Red Arremer
From Uproxx
Based Artful Dodger. Thanks!
From Uproxx
I don't buy that one either. But R+L=J, Faceless Man offing Balon, Frey pies, are not so much theories as ironclad fact, IMO. Aegon being fake also appears very likely but jury's still out.
So, I didn't know they were doing this, but I guess they are continuing Robert Ball's death posters for season 4.
"Two Swords"
So, I didn't know they were doing this, but I guess they are continuing Robert Ball's death posters for season 4.
"Two Swords"
So, I didn't know they were doing this, but I guess they are continuing Robert Ball's death posters for season 4.
"Two Swords"
Next week's is gonna be gooooood.
So with the Hound coming out of the bar fight unscathed, what do you think will happen with him and Arya? Will she just run off at some point and he'll just have a change of heart and go to the monastery? Will she stab him when he's unaware, with her newfound coldbloodedness?
The bar scene was one of the best scenes in the whole series. The tension was somewhat reminiscent of the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds. You just knew it was going to get violent. My only criticism is that since the Hound was not falling down drunk as he was in the book, he should have had zero trouble with those rubes.
So with the Hound coming out of the bar fight unscathed, what do you think will happen with him and Arya? Will she just run off at some point and he'll just have a change of heart and go to the monastery? Will she stab him when he's unaware, with her newfound coldbloodedness?
The bar scene was one of the best scenes in the whole series. The tension was somewhat reminiscent of the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds. You just knew it was going to get violent. My only criticism is that since the Hound was not falling down drunk as he was in the book, he should have had zero trouble with those rubes.
Last page people were discussing "blackfyre", who was that? I don't remember anything about them from the books.
Last page people were discussing "blackfyre", who was that? I don't remember anything about them from the books.
Last page people were discussing "blackfyre", who was that? I don't remember anything about them from the books.
Last page people were discussing "blackfyre", who was that? I don't remember anything about them from the books.
I tried looking them up yesterday actually but they seem to be ridiculously expensive.That stuff is mainly in the Dunk and Egg stories. You should check them out if you're jonesing for more ASoIaF, they're great.
No, I honestly can't see that working. He's a great actor, but I think he would seem incredibly out of place on that show.I love Wyman Manderly. He will obviously play a crucial role in the story ahead. Who would you guys want to play him? Does anybody think John Goodman would be a good fit?
I love Wyman Manderly. He will obviously play a crucial role in the story ahead. Who would you guys want to play him? Does anybody think John Goodman would be a good fit?
I love Wyman Manderly. He will obviously play a crucial role in the story ahead. Who would you guys want to play him? Does anybody think John Goodman would be a good fit?
I love Wyman Manderly. He will obviously play a crucial role in the story ahead. Who would you guys want to play him? Does anybody think John Goodman would be a good fit?
Ian McNeice seems like the obvious choice for Wyman.based on appearances.
Too skinny. Wyam is HUGE!The guy who's playing Mace is what I picture when I think of Wyman
I love Wyman Manderly. He will obviously play a crucial role in the story ahead. Who would you guys want to play him? Does anybody think John Goodman would be a good fit?
I tried looking them up yesterday actually but they seem to be ridiculously expensive.
McNeice was who I always pictured in the role but Fry would be good too. Heck, Fry should pop up in the Citadel come to think of it.
I anxiously await WiC's twitter round ups. AngryGoTFan has some good ones so far this season:
That stuff is mainly in the Dunk and Egg stories. You should check them out if you're jonesing for more ASoIaF, they're great.
they are good, but a dance of dragons heavily implies that aegon is a blackfyre so
So with the Hound coming out of the bar fight unscathed, what do you think will happen with him and Arya? Will she just run off at some point and he'll just have a change of heart and go to the monastery? Will she stab him when he's unaware, with her newfound coldbloodedness?
The bar scene was one of the best scenes in the whole series. The tension was somewhat reminiscent of the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds. You just knew it was going to get violent. My only criticism is that since the Hound was not falling down drunk as he was in the book, he should have had zero trouble with those rubes.
Three seasons of AFfC / ADwD would kill the show. What's Brienne doing during that time? Bran? Davos? It wouldn't work.
Here's a season 5 proposed by someone on that I think is quite plausible:
No Victarion until he's actually needed, there's just not enough room for it.
I've only read the first 2 books so far but did you guys also feel that they butchered Dany's visions in the House of the Undying on the show. I mean we got a Khal Drogo cameo and a foreshadowing of winter coming to King's Landing but the whole thing with Rheagar and a child whose song is the 'song of fire and ice' was gone. This kinda follow a trend on the show with them really not mentioning the Rheagar rebellion storyline as much as it is repeated in the first 2 books.
I've only read the first 2 books so far but did you guys also feel that they butchered Dany's visions in the House of the Undying on the show. I mean we got a Khal Drogo cameo and a foreshadowing of winter coming to King's Landing but the whole thing with Rheagar and a child whose song is the 'song of fire and ice' was gone. This kinda follow a trend on the show with them really not mentioning the Rheagar rebellion storyline as much as it is repeated in the first 2 books.
A common complaint, but showing all the visions would be very time/money-consuming and confusing for so many people. Here are the visions (copy paste):
15) a corpse at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, smiling sadly;
7) a great hall with several robed people claiming to be the Undying of Qarth, who tell her, "We sent the comet to show you the way (to Qarth) shall we teach you the secret speech of dragonkind?", but it turns out to be sorcery.
