicly they are done when they do enter into it. Im planning on designing the best themes I can and then deciding the ethnicity of the person in the silhouette last and for once the black guy isn't just going to be another fucking boxer or strongman. For once I want a black guy to be able to be the fucking fast as hell pressure dude like Wolverine,Iron Fist, or Kim Kap Hwan in a fighting game. Sick of this shit. We're so big and multicultural at tournies we can do better than these rosters IMO. As a white gamer I got more than enough shit to identify with and I'd like to see something new in a design for a fighting game than a whole cast of white dudes and asians...and honestly the asians are nearly always just "martial art style" representatives when they appear which is really lazy IMO and stereotypes them using a really stupid formula too.

Im intending to put some black, Filipino, and latin stuff in my cast regardless of what themes and such come about. Hell I know one of the 3 designs Im keeping is someone from Bali so yeah...mvc3 having ONE black character and all my other fighting games having near the same and they all fucking have "boxing" in their fighting style (or metal body parts and a strong guy motif) is done. Folks are going to have a personality and they wont have to be white to do it.

rant over.

Just really hate how formulaicly everyone treats character designs anymore. Got a cool idea? Then they end up white or another asian who HAS to represent some form of martial arts not covered yet. Want someone ethnic in a fighting game? Then they are gonna have no personality besides their racial stereotype.
Screw that.

I wanna go for the most diverse cast I can make so that there is a flavor of fighter for every possible person to enjoy and not just a stereotypical caricature or their race, color or creed to sit through.

Im really pushing for a black dude who is the kicking expert like in all those jackie chan movies, Super flexible, fast, in your face, lots of dashups, etc, but the dude is wearing 7 leg boots as part of his theme.
So basically you are going the MvC1 route with your game?

2 characters and a separate selection of assists to choose from (like picking an item).

Yes. 2 items per team actually. I may or may not impose amount usage limits on some though.Haven't decided yet. Depends on whether things get abusable and folks play by rote and just fish for setups all day. I want more honest play in this game from assist usage. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it though. So much has to be designed before settling something huge like that and not the least of which the particular functions of assists and movement and how they each work. And once I do settle on all my ideas I still have to eidt them into the code of EF 12 and some I will be able to do and other parts I may have to use coders for (though Im getting some leads on folks, plus the engine creator is talking to me nightly now).

Azure J

So we've moved on to full on theory fighting game design in here? Cool. I need ideas for my own pet idea anyways. At the same time, all this competition and genre saturation is stifling... :p

@Shaowebb: Get outta my head with that diversity comment. If you remember my FG project, one of the reasons I'm fucking around with the magicians aspect is because I actually wanted to play with different interpretations of the theme in different cultures and experimenting with how the avatar of said magic (and thus the player avatar) could be represented.

As for indulging in Capcom All Stars stuff, just grab everyone on the Capcom side of UMVC3, and add:

Dr. Wily (Megaman Classic)
Megaman X (X Series)
Megaman Zero (replacing standard Zero)
Sigma (X Series)
Bass.EXE (Battle Network Series)
M. Bison (Street Fighter)
Makoto (personal wish) (Street Fighter 3)
Ibuki (Street Fighter 3)
Ryu (BoF)
Nina (BoF2)
Fou-Lu (BoF4)
Date Masamune (because the Basara anime is dumb/hype as shit)
Jedah (Darkstalkers)
Pyron (Darkstalkers)
Donovan (Darkstalkers)
Jon Talbain (Darkstalkers)
Q-Bee (Darkstalkers)
Ruby Heart (VS. Series)
Amnigo (VS. Series)
SonSon (VS. Series)
Wang Tang (Power Stone)
Rouge (Power Stone)
Showa (Rival Schools)
Akira (Rival Schools)
Tiffany Lords (Rival Schools)
Kyosuke Kagami (Rival Schools)
Maki (Final Fight)
Captain Commando
Jin Saotome (Cyberbots)
Devilotte (Cyberbots)
Jon Talbain is so much cooler until you actually play a decent one. After that experience I bet most people would think twice about wanting the kung fu werewolf lol.

