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Uncharted 3 previews, screens and video

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Yoboman said:
I don't agree. Look at how Bethesda approaches it, even with a property that wasn't big at all like Fallout.

what are you talking about? bethesda didn't spend longer than 3 months max without anything coming out over a 1.5 year campaign for Fallout 3. FNV had a story or something every month in the 10 months immediately prior to release.

you just have to be strategic with the content of the reveals and stories, but that doesn't mean you can go away for an extended period of time.


Comics, serious business!
Anyone disappointed with these graphics should probably sit on the sidelines until next gen.
SolidSnakex said:

People cant seriously say it look less impressive than the first batch of Uncharted 2 screens.

I mean WOW. These are borderline bullshots, but knowing its ND the final game will look better than this.


arne said:
what are you talking about? bethesda didn't spend longer than 3 months max without anything coming out over a 1.5 year campaign for Fallout 3. FNV had a story or something every month in the 10 months immediately prior to release.

you just have to be strategic with the content of the reveals and stories, but that doesn't mean you can go away for an extended period of time.
All we saw of FO3 for almost a year was that brief teaser, the game was only shown in any expansive form the E3 a few months before it was released

RDR (and Rockstar games in general) went through a similar sort of unveiling, we knew about that for a long time but only close to release did they start showing anything more than teases


the lighting does look completely off in these screens amongst other things. of course they'll have that all fixed come release, but still i'm not impressed... yet
arne said:
while that's ideal, that type of thing doesn't effectively work in this day and age unless you're a gorilla in the room mega-seller, which are far and few in between. the key is sustaining the campaign and building awareness -- and you can't do that without something coming out on a regular basis.

It's true that there are a ton of things competing for people's attention, not just games, everything, so it's hard to stay in the public consciousness. I do think, however, Uncharted now has some clout. I mean Fallon wanted it to be on his show and it was the most talked about game prior to the VGAs. Maybe "4 or 5" months is pushing it but there should be a little dormant time after this reveal, and then increase the ebb and flow as it gets closer to release. Then again, it's not like giving too much information will cause less sales. Not a big deal I guess, you're probably right.

Here's a pro-tip: Get it on Oprah. :D 10 million sold guaranteed. I'll make some calls.
I expect the levels to be bigger and more spectacular than U2..when has a house on fire ever been done as well as this in a game? Never.


Yoboman said:
All we saw of FO3 for almost a year was that brief teaser, the game was only shown in any expansive form the E3 a few months before it was released

RDR (and Rockstar games in general) went through a similar sort of unveiling, we knew about that for a long time but only close to release did they start showing anything more than teases

Ugh I'm sorry but you're imagining things.


Take a look at the dates.


BowieZ said:
Nate and Sully look noticeably fake compared to the environments. Their lighting looks all wrong or something.

The environments look REALLY AWESOME, Nate and Sully look the same as Uncharted (1)


To be honest, I'm underwhelmed, but I bet it's just a matter of a poorly chosen segment. Still one whole year to go, too.
We seen 2 minutes of footage from that level,but base on Eurogamer description it sounds really intense.


Screw that, keep up with the steady updates. I can't stand when companies hide games forever, aka squaresoft. I love seeing steady progress releases.
StarEye said:
Well, they could do some special chase sequences, and make it a story-driven mission-based racing/karting game where every race is a cinematic setpiece, not unlike those seen in the Uncharted games already (only this time, you do the driving), or the Indiana Jones movies. Kinda like the game Stuntman, but with Naughty Dog magic.

What the fuck? Worst idea ever.


arne said:
what are you talking about? bethesda didn't spend longer than 3 months max without anything coming out over a 1.5 year campaign for Fallout 3. FNV had a story or something every month in the 10 months immediately prior to release.

you just have to be strategic with the content of the reveals and stories, but that doesn't mean you can go away for an extended period of time.
Sounds good. Demo please!


BeeDog said:
The animation seems much better than in UC2, especially when Drake is behind cover. The fire effects are also very impressive, but overall this is not the best area to show off. Also, is there a new lighting system in place? It looks much nicer and it looks like HDR is running now.

They've always had HDR since Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2, Uncharted 2 added SSAO, it looks like the HDR has improved in quality.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If you didn't see HDRL in effect in Uncharted 2 while in the room with the giant knife, then you're completely blind. :lol


love on your sleeve
dwebo said:

I don't even like Sully that much. Good god, I hope he's not the sidekick for the entire game to facilitate co-op.
Glad someone else said it.

