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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 Offseason Thread

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I really like Sophie Turner, I think her performance in the show is pretty underrated and often her scenes surprise me the most in terms of acting chops. Granted Sansa is one of my favorite characters, which might not be a super popular opinion.
They're outside Meereen in the Yunkish camp still.

Ahhh, right. So they're a few chapters away from meeting Daenarys.

ADWD didn't really have an ending so I'm totally cool with them starting to dip into the chapters that got sliced off the end of it, tbh.


Ahhh, right. So they're a few chapters away from meeting Daenarys.

ADWD didn't really have an ending so I'm totally cool with them starting to dip into the chapters that got sliced off the end of it, tbh.

Agreed. I would love to see
the Battle of Meereen and the Cleganebowl
in S5. There isn't much of a climax without them.


She's done with her AFFC material. She's on to her TWOW stuff.

Unless they are making up her entire arc from now on. We need to start thinking on the possibility that everything that is not in the books may be new and not from TWOW now that they have reached ADWD material with so many characters.
It might not even be in the show. Harrold Hardyng is probably cut.

Part of me wonders if they're going to find a way to fold Wyman Manderley's material into Littlefinger. Sure, he's about the opposite of a Stark loyalist, but he's also holding someone who might possibly be the sole remaining Stark heir as far as he knows. He could totally be like "ok now uhhh go disappear off to Skagos lol" too.

Having Sansa be present at Winterfell during the ADWD material is... probably out of the question, though? Can't bring her near the Boltons, right?


Unless they are making up her entire arc from now on. We need to start thinking on the possibility that everything that is not in the books may be new and not from TWOW now that they have reached ADWD material with so many characters.

Sansa season 5 is going to be a weird situation where we really will have no idea to what degree it's made up versus Winds material moved forward. We won't really know if it's spoilers until we get to read Winds and find out. I mean, other plots could have elements of that, too, but for Sansa it's going to be like 100%.


I doubt it too.

The Battle of Winterfell, though, is fairly possible. I think.

Well, we do know that
Stannis will be involved in some kind of battle (see him in his armour with a bloodied face in his "Pledge your Allegiance" video) late in the season
. Whether it's anything to do with Winterfell or not is anyone's guess.
Well, we do know that
Stannis will be involved in some kind of battle (see him in his armour with a bloodied face in his "Pledge your Allegiance" video) late in the season
. Whether it's anything to do with Winterfell or not is anyone's guess.

Not like there are any other big battles coming up for his character before that one.


In the books, yes. The show would disagree. Craster's, the Dreadfort, the upcoming
Hardhome with Jon's involvement
. There's a lot of precedent for added battles.

I would also say that we have no evidence Stannis is in a big battle. Just a battle. Which leaves the small battle at Deepwood Motte also in play. I'm still leaning toward that one being Stannis' battle this season.


I would also say that we have no evidence Stannis is in a big battle. Just a battle. Which leaves the small battle at Deepwood Motte also in play. I'm still leaning toward that one being Stannis' battle this season.

Exactly. It makes complete sense. Look at the background in this shot. Trees, snow etc.


There's also the case of that mysterious Northern Ireland set that we still don't know about. It was a wooden-looking fortified structure in a fielded area beside a forest... I can't find the actual post now, but it's there somewhere.

Edit: While I'm at it (and I've definitely asked this at least once before), how in seven hells does spoiler tagging work in this thread? Like, Deepwood Motte for example... it's ok to leave that unmarked because it's just speculation, right? And what about Hardhome? I'm guessing now that HBO has officially confirmed it via the Day in the Life it's ok to leave it unmarked, but am I right in assuming we had to mark it beforehand because it was "unconfirmed" (even though we knew months ago)? So confusing.


Exactly. It makes complete sense. Look at the background in this shot. Trees, snow etc.

There's also the case of that mysterious Northern Ireland set that we still don't know about. It was a wooden-looking fortified structure in a fielded area beside a forest... I can't find the actual post now, but it's there somewhere.

Edit: While I'm at it (and I've definitely asked this at least once before), how in seven hells does spoiler tagging work in this thread? Like, Deepwood Motte for example... it's ok to leave that unmarked because it's just speculation, right? And what about Hardhome? I'm guessing now that HBO has officially confirmed it via the Day in the Life it's ok to leave it unmarked, but am I right in assuming we had to mark it beforehand because it was "unconfirmed" (even though we knew months ago)? So confusing.

