After Tyrion kills Tywin an overhead narrator (preferably Martin) should say "Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold." And then Tyrion breaks the fourth wall, smiles right into the camera, fade to black as When Doves Cry plays.

After Tyrion kills Tywin an overhead narrator (preferably Martin) should say "Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold." And then Tyrion breaks the fourth wall, smiles right into the camera, fade to black as When Doves Cry plays.
Clutching throat desperately then fade to black. IS HE DEAD OR NOT! yells can be heard all over the world. Book readers being hunted down like animals for answers.
Yeah probably
Illyrio... we haven't seen him since Season 1 have we? I wonder if they'll keep the same actor. There's gonna be many more cases like this, where the show revisits a character than hasn't been seen in 4 years. I'm not looking forward to more "Daarios"![]()
Illyrio... we haven't seen him since Season 1 have we? I wonder if they'll keep the same actor. There's gonna be many more cases like this, where the show revisits a character than hasn't been seen in 4 years. I'm not looking forward to more "Daarios"![]()
We should put this at the top of every page.
The Joff dying scene has to be the last thing in the episode.
I won't be surprised if they go a bit further, and end it with Cersei ordering Tyrion's arrest.
I reckon the episode will end shortly after Joff's death with Tyrion in his chambers with Shae, they come and arrest him and he gives Shae one last look as they drag him away.
you know whenever I read this sort of stuff in no spoiler threads I'm pretty sure those people are book readers. How could you possibly guess from what has been shown so far that Tyrion would do that, that he would actually slay his own kin, his own father! It's such a stretch at this point.
I think these ideas are intentional. Due to the nature of the show I think they storyboard the hell out of it and think about how the scene will look because they don't have time to mess about. I think they have shot Tywin this way multiple times, his eyeline above everyone else's even if he is seated.
I was rewatching this scene with Stannis and Shireen and you see the difference in how the camera is focused on Shireen at eyelevel when they begin their talk. In fact they are level with Stannis on the reverse shot making you feel sympathy for both of them but then he talks about Davos being a traitor and the camera switches to point downward on Shireen making her more sympathetic and reminding you that Stannis is being a dick.
I believe in the book it says Tyrion's hair is lighter than his siblings. More of a bleach blonde I suppose. It could also tie in with the theory that Tyrion is a secret Targ.
I think he will be obviously dead at the end of the episode. I predict a fairly disturbing death scene.
I don't have the link now (at work) but someone posted a video to some non-readers who do deep analysis of the episodes. I've been watching their videos and one of them is predicting Joff's death for ep 2, based on the trailers showing Tyrion in prison. The other reviewer totally called the Lysa Arryn/LF connection with respect to lying about the Lannisters killing Jon Arryn.
Honestly, it feels like there are far too many "non readers" that have incredibly accurate theories about what will happen on this show. Its not impossible to predict some of this stuff but I can't help but question how genuine much of it is.
I don't believe all of the 'non readers' are actually 'non readers' or 'non spoiler readers' for a second.
Honestly, it feels like there are far too many "non readers" that have incredibly accurate theories about what will happen on this show. Its not impossible to predict some of this stuff but I can't help but question how genuine much of it is.
I don't believe all of the 'non readers' are actually 'non readers' or 'non spoiler readers' for a second.
Non-Book readers, maybe, but certainly people who've ventured to the ASOIAF Wiki a few times...
These are all basic cinematographic techniques, they are definitely intentional. This is cinematography. It's safe to say that everything you see in any given scene is intentional. Whether that be the camera angles, the makeup of the surroundings, or the amount of people walking through the scene.
We should put this at the top of every page.
Now I really want to see a Sketch of LeVar Burton spoiling Game of Thrones for people.
There are things you can radically change and get away with. (I think one's coming up late in the season.) This isn't one of them.Oh man, what if they don't kill him at the reception but wait a few episodes and do something else to screw with the book readers?
I hope Joffrey's death makes people all happy and excited that he's dying. Then it keeps going far too long and makes the viewer almost feel bad for him.
There are things you can radically change and get away with. (I think one's coming up late in the season.) This isn't one of them.
I'm sure most of the audience is going to be behind Tyrion offing Tywin, I'm sure we'll get a remind about Tysha before we get to Jaimie's confession. As for Shae I think it'll depend on how harsh they go with her turning on him., got a feeling with the way they've written her she's going to be greatly disliked before we get to that scene.
I think he will be obviously dead at the end of the episode. I predict a fairly disturbing death scene.
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?I predict Joff's death will be at the beginning or middle at the latest. We'll definitely be seeing a decent amount of fallout, I think.
Sorry, I've read people speculating that scenario and being completely serious.Lol why are people taking that seriously? That was supposed to be a joke.
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?
Edit: holy shit I'm in the wrong thread and oh no what have I done and read and FUCK
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?
Edit: holy shit I'm in the wrong thread and oh no what have I done and read and FUCK
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?
Edit: holy shit I'm in the wrong thread and oh no what have I done and read and FUCK
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?
Edit: holy shit I'm in the wrong thread and oh no what have I done and read and FUCK
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?
Edit: holy shit I'm in the wrong thread and oh no what have I done and read and FUCK
I predict Joff's death will be at the beginning or middle at the latest. We'll definitely be seeing a decent amount of fallout, I think.
I really think we should have tagged book spoilers like the last season.
No way. The previews show an open air party for the gifts, so that's going to be separate from the reception like in the books. There's way too much to cover to kill him halfway through the episode.
And will it be Jamie's fault/lack of being able to protect him?
Edit: holy shit I'm in the wrong thread and oh no what have I done and read and FUCK
The thread would be a pain in the ass to read. This thread is clearly labeled, and each page has a warning on it. I feel bad for people who wander in and get spoiled, but subscribing to the non-reader thread would solve that problem.I really think we should have tagged book spoilers like the last season.
I really think we should have tagged book spoilers like the last season.
I really think we should have tagged book spoilers like the last season.
That seems like a perfectly reasonable compromise.If anything the thread should be moved to community, so that both don't appear on the Off Topic threads page.
If anything the thread should be moved to community, so that both don't appear on the Off Topic threads page.