That's genuinely frightening.Come on, America. You guys now that the rest of the World couldn't take Romney as president. We hate you enough already.
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
He sits atop the throne of polls.So did Nate Silver get promoted to ManGod yet?
so Heller keeps his senate seat, a shame. The ethics scandal obviously hurt berkly
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
If I had a problem affording a plane ticket I wouldn't be a Republican. But thanks for the offer. I'm just not sure Somalia is right for me. I need to see a travel brochure.I will seriously pay for your plane ticket to Somalia. PM me
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
Singapore? Less personal freedom, more financial freedom. High real estate prices though.
In January 2011, nearly two years before Obama would face voters, top strategist David Axelrod, campaign manager Jim Messina and other advisers moved from the White House to Chicago to be insulated from what one campaign official described derisively as Washingtons chattering classes.
It was not an easy time in Washington. Republicans had just swept the midterm elections and retaken the House. The national unemployment rate was nearly two points higher than when Obama took office.
But what really worried the Chicago brain trust was money the hundreds of millions they expected the Romney campaign and outside groups to spend on defeating the president.
The Karl Rove-led American Crossroads and affiliated Crossroads GPS, alone, said it would raise $300 million a goal the group met, an official there said last week. Two-thirds of the funds were spent on the presidential race.
In 2011, something unexpected happened: nothing. The predicted onslaught was largely absent, giving the campaign in Chicago the time and resources to set up the organization a full year before the general election. Without having to respond to negative advertising, the campaign spent its time and money on preparation.
One of the great mysteries was why they waited so long, a third senior Obama campaign official said. We were like the Brits during World War II, staring at the sky waiting for the bombs to fall. They never came.
The selection of Rep. Paul Ryan, a conservative favorite from Wisconsin, would pose other challenges later. But when Ryan, 42, stepped off the USS Wisconsin as Romneys running mate on Aug. 11, it surprised and delighted the Republican base.
Within the Obama campaign, advisers believed the Ryan pick was a mistake. Ryan was not well-known enough in his home state to help Romney win it, and his conservative positions on fiscal and social issue were likely to bother some independents.
They were coming up to a convention that was essentially a hostile gathering for Romney, the third senior Obama campaign official said. He thought Ryan would help with that.
Even inside Romneys campaign, some advisers worried Ryan would be identified too closely with his proposal to turn Medicare into a voucher program, an idea that could alienate seniors critical in Florida.
Those concerns translated into disagreements between Ryan and the leadership in Boston. One week after his selection, Ryan, on his own, gave a speech about Medicare to residents of the Villages, a city-size retirement community in central Florida.
We want this debate. We need this debate. We will win this debate, he declared.
To the relief of Romneys advisers, the debate never materialized. But they did not allow Ryan to set the agenda again.
As part of his role, Ryan had wanted to talk about poverty, traveling to inner cities and giving speeches that laid out the Republican vision for individual empowerment. But Romney advisers refused his request to do so, until mid-October, when he gave a speech on civil society in Cleveland.
As one adviser put it, The issues that we really test well on and win on are not the war on poverty.
Ryan did not complain publicly. But he later had reason to.
I must say, this is bad for the US.. No checks and balances in Washington at all. worst of all Scott Brown was not reelected so there's no independent voices at all. as independent voter I fear the forced bills, taxes and laws going forward. The middle class is going to become is very painful place to be...
So you think on a purely economic standpoint, the Republicans would have performed better? some of the BBC coverage seemed to suggest that Obama's bailout of US motoring companies a few years ago won him states like Ohio and Michigan.It all depends on their ability to swallow their pride. What they should do is ditch the Rove tactics, which may have been useful in the short term, but have only created a monster that cannot sustain itself and grows more and more embarrassing after every election cycle. They need to wake up and realize their base is dying off (senior citizens) and get back into the domain of actual conservatives (David Frum, Andrew Sullivan, and other so-called "RINO"s).
Then what happens? Those old nutjobs that make up the current republican base aren't going to live forever. Is the American conciousness moving further towards the right to support that?Well you can see the commentators already trying to get them to appeal to Latinos.There will be people in the party who'll fight tooth and nail to stop that from happening.
I say they go even crazier.
It would be pretty hilarious if Obama just came out and said "No more Mr nice President. Time to get stuff done!" But how much can he actually do if Republicans in the House of representatives go back to their stalling tactics again? Tne they get to turn around in 2016 and say "you voted for a Democrat president and nothing got done! Vote republican and we'll make quick decisions".You and I both know they're going to go even more extreme. I think Obama should just disregard them and do what he wants to do. He doesn't have to worry about winning another election again.
How about the Focus On The Family voting guides placed in the polling area in Virginia.[IMG]
Is that legal? Doesn't the US have laws about voting booths not having any text or imagery that may attempt to say someone's vote?
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
Hilary need to snatch up everyone that ran obama's campaign before someone else do
I'm pretty sure these kind of statements would fall under hate speech laws in Canada. It wouldn't be considered acceptable to say these kinds of things about your neighbour, never mind our Prime Minister. The posters would probably be subject to Criminal charges.Oh some aren't even tying to hide their feelings anymore. These all look like 'next generation' conservative voters so the idiocy and racism will continue.
Please, stay in the US. No really... I mean it... you wouldn't like it here... we're rational and we care about each other...I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
Obama's ground game helped significantly in this election, it might even be the reason he was able to pull VA (and FL, assuming the lead holds).how much do campaigns really affect the election? ignorant question i know. i didn't watch any of the stuff and it didn't change my vote or anyone elses i know.
So you really think you're going to see some sort of dramatic change in your life during the next four years? What exactly do you think Mitt Romney would have achieved that would have improved your quality of life?If I had a problem affording a plane ticket I wouldn't be a Republican. But thanks for the offer. I'm just not sure Somalia is right for me. I need to see a travel brochure.
how much do campaigns really affect the election? ignorant question i know. i didn't watch any of the stuff and it didn't change my vote or anyone elses i know.
I'm pretty sure these kind of statements would fall under hate speech laws in Canada. It wouldn't be considered acceptable to say these kinds of things about your neighbour, never mind our Prime Minister. The posters would probably be subject to Criminal charges.
That's decency.That's sad
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
Peace out. You won't actually leave, though. You'll just whine and cry on the internet.
That's decency.
Don't come to Australia, please.
Ok, shitnipplesucker.My definition of decency doesn't include debasing society over dumb opinions and hurt feelings
I'm leaving too.
The big problem for conservatives is the lack of free, non-socialist countries in the world. We were the last remaining bastion of freedom. We can't just pack our bags and move to Canada. Plus they have bagged milk.
No problem. I'm not bitter. I've suffered for 4 years under oppressive socialism so now I can understand your mindset better. It's the initial stage of giving up my freedom that was difficult.
My definition of decency doesn't include debasing society over dumb opinions and hurt feelings
Not sure what you mean by this, but I'm pretty sure that if the result had been reversed, you'd be doing plenty of whining and crying on the internet yourself...
Is that legal? Doesn't the US have laws about voting booths not having any text or imagery that may attempt to say someone's vote?
My definition of decency doesn't include debasing society over dumb opinions and hurt feelings