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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO

there is absolutely zero wrong with this



I loved the fast travel in this episode. I don't know if it's ever been so blatant. Not even Varys at the end of S6.

They send a raven, Dany gets the Raven, and flies north all while the magnificent seven are on the ice.

Fantastic. lmao


Seriously, from undead bear this entire episode was completely undercut by how incredibly stupid this plan is

I get that the bear is foreshadowing the undeadability of animals

But you're winning a slapfight to lose the war when these people don't say "SHIT ONE BEAR WAS WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH WE SHOULD PROBABLY TURN BACK CAUSE THIS PLAN IS FUCKING MORONICAL"


I got no problem with Arya shitting all over Sansa after Sansa betrayed her for Joffrey. Arya's been stewing on that shit for years.


Bitches love smiley faces
Is there a sport combining rowing and running? Gendry would dominate.

With The Hound going to Kings Landing we might see some Mountain blow in the wind like leaves.

The way this series is turning out, Clegane bowl is definitely happening.


The Bromance Beyond the Wall was really awful and it was surprising how awful it is. Despite the decline in writing, they really hit the big moments in the past seasons, such as Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Field of Fire 2.0. Not this time. I was dumbfounded, but it makes sense watching them talk about it in the post-show commentary. The writers seriously go (paraphrasing) "I mean facing the army of the dead beyond the wall is seemingly impossible. So we were trying to think how the fuck do they get out of this. We eventually settled on them being trapped on an island because we couldn't think of anything else." In other words. They wrote themselves into a corner and came up with some bullshit story rather than sucking up their pride and rewriting the plot line. There's so many leaps in logic. The time scale of the events is incomprehensible and the teleportation is illogical. A lake in THE LAND OF ALWAYS WINTER isn't frozen enough to hold a few men. The Night King throws an ice lance at a flying dragon while Dany is rescuing the entire party on a stationary dragon that's even larger and easier to hit. However, the Night King does not throw ice lances at the group of men trapped on a small island. And more, but those are the big ones. I'm down with Dany losing a dragon to the Others though. I can see it happening in the books as well, but maybe not.

The writers seem really lost without any books to guide them. Then again they went off rails even with the books to guide them. The series could use a couple more seasons. It just feels like they're tired of making the show and they want it to end.
So, Zombie Dragon taking down the wall next week?

That dream sequence from s2 where Dany sees the Iron Throne covered in snow, the castle blown the fuck up? It was never a question of who did it, but how, and now we know how.

The way this show is going, I dont think Dany will get what she wants at the end of s8 without some serious Ls, maybe even the loss of her dragons and all her magical ability.


"Don't just leave the bag of faces under the bed" was probably the next thing they were gonna teach her at faceless man school.

I think this needs to be repeated 1000x.






Winterfell was a mistake.


Well that fucking sucked. "Let's wait and see", I kept saying all week, "maybe it just started out as dumb." Dumb all the way through.

Oh hey, glad you got the zombie, all it cost you was a dragon and the only get out of jail free card beyond the wall. And that dragon is now a zombie dragon. I've seen it mentioned here before btw, now I have to question what's a leak and what's speculation, sweet. It's not the most shocking development, but to be calling it weeks out... meh.

And before I forget, Sansa and Arya story line fell down the stupid rabbit hole as well. Now I'm rooting for Cersei to blow up the meeting in a sequel to last season, just get it over with.


"Don't just leave the bag of faces under the bed" was probably the next thing they were gonna teach her at faceless man school.

The only way that plot can be saved is if Arya is playing Littlerfinger by manipulating Sansa once again. I would enjoy that, actually. Anything else will piss me off.

EDIT: To the fact that they were literal faces, well, that has been established in the show for some time so I've grown accustomed to it.


I think this needs to be repeated 1000x.






Winterfell was a mistake.

I think Arya wanted her to "find" them.

But ether way.

Is this the worst written episode of the series? I can't think of one worse off the top of my head


Bitches love smiley faces
The only way that plot can be saved is if Arya is playing Littlerfinger by manipulating Sansa once again. I would enjoy that, actually. Anything else will piss me off.

I was hoping Arya pulls off her face to reveal Littlefingers. Might as well go full retard.
"Don't just leave the bag of faces under the bed" was probably the next thing they were gonna teach her at faceless man school.

Walked out from the assassins order and absolutely not expecting any repercussions. Arya touring around bravos and let an old lady/waif approach her, get stabbed

Arya's stupidity is pretty fluid in this season


I enjoyed the Beyond the Wall stuff this episode, some of ya'll just need to learn to sit back and enjoy the spectacle.

or just stop watching if you dislike it so much


I really, really hated the Waif/Arya chase episode. That's still the dumbest episode of the series for me.

That particular scene was bad but there wasn't a whole lot to redeem this episode for me. The only thing I thought was well done was the CGI on Viserion biting it and the fact there is now an ice dragon. Other than that, I was pretty thoroughly let down, and I typically really enjoy the show.