Edit: Q.Bee joins pretty much all the other DS ladies, but no BB Hood? This is definitely not Sako's game.


^ Yeah, folks need to design personalities and think of body language first with their themes and THEN play with races IMO. Maybe then you could get some deeper racial cast in fighting games. I guarantee I can do better than "black boxer"/"Chinese guys who do various kung fu" and folks would be able to enjoy it.

Also, how on earth did I forget Ruby Heart in my list? She was awesome! Actually pirates are the flavor right now...seems kind of odd Capcom hasn't tried something using her.

Azure J

Jon Talbain is so much cooler until you actually play a decent one. After that experience I bet most people would think twice about wanting the kung fu werewolf lol.

Edit: Q.Bee joins pretty much all the other DS ladies, but no BB Hood? This is definitely not Sako's game.

It took everything I could to narrow my DS selections down to that. It'd be hard not making a Capcom All Stars game "Darkstalkers vs. Capcom" or potentially "Megaman vs Capcom" if I had any pull in things. :lol

Also, I just realized I didn't mention Nero from DMC4.
It took everything I could to narrow my DS selections down to that. It'd be hard not making a Capcom All Stars game "Darkstalkers vs. Capcom" or potentially "Megaman vs Capcom" if I had any pull in things. :lol

Also, I just realized I didn't mention Nero from DMC4.
I'd change a few things around, but it's an okay list. Pyron would be a great story villain so he'd stick around. BB Hood would make it in only because I'm sure that a few of your picks would never make it to the game. There is no way you could get Rival School characters in this game without Batsu and the same goes for Falcon from Power Stone. I'd squeeze those two in along with Roberto Miura. I liked using him and I bet he'd be a hit considering how popular Soccer is becoming worldwide. I bet some of those supers would be crazy. I can see an EVO winning "GOOOOOOOOAL" on the bone at EVO 2017.


EF 12 is a 3D fighter engine though isn't it? I have never seen assists in a 3D fighting game before.

Assists being on a limited stock is lame as fuck. If you don't want to make them too abusable then put them on a longer cooldown like TvC did.


Just went and checked the UMVC3 marketplace and everything is on sale. $5 game and jill/shuma are $1.24 a piece. Costumes are all 75% off in addition to that.

Also MVC2 is $3.74

If you have MVC2 you had better turn it on...seems it had some updates at some point so get that shit installed before it delists.

Why would game patches not be available after it delists? Per my understanding, the only thing going away is the ability to buy the game and DLC.


Neo Member
I would absolutely be down for a Capcom All-stars game. I'd want it to play exactly like UMvC3, I wouldn't even be bothered about having the option of 1v1 or 2v2 in said game. I could easily live with only having 3v3. Roster wise, the first thing I'd want is the 25 Capcom characters from Ultimate. Then I think it would be a good idea to add all the possible Capcom characters from TvC as it uses a similar style (PTX is too large so he'd have to be cut), as well as some MvC2 favorites, some new characters and even a couple of the MvC1 helper assist characters.

Seeing as SFxT has 55 characters on the PS3 version, I don't think it'd be unreasonable to want the same amount for a Capcom All-Stars game, especially as 25 of the characters would already be basically finished. I'd want the roster to be varied, and not have too many reps per franchise, although I wouldn't be adverse to 1 or 2 extra clones as long as they are iconic/elite Capcom characters (like Ken). I'd like it to incorporate as much of Capcom's history as possible. It should base itself on the entire history of the company, as opposed to the last 10 or so years like they did in Ultimate. And obviously, they'd have to use characters that would translate well into a fighting game.

