Ignatz Mouse
Well, the stock market is already falling today and there is already concerns around. So let me ask this. obama's campaign was all about defaming ROmney and it worked. I still have no clue what Obama is actually GOING to do to turn our country around. Tell me then at least 4 things Obama is going to do that is going to have a positive effect on this country. Be civil please.
End the war in Afghanistan, without replacing it with a war in Iraq (the neocon wing of the GOP has been pushing for war with Iran for years, and presumably Romney would have given it to them).
Jobs bill. Infrastructure spending that would give us needed upgrades/improvements while alleviating unemployment in the short term and stimulating provate spending, which in turn would produce jobs in other sectors. Woudl trail off gradually leaving us with a more robust economy not dependednt on it.
Preserve (and perhaps enhance) Wall St regulations to prevent another bubble/burst scenario
Extend tax cuts for those most likely to spend (rather than save or invenst) money. We have an investment surplus and plenty of capital, but depressed spending