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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory


if you rocket launcher someone. they should be dead. Why dont they die?

it should be a 1 hit kill. So many times. hit them dead center and they're still alive/downed. WTF.

The Lamp

I am so angry.

I am stuck in ranked matches with shitty people because I lost a few rounds with weapon load outs I didn't like. None of my teams win now. It doesn't matter how well I do. Everyone is ass and spreads out in team dead match. My rank just gets worse and puts me with worse and worse people.

Fuck this

It feels like Naughty Dog once again could have had some more polish and better presentation. But the more important stuff is the controls just aren't that great. Sniping specifically doesn't feel very good. Shen you scope in the turn speed seems to get messed up and headshots should be an instant kill.

Other guns have really good range and scoping in takes a very long time so I don't see why I should snipe. It feels like multiple maps aren't really designed for it either .

And I see almost no one using a shotgun either. Shooting from the hip with a pistol or AK seems so easy.

Theres also a real problem with the cover. Often characters roll but don't roll into cover which leads to frustrating deaths.

I loved TLOU multiplayer but it feels like Naughty Dog didn't learn much from that game.

I love sniping. I do it better than almost any other weapon. Feels great.


I am so angry.

I am stuck in ranked matches with shitty people because I lost a few rounds with weapon load outs I didn't like. None of my teams win now. It doesn't matter how well I do. Everyone is ass and spreads out in team dead match. My rank just gets worse and puts me with worse and worse people.

Fuck this

I love sniping. I do it better than almost any other weapon. Feels great.

Don't go to rank unless you're in a party. That's the rule.
I wish they'd do what they did in The Last of Us and have matchmaking for people in parties and matchmaking for just lone players. When you're not in a party going up against a team that is gives them the easy advantage.



Playstation Vita remote access + OLED + Real L2/R2 triggers = Greatest Portable Uncharted 4 EVER for multiplayer. Even my wife was amazed. Controls took a bit to get used to but i got back to my get gud mode again. I love remote access.
I wish they'd do what they did in The Last of Us and have matchmaking for people in parties and matchmaking for just lone players. When you're not in a party going up against a team that is gives them the easy advantage.

TLoU didn't have it at first but they patched it in shorty after, hopefully they do the same here. It should have been there from the get go though.

They patched it over the weekend, you get 125 relics instead of 250 now.

Oh, I guess I didn't notice upon opening one of my last chests. Thanks.


Randoms in Plunder are so stupid. You never walk with the idol. keep tossing it so your buddy can get it OR if an enemy catches up to you, the idol is at least farther toward your objective.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Brutes need a nerf badly. Mainly so that they don't have eyes in the backs of their goddamn heads. It's impossible to flank a group with a brute unless you have explosives, because as soon as you poke your head up, the brute does a 180 spin and starts shooting you.


I hate how cover completely negates grenade/rocket launcher damage.

you can stun them out of cover for an easy kill though

@TimeEffect why do you feel El dorado needs a damage buff? As is I like that its more area of effect use to flush people out of a tight spot. Plus there is a damage buff added to the modifications you can put on it to make it do 50% more damage already. Id def leave El dorado alone if I were ND


Just played my first match on River. Pretty fun map. Took me a while to figure out all the damn rope and waterfall slides tho. I think I died 6 times, 3 of them falling off the rope. Some good plays and some embarrassing plays here lol



I'm just eating up the multiplayer, as someone who played U2/U3 for years, this is the best iteration yet and it shocks me so much since I really didn't care for the beta at all.

Kudos Naughty Dog, you did good.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Man, the bolt action sniper needs a buff badly. First of all, in it's current state, there is no no no way it's worth 5 loadout points. I'd pin it at 3 at best. It becomes even more ridiculous when you look at what some of it's modifiers cost. Faster scope-in speed costs 4 FOUR loadout points, making the gun cost 9 in total. The sniper should have faster scope-in speeds by default. That's the only way to shoot accurately with it, and if you're in a standoff across the map with an AR user, they'll be able to hit you before you can even zoom in, shaking your scope and making it nearly impossible to get a headshot and very difficult just to hit the body.