This was probably it.

I mean, other than this episode.

Oh. That's a good one, too. They also handled The Blackfish's death horribly. Funny how in this episode the only thing they got right was the dragon death.


That was all kinds of stupid but I liked the Squad banter.

What the fuck have they done to Arya? :/

Bye, Uncle Benjen. Yeesh. :(

The Dany/Jon scenes are still embarrassingly bad.


Its funny to watch the inside the episode where they double down on th stupidity. I watch with hope that they can somehow explain the reasoning behind this nonsense and they say stupid shit like "sansa is worried her sister will cause physical harm on her". And you guys thought that would be a good arc for either character why? And Bran is jerking off the in forest for what?


Well parts of this episode were dumb af I think the action was really top notch and the dragons just swooping in and saving the day was really nice.

Undead dragon is dumb and I'll echo the sentiment that it was weird the NK didn't take the dragon that was literally right in front of him.

It would have been so dope for Thoros to kiss the dragon and give him life again, Jon could have ridden it out of there and really amp up the targaryen heritage, all this is really fan fic speculation but the writers don't seem to be above this so.....

Area I think has far surpassed the sand snakes in being the worst character of the show by far, instead of focusing back on dany and jon let's waste time on arya and her mess of a plot. Literally who tf cares about her or little finger right now, dragons and night's king is the real shit that's happening.
The North wasn't sovereign by any stretch of the imagination and Stannis wouldn't settle for six kingdoms when seven are his by law. Stannis basically has one characteristic, and letting the North be an independent kingdom is antithetical to that.

An interesting wrinkle would have been if Renly was open to an independent North but Stannis murders him.

well that's his fucking problem then. getting greedy over power makes you lose friends if you're not willing to compromise. Robb Stark died, but (show canon wise) so did Stannis. He lost one battle, then he lost another battle and the people loyal to him shrank more and more


I've refrained from posting in this thread this season because I was spoiled awhile back on the ice dragon part but now seems like a good time to jump in:

  • Distance in the series goes both ways. It's incredibly jarring having everyone transported immediately but if that were not the case, we'd be seeing episodes filled with people sitting around/traveling and talking. Since D&D have a difficult time with dialogue and excel in action scenes, I'll have the former,
  • Kidnapping a wight and bringing it to Cersei is the dumbest fucking idea in this series. This is just an excuse to speed through the Dany in Westeros plotline and get to everyone fighting the WW but they're doing it at the expense of sanity. Who the hell thinks this is a plausible idea? Which brings us to:
  • They have turned Tyrion into a bumbling, incompetent idiot this season. I understand that nobody is perfect and everyone in this series is far from it; however, Tyrion, who has done more with less in the past, is making horrible decision after horrible decision to the point where he's nothing near his original character. I'm not even talking about the book Tyrion, he's far away from the show Tyrion now. He's been on the wrong side of every single decision this season and I don't know what D&D have planned for him going forward because this Tyrion makes Ned Stark look like a cunning political mastermind
  • Winterfell is fucking garbage. End it.
  • YOU KILLED BENJEN LIKE THAT!?!!? "Hi Benjen" "Bye Benjen" fuckers
  • On a positive note. I really like how they've given Dany emotions and a personality this season. Prior to this, she's been entirely one dimensional on the show (I AM DANAERYS STORMBORN QUEEN OF NOUNS/ADJECTIVES AND I WANT MUH THRONE). Throughout Meereen, she was portrayed as the stereotypical white savior which made me hate her arc more than anything. Losing her dragons and falling for Jon has humbled her and Emilia does a good job at conveying these emotions. This was her strongest episode. Hopefully she continues on the path away from personal entitlement and toward helping the people she cares about. Of course it's D&D so they're just as likely to turn her character into a victim like Sansa in Season 5.

Overall I've turned my brain off all season and forgotten that this series even had a book form which has helped immensely with enjoyment. I am looking forward to the inevitable Jon/Dany sex scene that everyone will forget is incest.
God that was frustrating. Some great moments surrounded by incomprehensible battle scenes and plot contrivances. The compressed nature of this season is completely to its detriment. It's so jarring to have characters teleporting around after 6 seasons of leisurely pacing and emphasis on the length of time travel takes in this world.


Easily the weakest episode this season. For all the rushed chaos of the past few, they was at least entertaining. I was cringing during the Arya/Sansa BS. The battle was painful to watch, but in more ways than one. The stupid on display was agonizing. There was a whole tree of low hanging fruit, and D&D devoured it all.

On the plus side, I agree that Dany was great. Genuinely sympathetic.


I think this needs to be repeated 1000x.






Winterfell was a mistake.

Oh. Oh yeah. They should have done everything in their power to avoid ever showing the detached faces like that. They look like cheap rubber masks.
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