lol @ that Kit Harington thread, especially WhereAreMahDragonz's post:
Sure he is...![]()
Well I couldn't make of obvious!
lol @ that Kit Harington thread, especially WhereAreMahDragonz's post:
Sure he is...![]()
Jon's big cliffhanger isn't happening this season though is it?
Jon's big cliffhanger isn't happening this season though is it?
A gaffer had it right, if you haven't read the books, most of the stuff doesn't mean anything.Some of ya'll just can't help yourself in that Kit Harington thread. lol
It might. We don't know.
Don't see why it couldn't happen this season. Election stuff takes an episode or two, Stannis stuff and Sam leaving takes two or three more, follow up with the episode 10 cliffhanger.
It's totally happening this season
Episode 10. Believe it.
Sarrell or Alleras or something.
I could see them diving into the start of his TWoW material so that they end with something less cliff-hangery than the books.
Or just Melisandre burning Shireen alive as Jon opens his eyesEnd the season with him becoming Night's King.
Why would they make themif the show has already established that Loras loved Renly?Jaime and Cersei lite
Sarrell or Alleras or something.
Both are right!
Spoilers for Loras' role in season 5
So, what do you think?
It's just him confronting the Faith when they arrest Margeary or is Cersei accusing him of something? He is no Kettleback, that's for sure, no one would believe he is having relations with his sister (which he totally did or intended to do in the show by the way)
Is the HoC spoiler really necessary?
I cannot wait to see how they handle season five. I'm positive the Jon's stabbing will be episode 10. Leave the viewers hanging just like the book readers!
I'm assuming that WoW will be out by the time season 6 comes out. That might be a huge assumption.
And I'd love to think that they would dedicate an entire season to the Ironborn to space stuff out. This is just wishful thinking though. I really hate the idea of the show overtaking the books. :/
Yeah....but....the Ironborn.....and....flashbacks....and....It was inevitable right from the beginning. There was no way George was going to get two books out in five years when the show first aired.
Where does that leave them for Season 6, assuming the next book isn't out? They have ended so many characters in different places that I was wondering if any book material would be left for the 6th season. Hell, they could have damn near a season out of the Ironborn but that isn't happening. We have a good book worth of Jon and Tryion but it feels like they would really need to stretch the Dany story for the full season (which I'm sure they could do).
I guess I've been assuming that season 5 would end with enough book material to get them part way through season 6 but it doesn't seem like it.
Yeah....but....the Ironborn.....and....flashbacks....and....
Aw dammit.![]()
I don't think skipping the victory lap would have made a difference, the last book is going to miss the show by several years. There is no way he could have made it.TWOW will be out next year, not even worried.
Last book...bleh. He'll almost certainly miss that deadline and be lapped by the show. Could have been avoided if he didn't take such a long victory lap after completing ADWD. Granted the celebration and break were well deserved given how long he worked on the book but...he simply didn't have time to do that.
? I think that'd work well, really hit the ground running next season. Then you can keep him dead for a few episodes, which is really more impactful than just being dead for the offseason anyway.Maybe you open the next season with the stabbing a la House of Cards Season 2 (except unlike House of Cards, the character doesn't stay dead)
Also, there's every possibility that he doesn't necessarily need to come back wearing Kit Harington's luscious locks...
Or if they jump in on Treenternet stuff next season, establish that flashbacks are a thing now, they could handwave casting / filming as part of that stuff.
Also only just got into House of Cards, really didn't need that unmasked spoiler...
It's old. I didn't name the character. People die in fiction. I did my due diligence.
Any chance we get the prologue from AFFC in this season? I heard the actor for Jaquen H'qar is being brought back.
Any chance we get the prologue from AFFC in this season? I heard the actor for Jaquen H'qar is being brought back.
there is a chance yes. people have also speculated arya might meet him in braavos (as a book change) or they make him kill balon greyjoy.
lol @ that Kit Harington thread, especially WhereAreMahDragonz's post:
Sure he is...![]()
That would suck I'm hoping (speculation )he's the alchemist that show up in the prologue of AFFC(/speculation.
- Dorne plot will be intact and heavily expanded / modified (main characters colluding in Dorne). This could be a great way to build up interest in a new location, but it can also go very, very wrong. I am fearing for the replacement of the Jaime - Brienne's relationship : ( We'll see about this
Ikael said:- Some modifications will be made to the Septon's storyline. I am not bothered by Renly's more prominent role, I am optimistic about this. Also, this will demand an incredible and hard performance from Headay, Downfall-style
Ikael said:- Ayra training + mercy will be there, hell yes. Put it IN MAH VEINS
Ikael said:- Out with the Ironboring plot, yes. And there was much rejoycing
Ikael said:- Full Meerense knot untie-ing and pit scene too
Ikael said:- I really wonder how are they going to introduce Conninghton and how much film-able will Tyrion's plot and its incesant inner-monologue will be. But this will surely be present
Ikael said:- Bran used as a flashback device. We all want it. Need it.
Ikael said:And there are still many things that I wonder about:
- Will Jon's "death" be covered by the next season? Him reviving as "Azor Azahi reborn" could be a hell of a season cliffhanger
Ikael said:- Will they climax with the dual ice and fire battles that Martin had in mind for the end of ADWD? Or will they save them for the next season too?
Ikael said:- What the hell will they do with UnCat's plot?
- And consecuently: what about Brienne's? They cannot can her for an entire season, can they?
Ikael said:- Will they recreate Bolton's even more sexually sadistic antics?
Ikael said:- Will we have Frey pie best served cold?
Ikael said:- Will we get confirmation of the two main ASIOFAF theories? (Jon parentage, Daario-ironborn connection). I want this, if only for he consequent gaf riot that it will produce
Ikael said:- Will show Stannis keep sucking donkey balls?
oh I dont think there is much doubt that this is jaqen.
the question is will they show this scene at all in the show and/or may they use jaqen for something else.
Wildling casting stuff is really weird. Don't know where they're going with that.
Someone for Jon to negotiate with as LC
Says they'replanning battles though. I guess Jon could be working with them to plan his raid on Hardhome, or maybe some wildlings march with Stannis and help plan Winterfell and/or Deepwood? Or maybe they're just inventing some confrontation with the Walkers, since they seem set on making sure that they make at least one appearance per season.
I don't see how they're going to fit in the Winterfell battle this season. They're probably just inventing something.
Hardhome is definitely cut. With all the other stuff they have to fit in this season, there's no way they'd include something that small.
Actually, on second thought...maybe they would. If they emphasize the dissatisfaction amongst the black brothers enough, it could potentially be a nice set up for Stabby Stab Time.
NSFW (though you can't see anything...) http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpf1/t51.2885-15/1971425_716616241754777_818252985_n.jpg
Filming/Set Photo from iconic scene involving Cersi and a certain faith.
Near the umbrellas.
Credits to http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/2i3s81/spoilers_allfirst_picture_from_iconic_season_5/