The reload speed is ridiculously slow, it takes like 4 or 5 seconds to reload a five bullet clip.

You have to hit them square in their pin-sized heads to get a down in one hit. If you don't you have to bolt in the next shot, which takes a fat second or two, which means they've either run away or are returning fire and you won't be able to land another shot because of all the damage flinching.

By comparison, take sniping in something like Call of Duty. In the latest one, it's doable, though still generally inferior to other weapon classes. That game is an FPS, so there's less of a change when jumping from first person to scoped as opposed to third person to scoped. It's more of a natural motion. Moreover, there's not a single bolt-action sniper rifle in there that requires a direct headshot to kill. Usually it's just the upper body that needs to be hit. And this is a game where player movements are fairly straightforward. There's crouching and going prone, yeah, but nothing like Uncharted's rolling around, bouncy animations and snapping to cover to make your targets too erratic and difficult to hit. So, despite players being easier to hit, the kill range being more generous, and handling speeds being better in that game, sniper rifles still aren't that great, but they're workable.

Here in Uncharted 4, you have a weak, slow firing, slow handling, small-clipped sniper, and you're expected to hit these squirreliest of squirrely targets that roll and jump around and do sudden 180s and can see you aiming for them around the corner, and you're expected to nail them in the head.

And to put the cherry on top, most of the maps don't even have good sniping positions.

If I were to suggest some changes (not all of these need be implemented, and certainly not altogether, they're just areas of improvement) I'd say...

  • Expand the kill range to the neck and upper torso. It's still not an easy hit, but gives you a fighting chance in mid-range combat and lets you properly own long-range combat
  • Make the sniper cheaper. 2 or 3 loadout points. Right now it is not at all worth the same as an AK or FAL.
  • Increase scope-in speed, increase reload speed, increase clip size
  • Give it a slightly smaller blindfire cone to give you a slight chance in clutch close-quarters situations
  • Give it a third-person aim and make the scope optional

Right now it's a PoS and I'm lucky if I can get 5 downs in a game with it.


Man, I wish I could get matchmaking for the U.S. only. It's the same shit from the old games. High ping threshold making 5 bars out of ppl that clearly aren't. Getting dropped by the AK in seconds. Not having a enough time to react to anything. Classic laggy ass Uncharted matches. Please add region based matchmaking, ND. I'll wait for closer players.
Im loving the multiplayer, but I never played the previous games MP. And can't really get a feel for the general reception. I haven't seen a 'wow UC4 multiplayer is the surprise of the generation so far' thread, or anything like that.

How do you guys like it?

I will say:
sniping is really hard
Blindfire is going to be patched soon I'd think
I don't think there are enough viable weapons

But I still just really enjoy it, Love the verticality, the TTK is perfect, the guns feel good, and I think the maps are solid for the most part.

Can't wait for more content!


Im loving the multiplayer, but I never played the previous games MP. And can't really get a feel for the general reception. I haven't seen a 'wow UC4 multiplayer is the surprise of the generation so far' thread, or anything like that.

How do you guys like it?

I will say:
sniping is really hard
Blindfire is going to be patched soon I'd think
I don't think there are enough viable weapons

But I still just really enjoy it, Love the verticality, the TTK is perfect, the guns feel good, and I think the maps are solid for the most part.

Can't wait for more content!

Uncharted 2 and 3 were hugely popular online modes and this seems like a love child made between the two. I'd say the reception is very good, many of my friends on my list are mainly Uncharted players and they love it.

If anyone wants any tips on the multiplayer, it is that you should always be moving fast. I see alot of people playing like single player and that'll get you killed real fast staying behind a corner. Always move, sling from cover to cover and stick with your teammates.


He touched the black heart of a mod
15 wins for a chest seems way too much work.

Yeah. Challenges are fairly generous, but I think it should be 25 for a win and 10 for a lose. 6 wins for a chest, 15 losses, or somewhere thereabouts in between. Winning and losing really feels like a grab-bag depending on the competency of your team mates, and less often, the sum skill of the enemy team. It stinks not to get any relics just because you were put on the team with the shirtless Lazarevic who twerks over you instead of reviving you.


