I assume you got the neutral ending? If you killed something yeah restart, if you didn't just reload your save file and head back.
Umm I can't
I'm trapped in an infinite loop of having to fight Boss Flowey
I assume you got the neutral ending? If you killed something yeah restart, if you didn't just reload your save file and head back.
Well you just have to win then.
How the heck am I supposed to do that lol.
How the heck am I supposed to do that lol.
You get check pointed between each warning state so just survive till you reach those at least.
I'm not exactly he best Bullet Hell survivor ya know
I thought you can't really die on the Flowey fight since it is actually a ending story sequence, just play some more.
What happens isI get barraged by a lot of attacks, and eventually I die and then the game closes
The entire fight. Probably gonna go grind for the tem armor and give it couple more tries.
If you "die" the game will crash and you can boot the game back up, it will start from your last "checkpoint".
But it doesn't seem like I'm dealing any damage to him @_@
When the Fight icon appears and I press it I deal like 1 damage to him
But it doesn't seem like I'm dealing any damage to him @_@
When the Fight icon appears and I press it I deal like 1 damage to him
Hold on for long enough one of his "eyes" will light up and put you into one of the checkpoint sections, you heal up in there and can do actual meaningful things.
Ah OK then thanks.
I'll do that tomorrow
The damn thing is too creepy pasta for my tastes.
Seriously why the HELL would you go such a design after all the adorable and better monster designs throughout the game @_@
That's completely intentional.
Don't like how it kinda feels like a trap though in that you do insane damage to her in a single strike a bit after having her lose more than half her health.
I legitimately don't get anyone that actually thinks this game is hard
Ugh these new age nerds....
It's heavily inspired by Earthbound, a 20 year old game.
Ah OK then thanks.
I'll do that tomorrow
The damn thing is too creepy pasta for my tastes.
Seriously why the HELL would you go such a design after all the adorable and better monster designs throughout the game @_@
I always thought it was a piss take at how everything nowadays was edgy and dark and shit, like the complete opposite of everything you had encountered (cute and cuddly, i mean, the nickname of the boss you encounter previous to him is "fluffybuns"), like the sort of thing an edgy teen would find cool, a murderous scary "realistically" rendered monsters that uses flame throwers and nuclear bombs and wants to kill everything, it was like "Cold Steel the hedgehog" in boss form.
Ah OK then thanks.
I'll do that tomorrow
The damn thing is too creepy pasta for my tastes.
Seriously why the HELL would you go such a design after all the adorable and better monster designs throughout the game @_@
Last night I had some trouble sleeping because I felt guilty about killing the second boss instead of letting him live, which bodes well for this game's emotional impact. I felt nothing after killing the first boss, though. She was pretty obnoxious.
My best friend says I'll LOVEand HATEMettaton. I have no idea who either of these people are, so I look forward to seeing if he's right!Alphys
Killing everything in my way.Might I ask why you killed him?
Killing everything in my way.
Everyone does the "save everyone" run first, so I figured I'd enjoy myself more doing my own thing and killing everything instead! Makes for a more fun conversation, imo, since everyone I know who has played it asks "What kind of run are you doing?" when they expect you to reply "Pacifist."
Not me, though! I march to the sound of my own drum!
Pretty sure you can't even do Genocide on the first playthrough, like Pacifist. You end up at Neutral regardless.
I did it on a clear playthrough on my old laptop and you can do it.
Have you made the random encounters stop happening? Just curious.
Nope! I was told I had already messed up, and that's fine with me! I'd rather stay the course than resetting and doing it all over again, especially since I plan on replaying it anyway. I'm just going to continue doing what I'm doing!you probably aren't actually doing the kill everything route
I felt nothing after killing the first boss, though. She was pretty obnoxious.
Killing everything in my way.
Everyone does the "save everyone" run first, so I figured I'd enjoy myself more doing my own thing and killing everything instead! Makes for a more fun conversation, imo, since everyone I know who has played it asks "What kind of run are you doing?" when they expect you to reply "Pacifist."
Not me, though! I march to the sound of my own drum!
Same. My only complaint with the game is that it's a bit too easy on Pacifist, although I get it's so that anyone can enjoy the story. Still hoping Toby ends up implementing the rest of hard mode.
Thank you!I respect it. March on, soldier!
Ah OK then thanks.
I'll do that tomorrow
The damn thing is too creepy pasta for my tastes.
Seriously why the HELL would you go such a design after all the adorable and better monster designs throughout the game @_@
How the heck am I supposed to do that lol.
I'm upset that people answered this post with anything other than "determination".
Step up yo game UT GAF.
Killing everything in my way.
Everyone does the "save everyone" run first, so I figured I'd enjoy myself more doing my own thing and killing everything instead! Makes for a more fun conversation, imo, since everyone I know who has played it asks "What kind of run are you doing?" when they expect you to reply "Pacifist."
Not me, though! I march to the sound of my own drum!
Crossposting from the Steven Universe thread, because this is awesome:
It's funny because not long ago I was thinking of the similarities between Steven Universe and Undertale, how heartwarming and hilarious they are, yet the 20% of the time they get serious, they get serious.
It is 100% a trap, and the game is doing it for your own good. Trust me on that..
NoSo, is there any way to raise level without killing?
So, is there any way to raise level without killing?
Sleep at the inn in Snowdin.