That Metal Jesus guy has probably never heard of RGB. It's not uncommon in the U.S.
We really grew up on composhit and RF for the most part.
well, i didn't hear about RGB until last gen. in this day and age, it should be easy to get up to speed on this kind of stuff.
Metal Jesus Does not Rock apparently. How could you have all those systems, be that into games and still use composite? I saw Mike Matei from AVGN does the same. Utterly bizarre to me. Sell some of your games and by a decent set up. Otherwise, what's the point?!
Some people actually believe composite is the intended way to play.
People argue this in the Genesis thread due to some games having dithered graphics but it's not worth the downgrade to me. At all.Some people actually believe composite is the intended way to play.
You mean they are aware of RGB, but feel composite is the correct way regardless?
Some people actually believe composite is the intended way to play.
I'm going to be honest with you, I took a few pictures but my terrible camera clearly doesn't represent the true quality of what my PVM is outputting. Everything looks substantially cleaner/smoother than these pictures. Some games look even better but I'm guessing that's because Xenoblade sacrificed graphical fidelity for its overworld, right?
That's the worst part, yeah. They're aware of RGB. Composite is ugly, so I really don't understand how anyone would believe the developers intended for fuzzy graphics and bland colours. I used to be composite only myself until I stumbled upon this thread and was simply amazed. I started out first with those piece of shit devices (HDMI to SCART and the scart to YUV boxes), but even those were an improvement. Then I tried the framemeister/Sony PVM and I saw RGB's true potential. I can never go back to composite, and even on an RGB monitor composite still doesn't look nearly as amazing as RGB does.
So weird. How could that fuzziness be intended. Just an unfortunate result of the entire image going through one AV lead. And as televator said, on an HDTV as well?! Absolute blasphemy!
Most often this is done with dithering, but in some cases like the pipes in Chemical Plant in Sonic 2 it's done with just vertical lines, which takes good advantage of the low horizontal resolution of RF/composite. In that case in composite the pipes look like they're made out of glass and translucent, with a white sheen. Over RGB, or in emulators, it just looks like there are weird white lines on the pipes.
I didn't know about RGB until last year!!!well, i didn't hear about RGB until last gen. in this day and age, it should be easy to get up to speed on this kind of stuff.
That Metal Jesus guy has probably never heard of RGB. It's not uncommon in the U.S.
We really grew up on composhit and RF for the most part.
So, could anyone advise me on which MegaDrive I should be looking for while shopping in Japan? I'm not 100% sure I'm going to get one - plenty of other stuff on the list - but if I decide to get a MD I don't want to find out later that another model would've had better video or audio output.
I've read the 'best Genesis model' article on retrorgb, but its seems to be focused on Genesis (duh) not (J) MegaDrive.
...what an odd misconception. how would he even arrive at that conclusion...Hilariously, he does mention up scalers and the XRGB mini in his previous room setup video. But he then writes it off, worrying he would need one for each system.
How do people decide to put their hilariously uninformed ideas out there as some kind of authority on the internet, when that exact same internet allows you to check if you are right in seconds? Literally google "best picture SNES tv" (or in this case "multiple scart").Hilariously, he does mention up scalers and the XRGB mini in his previous room setup video. But he then writes it off, worrying he would need one for each system.
Happy hunting!
That Metal Jesus guy has probably never heard of RGB. It's not uncommon in the U.S.
We really grew up on composhit and RF for the most part.
Saying that we only had composhit is not true. I always tried to use s-video whenever possible.
Plus, most folks of age were acutely aware of the RGB monitors we saw everytime we played arcade games.
Any recommendations for a good component to HDMI converter? doesn't have to upscale or anything. As long as it converts the signal without any degradation of the image.
I didn't actually know what RGB was, but I always noticed how crisp and sharp arcade games were in comparison to consoles on TV over composite.
It was more than just poor ports.