Here's my 55 character roster:

Street Fighter:
Chun Li
Crimson Viper
Alex (TvC)
M. Bison
Ken Masters

T. Bonne
Roll (TvC)
Megaman Volnutt (TvC)
Megaman* (classic)

Resident Evil:
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy

Dead Rising:
Frank West
Chuck Greene

Jon Talbain

Devil May Cry:

Bionic Commando:

Ghosts 'N' Goblins:

Final Fight:
Mike Haggar


Viewtiful Joe:
Viewtiful Joe

Strider Hiryu

Ace Attorney:
Pheonix Wright

Rival Schools:
Batsu Ichimonji (TvC)

Kaijin No Soki (TvC)

Quiz Nanairo Dreams:
Saki Omokane (TvC)

Captain Commando:
Captain Commando

Jin Saotome

Star Gladiator:

Dino Crisis:

Monster Hunter:

Asura's Wrath:

God Hand:

Three Wonders:
Lou & Siva**

Power Stone:
Edward Falcon

Dragon's Dogma:

Red Earth:

Zack & Wiki:
Zack & Wiki

Breath of Fire:

Marvel vs. Capcom 2:
Ruby Heart
Son Son

*If unusable due to his inclusion in SSB WU, then replace with Megaman X.
**Would work as a duo, like the Ice climbers from SSB.


Why would game patches not be available after it delists? Per my understanding, the only thing going away is the ability to buy the game and DLC.

#marvelneverdies #neverlosehope

Edit: Ooh, TheAnvil, that is one sweet character roster. I would play that game for ages.
Maybe even ten years.
Yo Shaowebb, if you're working with the EF-12 engine I'd love to help. I was investigating it pre English release. It is a bit awkward - I am not from an animating background, I am a 3d modelling hobbyist - but I was impressed by the overall quality of the engine. :)
Re: Fantasy lists: needs to have BoF2 Nina and Rathalos to please me. Issun would be amazing as well. Like a super-small Servbot. :-D

No unique characters. Get rid of that Amingo and Sonson crap. Add in Ruby Heart only if she joins Darkstalkers.

I don't get why people skip Jedah a lot in the Darkstalkers roster. It's like people skip over all the badass demons and dragons in favor of more boring humans.

Also, (small rant)

...Im really sick of how under represented certain ethnicities are in fighting games and how formulaicly they are done when they do enter into it. Im planning on designing the best themes I can and then deciding the ethnicity of the person in the silhouette last and for once the black guy isn't just going to be another fucking boxer or strongman. For once I want a black guy to be able to be the fucking fast as hell pressure dude like Wolverine,Iron Fist, or Kim Kap Hwan in a fighting game. Sick of this shit. We're so big and multicultural at tournies we can do better than these rosters IMO. As a white gamer I got more than enough shit to identify with and I'd like to see something new in a design for a fighting game than a whole cast of white dudes and asians...and honestly the asians are nearly always just "martial art style" representatives when they appear which is really lazy IMO and stereotypes them using a really stupid formula too.

Im intending to put some black, Filipino, and latin stuff in my cast regardless of what themes and such come about. Hell I know one of the 3 designs Im keeping is someone from Bali so yeah...mvc3 having ONE black character and all my other fighting games having near the same and they all fucking have "boxing" in their fighting style (or metal body parts and a strong guy motif) is done. Folks are going to have a personality and they wont have to be white to do it.
Re:black characters in fighting games. You rarely see skinny black guys. They are almost always buff. If you have one that's skinny, he's undoubtedly a voodoo practitioner/witch doctor, or something. Zasalamel (sp?) strikes me as an exception, but I can't think of many others. I mean, Dormammu has a black VA...I think that's the closest to a black "intellect"-type character in a fighting game. I would love to be corrected on that, though.

Western developers always seem to make black characters after some cool-guy gangster type. Even Balrog plays off of this. Dudley is an exception. Japanese developers seem to think black men are zany/wacky for some reason, like the only black man they've ever seen is Dennis Rodman. Thus you get characters like Zack from DoA.
Totally agreed on the racial front. A really wide variety of people should be in a game, not just a wide variety of white males and stereotypes of other genders and races.


Raven is cool in Tekken. He doesn't have a crazy mouth/ego and he's a ninja. He's also not a boxer archetype. People will say he is "buff" but every male character in Tekken is super super buff.
Raven is cool in Tekken. He doesn't have a crazy mouth/ego and he's a ninja. He's also not a boxer archetype. People will say he is "buff" but every male character in Tekken is super super buff.
Pretty much every Tekken design is terrible and boring, though. I am talking about good designs!
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