Finally got 2 games on Scotland last night. Definitely my favourite map. Love that there are upper and lower levels to most of it plus loads of rope/slide spots, bridges and tunnels. Tonnes of fun



if you rocket launcher someone. they should be dead. Why dont they die?

it should be a 1 hit kill. So many times. hit them dead center and they're still alive/downed. WTF.

Totally agree. I was said this before thats its ridiculous they dont die, imo anyone hit by a weapon that you have to buy ingame (RPG, mine etc) should be an instant kill


Is this on a similar level to TLOU MP? Played some of that MP with zero expectations, ended up being some of the most fun I had on MP on my PS3 and PS4.



Pls make Warm Up TDM permanent.

I like TDM without anyone in parties

The lack of mercenary playlists is kind of incredible seeing how utterly easily a team who sticks together can dominate even relatively good lone players.

I'm really enjoying the multiplayer (and I'm doing surprisingly well in most games) but I can only play like 3 or 4 games before I have to take a small break cause it's just frustrating at times lol.
I love some of the chatter between characters after you do certain things like KO a player someone else downed.

I think Rafe says something like "you capitalized on my investment!" if you KO one of his downs.


Anyone getting a freezed screen sometimes while loading a match? It's really annoying as there is no way of canceling and getting back.


I love some of the chatter between characters after you do certain things like KO a player someone else downed.

I think Rafe says something like "you capitalized on my investment!" if you KO one of his downs.

Lazarevic is hilarious, play him and get other players KO your downs. They went full over the top with him in the multiplayer.

Cutter is great too, as expected.

I love how they all talk a lot more than in the previous games and how they actually interact with each other at the same time, it's something I've barely if ever seen before in a multiplayer game. Yes there are plenty of games with taunts, but they're mostly ignored by the other characters, they're "asynchronous". Like you make the character drop some line in front of another one who will not even look at the offender, let alone respond to it. Nothing breaks immersion like that.


It always shits me when games make randoms play against premade teams.
That's never a fun experience for the randoms.


Man, the bolt action sniper needs a buff badly. First of all, in it's current state, there is no no no way it's worth 5 loadout points. I'd pin it at 3 at best. It becomes even more ridiculous when you look at what some of it's modifiers cost. Faster scope-in speed costs 4 FOUR loadout points, making the gun cost 9 in total. The sniper should have faster scope-in speeds by default. That's the only way to shoot accurately with it, and if you're in a standoff across the map with an AR user, they'll be able to hit you before you can even zoom in, shaking your scope and making it nearly impossible to get a headshot and very difficult just to hit the body.

The reload speed is ridiculously slow, it takes like 4 or 5 seconds to reload a five bullet clip.

You have to hit them square in their pin-sized heads to get a down in one hit. If you don't you have to bolt in the next shot, which takes a fat second or two, which means they've either run away or are returning fire and you won't be able to land another shot because of all the damage flinching.

By comparison, take sniping in something like Call of Duty. In the latest one, it's doable, though still generally inferior to other weapon classes. That game is an FPS, so there's less of a change when jumping from first person to scoped as opposed to third person to scoped. It's more of a natural motion. Moreover, there's not a single bolt-action sniper rifle in there that requires a direct headshot to kill. Usually it's just the upper body that needs to be hit. And this is a game where player movements are fairly straightforward. There's crouching and going prone, yeah, but nothing like Uncharted's rolling around, bouncy animations and snapping to cover to make your targets too erratic and difficult to hit. So, despite players being easier to hit, the kill range being more generous, and handling speeds being better in that game, sniper rifles still aren't that great, but they're workable.

Here in Uncharted 4, you have a weak, slow firing, slow handling, small-clipped sniper, and you're expected to hit these squirreliest of squirrely targets that roll and jump around and do sudden 180s and can see you aiming for them around the corner, and you're expected to nail them in the head.

And to put the cherry on top, most of the maps don't even have good sniping positions.

If I were to suggest some changes (not all of these need be implemented, and certainly not altogether, they're just areas of improvement) I'd say...