My understanding is that you only need to spoiler tag if your speculation is based on Winds preview chapters or other unpublished material, or if you're discussing a confirmed instance of the show deviating from the books that hasn't aired yet. So you can discuss Deepwood Motte unspoiled, but if tomorrow your sources confirmed that season 5 is introducing a forbidden romance between Davos and Fat Walda, we'd have to spoil our discussions of it. Jon at Hardhome doesn't fall afoul of the rule since its in official HBO promotional material, I think?


Ah. I haven't followed all the news and rumors too closely. Is this based on what we know about what's happening in given episodes or something else?

It looks like Dany's pit scene with Drogon is ep. 9 and Cersei's walk is ep. 10, so there's no time for the battle or a trial by combat. If you're wanting Winds spoilers, we're getting some Arya for sure and probably some Sansa. Beyond that, it looks like the North is probably your best bet, but I wouldn't consider it likely.


True! He should grow that thing out some more.

Wait, really? She, unlike Bran and Sansa, still has a ton of released book material left.
Not really. She has maybe a handful of chapters really the only beats they need to hit are her entry, the blindness, and Mercy.


I hope for the love of God, that the show includes the two battles of ice and fire in this season (Meeren's siege & Stannis winter assault) . Leaving the climax of the new plots that ADWD introduced for the next book was one of the worst editing decisions that was ever applied to this series. And we're talking about a series that also had the great idea of splitting POV's according to location.


I hope for the love of God, that the show includes the two battles of ice and fire in this season (Meeren's siege & Stannis winter assault) . Leaving the climax of the new plots that ADWD introduced for the next book was one of the worst editing decisions that was ever applied to this series. And we're talking about a series that also had the great idea of splitting POV's according to location.

Read a few posts up.
Neither of them is happening this season. But that doesn't mean the season's climactic stuff won't be incredible in its own right...


Read a few posts up.
Neither of them is happening this season. But that doesn't mean the season's climactic stuff won't be incredible in its own right...

Well, fuck me sideways T_T
I don't consider to be Daznak's pit as climatic as these other two scenes. Hardhome has potential for cool action scenes, but it seems poised to be another "battle of the wall", lot of flashy action scenes devoid of any dramatic tension due to the lack of characters that we could give a fuck about, unlike Stannis "long march".
I am not a fan of how this is shaping up.


Well, fuck me sideways T_T
I don't consider to be Daznak's pit as climatic as these other two scenes. Hardhome has potential for cool action scenes, but it seems poised to be another "battle of the wall", lot of flashy action scenes devoid of any dramatic tension due to the lack of characters that we could give a fuck about, unlike Stannis "long march".
I am not a fan of how this is shaping up.

Jon's arc had been severely butchered in the show, a lot of his scenes simply fall flat because we as viewers are not interested in his character. Honestly, even some non-book readers I talked with were let down by Battle of the Wall, they thought the episode was really boring and disappointing, just a bunch of flashy, admittedly pretty scenes, but ultimately nothing that would be gripping or exciting. Weiss and Benioff wasted one of the central characters of the series and it's going to bite them as with so many ancillary characters cut his plotline will take a much bigger slice of the runtime than it did in the books (not to mention Jon's ADWD arc is really interesting, if nightmarish to adapt on screen).
Most non book readers i've talked to love Jon's story now and loved the battle at the wall. Kit stepping up his acting doesn't hurt either.


Yeah I loved the battle at the wall.

However I did not care for the Blackwater Battle in Season 2.

(non-book reader)
I have a non-book reader fan who was meh on the battle at the wall and another who loved it.It all comes down to a matter of opinions. I do think they mishandled his plot line in Season 2 but other than that they've done fantastic so far and like someone said it only helps that Kit has stepped up his acting right as his character arc ramps up the next 3 seasons are probably going to be some of Jon's finest moments.


I got the Season 4 Blu-ray today and will be going through it over the weekend, so if anyone wants to know anything before it (officially) hits the streets, ask away.


Which characters narrate each of the history and lore videos?

I'll use the character names rather than the actors:

Histories & Lore

House Martell - Oberyn
House Baelish - Littlefinger
Dragons - Pycelle
Poisons - Oberyn
The Bastards of Westeros - Ellaria Sand
The Iron Bank - Tycho Nestoris
Robert's Rebellion - Oberyn
Sellswords & Hedge Knights - Bronn
The Wall - Sam
The Nations of the North - Tormund
The Kingsguard - Jaime
The Kingsguard - Bronn
The Maester's Chain - Qyburn
The Death of Kings - Varys
Valyrian Steel - Jorah
Justice of the Seven Kingdoms - Bronn

I haven't watched them all yet, but Gillen's accent in the House Baelish one is hilarious. It's a very good insight into Littlefinger, though.
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