Pretty good start to the season.
- introduction to Red Viper very good, actor is killing it, and I always thought Indira Varma was smoking hot so I'm happy, even with the sexposition
- Jon Snow was at least less emo than usual, I don't think Harrington is a bad actor, just with a weak script his chops show, at least his dialog thus far has been quite good. I wonder how many people will remember Janos Slynt from previous seasons and Tyrion sending him to the wall
- Don't really care that they've portrayed the Thenns as cannibals, though as was echoed earlier I am concerned that they're going to do 2 major battles at the wall at once, which would suck
- don't like how Jaime and Brienne are both at the Red Keep at the same time AND Sansa is there. To me it really diminishes both characters transformation in the books. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a book snob and understand the mechanics of why they did it in the show but I really think it hurts their arcs, though not as bad as Snow/Qhorin, Arya/Harrenhal, etc
- Arya scene was pretty good, though after reading TWOW sample chapter I know I will miss that scene if they cut it in the TV series, the book scene had more gravity IMO
I will agree, that this is probably the strongest premiere they've had, yes lots of set-up but with enough new content worth watching.