Thanks for posting all of those House of Undying visions, I had forgotten most of them.
Who is this supposed to be? Victarion?Jon Snow sailing south? lol
A common complaint, but showing all the visions would be very time/money-consuming and confusing for so many people. Here are the visions (copy paste):
1) a scene where four men with rat faces are raping a beautiful woman;
2) a feast of corpses, where many of the bodies were savagely slaughtered, and many of the corpses have cups or spoons in their hands; above them sits a dead man on a throne with the head of a wolf, wearing an iron crown and holding a leg of lamb like a king would hold a scepter;
3) old, dead, loyal Ser Willem Darry at the house with the red door from when Daenerys lived in Braavos;
4) a scene where an old man with long silver hair sits on a barbed throne in a great hall with dragon skulls, and says "Let him be the king of ashes";
5) a man who looked like Viserys, but taller and with darker eyes, who says to a woman nursing a baby, "Aegon What better name for a king He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire"; and when the mans eyes meet Danys, he says either to her or the woman with the baby, "There must be one more The dragon has three heads", and he picks up a silver harp and begins to play;
6) a vision of Pyat Pree telling her the visit was over, and to follow him into a garden;
7) a great hall with several robed people claiming to be the Undying of Qarth, who tell her, "We sent the comet to show you the way (to Qarth) shall we teach you the secret speech of dragonkind?", but it turns out to be sorcery.
8) Viserys dying;
9) a tall lord with copper skin and silver hair bearing the banner of a fiery stallion (probably Rhaego, her unborn son);
10) a dying prince with rubies flying from his armor whispering the name of a woman with his last breath;
11) a blue-eyed king with a red sword in his hand who cast no shadow;
12) a cloth dragon amidst a cheering crowd;
13) a great stone beast flying from a smoking tower, breathing shadow fire;
14) her Silver horse given to her by Drogo at her wedding;
15) a corpse at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, smiling sadly;
16) a blue flower growing from a chink in a wall of ice;
17) shadows dancing in a tent
18) a little girl running toward a house with a red door
19) Mirri Maz Duur shrieking in the flames as a dragon bursts from her;
20) a corpse being dragged behind a silver horse;
21) a white lion running through grass taller than a man;
22) a line of naked crones emerging from a lake, kneeling before Daenerys beneath the Mother of Mountains;
23) ten thousand slaves crying "Mother" as Daenerys rode by on her silver.
You really think they were going to film all of that? "But they could film some!" True, but these visions are very ambiguous. Like who is Rhaegar talking to? Many assume Elia, but its not confirmed. Same with the blue eyed king. Are they going to specifically cast a guy for that or just use Stannis? Not to mention all the special effects. "Ok we need a white lion, a ship, a CGI dragon, a bunch of dudes to hold this cloth banner, cast another guy to be Rhaego... ah screw it just throw some snow on the chair."
I've read so many theories about this one, it's definitely one of the most ambiguous. I've heard people say it's Victarion, Daario, Euron, and even Jon Connington. It mentions "grey lips smiling sadly" which people consider Greyjoy ergo Victarion or Euron. JonCon because he has greyscale, and Daario because everyone wishes Daario was a dead guy strapped to a boat and sent to sea.Who is this supposed to be? Victarion?
Wasn't that just one of the fake warlock guys? I never thought they had any significance, just that they were an illusion to trick Dany.I just re-read that sequence, is the 'warrior in shining emerald armour' meant to be Renly?
HotU was definitely a major event in the books and is one of the most debated and discussed moments. Maybe the show producers thought it gave too much away, or they didn't want to cast Rhaegar as they wanted to cast someone else later, or maybe they are going to directly change what these visions represent.Yeah I suppose you're right, it's just that the Rheagar vision stood out to me as being really the main thing from all her visions. I mean obviously each and every one of them is foreshadowing a future event or relating to a past event. It just struck me as odd, I don't know I might be attributing a big significance to it since it has the words 'song of fire and ice'. Then again I was kinda annoyed that they cut a lot of Ned's visions and dreams about his sister which seemed like a pretty big mystery and something Ned kept coming back to.
Guy in the No Books spoilers thread talking about Joffrey cutting open a pregnant cat, that's not been mentioned in the show has it?
Really annoys me when people post in there without being sure what they're talking about actually happened in the show. Last year there was a guy who kept insisting Joff trying to kill Bran had been mentioned in the show and he wasn't spoiling it, and another guy insisting Wyman Manderly had been in the show and was building Robb a fleet of ships.
I believe in the book it says Tyrion's hair is lighter than his siblings. More of a bleach blonde I suppose. It could also tie in with the theory that Tyrion is a secret Targ.Why is the lion white?
Edit: In the vision...
Could 20) be a reference to the pale mare?
They don't know everything. They cut prophesies because they want to avoid them and the Lost comparisons that could follow. And because some would spoil events. Reading about a man with a wolf's head is one thing, visually seeing it might have spoiled the Red Wedding a year early.The showrunners know how the series ends. My guess is that they kept visions that were relevant to the main story, and cut out what was fluff. I know a lot of people here were annoyed at the change, but I'm fine with it.