The Lost Legacy is a cracking little game, a solid 8/10 for me - but as I said in another thread, it's made me realise the series needs to take a long break and come back with fresh ideas.
It plays well, looks great and tells a cool story. However, it all feels so by the numbers and recycled.
It feels like a smaller budget game with reheated assets and remixed set-pieces, stolen from its older brothers.
It doesn't really evolve the formula laid out by A Theif's End in any meaningful way and I'd argue it's one new mechanic, lockpicking, is boring busy work.
It's got tighter pacing than Uncharted 4 and sprinkles in some cool little puzzles, but it feels like a side story with low stakes.
Making this game in a year was an incredible feat, but it's easy to see how they got the job done.
Bear in mind, I did really enjoy my time with it. It's Uncharted 4, again, but smaller and more focussed. It just feels very safe, outside of its compressed development cycle.
It didn't need to reinvent the wheel for me either, but it just felt like a step too far for me...