Not worried though. I remember Elena was revealed pretty late for Uncharted 2.


Kittonwy said:
They've always had HDR since Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2, Uncharted 2 added SSAO, it looks like the HDR has improved in quality.

Ok, then I misremembered. At the very least the lighting/HDR/bloom effect seems nicer here; look near the end of the direct-feed clip after Sully helps Drake get detached. The lighting on Drake's body looks insanely good.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Came into this thread, skipped the screens and read the impressions, saw a link to the direct-feed footage of the fire level, started downloading, cancelled download a few minutes later.

My will is strong. (Not strong enough to ignore this thread completely, however. :lol)
jett said:
Still the best goddamn fire I've seen in a video game.

In motion it looks a lot better, and if it can dissipate as much as people are hyping it up to be able to, sure, but the base effect us still quite low-res regardless. It shows in the screenshots. It's similar to the smoke in GT5 (quite good if you don't dissect it in screens).

Richmond discussed the desire to better 'ground the characters' in the environments, leading to the development of "touch points". Exactly like they sound, these spots allow characters to casually interact with their surroundings the way people naturally do--leaning against a post or nonchalantly holding a handrail for instance.
so awesome


If the point being made in linking to a 640x512 image is that they look low resolution, then yeah I agree.
Original: http://www.raytownfire.com/images/house_ablaze.jpg

In motion it looks a lot better, and if it can dissipate as much as people are hyping it up to be able to, sure, but the base effect us still quite low-res regardless. It shows in the v.0.14 screenshots. It's similar to the smoke in GT5 (quite good if you don't dissect it in screens).
Fixed, but yea, they're not "perfect" but I'm sure there will be improvements in one year's time when this game releases.

We'd all love to have super-realistic fire like this for example, but yea, there is only so much you can do.


jett said:
Watch it in motion, I NEED SCISSORS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvsHMBg6hjg&feature=youtu.be&hd=1

It's you, well, it's you and two other things. There's no blood and no hit-reaction animation from the enemies in the video, that's a sign of just how early the game is at this point.

Wow this game is just so damn beautiful. I just love everything about it, colors , art design ... everything.

I cant even imagine what the DAWGS are going to do in one year.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Those flames in the first couple of shots look rough.
Compressing JPEG with quality 10 will do that. Just look at the armchair on second screen. Screen four seems to be compressed better and you can already see how much more detail there is in the fire effect.
Lord Error said:
Compressing JPEG with quality 10 will do that. Just look at the armchair on second screen. Screen four seems to be compressed better and you can already see how much more detail there is in the fire effect.

Now that you mention it, yeah.


Looks already great but realistically it's just a standard in room gun-play section and the game shows how early it is in this state, there's clearly no polish in any aspect of the game.
I'm glad they have showed a bit of the game instead of making us wait until next E3 but that's when we are going to see some incredible action section from the game.


beast786 said:
Time to quit video games. :D
And I loved the first two games too. Its just, it looks like more of the same. Which is totally fine, they had a winning formula with U2. Its just nothing I'm getting hyped for.


rexor0717 said:
And I loved the first two games too. Its just, it looks like more of the same. Which is totally fine, they had a winning formula with U2. Its just nothing I'm getting hyped for.

You will when they show some middle east open world action with sand ;)


Elios83 said:
Looks already great but realistically it's just a standard in room gun-play section and the game shows how early it is in this state, there's clearly no polish in any aspect of the game.
I'm glad they have showed a bit of the game instead of making us wait until next E3 but that's when we are going to see some incredible action section from the game.

Its really not, you have to read the previews.


wouwie said:
UC2's first screenshots looked a lot better and more impressive than these, as far as i remember.

Not sure what they were trying to show with this particular part of the game. It's underwhelming unless we were meant to be impressed with the fire effect. The UC2 reveal was a lot more impressive.

Anyway, i'm going on a media blackout from now until november. Game is going to be awseome anyway and look stellar by the time it's finished.

Yeah, I agree on the U2 reveal part. Fire effects look really nice here though. Can't wait to see more of the sand gameplay though, since it seems like thats what ND wanted to tackle.
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