Thanks I will give this a try.If you're in Canada, this thing is pretty good. Just does ADC and forwards to HDMI at whatever the source resolution, at full YCbCr 4:4:4. Even handles 240p if your TV/monitor can take it. For some reason it only does SPDIF audio though.
Hilariously, he does mention up scalers and the XRGB mini in his previous room setup video. But he then writes it off, worrying he would need one for each system.
Anybody have suggestions on wii component cables besides the official one?
Any good off brand recommended I should buy?
I had the radio shack ones but I don't remember what the resolution looked like. I have them to a friend who needed cables for his wii and was stuck with composite lol
After buying my PVM I definitely spent more on cables and switches than what I paid for the PVM itself.
Plus, most folks of age were acutely aware of the RGB monitors we saw everytime we played arcade games.
Lulz about Metal Jesus Rocks.I should have gotten fat, got some stupid facial hair and started a youtube series back then. I'd be a millionaire now.
After years of debating and trying to find an emulation set-up to my liking, I've finally decided to go ahead and get an XRGB mini, along with all the bells and whistles to get my PAL systems to an optimal video output. I've started my quest by ordering the RGB mod for the regular PAL N64 model, which my brother-in-law is going to install. I've also just placed an order at for a SNES PAL RGB Scart cable and a GameCube PAL RGB Scart cable (which is supposed to work with the modded N64).
So now I'm on the market for the XRGB mini itself. The OP is very insightful, and skimming through the thread, I've seen some people dealing with a guy named Yakumo, who's account has unfortunately been banned. However, he's still selling the things. Can someone vouch for him? Or should I just go with Solaris Japan?
And I'm also looking for a good way to connect multiple Euro Scart cables to a single JP-21. I've seen this cable on but I'm not sure if it's something I need in the first place (because I think there's a scart to jp21 converter in the package with the XRGB mini) and if so, if I'll need the USB extra powered version. Besides that, I'm also going to need a switch. Is the Hama AV100S any good? It's the only decently priced one I can find, but it's passive, which makes me a bit weary to buy it.
Thanks for the insightful debate so far and I hope someone can answer my questions.
Consider using NTSC consoles
After years of debating and trying to find an emulation set-up to my liking, I've finally decided to go ahead and get an XRGB mini, along with all the bells and whistles to get my PAL systems to an optimal video output. I've started my quest by ordering the RGB mod for the regular PAL N64 model, which my brother-in-law is going to install. I've also just placed an order at for a SNES PAL RGB Scart cable and a GameCube PAL RGB Scart cable (which is supposed to work with the modded N64).
So now I'm on the market for the XRGB mini itself. The OP is very insightful, and skimming through the thread, I've seen some people dealing with a guy named Yakumo, who's account has unfortunately been banned. However, he's still selling the things. Can someone vouch for him? Or should I just go with Solaris Japan?
And I'm also looking for a good way to connect multiple Euro Scart cables to a single JP-21. I've seen this cable on but I'm not sure if it's something I need in the first place (because I think there's a scart to jp21 converter in the package with the XRGB mini) and if so, if I'll need the USB extra powered version. Besides that, I'm also going to need a switch. Is the Hama AV100S any good? It's the only decently priced one I can find, but it's passive, which makes me a bit weary to buy it.
Thanks for the insightful debate so far and I hope someone can answer my questions.
This really needs to be considered on a per-console basis.
I think it's easy to say, "Why not get an RGB setup for your retro consoles?" for people that aren't initiated. The problem is it's not that easy or simple. If you live in the US you can't just buy a cable and get RGB. I think for people who eventually decide they want better picture take those leaps to get RGB whether it be a SCART converter or SCART TV.
This would suck. Still right now in the UK I can get a consumer grade CRT with more than one RGB input for next to nothing from auction sites or Gumtree within driving distance. PVM/BVM's can be had relatively easy too if you are prepared to travel a bit or are in the Londen area.
Oh really? Are there advantages to pal?