  • Expand the kill range to the neck and upper torso. It's still not an easy hit, but gives you a fighting chance in mid-range combat and lets you properly own long-range combat
  • Make the sniper cheaper. 2 or 3 loadout points. Right now it is not at all worth the same as an AK or FAL.
  • Increase scope-in speed, increase reload speed, increase clip size
  • Give it a slightly smaller blindfire cone to give you a slight chance in clutch close-quarters situations
  • Give it a third-person aim and make the scope optional

Right now it's a PoS and I'm lucky if I can get 5 downs in a game with it.

Dude, i agree 100%. During the Beta, i would destroy teams with my sniper build. Now, i no longer even touch my sniper build. WTF ND...why did you nerf sniping so badly in the final game.


Man, the bolt action sniper needs a buff badly. First of all, in it's current state, there is no no no way it's worth 5 loadout points. I'd pin it at 3 at best. It becomes even more ridiculous when you look at what some of it's modifiers cost. Faster scope-in speed costs 4 FOUR loadout points, making the gun cost 9 in total. The sniper should have faster scope-in speeds by default. That's the only way to shoot accurately with it, and if you're in a standoff across the map with an AR user, they'll be able to hit you before you can even zoom in, shaking your scope and making it nearly impossible to get a headshot and very difficult just to hit the body.

The reload speed is ridiculously slow, it takes like 4 or 5 seconds to reload a five bullet clip.

You have to hit them square in their pin-sized heads to get a down in one hit. If you don't you have to bolt in the next shot, which takes a fat second or two, which means they've either run away or are returning fire and you won't be able to land another shot because of all the damage flinching.

By comparison, take sniping in something like Call of Duty. In the latest one, it's doable, though still generally inferior to other weapon classes. That game is an FPS, so there's less of a change when jumping from first person to scoped as opposed to third person to scoped. It's more of a natural motion. Moreover, there's not a single bolt-action sniper rifle in there that requires a direct headshot to kill. Usually it's just the upper body that needs to be hit. And this is a game where player movements are fairly straightforward. There's crouching and going prone, yeah, but nothing like Uncharted's rolling around, bouncy animations and snapping to cover to make your targets too erratic and difficult to hit. So, despite players being easier to hit, the kill range being more generous, and handling speeds being better in that game, sniper rifles still aren't that great, but they're workable.

Here in Uncharted 4, you have a weak, slow firing, slow handling, small-clipped sniper, and you're expected to hit these squirreliest of squirrely targets that roll and jump around and do sudden 180s and can see you aiming for them around the corner, and you're expected to nail them in the head.

And to put the cherry on top, most of the maps don't even have good sniping positions.

If I were to suggest some changes (not all of these need be implemented, and certainly not altogether, they're just areas of improvement) I'd say...

  • Expand the kill range to the neck and upper torso. It's still not an easy hit, but gives you a fighting chance in mid-range combat and lets you properly own long-range combat
  • Make the sniper cheaper. 2 or 3 loadout points. Right now it is not at all worth the same as an AK or FAL.
  • Increase scope-in speed, increase reload speed, increase clip size
  • Give it a slightly smaller blindfire cone to give you a slight chance in clutch close-quarters situations
  • Give it a third-person aim and make the scope optional

Right now it's a PoS and I'm lucky if I can get 5 downs in a game with it.
I disagree.

People just need to get a hang of the nuances of the sniper, like the scope on speed and when the shot actually goes straight.

Once people start actually quickscoping with the thing, it's gonna be a mess. I almost have the clip capacity unlocked with that thing since I'm having a blast with it.

The best way to play with it is to hang back, behind your teammates, until you can get confident enough with your weapon and start being in the frontlines.

I don't want a similar situation to The Last of Us, in which the sniper was buffed so much and so many times that people just straight up just bodyshot Wizarding everyone willy nilly.


Is this on a similar level to TLOU MP? Played some of that MP with zero expectations, ended up being some of the most fun I had on MP on my PS3 and PS4.

No, TLOU multiplayer was one of the best online games of last year. Uncharted plays totally different from Tlou. One game (UC) is a straight up action game with nonstop pacing, where the other is slow and strategic. UC4 is good but TLOU is the better multiplayer.
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